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Engineering Traffic Review
Revisions Required
The City has adopted a City-Wide Traffic Impact Fee of $4,230 per single family home and shall be paid prior to building permit issuance.
Park impact fee was established by Ordinance 3142 dated July 3, 2017 and shall be charged per new dwelling unit based on its size:
Park Impact Fee (Per residential dwelling Unit):
Less than 500 sqft $1,560.05
500 - 999 sqft $2,313.53
1,000 – 1,999 sqft $3,291.31
2,000 sqft or more $4,017.30
Per Puyallup Municipal Code Section 11.08.135, the applicant/owner would be expected to construct half-street improvements including curb, gutter, planter strip, sidewalk, roadway base, pavement, and street lighting. The extent of paving would be determined based on current condition. Any existing improvements which are damaged now or during construction, or which do not meet current City Standards, shall be replaced.
Based on the current proposal (two lot short plat), the City Engineer would allow a reduced scope of improvements along your ~400ft of frontage. Improvements would include the installation of (2) City standard streetlights along your frontage (roadway widening, curb/gutter, sidewalk, planter strips, etc. would not be required). Alternatively, the City Engineer would allow a fee-in-leu payment of $229.80 per linear foot along your ~400ft frontage. Please note, fee-in-leu payment would not vest for future land subdivision or improvements beyond the current proposal (two lot short plat).
-City estimates approximately 9ft of ROW dedication will be required to construct future improvements along this corridor.
Fruitland along the site is designated as a Minor Arterial. City standards (Section 101.10.1) requires minimum driveway spacing of 300 feet
-Per City standards, driveways must be aligned with intersections/driveways across the street.
-Depending on the location site access, and alternative methods request may be necessary based on driveway spacing.
-Access restrictions may be necessary if City Standards are not met.
During preliminary site plan review a sight distance analysis may be necessary to ensure driveway location will meet City standards.
Planning Review
Revisions Required
Engineering Review
Revisions Required
Note specific for short plats
• The project will be required to show feasibility of frontage improvements
• The individual lot designations shall be identified by numerals, starting with numeral one. [PMC 19.02.100]
• Indicate a 10-foot private utility easement adjacent to the right-of-way line of the proposed lots. [PMC 17.42]
• The following notes shall be added to the face of the short plat document:
- “No Building Permits will be issued for Lot 1 through Lot 2 until City approved frontage improvements are completed to include curb, gutter, sidewalk, roadway base, pavement, water, sanitary sewer, storm infrastructure and street lighting.”
- “A preliminary Storm Drainage Plan is on file for this short plat. No Building Permits will be issued for any lots in this short plat until all necessary drainage improvements are approved and permitted by Development Services Engineering. Compliance may require the property owner/builder to retain a Professional Engineer to design the stormwater controls for the individual lots.”
- “NOTICE: This short plat contains a private storm drainage system. Private storm drainage systems are the sole responsibility of the owners, successors, and assignees for all lots being served by the private storm drainage system. Responsibility includes, but is not limited to, constructing, maintaining, and allowing City inspection of the private storm system in accordance with a separately recorded stormwater management facilities agreement recorded with Pierce County. Ref. AFN _______________”
- “Erosion and stormwater control plans shall be required for any new residential development prior to building permit issuance on Lot 1 through Lot 2.”
- “No permanent structures(s) shall be erected within the easement area(s). Permanent structure(s) shall mean any concrete foundation, concrete slab, wall, rockery, pond, stream, building, deck, overhanging structure, fill material, tree, recreational sport court, carport, shed, private utility, fence, or other site improvement that restricts or unreasonably interferes with the need to access or construct utilities in said easements(s). Permanent structure(s) shall not mean improvements such as flowers, ground cover and shrubs less than 3-feet in height, lawn grass, asphalt paving, gravel, or other similar site improvements that do not prevent the access of men, material, and machinery across, along, and within the said easement area. Land restoration by the City within the said easement area due to construction, shall mean planting grass seed or grass sod, asphalt paving, or gravel unless otherwise determined by the City of Puyallup.”
- ‘Prior to building permit issuance for each lot within this Short plat, individual lot Stormwater reports will need to be submitted to verify the calculations in the stormwater report submitted during Short Plat review. The stormwater reports submitted during building permit review are required to contain saturated hydraulic conductivity testing and ground water monitoring during the wet season in accordance with the currently adopted stormwater manual and City Standards.’
- The face of the short plat shall clearly indicate the location of the existing water service and side sewer service to the existing residence. [PMC 19.02.100(l)]
- Water to this site is to be provided by Fruitland Mutual Water Company. The applicant shall provide a water availability letter prior to plat approval. [RCW 19.27.097 & PMC 14.02.130]
Water Outside City Service Area:
• Water to this site is to be provided by Fruitland Mutual Water Company. The applicant shall contact Fruitland Mutual Water to determine their water availability and standards for development. Applicant is responsible for verifying the required level of backflow protection with the water authority. Water connection fees and systems development charges shall be in accordance with Fruitland Mutual Water Company. The applicant shall provide a water availability letter prior to building permit issuance for the site. [RCW 19.27.097 & PMC 14.02.130]
• Fire hydrants and other appurtenances such as Double Detector Check Valve Assembly (DDCVA) and Post Indicator Valve (PIV) shall be placed as directed by the Puyallup Fire Code Official.
• The property is currently over 300’ from the city’s sanitary sewer system. While the site is located within the city’s sanitary sewer service area, septic use is an acceptable option for a short plat/single-family residence under current city regulations. Permit/design approval must be obtained from the Tacoma Pierce County Health Department and their signature will be reflected on the short plat document verifying acceptable design.
