Review Type
Est. Completion Date
Building Review
No Comments
Reviewer Comments:
Planning Review
No Comments
Correction 1:
See Document Markup
If a berm is proposed as it seems to be shown on the storm site plan, please also include the contour index lines and label the berm on the landscape plan as well. [landscape plan, L1]
Correction 2:
See Document Markup
The existing 6' chanlink fences will need to be replaced or upgraded to be sight-obscuring fencing per PMC 20.35.035 (3). Fences may not exceed 8' in height. [landscape plan, L1]
Correction 3:
See Document Markup
Per PMC 20.35.035, sight-obscuring fencing is required around all portions of a lot utilized for outdoor storage. A fence is required along the southern property line (along Inter Ave.) to screen the outdoor storage. The maximum fence size is 8'. Any fence greater than 6' in height will require a building permit. The fence will be required to meet the 20' front yard setback. See PMC 20.35.035 (3) for full performance standards. [landscape plan, L1]
Correction 4:
See Document Markup
Landscaping along the front property line is required to be Type II landscaping. Type III landscaping is only used for interior side yards. [landscape plan, L1]
Correction 5:
See Document Markup
Is this a berm? If so, please label and include the proposed contour index lines. [storm site plan, C5]
Correction 6:
No trash and recycling receptacles are shown on plans. Please note that any proposed trash and recycling receptacles shall be screened from adjacent properties and public rights-of-way by an opaque visual barrier no lower than the highest point of the receptacles. (PMC 20.35.035 (6)). [planning site plan, pg.1 ]
Correction 7:
Per PMC 20.35.035 (4) Outdoor Lighting. Building-mounted lighting and aerial-mounted floodlighting shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the bottom edge of the shield shall be below the light source. Ground-mounted floodlighting or light projection above the horizontal plane is prohibited between midnight and sunrise. All lighting shall be shielded so that the direct illumination shall be confined to the property boundaries of the light source. [planning site plan, pg.1 ]
Correction 8:
Please provide elevations of the proposed storage building. Staff need to review that the proposed structure is meeting the maximum building height for the ML zone (PMC 20.35.020 (11)).
Correction 9:
Landscaping islands apply to all striped parking and storage areas, including heavy truck trailer parking. For large, paved areas which trigger parking lot landscaping under PMC 20.58.005, but may not contain vehicle striping for vehicle parking, staff will use reasonable discretion and flexibility in site designing to allow larger consolidated/ grouped islands to spread out evenly through the paved areas, ensuring landscaping meets the intent of the type IV design standards and meets the minimum landscape requirements in PMC 20.58.005.
Though parking lot landscape islands are not proposed due to the truck parking area not being striped, there is a requirement that all paved areas over 10,000SF shall have at least 5% of all paved surfaces to be landscaped. Perimeter landscaping shall not be calculated as part of the require amount of internal parking lot landscaping. You can propose consolidating parking lot landscaping areas to meet this 5% landscaped area requirement.
- Please include the calculation showing that 5% of all paved surfaces are landscaped (this cannot include perimeter landscaping).
Per PMC 20.58.005 (1) All paved areas of over 10,000 square feet shall have at least five percent of all paved areas landscaped to provide shade to reduce the heat island effect related to paved surfaces, reduce storm water runoff, improve air quality, provide visual breaks to large paved areas and improve general appearance. Perimeter landscaping shall not be calculated as part of the required amount of internal parking lot landscaping. Internal parking lot landscaping design and spacing shall conform to the “Type IV” landscaping standards contained in the city’s vegetation management standards (VMS) manual. In order to further mitigate the impacts of more substantial expanses of paved areas on development sites, the following shall apply: (a) In the event that a project provides 20 percent more than the required minimum number of parking stalls (per PMC 20.55.010) for a specific use or group of uses on a development complex site, or in the event that the total sum of paved areas on a site exceeds 100,000 square feet, at least 10 percent of all paved areas shall be landscaped in accordance with this section and the vegetation management standards (VMS) manual.
[landscape plan, L1]
Correction 10:
Is there any proposed office space in the prop building or employee work area? If so, please define and include the square footage of either use.
