Review Type |
Outcome |
Est. Completion Date |
Completed |
Engineering Traffic Review
Revisions Required
See Document Markup
25ft minimum radius
See Document Markup
City standard Street lighting @150ft spacing
See Document Markup
TWLTL striping/EBL turn pocket will be assessed during TIA
See Document Markup
TWLTL striping/SBL turn pocket will be assessed during TIA
See Document Markup
Need to provide enough queue storage so vehicles are not blocking sidewalk or 4th St SW when waiting for garage door to open
See Document Markup
W Pioneer Frontage - City standards require 10ft planters + 8ft sidewalk for multifamily
See Document Markup
25ft minimum radius
See Document Markup
Garbage Truck access from W Meeker?
See Document Markup
Proposed frontage design will require an Alternative Methods Request (AMR)
See Document Markup
Sight distance analysis required during Preliminary Site Plan
See Document Markup
See Document Markup
See Document Markup
299.84 ft
-Traffic scoping worksheet will be required. The City policy requires the project trips to be estimated using the Institute of Transportation Engineers’ (ITE) Trip Generation, 11th Edition. In general, trip generation regression equations shall be used when the R2 value is 0.70 or greater. For single-family units and offices smaller than 30,000 SF, use ITE’s Trip Generation, average rate. The project trips shall be rounded to the nearest tenth. Trip credits would be allowed for any existing development.
-Once the traffic scoping worksheet is reviewed, a written response would be sent to the applicant’s traffic engineer outlining the scope of the project’s Traffic Access and Impact Study (TAIS).
-Park impact fee was established by Ordinance 3142 dated July 3, 2017 and shall be charged per new dwelling unit based on its size:
Park Impact Fee (Per residential dwelling Unit):
Less than 500 sqft $1,560.05
500 - 999 sqft $2,313.53
1,000 – 1,999 sqft $3,291.31
2,000 sqft or more $4,017.30
The city has adopted a City-Wide Traffic Impact Fee of $4,500 per PM peak hour trip and shall be paid prior to building permit issuance.
-Per Puyallup Municipal Code Section 11.08.135, the applicant/owner would be expected to construct half-street improvements including curb, gutter, planter strip, sidewalk, roadway base, pavement, and street lighting. Any existing improvements which are damaged now or during construction, or which do not meet current City Standards, shall be replaced.
-City standard commercial driveway(s) shall be required along frontage. The width of the proposed site access driveway(s) shall be 30ft.
-During preliminary site plan review a sight distance analysis may be required ensure driveway locations meet City standards.
Planning Review
Revisions Required
Engineering Review
Revisions Required
Engineered plans must follow the latest regulations and standards set forth in the Puyallup Municipal Code (PMC), the City Standards for Public Works Engineering and Construction (design standards), and the current City adopted stormwater manual at the time of civil permit application [PMC 21.10.040]. The stormwater design associated with this Development Permit will be reviewed for compliance with the 2014 amended Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington (ECY manual), which is the current adopted stormwater manual, although the City is adopting the 2019 version on July 1, 2022. The comments provided below are project-specific in nature and should not be considered an exhaustive list of the requirements from the PMC, design standards, or the ECY manual.
• Civil engineering drawings will be required for this project prior to issuance of the first building permit (The city has transitioned to electronic review. Please reach out to the city permit technicians at and they will guide you how to submit). Included within the civil design package will be a utility plan overlaid with the landscape architects landscaping design to ensure that potential conflicts between the two designs have been addressed.
• Civil Engineering plan review fee is $670.00 (plus an additional $130.00 per hour for reviews in excess of five hours). The civil permit shall be $300.00, and the inspection fee shall be 3% of the total cost of the project as calculated on the Engineering Division Cost Estimating Form. [City of Puyallup Resolution No.2098]
• Civil Engineering drawings shall conform to the following City standards and Sections 1.0 and 2.0:
o Engineering plans submitted for review and approval shall be on 24 x 36-inch sheets.
o Benchmark and monumentation to City of Puyallup datum (NAVD 88) will be required as a part of this project/plat.
o The scale for design plans shall be indicated directly below the north arrow and shall be only 1” =20’ or 1” =30’. The north arrow shall point up or to the right on the plans.
o Engineering plan sheets shall be numbered sequentially in this manner: Sheet 1 of 20, Sheet 2 of 20, etc. ending in Sheet 20 of 20.
o All applicable City Standard Notes and Standard Details shall be included on the construction plans for this project. A copy of the City Standards can be found on the City’s web site under Office of the City Engineer, Engineering Services.