• Design shall occur pursuant to the 2019 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington (The 2019 SWMMWW).
• Preliminary feasibility/infeasibility testing for infiltration facilities shall be in accordance with the site analysis requirements of the Ecology Manual, Volume I, Chapter 3, specifically:
- Groundwater evaluation, either instantaneous (MR1-5) or continuous monitoring well (MR1-9) during the wet weather months (December 21 through April 1).
- Hydraulic conductivity testing:
o If the development triggers Minimum Requirement #7 (flow control), if the site soils are consolidated, or is encumbered by a critical area a Small Scale Pilot Infiltration Tests (PIT) during the wet weather months (December 21 through April 1) is required.
o If the development does not trigger Minimum Requirement #7, is not encumbered by a critical area, and is located on soils unconsolidated by glacial advance, grain size analyses may be substituted for the Small Scale PIT test at the discretion of the review engineer.
- Testing to determine the hydraulic restriction layer.
- Mounding analysis may be required in accordance with Ecology Volume III Section 3.3.8.
• There is a man-made swale on the west side of Fruitland Ave E for south-north stormwater conveyance.
• A survey prepared by a registered surveyor, showing the following is necessary for projects exceeding 2,000SF or more of new plus replace hard surfaces as defined by the 2019 Ecology Manual:
o Existing public and private development, including utility infrastructure on and adjacent to the site if publicly available
o Major hydrologic features with a streams, wetland, and water body survey and classification report showing wetland and buffer boundaries consistent with the requirements of the jurisdiction
o Minor hydrologic features, including seeps, springs, closed depression areas, drainage swales.
• Contours requirements for the survey are as follows:
o Up to 10 percent slopes, two-foot contours.
o Over 10 percent to less than 20 percent slopes, five-foot contours.
o Twenty percent or greater slopes, 10-foot contours.
o Elevations shall be at 25-foot intervals.
• The applicant shall include a completed stormwater flowchart, Figure 3.1, contained in Ecology’s Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit, Appendix I with the stormwater site plan. The link below may be used to obtain the flowchart:
• Public right-of-way runoff shall be detained and treated independently from proposed private stormwater facilities. This shall be accomplished by providing separate publicly maintained storm facilities within a tract or dedicated right-of-way; enlarging the private facilities to account for bypass runoff; or other methods as approved by the City Engineer. [PMC 21.10.190(3)]
• In the event that during civil design, there is insufficient room for proposed stormwater facilities in the area(s) shown on the short plat, the stormwater area(s) shall be increased as necessary so the final design will be in compliance with current City Standards. This may result in the number of lots being reduced, or a reduction in other site amenities. [PMC 21.10.060(4), 21.10.150]
• A Construction Stormwater General Permit shall be obtained from the Department of Ecology if any land disturbing activities such as clearing, grading, excavating and/or demolition will disturb one or more acres of land, or are part of larger common plan of development or sale that will ultimately disturb one or more acres of land. The link below may be used to obtain information to apply for this permit:
Stormwater R/D Facilities:
• Any above-ground stormwater facility shall be screened in accordance with planning requirements.
• Stormwater R/D facilities shall be a minimum of 20-feet from any public right-of-way, tract, vegetative buffer, and/or property line measured from the toe of the exterior slope/embankment of the facility. [PMC 21.10 & DOE Manual, Vol. V, Pg 10-39 and Pg 10-9]
• A minimum of 5-feet clearance shall be provided from the toe of the exterior slope/embankment to any tract, property line, fence, or any required vegetative buffer. [PMC 21.10 & CS 206]
Specific Frontage improvements: see Traffic's notes
Short and Major Plats:
• Any subdivision of land as part of a short plat or formal platting process shall require curb, gutters, planter strips, street trees, sidewalks, storm drainage, street lighting, and one-half street paving (only required if the existing pavement condition is poor) in accordance with the city’s Public Works Engineering and Construction Standards and Specifications. The frontage improvements shall be required along all street frontage adjoining the properties created by the land division process. Frontage improvements shall also be required where any reasonable access to the property connects to the public right-of-way, although the primary access is located on another parcel.
• Water and sewer connection fees and systems development charges are due at the time of building permit issuance and do not vest until time of permit issuance. Fees are increased annually on February 1st. To obtain credit towards water and sewer System Development Fees for existing facilities, the applicant shall provide the City evidence of the existing plumbing fixtures prior to demolition or removal. A written breakdown of the removed fixture types, quantities, and associated fixture units shall accompany the building permit application and be subject to review and approval by the City. [PMC 14.02.040, 14.10.030, PMC 14.02.040]
• Stormwater system development fees are due at the time of civil permit issuance for commercial projects and at the time of building permit issuance for single family or duplex developments and do not vest until time of permit issuance. Fees are increased annually on February 1st. The City will assess the amount of existing credits applied to the project based on how many credits the property is currently being billed for. [PMC 14.26.070]
• A water system development charge (SDC) will be assessed for each new single-family residence and is due at the time of building permit issuance for the individual lot(s). The current amount of the SDC as of this writing is $5,218.00. [PMC 14.02.040, 14.10.030]
• A sanitary sewer system development charge (SDC) will be assessed for each new single-family residence and is due at the time of building permit issuance for the individual lot(s). The current amount of the SDC as of this writing is $6,344.00 [PMC 14.10.010, 14.10.030]
• A Stormwater Systems Development Charge (SDC) will be assessed for each new single-family residence. The current SDC as of this writing is $4,013.00 per unit.
Fire Review
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Building Review
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External Agency Review
Revisions Required