PMC 20.55.010 (16) Manufacturing and industrial uses: one space for each 500 square feet of employee work area, plus open space for each 1,000 square feet of floor area devoted exclusively to storage and/or housing of accessory mechanical equipment
PMC 20.55.010 (20) Professional offices: one space for each 200 square feet of gross floor area for medical, clinical and dental offices or one space for each 300 square feet of gross floor area for other professional and business offices;
[landscape plan, L1]
Correction 11:
SEPA Comments - Department of Ecology
The Department of Ecology provided a comment e-mail. The full comment letter is viewable through the CityView Portal. Please review and address each comment in this letter and note that an additional formal jurisdictional determination from Ecology and the Army Corp of Engineers is required to determine if this feature is a water of the state per Zachary Meyer’s DOE comment within the letter.
Correction 12:
SEPA Comments - Nisqually Indian Tribe
The Nisqually Indian Tribe provided a comment letter. The full comment letter is viewable through the CityView Portal. Please review and address this comment letter from the Nisqually Indian Tribe.
Correction 13:
12' Type II perimeter landscaping is required along the front property line along Inter Ave. In addition to this 12' perimeter landscaping requirement, we are requiring street trees be planted back of walk to address the requirement for street trees for frontage improvements. The plans appear to propose this, but please clarify that there is 12' for perimeter landscaping and additional area that is used for back of walk street tree planting. [landscape plans, L1].
Reviewer Comments:
Engineering Traffic Review
No Comments
Correction 1:
See Document Markup
Existing truck storage on this site was never approved or mitigated for. Credit not valid [Traffic Scoping]
Correction 2:
See Document Markup
Previous scoping worksheet had assumed general office use for the proposed building. What changed? Why is the 5k sqft building not accounted for in scoping worksheet? Provide specific details on how this building will be used. [Traffic Scoping]
Correction 3:
See Document Markup
Provide details on how site will operate. Will this be longterm storage of trucks? How long will they be on-site? [Traffic Scoping]
Correction 4:
See Document Markup
Show preliminary locations of City standard streetlights. Streetlights must be placed outside ADA wheelchair ramp area. [PSP pg1]
Correction 5:
See Document Markup
Show preliminary frontage design with 8ft sidewalks with street trees behind sidewalk. [PSP pg1]
Correction 6:
See Document Markup
Based on existing pavement conditions of Levee Rd, half-street paving will be required.
[PSP pg1]
Reviewer Comments:
Engineering Review
No Comments
Correction 1:
Revise the reference to the 2021 Pierce County Stormwater manual to the current City adopted 2019 Ecology Manual. [Drainage report, pg 7]
Correction 2:
Include the following flow charts within the preliminary drainage report: Figure I-3.2: Flow Chart for Determining Requirements for Redevelopment and Figure III-1.1: Runoff Treatment BMP Selection Flow Chart and Figure I-3.5 Flow char for determining wetland protection level requirements.
Correction 3:
Remove Minimum Requirement #10 as there are only 10 requirements in the 2019 Ecology Manual. [Drainage report, pg 11]
Correction 4:
The roof area is considered a non-pollution generating hard surface and may bypass the water quality filter. [Drainage plans, pg 10]
Correction 5:
Add the acreage of impervious/pervious areas in table 1. [drainage report, pg 7]
Correction 6:
The pervious areas in the WWHM calc on page 26 does not match the table 1 Impervious/Pervious Areas. Revise accordingly. [drainage report, pg 26]
Correction 7:
The proposed asphalt parking area is proposed at 1.23 acres in table 1 whereas, the WWHM parking lot area is defined as 1.45 acres. Revise the 0.22 acre discrepancy. [drainage report, pg 26]
Correction 8:
Page 11 of the storm report states StormChamber 3500 is the proposed detention system, wheraes the WWHM calc states model 740. Revise accordingly. [drainage report, pg 28]
Correction 9:
Size the contech water quality filter per the WWHM calculation.
Correction 10:
Per the WWHM calculation, the flow control standard per minimum requirement #7 is not met. [drainage report, 37]
Correction 11:
See Document Markup
Provide a legend outlining the existing utilities. Also define the various hatch types [site plan, pg 1]
Correction 12:
See Document Markup
Show required frontage improvements per PMC 11.08.135(3). Show curb, gutter, sidewalk, half street improvements and street lighting. See city standards 01.01.02, 01.02.01, 01.02.09, and 01.02.16 [site plan, pg 1]
Correction 13:
See Document Markup
Show the existing and proposed contours at 2' intervals [site plan, pg 1].
