Engineering Permit Application Status


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Civil Construction Permit



* Address
707 39TH AVE SE


Review Type Outcome Est. Completion Date Completed
Engineering Civil Review VOID 12/09/2021


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Inspection Outcome Requested Scheduled Date Inspected
Street Lighting Inspection VOID 12/09/2021
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Storm Inspection VOID 12/09/2021
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Street Inspection VOID 12/09/2021
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Detention Pond Inspection VOID 12/09/2021
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Sanitary Sewer Inspection VOID 12/09/2021
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Water Main Inspection VOID 12/09/2021
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Clear, Fill, & Grading Inspection VOID 12/09/2021
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Lift Stations Inspection VOID 12/09/2021
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Condition Status Department Category Expiration Date Due Date
Building Permit Standard Conditions Resolved Building Division Standard Conditions
: Review comments 11.12.2008 (sent by email to Costa at Barghausen) Sheet 1 The existing 15 feet wide city sanitary sewer easement with a 12 inch pipe through the property is not shown. An existing 10 feet wide city water easement along the east property line is not shown. The proposed ped trail easement is shown but not identified. Provide a legal description written by a PLS for the right of way dedication along the north side of the property and for the proposed city water easements. It is suggested that Roads B, C & D be signed at 10 mph because of the limited sight distance triangles created by proximity of buildings and fences, and because of the design of the vertical curves proposed appears to be close to 15 mph. It is suggested that stop signs be considered at intersections with limited sight distance triangles. All interior roads shall be at least 24 feet in width. All roads less than 26 feet in width within the project shall be signed and painted for emergency vehicle use per Puyallup Municipal Code chapter 16.04.015(B). This will require continuous painted yellow lines along the interior roads and signs installed every 50 feet. Standard city streetlight details are shown on sheet 25 however the pole locations have not been shown on the plans for the interior roads. It is suggested but not required that street lighting to city standards be located on the interior roads at intersections and every 300 feet. What is the status of traffic signal revision plan and companion intersection re-striping plan? Sheet 8 Two different fence symbols are used on this sheet. Please identify the fence symbols used on this sheet on the map legend on sheet 1. It is suggested that the fences be moved away from the pavement edge to provide a clear zone. The fence appears it will create a sight distance issue at the intersection of Road D with C, and at the mid-block curve on Road D. New fence shown along 39th AV SE sidewalk should be moved at least one foot back from sidewalk to improve the useful width of the sidewalk. Some of the storm manholes in the interior roads appear to be located at sag verticals and should therefore be changed to type II catch basins. The proposed ped trail easement is not shown. Sheet 9 Some of the storm manholes in the interior roads appear to be located at sag verticals and should therefore be changed to type II catch basins. The large difference in elevations shown between the sanitary and storm sewers in Road B could create problems in the future should the sanitary sewer need to be replaced. The proposed ped trail easement is not shown. Sheet 10 The storm sewer pipe shown between CB 21 and 22 in Road C has 1.5 feet of cover and therefore should be D.I. rather than C900 pipe. Sheet 11 SD MH11 in Road B appears to be at a sag and a change to a Type II CB should be considered? Sheet 17 It is suggested but not required that fences be relocated away from the pavement edge because fences reduce the effective width of the road, to provide a clear zone, and to improve sight distance at horizontal curves. At the intersection of Road B and Road E one section of the water main is labeled as 12 inch. The trash enclosure on Road E appears to be on a sloped area, it needs a pad. The 8 inch sanitary sewer throughout the development will be privately owned and maintained. Therefore the sewer easement shown on the drawing is not required and should be removed from the drawings. If the city water main in Road B were designed to cross the sanitary sewer at an angle closer to 90 degrees then future sanitary sewer replacement work would be easier. Include an approval block for the Puyallup Fire Department Sheet 18 Show ten feet wide city water easement