Permit Application Status


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Commercial - Tenant Improvement/Remodel



Review Type Outcome Est. Completion Date Completed
Building Review VOID 12/09/2021
Building Review Approved 10/03/2019
Fire Review Approved 09/16/2019


Paid Fees Amount Paid Owing Date Paid
Mechanical Permit Fee $95.35 $95.35 Paid 10/04/2019
Mechanical Plan Review Fee $61.98 $61.98 Paid 10/04/2019
WA State Building Code Council Fee (Residential) $25.00 $25.00 Paid 10/04/2019
Building Permit Fee $153.25 $153.25 Paid 10/04/2019
Building Division Fee (Hourly) $130.00 $130.00 Paid 10/04/2019
Building Plan Review Fee $99.61 $99.61 Paid 10/04/2019
Outstanding Fees Amount Paid Owing Date Paid
No outstanding fees.

Permit(s) will not be issued until outstanding fees have been paid in full. Fee details shown above only include currently payable fees, there might be addtional fees to be paid before issuance.



Inspection Outcome Requested Scheduled Date Inspected
Mechanical Rough In Inspection In Progress 10/16/2019 10/16/2019
Monty Johnson ((253) 770-3326)
Mechanical Rough In Inspection Approved 10/18/2019 10/18/2019
Monty Johnson ((253) 770-3326)
Building Final Inspection Approved 12/20/2019
Monty Johnson ((253) 770-3326)