Correction 14:
See Document Markup
Provide the lot dimensions and bearings. [Site plan, pg 1]
Correction 15:
See Document Markup
Indicate the Inter Ave public right of way and existing width. [site plan, pg 1]
Correction 16:
See Document Markup
Show the rest of the water main in Inter Ave. [site plan, pg 1]
Correction 17:
See Document Markup
Provide existing and proposed plan sheets. During the next round of review, submit a single site plan with all the plan sheets. [site plan, pg 1]
Correction 18:
See Document Markup
Update the preliminary frontage improvements plan. Provide half street improvements, an 8' sidewalk, with street trees placed at the back of walk and street lights. See city standards 01.01.02, 01.01.19, and 01.05.03. [site plan, pg 1]
Correction 19:
See Document Markup
Provide an accessible path from the right of way to the building. [site plan, pg 1]
Correction 20:
See Document Markup
Indicate the square footage of the proposed impervious and pervious areas. [site plan, pg 1]
Correction 21:
See Document Markup
Show the accessible pathway from the right of way to the building. [site plan, pg 1]
Correction 22:
See Document Markup
Show the existing lot property lines. Ensure the linetype is shown in the legend. [site plan, pg 1]
Correction 23:
See Document Markup
Provide a legend for the linetypes/hatches on this sheet. [site plan, pg 1]
Correction 24:
See Document Markup
Show the required trash enclosure per city design standard 208.1 [site plan, pg 1]
Correction 25:
See Document Markup
Indicate that this sheet is preliminary. [storm site plan, pg 1]
Correction 26:
See Document Markup
Show existing and proposed contours in 2' intervals. [storm site plan, pg 1]
Correction 27:
See Document Markup
The conduit and PVC must remain in the public right of way. [lighting/frontage, pg 1]
Correction 28:
See Document Markup
Indicate that this is also the Frontage Plan. [lighting/frontage plan]
Correction 29:
See Document Markup
Show the edge of the right of way [lighting/frontage plan, pg 1]
Correction 30:
See Document Markup
Clearly shows the edge of the property. [lighting and frontage plan, pg 1]
Correction 31:
See Document Markup
Show the following required frontage improvements: 8' wide sidewalk (remove street trees), half-street paving and curb and gutter along the entire frontage. [lighting/frontage plan, pg 1]
Correction 32:
See Document Markup
Provide a legend for the different proposed line and hatch types. [lighting and frontage plan, pg 1]
Reviewer Comments:
The project submitted an early submittal waiver. All comments resolved without being completely addressed as the 2nd round of civil review was submitted prior to the preliminary site plan. Project conditioned to be reviewed under civil application.
Fire Review
No Comments
Reviewer Comments:
Engineering Traffic Review
Revisions Required
Correction 1:
Remove - Extra comment not needed
Correction 2:
See Document Markup
Existing truck storage on this site was never approved or mitigated for. Credit not valid [Traffic Scoping]
Correction 3:
See Document Markup
Previous scoping worksheet had assumed general office use for the proposed building. What changed? Why is the 5k sqft building not accounted for in scoping worksheet? Provide specific details on how this building will be used. [Traffic Scoping]
Correction 4:
See Document Markup
Provide details on how site will operate. Will this be longterm storage of trucks? How long will they be on-site? [Traffic Scoping]
Correction 5:
See Document Markup
Show preliminary locations of City standard streetlights. Streetlights must be placed outside ADA wheelchair ramp area. [PSP pg1]
Correction 6:
See Document Markup
Show preliminary frontage design with 8ft sidewalks with street trees behind sidewalk. [PSP pg1]
Correction 7:
See Document Markup
Based on existing pavement conditions of Levee Rd, half-street paving will be required.
[PSP pg1]
Reviewer Comments:
Planning Review
Revisions Required
Correction 1:
See Document Markup
If a berm is proposed as it seems to be shown on the storm site plan, please also include the contour index lines and label the berm on the landscape plan as well. [landscape plan, L1]
Correction 2:
See Document Markup
The existing 6' chanlink fences will need to be replaced or upgraded to be sight-obscuring fencing per PMC 20.35.035 (3). Fences may not exceed 8' in height. [landscape plan, L1]
Correction 3:
See Document Markup
Per PMC 20.35.035, sight-obscuring fencing is required around all portions of a lot utilized for outdoor storage. A fence is required along the southern property line (along Inter Ave.) to screen the outdoor storage. The maximum fence size is 8'. Any fence greater than 6' in height will require a building permit. The fence will be required to meet the 20' front yard setback. See PMC 20.35.035 (3) for full performance standards. [landscape plan, L1]
Correction 4:
See Document Markup
Landscaping along the front property line is required to be Type II landscaping. Type III landscaping is only used for interior side yards. [landscape plan, L1]
Correction 5:
See Document Markup
Is this a berm? If so, please label and include the proposed contour index lines. [storm site plan, C5]
Correction 6:
No trash and recycling receptacles are shown on plans. Please note that any proposed trash and recycling receptacles shall be screened from adjacent properties and public rights-of-way by an opaque visual barrier no lower than the highest point of the receptacles. (PMC 20.35.035 (6)). [planning site plan, pg.1 ]
Correction 7:
Per PMC 20.35.035 (4) Outdoor Lighting. Building-mounted lighting and aerial-mounted floodlighting shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the bottom edge of the shield shall be below the light source. Ground-mounted floodlighting or light projection above the horizontal plane is prohibited between midnight and sunrise. All lighting shall be shielded so that the direct illumination shall be confined to the property boundaries of the light source. [planning site plan, pg.1 ]
Correction 8:
Please provide elevations of the proposed storage building. Staff need to review that the proposed structure is meeting the maximum building height for the ML zone (PMC 20.35.020 (11)).