Revised Frontage Code:
New Commercial/Industrial Buildings or Expansion of Existing buildings:
• Any person or entity who constructs or causes to be constructed any new commercial/industrial building or expansion of an existing commercial/industrial building either of which have a structure improvement value exceeding $200,000 in valuation shall construct curb, gutters, planter strips, street trees, sidewalks, storm drainage, street lighting, and one-half street paving (only required if the existing pavement condition is poor) in accordance with the city’s Public Works Engineering and Construction Standards and Specifications. The frontage improvements shall be required along all street frontage adjoining the property upon which such building will be placed. Frontage improvements shall also be required where any reasonable access to the property connects to the public right-of-way, although the primary access is located on another parcel. There is no cap on frontage improvements for new buildings or expansion of existing buildings.
Water Within City Service Area:
• The proposed water system shall be designed and constructed to current City standards. [PMC 14.02.120]
Water Meter Options
Option 1
o Provide XXX dual meters to provide water to each of the XXX residences. This method charges each owner individually for water consumption.
Option 2
o Provide a single water meter and split water costs among tenants.
• Any wells on the site must be decommissioned in accordance with Washington State requirements. Documentation of the decommissioning must be provided along with submittal of engineering drawings. If an existing well is to remain, the well protection zone shall be clearly delineated, and appropriate backflow protection (Reduced Pressure Backflow Assemblies) shall be installed at all points of connection to the public water system. [PMC 14.02.220(3)(b)]
• A new water main line shall be extended to the site (CoP Water Department has indicated that looping will not be required for this property) sufficient to provide the necessary flows for both the domestic system and fire system. The minimum water pipe size shall be 8-inch diameter. (Exception: A 4-inch water main may be installed if either, 1) the proposed main is a dead-end line with no possibility of being expanded in the future, or 2) that portion of the proposed main beyond the last fire hydrant for the project.) [PMC 14.02.190, 14.20.010 & CS 301.1(1)]
• The applicant shall provide and install the water meters required to service the site. [PMC 14.02.120(f) & CS 301.3]
• The water main shall be located generally 10 or 12-feet west or south of roadway centerlines per city standard drawings. Any portion of the mainline extension located outside City right-of-way must be centered in a minimum 40-foot-wide easement granted to the City for maintenance purposes. [PMC 14.02.120(f) & CS 301.1(11)]
• The applicant shall be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the proposed water main located on private property.
• Any existing services that are to be abandoned at this site shall be disconnected at the main, the corp. stop removed, and the service plugged to city standards. [PMC 14.02.120(f)]
• The minimum distance between water lines and sewer lines shall be 10-feet horizontally and 18-inches vertically. If this criterion cannot be met, the design shall isolate the sewer and water lines by encasement, shielding or other approved methods.
• Fire flow requirements will likely trigger the upsizing of the 1923 4-inch cast-iron water main in W. Meeker to an 8-inch DI pipe. If this pipe is not upgraded the fire suppression system would need to connect to the 10-inch cast iron in W. Pioneer.
• According to the Downtown Puyallup Planned Action Mitigation Document the water main in W. Pioneer is slated for replacement by the City in 2036 (Water Main Replacement Project Number D-20). It is currently a 10-inch cast iron pipe and a 12-inch DI pipe is specified. Projects connecting to this section of pipe could be responsible for part or all of the cost and installation for the replacement of the line within the specified project borders and possibly off-site.
