Notes are based on 2018 IFC, IBC and Puyallup Municipal Codes.
Permitting for phasing, buildings will need to be individually permitted. Fire Sprinkler and Fire Alarm are required to be individually permitting for each building. Construction sequence Phasing plan required.
Maintain fire lane width throughout construction. Do not block fire lane with construction materials or parking. No vertical construction until fire hydrants are flushed and approved.
Alleys over 150’ will require fire truck turn-arounds, or complete connection to north and south alleys.
Roads are required to be a minimum of 26’ based on current site plan to meet fire hydrant requirements 2018 IFC Appendix D103.1.
There will be No parking allowed on both sides of streets and alleys. Fire Lane No Parking Signs and painted curb will be required throughout the whole project on both sides of streets and alleys. Streets and alleys that are “more than” 26’ can have parking on one side of the street. Signs and painted curb will be required on opposite side.
Auto-turn or equivalent program required to demonstrate fire apparatus turning radiuses.
A Monitored Fire Sprinkler System will be required in all buildings R313.1.
Riser room locations require paved access to room and are clearly marked from street. Riser rooms need to be shown on site plan.
FDC, PIV, and Fire Hydrant locations, need to be shown on site plan.
All points of the building need to be within 400’ of a Fire Hydrant.
Separate dedicated fire hydrant required for FDC’s within 10-15’ show on site plan.
Any structure over 7500 square feet shall require a fire alarm system per Puyallup Municipal Code. The Fire Alarm System shall be designed to Total Coverage NFPA 72 and require U.L. certification per the PMC.
Notes are based on information provided. More information is required to move project forward.
R313.1Townhouse automatic fire sprinkler systems.
An automatic residential fire sprinkler system shall be installed in a townhouse unit.
1. 1.An automatic residential fire sprinkler system shall not be required where additions or alterations are made to an existing townhouse unit that does not have an automatic residential fire sprinkler system installed.
2. 2.Townhouse buildings containing no more than four townhouse units.
-Traffic scoping worksheet will be required. The City policy requires the project trips to be estimated using the Institute of Transportation Engineers’ (ITE) Trip Generation, 11th Edition. In general, trip generation regression equations shall be used when the R2 value is 0.70 or greater. For single-family units and offices smaller than 30,000 SF, use ITE’s Trip Generation, average rate. The project trips shall be rounded to the nearest tenth. Trip credits would be allowed for any existing development.
-Once the traffic scoping worksheet is reviewed, a written response would be sent to the applicant’s traffic engineer outlining the scope of the project’s Traffic Access and Impact Study (TAIS).
-Park impact fee was established by Ordinance 3142 dated July 3, 2017 and shall be charged per new dwelling unit based on its size:
Park Impact Fee (Per residential dwelling Unit):
Less than 500 sqft $1,560.05
500 - 999 sqft $2,313.53
1,000 – 1,999 sqft $3,291.31
2,000 sqft or more $4,017.30
The city has adopted a City-Wide Traffic Impact Fee of $4,500 per PM peak hour trip and shall be paid prior to building permit issuance.
-Per Puyallup Municipal Code Section 11.08.135, the applicant/owner would be expected to construct half-street improvements including curb, gutter, planter strip, sidewalk, roadway base, pavement, and street lighting. Any existing improvements which are damaged now or during construction, or which do not meet current City Standards, shall be replaced. Based on the materials submitted, the applicant would be expected to construct half-street improvements on the following streets:
-5th Ave SE is classified as Major Collector and shall consist of curb, gutter, 36ft roadway, 8’ sidewalks, 3.5’ planter strip (modified with integrated 6.5ft tree cut outs), consistent with the frontage on the north side of 5th Ave SE. The improvements shall be from street centerline. Assuming a symmetrical cross section, additional right-of-way (ROW) may need to be dedicated to the city. Roadway structural design shall accommodate heavy truck traffic. Coordinate with the City during the design phase to ensure the roadway design matches the roadway section on the north side of 5th Ave SE
-33rd St SE is classified as a Minor Arterial and shall consist of curb, gutter, 36ft roadway, 8’ sidewalks, 10ft planter strip, and streetlights. The improvements shall be from street centerline. Assuming a symmetrical cross section, additional right-of-way (ROW) may need to be dedicated to the city. Half-street improvements would require 36.5ft dedication. Full buildout of 33rd St SE will require 73ft of ROW.
-Per City standards (Section 101.10.1) require minimum of 300 feet of driveway spacing on Arterial roadways (33rd St SE) and 150ft of driveway spacing on Collector roadways (5th Ave SE). Driveway spacing is measured between closest edges of each driveway (between radius PT). This includes driveways/intersections across the street.
-Access driveways shall be aligned with driveways across the street the street
-Curb radius at the intersection of 5th Ave SE & 33rd St SE shall be 35ft minimum (actual design based on AutoTurn.
-City standard commercial driveway(s) shall be required along frontage. The width of the proposed site access driveway(s) shall be 30ft.
-During preliminary site plan review a sight distance analysis may be required ensure driveway locations meet City standards.
-AutoTurn analysis will be required to ensure the largest anticipated design vehicle can safely maneuver throughout site and driveways.
-Analysis shall also include the intersection 5th Ave SE & 33rd St SE to ensure frontage/radius design will accommodate WB-67 trucks
BUILDING – JANELLE MONTGOMERY, 253-770-3328 Jmontgomery@Puyallupwa.gov RAY COCKERHAM, 253-841-5585 RayC@ci.puyallup.wa.us
• Building plans will need to be complete with all building, mechanical, plumbing, energy code items and accessibility requirements that may apply on the plans.
• The truss specs will also be required with the truss engineers’ stamps and a layout that matches the submitted plans at the time of submittal.
• Plans will need to be per the applicable codes 2018 adopted February 1, 2021 for all permits. Include Geotech report to determine any flood proofing that may be required.
• All electrical is permitted by the Washington State Department of L & I.
• Proposed container structure for commercial will be required to have L & I Label.
• No other Building items at this time.