Correction 9:
Landscaping islands apply to all striped parking and storage areas, including heavy truck trailer parking. For large, paved areas which trigger parking lot landscaping under PMC 20.58.005, but may not contain vehicle striping for vehicle parking, staff will use reasonable discretion and flexibility in site designing to allow larger consolidated/ grouped islands to spread out evenly through the paved areas, ensuring landscaping meets the intent of the type IV design standards and meets the minimum landscape requirements in PMC 20.58.005.
Though parking lot landscape islands are not proposed due to the truck parking area not being striped, there is a requirement that all paved areas over 10,000SF shall have at least 5% of all paved surfaces to be landscaped. Perimeter landscaping shall not be calculated as part of the require amount of internal parking lot landscaping. You can propose consolidating parking lot landscaping areas to meet this 5% landscaped area requirement.
- Please include the calculation showing that 5% of all paved surfaces are landscaped (this cannot include perimeter landscaping).
Per PMC 20.58.005 (1) All paved areas of over 10,000 square feet shall have at least five percent of all paved areas landscaped to provide shade to reduce the heat island effect related to paved surfaces, reduce storm water runoff, improve air quality, provide visual breaks to large paved areas and improve general appearance. Perimeter landscaping shall not be calculated as part of the required amount of internal parking lot landscaping. Internal parking lot landscaping design and spacing shall conform to the “Type IV” landscaping standards contained in the city’s vegetation management standards (VMS) manual. In order to further mitigate the impacts of more substantial expanses of paved areas on development sites, the following shall apply: (a) In the event that a project provides 20 percent more than the required minimum number of parking stalls (per PMC 20.55.010) for a specific use or group of uses on a development complex site, or in the event that the total sum of paved areas on a site exceeds 100,000 square feet, at least 10 percent of all paved areas shall be landscaped in accordance with this section and the vegetation management standards (VMS) manual.
[landscape plan, L1]
Correction 10:
Is there any proposed office space in the prop building or employee work area? If so, please define and include the square footage of either use.
PMC 20.55.010 (16) Manufacturing and industrial uses: one space for each 500 square feet of employee work area, plus open space for each 1,000 square feet of floor area devoted exclusively to storage and/or housing of accessory mechanical equipment
PMC 20.55.010 (20) Professional offices: one space for each 200 square feet of gross floor area for medical, clinical and dental offices or one space for each 300 square feet of gross floor area for other professional and business offices;
[landscape plan, L1]
Correction 11:
SEPA Comments - Department of Ecology
The Department of Ecology provided a comment e-mail. The full comment letter is viewable through the CityView Portal. Please review and address each comment in this letter and note that an additional formal jurisdictional determination from Ecology and the Army Corp of Engineers is required to determine if this feature is a water of the state per Zachary Meyer’s DOE comment within the letter.
Correction 12:
SEPA Comments - Nisqually Indian Tribe
The Nisqually Indian Tribe provided a comment letter. The full comment letter is viewable through the CityView Portal. Please review and address this comment letter from the Nisqually Indian Tribe.
Correction 13:
12' Type II perimeter landscaping is required along the front property line along Inter Ave. In addition to this 12' perimeter landscaping requirement, we are requiring street trees be planted back of walk to address the requirement for street trees for frontage improvements. The plans appear to propose this, but please clarify that there is 12' for perimeter landscaping and additional area that is used for back of walk street tree planting. [landscape plans, L1].
