Traffic scoping worksheet will be required for this project. The City policy requires the project trips to be estimated using the Institute of Transportation Engineers’ (ITE) Trip Generation, 11th Edition. In general, trip generation regression equations shall be used when the R2 value is 0.70 or greater. For single-family units and offices smaller than 30,000 SF, use ITE’s Trip Generation, average rate. The project trips shall be rounded to the nearest tenth. Trip credits would be allowed for any existing development.
The city has adopted a City-Wide Traffic Impact Fee of $4,500 per PM peak hour trip. Final fees will be calculated and assessed by the City at the time of building permit issuance.
Park Impact fee is required for ML zoning. City charges $0.87 per sqft (GFA)
Per Puyallup Municipal Code Section 11.08.135, the applicant/owner would be expected to construct half-street improvements including curb, gutter, planter strip, sidewalk, roadway base, pavement, and street lighting. Any existing improvements which are damaged now or during construction, or which do not meet current City Standards, shall be replaced.
•Evaluate roadway condition for possible half-street improvements
•Streetlights may be required
•If not being utilized the existing curb cut on the eastern frontage may need to be replaced with curb/gutter sidewalk.
Code section 11.08.135(3):
(3) New Commercial/Industrial Buildings or Expansion of Existing Buildings. Any person or entity who constructs or causes to be constructed any new commercial/industrial building or expansion of an existing commercial/industrial building either of which have a structure improvement value exceeding $200,000 in valuation shall construct curb, gutters, planter strips, street trees, sidewalks, storm drainage, street lighting, and one-half street paving (only required if the existing pavement condition is poor) in accordance with the city’s Public Works Engineering and Construction Standards and Specifications. The frontage improvements shall be required along all street frontage adjoining the property upon which such building will be placed. Frontage improvements shall also be required where any reasonable access to the property connects to the public right-of-way, although the primary access is located on another parcel. There is no cap on frontage improvements for new buildings or expansion of existing buildings.
At the time of civil permit review provide a separate street lighting plan and pavement striping plan (channelization) sheet for the city to review.
On-site monument signage must be located outside sight distance triangle.
• Limited Manufacturing (ML)
o “Limited manufacturing/light industrial use” means a use involving the manufacture, assembly, processing or treatment of parts, materials, goods, foodstuffs and products intended for general distribution. Production processes may not employ the extensive use of hazardous or volatile materials or chemicals, or continuous high levels of noise. Typical uses include contractors shops, metal fabrication, custom boat building, indoor storage of bulk materials and machinery, nonflammable gas production, warehouse and distribution facilities, publishing plants, vehicle repair facilities, storage units, or towing yards.
• Future land use: LM/W
• Extent of landscaping required is in the affected area. In this case, if you are only proposing work be done in the NE area of the property, then landscaping would likely only be required in that area. Please see planning redline in the CitView Portal for area likely required to be landscaped.
• PMC 20.35.035 (2) Required Landscaping.
(a) Landscaping required by this title and/or by conditions of approval of discretionary applications shall be designed, installed and maintained in accordance with Chapter 20.58 PMC. In no event shall such landscaped areas be used for storage of materials, placement of temporary signs or parking of vehicles.
• PMC 20.58.005
(2) Perimeter Landscaping Required. The perimeter of all sites shall be landscaped the full depth of the required setbacks for the subject site, or 12 feet, whichever is less; however, in no event shall a perimeter landscaping buffer be smaller than six feet. Roads and driveways that cut through perimeter landscape areas shall be no wider and no more numerous than necessary for safe access and turning movements, as determined by the development services director or a licensed traffic engineer. Remaining portions of a site (or of a phased portion of a site with an approved phasing plan) that are not covered by buildings or pavement shall be landscaped using appropriate shrubs, ground covers and trees. Landscaping shall be sufficient to achieve 75 percent coverage within a three-year period.
(a) Retaining Walls and Required Perimeter Landscaping. The intent of the following regulations is to mitigate the bulk and visual/aesthetic impacts of retaining walls, as well as to minimize the overall height of new retaining walls. Within 30 feet of any property line – except in relation to proposed retaining walls on preexisting single-family lots – the following standards apply to proposed retaining walls:
(i) Front and Street Side Property Lines. All retaining walls shall be set back from any front or street side yard property line by a minimum of eight feet. The maximum height of any singular retaining wall within 30 feet of a front or street side yard property line shall be three and one-half feet above finished grade. A minimum of six feet of stepback shall be provided between any terraced retaining walls proposed within 30 feet of a front or street side property line. No more than a total of three stepped retaining walls (complying with the maximum three and one-half feet in height limit above finished grade) shall be placed within 30 feet of a front or street side property line. A Type I visual barrier landscape buffer shall be provided in front of all retaining walls, in accordance with the city’s vegetation management standards (VMS) manual.