• The proposed sewer system shall be designed and constructed to current City standards. [PMC 14.08.070]
• The City would prefer that the connection into the existing public system occur within W. Pioneer Ave. This pipe and the other possible candidate on W. Meeker Ave are both vitrified-clay pipes that are approximately 75 years old. Upgrades to these pipes would likely be necessary. [PMC 14.08.070, PMC17.42 & CS 401(14)]
• If any buildings on site are connected to septic tanks, the applicant shall abandon the existing septic systems per Pierce County Health Department regulations. A Septic/Pump Tank Decommissioning Certification form must be completed and submitted to the Source Protection Program Department at (253) 798-6470. Verification of certification must be provided PRIOR to final city approvals. [PMC 14.08.070]
• 6-inch minimum sewer is required for a commercial building site to the public main. A structure is needed to be placed at the property line to distinguish ownership/maintenance responsibility. 6-inch lines can use a cleanout. 8-inch lines require a manhole.
• Side sewers shall have a cleanout at the property line, at the building, and every 100 feet between the two points. [PMC 14.08.120 & CS 401(6)]
• The construction of an area drain for the trash enclosure, if proposed, will require the enclosure to be covered to prevent stormwater infiltration into the sewer system.
• Drainage for the underground parking shall be connected to the sanitary sewer system through an oil-water separator. [PMC 14.06.031 & CS 402.2]
• All private oil-water facilities shall be maintained in accordance with PMC 14.06.031. Under this Title, records and certification of maintenance shall be made readily available to the City for review and inspection and must be maintained for a minimum of three years. If the owner fails to properly maintain the facility, the City, after giving the owner notice, may perform necessary maintenance at the owner’s expense. [PMC 14.06.031 & CS 402.2]
• Design shall occur pursuant to the 2012 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington as amended in December 2014 (The 2014 SWMMWW) and current City Standards. The City plans to transition to the 2019 Storm Water Manual for Western Washington on July 21st, 2022. [PMC 21.10.040]
• Preliminary feasibility/infeasibility testing for infiltration facilities shall be in accordance with the site analysis requirements of the Ecology Manual, Volume I, Chapter 3, specifically:
- Groundwater evaluation, either instantaneous (MR1-5) or continuous monitoring well (MR1-9) during the wet weather months (December 21 through April 1).
- Hydraulic conductivity testing:
o If the development triggers Minimum Requirement #7 (flow control), if the site soils are consolidated, or is encumbered by a critical area a Small-Scale Pilot Infiltration Tests (PIT) during the wet weather months (December 21 through April 1) is required.
o If the development does not trigger Minimum Requirement #7, is not encumbered by a critical area, and is located on soils unconsolidated by glacial advance, grain size analyses may be substituted for the Small Scale PIT test at the discretion of the review engineer.
- Testing to determine the hydraulic restriction layer.
- Mounding analysis may be required in accordance with Ecology Volume III Section 3.3.8.
• If infiltration facilities/BMPs are feasible, the number of tests shall be based on the area contributing to the proposed facility/BMP, e.g., one test for every 5,000 square feet of permeable pavement or one test for each bio-retention cell.
• Erosion control measures for this site will be critical. A comprehensive erosion control plan will be required as part of the civil permit application.
• In the pre-application request document provided by the client’s designer there is reference to the Downtown Puyallup Planned Action Mitigation Document and specifically to the Stormwater section regarding direct connections from new development in the core downtown area. In order for this to be viable, the projects referenced in the plan would need to have been built, and as of this meeting are still in very preliminary stages In other words, the project will have to conform with the current standard stormwater requirements.
• The applicant is responsible for submitting a preliminary stormwater management site plan (2 sets) which meets the design requirements provided by PMC 21.10 and Ecology Manual Volume I, Section 2.5.1. The preliminary stormwater site plan (PSSP) shall be submitted prior to Preliminary Site Plan approval to ensure that adequate stormwater facilities are anticipated prior to development of the individual lot(s). The preliminary stormwater site plan shall reasonably estimate the quantity of roof and driveway stormwater runoff and the application of On-site Stormwater Management BMPs for the proposed development.