Condition Status Department Category Expiration Date Due Date
General Permit Conditions Resolved Building Division Standard Conditions
: * Final approval by the Building Official is required prior to use or occupancy. * Work shall not proceed until the inspector has approved the stages of construction. * Surface storm water shall be diverted from the building site and shall not drain onto adjacent properties. * I hereby acknowledge that I have read this Permit/Application, that the information given is correct; that I am the owner or the duly authorized agent of the owner; that plans submitted herewith are in compliance with all applicable city, county and state laws and that all construction will proceed in accordance with said laws. This permit shall expire if work is not commenced with 180 days or if the work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Permits expire two years from issuance. * By leaving the contractor information section blank, I hereby certify further that contractors (general or subcontractors) will not be hired to perform any work in association with this permit. I also certify that if I do choose to hire a contractor (general or subcontractor) I will only hire those contractors that are licensed by the State of Washington. * TO SCHEDULE INSPECTIONS, CHECK PERMIT STATUS OR TO MAKE PAYMENTS ON THE CITY WEB SITE VISIT
Engineering Commercial Standard Conditions Resolved Engineering Division Standard Conditions
: * THE APPLICANT IS RESPONSIBLE TO CALL THE INSPECTION LINE AT 877-232-6456 TO SCHEDULE INSPECTIONS. UTILITY INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED PRIOR TO BACKFILLING. ** STORMWATER CONTROL OF ROOF DOWNSPOUTS MUST BE CONTROLLED. ATTACHED TO THE SITE PLAN IS A TYPICAL INFILTRATIO SYSTEM YOU MAY CHOOSE TO FOLLOW. FOR ANY QUESTIONS CALL MARCUS SEDLICKAS, ENGINEERING INSPECTOR, AT 253-405-1707 ** SEDIMENT CONTROL AND EROSION PROCEDURES SHALL BE PRACTICE TO ELIMINATE AND PREVENT OFF SITE DAMAGE. STORMWATER RUNOFF ORIGINATING UPGRADE OF EXPOSED AREAS SHALL BE COTROLLED TO REDUCE EROSION AND SEDIMEMT LOSS DURING THE PERMIOD OF EXPOSURE. * Curb, gutter, sidewalk and approach must be poured per City Standards. * Driveway approach must be a minimum of 30' wide. * The builder/owner shall be responsible for keeping the existing right-of-way free of debris and dirt. Any violation of PMC Chapter 21.14 pertaining to clearing, filling and grading, erosion and sediment control, and storm water discharges shall be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. * Any addition/expansion to the foot print of the building including decks and porches not originally shown on the approved set of plans must obtain proper permits prior to construction. * Sediment control and erosion procedures shall be practiced to eliminate and prevent off site damage. Storm water runoff originating upgrade of exposed areas shall be controlled to reduce erosion and sediment loss during the period of exposure. * The applicant is responsible to call the Utility Notification Center at 1-800-424-5555 before beginning any excavation. Call before you dig, it's the law. * No work shall be done in or on the public right of way without a licensed and bonded contractor first obtaining a right of way permit. * Any code requirement that may have been overlooked in this plan review does not imply that the requirements have been waived. * All commercial development water service connections are to be protected by a reduced pressure backflow assembly (RPBA), as directed by the Puyallup Municipal Code 14.02.220(3) and conforming to City Standard Section 3.2.2 and Details 03.04.02-1, 03.04.02-2 and 03.04.03. * All commercial developments, irrigation systems and multi family water service connections shall be protected by at reduced pressure backflow assembly (RPBA), as directed by the City, Fruitland Mutual Water Company, Tacoma City Water or Valley Water District conforming to City Standard Details 03.04.02-1, 03.04.02-2 and 03.04.03. * A separate Right of Way Permit is required by a licensed and bonded contractor to make the sanitary sewer main tap. * Water meter box grade may have to be adjusted, at owners expense, due to the grade of the proposed driveway. * Due to the proximity of this property to a secondary water source (i.e. Clarks Creek, Meeker Ditch, etc.) the applicant shall install a reduced pressure backflow assembly per City Standards. * Property owner must install a private pump system per city standards to tie into existing force main. * All new or existing multi use and commercial facilities are required to install, at the service connection an approved reduced pressure backflow prevention assembly (RPBA), per City Standards. " Portions of this site is located within a Special Flood Hazard Area as determined by the National Flood Insurance Program Community Panel Number 53053C0XXX, dated March 7, 2017. Any development of the property within the designated floodplain shall adhere to the regulations contained in PMC Chapter 20.49 and Chapter 21.07. Specifically: - The applicant shall submit a habitat assessment prepared by a qualified professional evaluating the effects and/or indirect effects of the proposed development (during both construction and post-construction) on floodplain functions and documenting that the proposed development will not result in "take" of any species listed as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). - If less than 1:1 compensatory storage is proposed, the written assessment shall include a hydrologic and hydraulic analysis to determine any effects on floodplain storage capacity, increased flood heights, or increased velocities. - If it is determined that the proposed project will impact any listed species or their habitat, the applicant shall provide a mitigation plan to achieve equivalent or greater biologic functions as those lost prior to development of the site. - (For A-Numbered Zones): New construction and substantial improvement of any structure will require that the lowest floor, including the basement, shall be elevated 1-foot above the base flood elevation (BFE) of the site. - (For AO Zone): New construction and substantial improvement of any structure will require that the lowest floor, including the basement, shall be elevated above the grade of the building site 1-foot or more above the depth number specified on the FIRM (minimum 2-feet if above natural grade). - (For Unnumbered A Zones): SEE KEN C. OR MARK H. - Plats shall indicate the minimum finished floor elevation on the face of the plat document(s). - No occupancy permit shall be issued until such time as a Federal Emergency Management Agency Elevation Certificate is completed based on "Finished Construction" and submitted to the Engineering Services Manager.
Building Permit Standard Conditions Resolved Building Division Standard Conditions
: PERMIT CONDITIONS: Seperate permits required if fire alarm or fire sprinkler system is altered. Fire Final required prior to Building Final. Fire extinguishers required by code.
Pipeline Notfication Rcw 19.122.033 Resolved Engineering Division Standard Conditions
: Effective January 1, 2013 RCW 19.122 Before conducting any construction or excavation within 100 feet of a right-of-way or utility easement containing a transmission pipeline a person must notify the pipeline companies of the scheduled excavation through the one-number locator service 811. Notification must occur in a window of not less than 2 business days but not more than 10 business days before beginning the excavation. If a transmission pipeline company is notified that excavation work will occur near a pipeline, a representative of the company must consult with the excavator on-site prior to excavation.

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Should you need assistance, please contact the Permit Center at (253) 864-4165 option 1.