(ii) Rear and Side Property Lines. All retaining walls shall be set back from any rear or side yard property line by a minimum of six feet. The maximum height of any singular retaining wall within 30 feet of a rear or side property line shall be six feet above finished grade. A minimum of six feet of stepback shall be provided between any terraced retaining walls proposed within 30 feet of a rear or side property line. No more than a total of three stepped retaining walls (complying with the maximum six-foot height limit above finished grade) shall be placed within 30 feet of a rear or side property line. A Type I visual barrier landscape buffer shall be provided in front of all retaining walls, in accordance with the city’s vegetation management standards (VMS) manual.
Engineered plans must follow the latest regulations and standards set forth in the Puyallup Municipal Code (PMC), the City Standards for Public Works Engineering and Construction (design standards), and the current City adopted stormwater manual at the time of civil permit application [PMC 21.10.040]. The stormwater design associated with this Development Permit will be reviewed for compliance with the 2014 amended Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington (DOE manual), which is the current adopted stormwater manual. The comments provided below are project-specific in nature and should not be considered an exhaustive list of the requirements from the PMC, design standards, or the DOE manual.
• Domestic Water and sewer requirements are not included in these notes due to the presented scope not containing water or sewer aspects.
Notes: A civil permit application is required for commercial projects triggering stormwater, projects doing large amounts of on-site grading, any project required to construct frontage at a site that doesn’t have existing vertical curb, and a project proposing new connections to city.
• Civil engineering drawings will be required for this project prior to issuance of the first building permit (The city has transitioned to electronic review. Please reach out to the city permit technicians at PermitCenter@PuyallupWA.gov and they will guide you how to submit). Included within the civil design package will be a utility plan overlaid with the landscape architects landscaping design to ensure that potential conflicts between the two designs have been addressed. Engineering plans cannot be accepted until Planning Department requirements have been satisfied, including but not limited to, SEPA, Preliminary Site Plan approval, CUP, and/or Hearing Examiner conditions.
• Civil engineering plan review fee is $670.00 (plus an additional per hour rate of $130.00 in excess of 5 hours). The Civil permit shall be $300.00 and the inspection fee shall be 3% of the total cost of the project as calculated on the Engineering Division Cost Estimate form. [City of Puyallup Resolution No. 2098]
• Civil Engineering drawings shall conform to the following City standards Sections 1.0 and 2.0:
o Engineering plans submitted for review and approval shall be on 24 x 36-inch sheets.
o Benchmark and monumentation to City of Puyallup datum (NAVD 88) will be required as a part of this project / plat.
o The scale for design plans shall be indicated directly below the north arrow and shall be only 1”=20’ or 1”=30’. The north arrow shall point up or to the right on the plans.
o Engineering plan sheets shall be numbered sequentially in this manner: Sheet 1 of 20, Sheet 2 of 20, etc. ending in Sheet 20 of 20.
o All applicable City Standard Notes and Standard Details shall be included on the construction plans for this project. A copy of the City Standards can be found on the City’s web site under Office of the City Engineer, Engineering Services.
• The proposed building will have a separate fire sprinkler system and may need a separate fire service line.
• If a separate fire line is required, a Double Check Valve Assembly (DCVA) will be required near the property line at the point of connection to the public main. The fire sprinkler double detector check valve assembly (DDCVA) may be located either inside, or outside, of the building. The sprinkler supply line shall be designed, and shown on the plan, into the building to the point of connection to the interior building riser. Provide plan and elevation detail(s) where the riser enters the building with dimensions, clearances, and joint restraint in accordance with NFPA 24. A post indicator valve (PIV) shall be provided for the fire sprinkler system in advance of the DDCVA. [PMC 14.02, CS 302.3, & CS 303]
• If a fire hydrant is required onsite, a Double Check Valve Assembly (DCVA) will be required near the property line at the point of connection to the public main.
