Planning Application Status


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Red Dot Office Tenant Improvement Project
SEPA Standalone
SEPA Standalone
File Closed
Tenant improvements proposed to existing warehouse for the change of use from warehouse to manufacturing. Project also includes site work modifications to replace existing trailer parking areas with auto parking and additional landscaping.



Review Type Outcome Est. Completion Date Completed
Building Review No Comments 10/02/2022 09/07/2022
Fire Review No Comments 10/02/2022 09/07/2022
Planning Review No Comments 10/02/2022 09/07/2022
Engineering Traffic Review No Comments 10/02/2022 09/07/2022
Engineering Review No Comments 10/02/2022 09/06/2022
Building Review Revisions Required 07/25/2022 07/28/2022
Engineering Traffic Review Revisions Required 07/25/2022 07/27/2022
Fire Review Revisions Required 07/25/2022 07/27/2022
Engineering Review No Comments 07/25/2022 07/22/2022
Planning Review Revisions Required 07/25/2022 07/22/2022


Paid Fees Amount Paid Owing Date Paid
SEPA Site Plan Fee $570.00 $570.00 Paid 06/02/2022
Traffic Impact Analysis (With SEPA Checklist) Fee $160.00 $160.00 Paid 07/11/2022
Outstanding Fees Amount Paid Owing Date Paid
No outstanding fees.

Application(s) will not be processed until outstanding fees have been paid in full.



There are no hearings for this planning application.


Condition Status Department Category Expiration Date Due Date
Sign Posted On Site Resolved Planning Division
: Sign Posted On Site must be provided.
Signed Affidavit Resolved Planning Division
: Signed Affidavit must be provided.
Miscellaneous Condition Resolved Planning Division Standard Conditions
: Electrical Disturbance – Heat and Cold – Glare. No use except a temporary construction operation shall be permitted which creates changes in temperature or direct glare, detectable by the human senses without the aid of instruments, beyond the lot line. No use shall be permitted which creates electrical disturbances that affect the operation of any equipment beyond the lot line. (PMC 20.35.035(7))
Miscellaneous Condition Resolved Planning Division Standard Conditions
: Odor. No use shall be permitted which creates annoying odor in such quantities as to be perceptible, without instruments, at the boundaries of the lot in which the use is located. (PMC 20.35.035(8))
Miscellaneous Condition Resolved Planning Division Standard Conditions
: Radioactivity. The use of radioactive materials shall be limited to measuring, gauging and calibration devices. (PMC 20.35.035(9))
Miscellaneous Condition Resolved Planning Division Standard Conditions
: Vibration. No use except a temporary construction operation shall be permitted which generates inherent and recurrent ground vibration perceptible, without instruments, at the boundary of the lot in which the use is located. (PMC 20.35.035(10))
Miscellaneous Condition Resolved Planning Division Standard Conditions
: Solid Waste Processing, Storage and Disposal. Processing, storage and disposal of solid waste shall be subject to all applicable provisions of this chapter, and shall comply with all local, state and federal requirements. All solid waste materials shall be disposed of at an official landfill waste disposal site or recycling center. No such material shall be disposed of on the premises. (PMC 20.35.035(12))
Miscellaneous Condition Resolved Planning Division Standard Conditions
: Liquid Waste Processing, Storage and Disposal. No liquid waste materials except pure water may be permanently disposed of on site; however, where such materials are temporarily stored on the property, they shall be contained in a manner so as to prevent their entry into the surface water drainage system and/or any groundwater aquifer. (PMC 20.35.035(13))
Miscellaneous Condition Resolved Planning Division Standard Conditions
: Building-mounted lighting and aerial-mounted floodlighting shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the bottom edge of the shield shall be below the light source. Ground-mounted floodlighting or light projection above the horizontal plane is prohibited between midnight and sunrise. All lighting shall be shielded so that the direct illumination shall be confined to the property boundaries of the light source. (PMC 20.35.035(4))
Miscellaneous SEPA Condition Resolved Building Division SEPA Condition
: 1) IFC 507.5.5Clear space around hydrants. 2)A 3-foot (914 mm) clear space shall be maintained around the circumference of fire hydrants, except as otherwise required or approved. 3)Separate Permits are required for Fire Alarm and Automatic Fire Sprinklers. Fire alarm systems designed per TOTAL coverage provision of the NFPA standard and 3rd Party Certification is required (UL or other). 4) This is a limited scope review, limited to the work areas designated on the submitted plans. Separate permits are required for rack storage systems, equipment, and specialized ventilation systems.

Related Permit & Planning Applications

Reference Number Status Type
P-19-0111 Expired Preliminary Site Plan

Documents & Images

Date Uploaded File Type Name
06/02/2022 Receipt Receipt for transaction:2022-001016
06/10/2022 Letter Complete Application Letter
06/16/2022 Email PLSSP20220087 NOA | Puyallup Corporate Center
06/30/2022 Report 20705-R-TIA-TENW-2022-04-18_CITY TIA COMMENTS
06/30/2022 Report 20705-R-TIA-TENW-2022-04-18_TENW COMMENT RESPONSES
06/30/2022 Affidavit of Notice PLSSP20220087
07/11/2022 Receipt Receipt for transaction:2022-001318
07/28/2022 Plans 20705-D-ARCH-Nelson-2022-05-17 (Flattened)
07/28/2022 Other 20705-D-CIVL-BCE-2022-05-27 (Flattened)
07/28/2022 Other 20705-D-LAND-Nelson-2022-05-09 (Flattened)
07/28/2022 Form 20705-F-APPL-SEPA Checklist-Puyallup-2022-06-01 (Flattened)
07/28/2022 Report 20705-R-TIA-TENW-2022-04-18 (Flattened)
07/28/2022 Other 20705-R-Traffic Scoping Worksheet-TENW-2022-05-26 (Flattened)
07/28/2022 Other 20705-S-SEPA-Site Plan-Puyallup-2022-06-01 (Flattened)
07/28/2022 Letter DRT Letter
09/07/2022 Letter Final DRT Letter
09/07/2022 Red Dot_SEPA Addendum 9.7.22

Should you need assistance, please contact the Permit Center at (253) 864-4165 option 1.