• The applicant shall include a completed stormwater flowchart, Figure 3.1, contained in Ecology’s Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit, Appendix I with the stormwater site plan. The link below may be used to obtain the flowchart:
• Public right-of-way runoff shall be detained and treated independently from proposed private stormwater facilities. This shall be accomplished by providing separate publicly maintained storm facilities within a tract or dedicated right-of-way; enlarging the private facilities to account for bypass runoff; or other methods as approved by the City Engineer. [PMC 21.10.190(3)]
Stormwater Retention/Detention (R/D) Facilities:
• Overflow facilities shall be provided for any proposed R/D facilities in accordance with City standards. This may include a downstream analysis of up to a quarter mile.
• Stormwater R/D facilities shall be a minimum of 20-feet from any public right-of-way, tract, vegetative buffer, and/or property line measured from the toe of the exterior slope/embankment of the facility. [PMC 21.10 & DOE Manual, Vol. V, Pg. 10-9]
The following items shall be included at the time of Civil permit submittal:
o A permanent storm water management plan which meets the design requirements provided by PMC Section 21.10. The plan and accompanying information shall provide sufficient information to evaluate the environmental characteristics of the affected areas, the potential impacts of the proposed development on surface water resources, and the effectiveness and acceptability of measures proposed for managing storm water runoff. The findings, existing and proposed impervious area, facility sizing, and overflow control shall be summarized in a written report. [PMC 21.10.190, 21.10.060]
o A written technical report that clearly delineates any offsite basins tributary to the project site and includes the following information: [PMC 21.10.060]
o the quantity of the offsite runoff;
o the location(s) where the offsite runoff enters the project site;
o how the offsite runoff will be routed through the project site.
o the location of proposed retention/detention facilities
o and, the location of proposed treatment facilities
o All pipe reaches shall be summarized in a Conveyance Table containing the following minimum information and included in the report:
Pipe Reach Name Design Flow (cfs)
Structure Tributary Area Pipe-Full Flow (cfs)
Pipe Diameter (in) Water Depth at Design Flow (in)
Pipe Length (ft) Critical Depth (in)
Pipe Slope (%) Velocity at Design Flow (fps)
Manning’s Coefficient (n) Velocity at Pipe-Full Flow (fps)
HGL for each Pipe Reach Percent full at Design Flow (%)
o In the event that during civil design, there is insufficient room for proposed stormwater facilities in the area(s) shown, the stormwater area(s) shall be increased as necessary so the final design will be in compliance with current City Standards. This may result in the number of lots being reduced, or a reduction in other site amenities. [PMC 21.10.060(4), 21.10.150]
• All private storm drainage facilities shall be covered by a Stormwater Management & BMP Facilities Agreement provided by the City and recorded with Pierce County. Under this agreement if the owner fails to properly maintain the facilities, the City, after giving the owner proper notice, may perform necessary maintenance at the owner’s expense.
• Water and sewer connection fees and system development charges are due at the time of building permit issuance and do not vest until time of permit issuance. Fees are increased annually on February 1st.
• Stormwater system development fees are due at the time of civil permit issuance for commercial projects and at the time of building permit issuance for single family or duplex developments and do not vest until time of permit issuance. Fees are increased annually on February 1st.
• To obtain credit towards water and sewer System Development Fees for existing facilities, the applicant shall provide the City evidence of the existing plumbing fixtures prior to demolition or removal. A written breakdown of the removed fixture types, quantities, and associated fixture units shall accompany the building permit application and be subject to review and approval by the City. [PMC 14.02.040, 14.10.030]
• For existing Stormwater facilities the City will assess the amount of existing Equivalent Service Units (1 ESU = 2800 square feet of ‘hard’ surface) already ‘connected’ and credit that number against the proposed increase in hard surface. [PMC 14.26.070]
New Development
• For each building, a water system development charge (SDC) will be assessed based on the number of “residential” units in the facility. Current SDC’s as of this writing are $4,260.00 for the first residential unit and $3,195.00 for each additional unit per building. [PMC 14.02.040, 14.10.030]
• A water system development charge (SDC) will be assessed based on the number of plumbing fixture units as defined in the Uniform Plumbing Code. Current SDC’s as of this writing are $4,260.00 for the first 15 fixture units and an additional charge of $285.42 for each fixture unit in excess of the base 15 plumbing fixture units. [PMC 14.02.040]
• For each building, a sanitary sewer system development charge (SDC) will be assessed based on the number of “residential” units in the facility. Current SDC’s as of this writing are $5,890.00 for the first residential unit and $4,417.50 for each additional unit. [PMC 14.10.010, 14.10.030]
• A sanitary sewer system development charge (SDC) will be assessed based on the number of plumbing fixture units as defined in the Uniform Plumbing Code. Current SDC’s as of this writing are $5,890.00 for the first 15 plumbing fixture units and an additional charge of $394.63 for each fixture unit in excess of the base 15 plumbing fixture units. [PMC 14.10.010, 14.10.030]
• A Stormwater Systems Development fee will be assessed for each new equivalent service unit (ESU) in accordance with PMC Chapter 14.26. Each ESU is equal to 2,800 square feet of ‘hard’ surface. The current SDC as of this writing is $3,560.00 per ESU.
Fire Review
Revisions Required
1. Provide Riser Room, FDC, PIV, and Fire Hydrant locations on plan.
2. Depending on location and design, the FDC, and PIV may be approved on building. The first floor would be required to be non-combustible. No openings would be allowed by either except for Riser Room door. This area needs to be designed so it cannot be blocked by street parking.
3. A dedicated Fire Hydrant is required for the FDC and needs to be within 10-15’ of FDC.
4. A two-hour rated room is required if A Fire Sprinkler Pump is required. IBC section 913.2.1(WA ST amendment) in complete details.
5. Frontage improvements may require Fire Hydrants.
6. Rolling door will be required to have electronic override in a KNOX box.
7. There are spaces you can’t back out of causing you to back out of parking garage next to lobby/mailboxes.
8. Fire Alarm system required per NFPA 72 to include “Total Coverage” and U.L. Certification.
9. Fire sprinkler required.
10. Street vendors with flammable or combustible materials under awnings will need to comply with 2018 IBC, IFC, and NFPA requirements. Fire Sprinklers will be required under awnings for approval of future vendors.
11. On street parking for moving in is an issue. A Loading zone is needed for Emergency services, move ins, and delivery’s
12. No Parking signs with painted curb plan needs to be shown on Civil Plans.
13. Occupancy Prior to Building Final:
I. Applicant will need to provide clear details on all Fire/Building and Life Safety items to achieve partial/staggered occupancy.
II. At minimum Fire Sprinkler 100% approved and Finaled. This will require all drywall and paint completed for trim out of Fire Sprinkler Heads on all floors.
III. Fire Alarm System designed to Total Coverage NFPA 72 and completed 100% one floor above desired TCO level.
IV. Fire Alarm and Fire Sprinkler will not be allowed out of commission with occupants in the building.
V. The Fire Sprinkler System shall not be drained down during occupancy. 24hr-7 day a week monitoring required for Fire Alarm and Fire Sprinkler.
VI. Consider multiple stairwell standpipes, and floor controls in the design.
Building Review
Revisions Required
• Building plans will need to be complete with all building, mechanical, plumbing, energy code items and accessibility requirements that may apply on the plans. Plans will need to be per the applicable 2018 codes adopted February 1, 2021 for all permits.
• Provide complete calculations and code reference to support construction of type VN for 117,267sq ft. five story structure.
• The truss specs will also be required with the truss engineers’ stamps and a layout that matches the submitted plans at the time of submittal.
• The R-2 apartments are required to have the infrastructure in place for charging stations per IBC section 429 Washington State amendments and will need to be shown on the plans.
• Apartments are required to have Type A & B units for accessibility, and this will need to be clearly depicted on the plans.
• All electrical is permitted by the Washington State Department of L & I.
• Accessible parking and access to the public way would be required as well as the accessibility requirements for inside the parking garage.
• For all accessible requirements the City of Puyallup adopted the 2018 IBC / WAC 51-50 and the ICC A117.1-2009 standard not the ADA.
• Please reach out to me if I can answer any other questions in relationship to Building code items for this project. No other Building items at this time.
External Agency Review