along east line of property. The 8 inch sanitary sewer throughout the development will be privately owned and maintained. Therefore the sewer easement shown on the drawing is not required. Grease interceptor arrow is not pointing at the interceptor. The city requires at least ten feet of straight pipe upstream of the grease interceptor. This may require the GI to be located slightly further away from the building. If the grease interceptor will be installed as part of the civil permit then provide sizing calculations per appendix H of the 2003 UPC and include city standard drawings no. 406.1 and 406.2 on the plan detail sheets. Interior sidewalks are shown with light poles. Sidewalk clearance around the light poles should provide a minimum clear width of 36 inches for wheelchair accessibility. Widen the two driveways on Road B at approximately 12+50 and 14+50 so that a pumper truck with a 40 feet outside turning radius can enter and exit the parking lot without having to drive off of the pavement. Provide additional right of way for signal controller equipment at intersection as may be required by the traffic signal revision plan. Painted stop bar at driveway intersection should be moved behind back of sidewalk on 39th Ave SE. Provide sizing calculations to verify the 8 inch fire line to the 145 unit building per the 2003 International Fire Code. The DCVA shown on the fire sprinkler line should be changed to a DDCVA. The fire sprinkler pipe size and pipe material is not labeled between the building and the water main in Road B. Provide a gate valve between the PIV and the water main tee. Provide a gate valve on the 4 inch domestic water service between the water meter and the main. Provide a gate valve on the new water main between the 18 inch pipe casing and the new water main in Road B. Within the 18 inch PVC casing pipe spacers will be necessary to hold the water main in place within the casing pipe. Provide spec for the pipe spacers and casing pipe end plugs. Provide a "dog leg" in the new water main between the 18 inch pipe casing and the tee at the existing 12 inch water main. The dogleg will provide space for trench excavation to make it easier for the future removal and replacement of the water main from the casing pipe. Add an approval signature block for Puyallup Fire to this sheet. At the bottom right hand corner of sheet 18 the 12 inch water main is labeled as PVC, at the top of this sheet it is labeled as D.I. Sheet 20 The sidewalk shown flush with paving is not recommended because of the increased potential for damage from vehicles. A raised sidewalk protected by vertical curb is suggested but not required. If sidewalk will be flush with pavement it is suggested that the sidewalk be increased to six inches thickness to resist damage from heavier service vehicles. On all roadway sections shown the 2:1 side slope is suggested to begin a minimum of two feet from back of curb or a minimum of two feet from the edge of pavement where no curb will be present. Road 'A' typical section asphalt depth is suggested to be increased because of expected higher volumes of traffic. All interior roadways shall be a minimum of 24 feet in width. A higher quality road would be created by providing curb and gutter on both sides of all streets, along with street lights. The curb and gutter could be lipped down so that additional catch basins would not be required. Curbs throughout the interior road are suggested to improve safety by providing a barrier to vehicles, that would help protect the sidewalk from vehicle damage, improve vehicular safety due from the 2:1 dropoffs shown at the pavement edge, adjacent obstructions such as fences, retaining walls and detention ponds. Where curbs are shown on the typical roadway sections, gravel base should extend one foot behind the curb to improve structural integrity. Where will the Standard Commercial approach be located? At the entrance onto 39th AV SE? Add an approval block for the Puyallup Fire Department to this sheet. Sheet 24 To Standard Plan no. 310, note no. 2, a comment should be added stating that for this project the city requires a Sensus Compound SRH Meter (note: Insensys has recently changed its corporate name to Sensus). Add an approval block for the Puyallup Fire Department to this sheet. Traffic Engineer comments: Access: " Access will come from the fourth leg of the signalized 39th Ave SE intersection. The project is required to construct the fourth leg of this intersection with an exclusive eastbound left turn pocket of 100 feet. The fourth leg shall align with the newly constructed City leg per MUTCD. Provide channelization, signal, and lighting plans associated with these modifications. Street: " The curb radii along 39th Avenue SE shall be 45' and handicap ramps shall meet current ADA standards. " 8' Sidewalk is required along entire parcel as it fronts 39th Ave SE.

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