1. Construction permitted as per approved civil plans.
2. Construction permit shall expire by limitation and be declared void if:
* Work is not started within 180 days of obtaining the permit
* Work is abondoned for 180 days or more after beginning work
* After two years from the date of permit issuance, regardless of whether work is finished
3. Any changes to the scope of work approved on the civil plans shall be submitted on a Plan Change Request to the Engineering Services Staff for review.
4. Any changes that require a request to vary from the design standards approved on the civil plans shall be submitted on an Alternative Methods or Construction Materials Request along with a $250 application fee to the Engineering Services Staff for review.
5. The applicant is responsible to call the Utility Notification Center at 1-800-424-5555 before beginning any excavation. Call before you dig, it's the law.
6. I hereby acknowledge that I have read and understand the contents of this permit and I hereby state that the information I have supplied is true and correct.
The Applicant shall defend, indemnify, and hold the City, its officers, employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or in connection with activities or operations performed by the Applicant or on the Applicant's behalf out of issuance of this permit.
Planning: Ron Buckholt 11/03/11
1.The 30 ft native vegetative non-disturbance buffer needs to be measured from the edge of the public right-of-way (or back of the excavation for the retaining wall along 39th). Said buffer needs to be fenced along the entire length and width, representing the perimeter of the “native vegetation non-disturbance area” with signage to prevent accidental encroachment during the course of development.
2) The 30 ft native vegetative non-disturbance buffer needs to extend all the way to the new driveway (Road A). The civil plans depict the buffer ending about 30 ft shy of Road A, for a proposed view corridor pocket. The area reflecting the proposed view corridor pocket, west of the Road A, shall be retained in its natural state as part of the 30 ft buffer. No clearing or landscaping work shall occur within the subject 30 ft buffer, including the pocket area shown as a view corridor.
3) In the event that the tree roots of any protected tree(s) within the 30 ft native vegetative non-disturbance buffer are compromised during earthwork, a consulting arborist shall be obtained by the proponent to assess the health and safety of the tree and shall submit any necessary recommendations to the City for consideration. If a tree is deemed hazardous or dangerous, and is recommended for removal, with City consent or 3rd party review, than said tree shall be replaced at 3:1 ratio in the same vicinity (same species, 10 ft. tall minimum, 3 inch caliper with adequate root guards).
4) All changes, i.e. emergency tree removal and replacement, as mentioned above, shall be tracked and reflected in an amended site plan/landscaping plan, so that a final clean copy is available for both City records and the contractor. Copy shall be provided to the City prior to the commencement of any such work.
5) Minimal disturbance and extreme care shall be given for the installation of the stormwater outfall dispersion trench in the outer 50% wetland buffer along eastern boundary of the site. All disturbed areas shall be mitigated with proper restoration, i.e. native plantings and hydro-seed per the recommendation of a certified wetland biologist.