Reviewer Comments:
Building Review
No Comments
Reviewer Comments:
Fire Review
No Comments
Reviewer Comments:
Engineering Review
Revisions Required
Correction 1:
Revise the reference to the 2021 Pierce County Stormwater manual to the current City adopted 2019 Ecology Manual. [Drainage report, pg 7]
Correction 2:
Include the following flow charts within the preliminary drainage report: Figure I-3.2: Flow Chart for Determining Requirements for Redevelopment and Figure III-1.1: Runoff Treatment BMP Selection Flow Chart and Figure I-3.5 Flow char for determining wetland protection level requirements.
Correction 3:
Remove Minimum Requirement #10 as there are only 10 requirements in the 2019 Ecology Manual. [Drainage report, pg 11]
Correction 4:
The roof area is considered a non-pollution generating hard surface and may bypass the water quality filter. [Drainage plans, pg 10]
Correction 5:
Add the acreage of impervious/pervious areas in table 1. [drainage report, pg 7]
Correction 6:
The pervious areas in the WWHM calc on page 26 does not match the table 1 Impervious/Pervious Areas. Revise accordingly. [drainage report, pg 26]
Correction 7:
The proposed asphalt parking area is proposed at 1.23 acres in table 1 whereas, the WWHM parking lot area is defined as 1.45 acres. Revise the 0.22 acre discrepancy. [drainage report, pg 26]
Correction 8:
Page 11 of the storm report states StormChamber 3500 is the proposed detention system, wheraes the WWHM calc states model 740. Revise accordingly. [drainage report, pg 28]
Correction 9:
Size the contech water quality filter per the WWHM calculation.
Correction 10:
Per the WWHM calculation, the flow control standard per minimum requirement #7 is not met. [drainage report, 37]
Correction 11:
See Document Markup
Provide a legend outlining the existing utilities. Also define the various hatch types [site plan, pg 1]
Correction 12:
See Document Markup
Show required frontage improvements per PMC 11.08.135(3). Show curb, gutter, sidewalk, half street improvements and street lighting. See city standards 01.01.02, 01.02.01, 01.02.09, and 01.02.16 [site plan, pg 1]
Correction 13:
See Document Markup
Show the existing and proposed contours at 2' intervals [site plan, pg 1].
Correction 14:
See Document Markup
Provide the lot dimensions and bearings. [Site plan, pg 1]
Correction 15:
See Document Markup
Indicate the Inter Ave public right of way and existing width. [site plan, pg 1]
Correction 16:
See Document Markup
Show the rest of the water main in Inter Ave. [site plan, pg 1]
Correction 17:
See Document Markup
Provide existing and proposed plan sheets. During the next round of review, submit a single site plan with all the plan sheets. [site plan, pg 1]
Correction 18:
See Document Markup
Update the preliminary frontage improvements plan. Provide half street improvements, an 8' sidewalk, with street trees placed at the back of walk and street lights. See city standards 01.01.02, 01.01.19, and 01.05.03. [site plan, pg 1]
Correction 19:
See Document Markup
Provide an accessible path from the right of way to the building. [site plan, pg 1]
Correction 20:
See Document Markup
Indicate the square footage of the proposed impervious and pervious areas. [site plan, pg 1]
Correction 21:
See Document Markup
Show the accessible pathway from the right of way to the building. [site plan, pg 1]
Correction 22:
See Document Markup
Show the existing lot property lines. Ensure the linetype is shown in the legend. [site plan, pg 1]
Correction 23:
See Document Markup
Provide a legend for the linetypes/hatches on this sheet. [site plan, pg 1]
Correction 24:
See Document Markup
Show the required trash enclosure per city design standard 208.1 [site plan, pg 1]
Correction 25:
See Document Markup
Indicate that this sheet is preliminary. [storm site plan, pg 1]
Correction 26:
See Document Markup
Show existing and proposed contours in 2' intervals. [storm site plan, pg 1]
Correction 27:
See Document Markup
The conduit and PVC must remain in the public right of way. [lighting/frontage, pg 1]
Correction 28:
See Document Markup
Indicate that this is also the Frontage Plan. [lighting/frontage plan]
Correction 29:
See Document Markup
Show the edge of the right of way [lighting/frontage plan, pg 1]
Correction 30:
See Document Markup
Clearly shows the edge of the property. [lighting and frontage plan, pg 1]
Correction 31:
See Document Markup
Show the following required frontage improvements: 8' wide sidewalk (remove street trees), half-street paving and curb and gutter along the entire frontage. [lighting/frontage plan, pg 1]
Correction 32:
See Document Markup
Provide a legend for the different proposed line and hatch types. [lighting and frontage plan, pg 1]
Reviewer Comments: