Review Type |
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Est. Completion Date |
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Engineering Traffic Review
Frontage improvements are not required for this project. Per Boundary Line Revision P-18-0145, current parcel for building C (0419034038) does not have frontage along City ROW.
- Based on this, code required frontage improvements are not triggered.
-Traffic Engineering will work closely with the Puyallup Police Department to ensure their access needs are provided.
-Existing eastern driveway location along 39th Ave SE does not meet current driveway separation standards (300ft for Major Arterial Roadways). Current access location has a negative offset alignment with PW driveway.
-The existing eastern most driveway on 39th Avenue SE will be required to limit turning movements to right-in, right-out only as conditioned with the ~700 stall parking expansion (E-21-0313).
-Per 9/17/24 pre application meeting, the owner is preparing a traffic engineering study to evaluate the right-in, right-out design. Will coordinate with design team with analysis is completed. Extent of driveway improvements are not known at this time.
Trip generation/Traffic Analysis:
-Based on the assumption that the previous use was a "General Office" building, the current proposal will not generate additional vehicle trips. This is consistent with the recent Central Pierce TI within the same building. Traffic analysis will not be required for this proposal.
Building Review
Permit submittal - Single submittal is required for building, plumbing, mechanical, accessibility and energy code compliance. Separate permits will be required for each location as applicable.
The structural upgrade permit may be a separate permit submittal; the general contractor and ERO will need to phase the plan to keep separate and scheduled ahead of tenant improvement work.
Permit submittal - Please identify compliance path selection from the IEBC 301.3, as selected by the applicant.
Permit Submittal - Please provide sum of the ratios and separation analysis, mixed uses and allowable areas. IBC 508 as applicable.
Permit Submittal - gates affecting fire access require fire code review. May require Opticom or Knox box access depending on configurations. Include details in submittal or separate permit.
Permit Submittal - Structural upgrades are anticipated based on changes in hazard groups in accordance with the IEBC. Please provide a narrative compliance report with the permit submittal.
Fire Review
1. Fire Sprinkler required.
2. Fire Alarm required.
3. Emergency Radio testing required.
4. Generator will be required to be Emergency and not Stand By.
5. If the Fire Lane is gated Opticom will be required.
Planning Review
Zone XX and Use Allowance
The site at 1015 39th Ave SE is in the Business Park (MP) zone district and the LM/W Comprehensive Plan designated area. Consult PMC 20.35 for zone specific standards. In the MP zone district, proposal for a public safety and police station is a permitted use, it would be considered a 'public service use'.
Critical areas: There are wetlands on the site that have been mapped, however, given the scope of work defined, no wetland studies would be required. The proposed use is located well away from the area of known or suspected soil, groundwater and air contamination in the NW corner of the site. No other critical areas that would require special studies for this scope of work are known to be on or adjacent to the subject site.
Add Submittal Item: Preliminary Site Plan Application
If new building square footage is proposed over 4,000 SF in area then a Preliminary site plan application will be required for this scope of work. Application form can be downloaded from the City's website at Building and civil permits cannot be submitted until the preliminary site plan process has been completed.
If any new building square footage is proposed then this will trigger the requirement for a new SEPA checklist (regardless of the size of the new building area proposed because the existing building area already exceeds 4,000 SF). If the new building area exceeds 4,000sf, then submit the SEPA checklist with the required preliminary site plan application. If the new building area is less than 4,000 SF then submit a 'Stand Alone SEPA' land use permit INSTEAD of a preliminary site plan application. \
Civil and building permits can be submitted concurrently with a 'Stand Alone SEPA' land use permit submittal.
Parking Req.: Numb. Parking Spaces Req.
PMC 20.55.010 Number of parking spaces required: Police Stations are considered Professional offices for the purposes of parking rate calculations. Only the square footage that is used for office space such as the EOC, Administration, Professional Services would need to provide parking spaces. Professional offices: one space for each 200 square feet of gross floor area for medical, clinical and dental offices or one space for each 300 square feet of gross floor area for other professional and business offices.
Evidence Room, Operation Storage, Records, Fitness rooms, and any other materials or equipment storage areas would be considered accessory storage or other use areas and would not require parking stalls to be provided for those areas.
Landscaping Req.: General (VMS)
Landscaping Requirements: PMC 20.58 outlines landscaping requirements. All portions of a lot not devoted to building, future building, parking, access drives, walks, storage or accessory uses shall be landscaped in a manner consistent with the requirements of this chapter. The City also has a companion design manual – the Vegetation Management Standards (VMS) manual – found here: Please consult both the code landscape code section and the VMS for a full list of landscape requirements.
Landscaping Req. Pre App Notes: Parking Lots
If proposed parking lot revision will inlcude digging up existing paving and replacing it, then this scope of work will be considered replaced parking area and will need to conform to new parking standards for parking area landscaping. Restripping alone does not trigger requirements for revised parking area landscaping since no replaced paving is proposed.
Parking Area Landscaping Required If the proposed paved areas on site exceed 10,000 square feet, the project landscape architect shall design to the city’s parking lot landscaping standards (Type IV standards of the City’s Vegetation Management Standards Manual (VMS). The site designer and landscape architect will need to review and integrate all the other design requirements of the type IV landscaping standards, including: No more than eight (8) parking spaces shall be placed consecutively without a landscaping island. All perimeter landscape islands (defined as islands which project into parking lots from an area connected to a perimeter landscape yard) shall be a minimum of 12’ wide with a minimum depth of each landscape island to match the abutting stall depth. All internal landscape islands (landscape islands entirely surrounded by paving) shall be a minimum of 15’ in width with a minimum depth of each landscape island to match the abutting stall depth. ‘Head-to-head’ parking stalls and internal landscape islands shall be separated by a ‘connector landscaping strip’ a minimum of 6' in width. All ‘head-to-head’ parking stalls internal to a parking lot shall have internal island ‘end caps’ to separate the parking stalls from abutting drive aisles. These ‘end cap’ islands shall follow the requirements for internal islands (size, dimensions, required landscaping, etc.). We strongly suggest reviewing these requirements as early as possible to assess and determine costs, parking field layout and configuration of civil utilities as to minimize impacts for consistency with the Type IV standards. The Type IV standards may reduce the overall off-street parking stall count. The perimeter of all parking areas and associated access drives which abut public rights-of-way shall be screened with on-site landscaping, earth berms, fencing, or a combination thereof.
Design Review: Site is not visible from the public street, therefore no design review is required for this scope of work.
The site at 311 W Pioneer is in the Public Facilities (PF) zone district and the PF Comprehensive Plan designated area. Consult PMC 20.44 for zone specific standards. In the PF zone district, proposal for a public safety and police station is a permitted use, it would be considered a 'public service use'.
Add Submittal Item: Non-Residential Design Review
Design Review Required if any significant exterior changes are proposed to the building administrative design review will be required, specifically Non-residential design review.
Non-Residential Design Review application (to be included with your landuse or building permit application). Your project is subject to administrative design review for non-residential style buildings see PMC 20.26.300 for specific design standards. Since this is an administrative process, your design submittal will be reviewed by the Director or designee who will approve, approve with conditions, or deny your design. Your design review application must be submitted as a supplemental form with the first submittal you submit to the City (whether that is your landuse permit (any permit beginning with a "PL") or a building or civil permit (any permit beginning with a "PR"). Please download the application form at
Add Submittal Item: SEPA Req.
Project scope may be subject to SEPA review if it involves any new building square footage or new or replaced parking stalls. Provide SEPA checklist with landuse permit. SEPA checklist can be downloaded from City website at
Applicant noted that existing required parking lot landscaping is proposed to be removed and not replaced in place due to security concerns for police vehicles. Due to this concern, required landscaping may be replaced in alternative locations from those strictly applicable under City's vegetation management standards manual. Please coordinate with City Planning division to locate suitable alternative locations to replace removed required parking lot landscaping.
External Agency Review
No Response
Engineering Review
• Engineered plans must follow the latest regulations and standards set forth in the Puyallup Municipal Code (PMC), the City Standards for Public Works Engineering and Construction (design standards), and the current City adopted stormwater manual at the time of civil permit application [PMC 21.10.040].
• Comments regarding design and construction of new utilities and road improvements are provided for the applicant’s information and use. Unless specifically noted, construction of these infrastructure improvements is not a condition of landuse approval. However, infrastructure improvements must be approved and permitted prior to issuance of the first building permit associated with the project. [RCW 58.17.120 and 19.07.080]
• Refer to City Standards, Section 300 for Water System Requirements. [PMC 14.02.120]
• The domestic service line and fire system service line shall have separate, independent connections to the supply main. [PMC 14.02 & CS 302.3(4)]
• The applicant shall be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the proposed water system located on private property.
• The minimum distance between water lines and sewer lines shall be 10-feet horizontally and 18-inches vertically. If this criterion cannot be met, the sewer and water lines shall be isolated by encasement, shielding, or other approved methods. [PMC 14.02.120(f) & CS 301.1(8)]
• Water pipe and service connections shall be a minimum of 10-feet away from building foundations and/or roof lines.
• Applicant shall provide backflow protection on the domestic service line(s) with the installation of a double check valve assembly (DCVA) on the domestic connection. The unit shall be located outside the building, immediately downstream of the existing water meter. If an irrigation system is also proposed, a DCVA is required on that line as well. [PMC 14.02.220(3) & CS 302.2]
• Available fire flow for the project site must be determined by hydraulic modeling conducted by the City’s consultant. The cost of this analysis, $600 as of this writing, shall be paid by the applicant.
• Fire hydrants and other appurtenances such as DDCVA and PIV shall be placed as directed by the Puyallup Fire Code Official. Fire hydrants shall be placed so that there is a minimum of 50-feet of separation from hydrants to any building walls. [PMC 16.08.080 & CS 301.2, 302.3]
• Maximum hydrant run is 20-feet. Hydrant runs that exceed this distance shall be served by a mainline with the hydrant feed line set at right angles to the supply main.
• The fire sprinkler double detector check valve assembly (DDCVA) may be located either inside, or outside, of the building. The sprinkler supply line shall be designed, and shown on the plan, into the building to the point of connection to the interior building riser. Provide plan and elevation detail(s) where the riser enters the building with dimensions, clearances, and joint restraint in accordance with NFPA 24. [CS 302.3, CS 303]
• The Fire Department Connection (FDC) shall be located no closer than 10-feet and no further than 15-feet from a fire hydrant. (NOTE: If the project is utilizing a fire booster pump, the FDC must connect to the sprinkler system on the discharge side of the pump in accordance with NFPA regulations.) A post indicator valve (PIV) shall be provided for the fire sprinkler system in advance of the DDCVA. [CS 302.3]
• A water system development charge (SDC) will be assessed based on the number of plumbing fixture units as defined in the Uniform Plumbing Code. Current SDC’s as of this writing are $5,311.92 for the first 15 fixture units and an additional charge of $355.90 for each fixture unit in excess of the base 15 plumbing fixture units. [PMC 14.02.040]
• Water connection fees and systems development charges are due at the time of building permit issuance and do not vest until time of permit issuance. [PMC 14.02.040, 14.10.030]
• To obtain credit towards System Development Fees for any existing fixture units, the applicant shall provide the City evidence of the existing plumbing fixtures prior to demolition or removal. A written breakdown of the removed fixture types, quantities, and associated fixture units shall accompany the building permit application and be subject to review and approval by the City. [PMC 14.02.040]
• Refer to City Standards, Section 400 for Sewer System Requirements. [PMC 17.42]
• Sewer main pipe and service connections shall be a minimum of 10-feet away from building foundations and/or roof lines.
• Drainage for any proposed underground parking shall be connected to the sanitary sewer system through an oil-water separator. [PMC 14.06.031 & CS 402.2]
• Side sewers shall have a cleanout at the property line, at the building, and every 100 feet between the two points. [PMC 14.08.120 & CS 401(7)]
• The construction of a trash enclosure will require the enclosure pad to be elevated to prevent stormwater run-on. If a sewer area drain is proposed for any trash enclosure, then the entire enclosure shall be covered to prevent stormwater run-on and inflow into the sewer system.
• A sanitary sewer system development charge (SDC) will be assessed based on the number of plumbing fixture units as defined in the Uniform Plumbing Code. Current SDC’s as of this writing are $6,458.19 for the first 15 plumbing fixture units and an additional charge of $432.70 for each fixture unit in excess of the base 15 plumbing fixture units. [PMC 14.10.010, 14.10.030]
• Sewer connection fees and systems development charges are due at the time of building permit issuance and do not vest until time of permit issuance. [PMC 14.10.010, 14.10.030]
• To obtain credit towards System Development Fees for any existing fixture units, the applicant shall provide the City evidence of the existing plumbing fixtures prior to demolition or removal. A written breakdown of the removed fixture types, quantities, and associated fixture units shall accompany the building permit application and be subject to review and approval by the City. [PMC 14.10.010]
• Refer to City Standards, Section 200 for Stormwater System Requirements. [PMC 17.42]
• Stormwater design shall be in accordance with PMC Chapter 21.10 and the current stormwater management manual as adopted by the City Council at the time of project application. The City is currently using the 2019 Department of Ecology (Ecology) Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington (aka “Ecology Manual”).
• The applicant shall complete the stormwater flowchart, Figure 1-3.1 and Figure 1-3.2, contained in the Ecology Manual. The completed flowchart shall be submitted with the preliminary stormwater site plan and highlight the Minimum Requirements (MR) triggered by the project thresholds.
• NOTE: Areas of disturbance within the public ROW must be included in the project area as part of the stormwater thresholds and calculations.
• Development and redevelopment projects are required to employ, wherever feasible, Low Impact Development (LID) Best Management Practices (BMPs) to meet the design criteria set forth in PMC 21.10.190, the Ecology Manual Volume I, Minimum Requirement 5; and Volume V.
• If infiltration facilities/BMPs are anticipated, the number of infiltration tests shall be based on the area contributing to the proposed facility/BMP, e.g., one test for every 5,000 sq. ft of permeable pavement, or one test for each bioretention cell.
• Preliminary feasibility/infeasibility testing for infiltration facilities/BMPs shall be in accordance with the site analysis requirements of the Ecology Manual, Volume III, Chapter 3, specifically:
- Groundwater evaluation, either instantaneous (MR1-5), or continuous monitoring (MR1-9), during the wet weather months (December 1 through April 1).
- Hydraulic conductivity testing:
i. If the development meets the threshold to require implementation of Minimum Requirement #7 (flow control); or, if the site soils are consolidated; or, if the property is encumbered by a critical area, then Small Scale Pilot Infiltration Testing (PIT) during the wet weather months (December 1 through April 1) is required.
ii. If the development does not meet the threshold to require implementation of Minimum Requirement #7; or, is not encumbered by a critical area; and is located on soils unconsolidated by glacial advance, grain size analyses may be substituted for the Small Scale PIT test at the discretion of the review engineer.
- Testing to determine the hydraulic restriction layer.
- Mounding analysis may be required in accordance with Ecology Volume V Section V-5.4.
• Upon submission of any geotechnical infiltration testing, appropriate long-term correction factors shall be noted for any areas utilizing infiltration into the underlying native soils in accordance with the Ecology Manual, Volume III, Chapter 3. Provide the long-term infiltration rate calculation in the stormwater report.
• The proposed project is part of a larger, common plan of development, and may include the use of existing stormwater facilities. The Technical Information Report (TIR) or Stormwater Site Plan (SSP), shall provide supporting documentation and engineering calculations which substantiate any affect the proposed project may have on the original design assumptions of the existing stormwater facilities. [PMC 21.10.060]
• At the time of civil permit application (if warranted), the applicant is responsible for submitting a permanent storm water management plan which meets the design requirements provided by PMC Section 21.10. [PMC 21.10.190, 21.10.060]
- When using WWHM for analysis, provide the following WWHM project files with the civil permit application:
- Binary project file (WHM file extension)
- ASCII project file (WH2 file extension)
- WDM file (WDM file extension)
- WWHM report text (Word file)
• Public right-of-way runoff shall be detained and treated independently from proposed private stormwater facilities. This shall be accomplished by enlarging the private facilities to account for bypass runoff; providing separate publicly maintained storm facilities within a tract or dedicated right-of-way; or, other methods as approved by the City Engineer. [PMC 21.10.190(3)]
• Stormwater R/D facilities shall be a minimum of 20-feet from any public right-of-way, tract, vegetative buffer, and/or property line measured from the toe of the exterior slope/embankment of the facility. The setback area shall not exceed 5% maximum cross-slope. Facilities with retaining walls, the setback area shall be measured from the facility’s emergency overflow elevation to the face of the wall. [PMC 21.10 & DOE Manual, Vol. V]
• Water quality treatment of stormwater shall be in accordance with the Ecology Manual, Volume 1, Minimum Requirement 6; and Volume 5, Runoff Treatment.
• All storm drains shall be signed as follows:
a) Publicly maintained stormwater catch basins shall be signed using glue-down markers supplied by the City and installed by the project proponent.
b) Privately maintained stormwater catch basins shall be signed with pre-cut 90ml torch down heavy-duty, intersection-grade preformed thermoplastic pavement marking material. It shall read either “Only Rain Down the Drain" or “No Dumping, Drains to Stream”. Alternatively, the glue-down markers may be purchased from the City for a nominal fee.
• All private storm drainage facilities shall be covered by a maintenance agreement provided by the City and recorded with Pierce County. The BMP descriptions and maintenance criteria shall be obtained from the "City of Puyallup Site Management Plan for Stormwater Operations and Maintenance." Under this agreement, if the owner fails to properly maintain the facilities, the City, after giving the owner notice, may perform necessary maintenance at the owner’s expense.
• A Stormwater Systems Development fee will be assessed for each new equivalent service unit (ESU) in accordance with PMC Chapter 14.26. Each ESU is equal to 2,800 square feet of ‘hard’ surface. The current SDC as of this writing is $4,085.23 per ESU.
• Stormwater Systems Development fees are due at the time of site development permit or in the case where no site development permit is required, at the time of building permit issuance for the individual lot(s); and the fees do not vest until the time of site development permit issuance, or at the time of building permit issuance in the case where a site development permit is not required.
• A Construction Stormwater General Permit shall be obtained from the Department of Ecology if any land disturbing activities such as clearing, grading, excavating and/or demolition will disturb one or more acres of land, or are part of larger common plan of development or sale that will ultimately disturb one or more acres of land.
• All proposed improvements shall be designed and constructed to current City Standards. [PMC 14.08.040, 14.08.120, 17.42]
• Civil engineering drawings (if necessary for the project) cannot be accepted until Planning Department requirements have been satisfied, including but not limited to, SEPA, Preliminary Site Plan approval, CUP, and/or Hearing Examiner conditions.
• Civil engineering plan review fee is $470.00 (plus an additional per hour rate of $130.00 in excess of 5 hours). The Civil permit shall be $300.00 and the inspection fee shall be 3% of the total cost of the project as calculated on the Engineering Division Cost Estimate form. [City of Puyallup Resolution No. 2098]
• Benchmark and monumentation to City of Puyallup datum (NAVD 88) will be required as a part of this project / plat.
• Engineering plans submitted for review and approval shall comply with City Standards Section 1.0 and Section 2.0, particularly:
- Engineering plans submitted for review and approval shall be based on 24 x 36-inch sheets.
- The scale for design plans shall be indicated directly below the north arrow and shall be only 1”=20’ or 1”=30’. The north arrow shall point up or to the right on the plans.
- Engineering plan sheets shall be numbered sequentially in this manner: Sheet 1 of 20, Sheet 2 of 20, etc. ending in Sheet 20 of 20.
• RCW 19.122 requires all owners of underground facilities to notify pipeline companies of scheduled excavations through the one-number locator service if proposed excavation is within 100 feet. Notification must occur in a window of not less than 2 business days but not more than 10 business days before beginning the excavation. If a transmission pipeline company is notified that excavation work will occur near a pipeline, a representative of the company must consult with the excavator on-site prior to excavation.
• Prior to Acceptance/Occupancy, Record Drawings shall be provided for review and approval by the City. The fee for this review is $200.00. Record Drawings shall be provided as follows:
- In accordance with City Standards Manual Section 2.3.
- Electronic version of the record drawings in the following formats:
1. AutoCAD Map 2007 or newer in State Plane South Projection
2. PDF