• Fire hydrants shall be placed so that there is a minimum of 50-feet and a maximum 150-feet of separation from hydrants to any building walls. [PMC 16.08.080 & CS 301.2, 302.3]
• The Fire Department Connection (FDC) shall be located no closer than 10-feet and no further than 15-feet from a fire hydrant. [CS 302.3]
NOTE: if the project proposes to connect to existing storm facilities, the facilities must be resized to meet the latest Stormwater standards.
• Design shall occur pursuant to the 2012 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington as amended in December, 2014 (The 2014 SWMMWW). Note that the city is adopting the 2019 Ecology manual in July 1st of 2022. Vesting to an Ecology manual is granted with an approved permanent stormwater plan as part of a City of Puyallup permit.
• Preliminary feasibility/infeasibility testing for infiltration facilities shall be in accordance with the site analysis requirements of the Ecology Manual, Volume I, Chapter 3, specifically:
- Groundwater evaluation, either instantaneous (MR1-5) or continuous monitoring well (MR1-9) during the wet weather months (December 21 through April 1).
- Hydraulic conductivity testing:
o If the development triggers Minimum Requirement #7 (flow control), if the site soils are consolidated, or is encumbered by a critical area a Small Scale Pilot Infiltration Tests (PIT) during the wet weather months (December 21 through April 1) is required.
o If the development does not trigger Minimum Requirement #7, is not encumbered by a critical area, and is located on soils unconsolidated by glacial advance, grain size analyses may be substituted for the Small Scale PIT test at the discretion of the review engineer.
- Testing to determine the hydraulic restriction layer.
- Mounding analysis may be required in accordance with Ecology Volume III Section 3.3.8.
• The applicant shall include a completed stormwater flowchart, Figure 3.1, contained in Ecology’s Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit, Appendix I with the stormwater site plan. The link below may be used to obtain the flowchart:
• The following items shall be included at the time of Civil permit submittal:
o A permanent storm water management plan which meets the design requirements provided by PMC Section 21.10. The plan and accompanying information shall provide sufficient information to evaluate the environmental characteristics of the affected areas, the potential impacts of the proposed development on surface water resources, and the effectiveness and acceptability of measures proposed for managing storm water runoff. The findings, existing and proposed impervious area, facility sizing, and overflow control shall be summarized in a written report. [PMC 21.10.190, 21.10.060]
o A written technical report that clearly delineates any offsite basins tributary to the project site and includes the following information: [PMC 21.10.060]
o the quantity of the offsite runoff;
o the location(s) where the offsite runoff enters the project site;
o how the offsite runoff will be routed through the project site.
o the location of proposed retention/detention facilities
o and, the location of proposed treatment facilities
o All pipe reaches shall be summarized in a Conveyance Table containing the following minimum information and included in the TIR:
Pipe Reach Name Design Flow (cfs)
Structure Tributary Area Pipe-Full Flow (cfs)
Pipe Diameter (in) Water Depth at Design Flow (in)
Pipe Length (ft) Critical Depth (in)
Pipe Slope (%) Velocity at Design Flow (fps)
Manning’s Coefficient (n) Velocity at Pipe-Full Flow (fps)
HGL for each Pipe Reach Percent full at Design Flow (%)
Stormwater R/D Facilities:
• Any above-ground stormwater facility shall be screened in accordance with planning requirements.
• Stormwater R/D facilities shall be a minimum of 20-feet from any public right-of-way, tract, vegetative buffer, and/or property line measured from the toe of the exterior slope/embankment of the facility. [PMC 21.10 & DOE Manual, Vol. V, Pg 10-39 and Pg 10-9]
A minimum of 5-feet clearance shall be provided from the toe of the exterior slope/embankment to any tract, property line, fence, or any required vegetative buffer. [PMC 21.10 & CS 206]
Stormwater system development fees are due at the time of civil permit issuance for commercial projects and at the time of building permit issuance for single family or duplex developments and do not vest until time of permit issuance. Fees are increased annually on February 1st. The City will assess the amount of existing credits applied to the project based on how many credits the property is currently being billed for. [PMC 14.26.070]
• A Stormwater Systems Development fee will be assessed for each new equivalent service unit (ESU) in accordance with PMC Chapter 14.26. Each ESU is equal to 2,800 square feet of ‘hard’ surface. The current SDC as of this writing is $3,560.00 per ESU.