Review Type
Est. Completion Date
Engineering Traffic Review
Correction 1:
For traffic scoping comment, see document markup.
Proposed gates must meet Pierce County Standards. Gates must be reflectorized and have vertical stripes alternately red and white at 16-inch intervals measured horizontally. This guidance comes directly from the MUTCD (Section 2B.68).
Street trees shall be located behind sidewalk along River Rd due to sight distance concerns/conflicts
Maintain 8ft sidewalk at 15th/River Rd intersection.
NW corner of 15th/River Rd does not meet minimum 35ft radius requirement
Per previous comment, include a sight distance analysis ESD for 15th St NW/River Rd intersection
Sight distance analysis needs to include an SSD evaluation. Need to ensure EB vehicles have adequate sight lines to see roadway obstruction at River Rd/15th St NW
River Rd Driveway
Utility pole on east side of driveway needs to be at least 3ft from face of curb (to edge of pole).
Proposed driveway does not meet 300ft spacing requirement from the adjacent AUTOS4LESS.COM driveway. Work with property owner to remove this non-compliant driveway access. Access no longer needed to access gravel lot.
River Rd frontage improvements are missing along the northwest corner of development
Driveway spacing requirement on 15th St NW is 150ft (collector), driveways on 15th St NW must be relocated & consolidated to meet spacing standards. See exhibit previously provide by Jamie Carter.
Fire truck AutoTurn not using current site plan
a. Each AutoTurn analysis must include the following:
i. All movements need to start straight and end straight.
ii. Make sure “Turn Wheels from Stop” is not selected.
iii. Please include the template of the vehicles used
iv. For clarity, wheel & overhang paths should be different colors.
b. Curb radii and entrance dimensions shall be increased as necessary to allow vehicles to access the site without encroaching into adjacent lanes of traffic.
Separate street light design is required Street lighting plan:
i. City standard streetlights are required every 150ft along frontage (River Rd & 15th St NW).
ii. River Rd (Arterial) will require GE EVOLVE ELR2 Fixtures ERL2-3-23-A3-40-D-Gray-A-V1 (City to provide latest part numbers)
iii. It is the sole responsibility of the design engineer to ensure streetlight design/placement is outside of the 10ft minimum “safe zone” area. The City will not allow streetlights to be within 10ft of the PSE primary for safety reasons.
iv. Streetlights shall have shorting caps installed with remote photocell located on the service cabinet.
v. PSE utility pole mounted streetlights do not meet current City standards and will be removed with installation of City standard streetlights.
vi. Streetlight design shall provide the following:
1. Provide details on how streetlights will be powered
2. Location of conduit runs
3. Wiring Schedule - Conduit size/type/details for each raceway, Conductors details
4. Pole schedule - STA & offset for each luminaire
5. Show location of junction boxes
Any existing driveway cuts along frontage that are not utilized for this project shall be replaced with curb/gutter/sidewalk.
Correction 2:
See Document Markup
This building was previously Hagen's Auto Parts & Machine Shop.
It's the City's understanding that only a small portion of the building sqft was used for vintage auto parts sales. The warehouse building space was used as a machine shop. LUC 110 should be used to represent industrial space
[Traffic Scoping Document]
Correction 3:
See Document Markup
Do not include Car Trek used car buildings in calculation. Land use not changing.
[Traffic Scoping Document]
Correction 4:
See Document Markup
Please confirm if building will be used for new car sales or used car sales. SEPA needs to define which land use will be assumed for this site (LUC 840 vs 841).
[Traffic Scoping Document]
Correction 5:
See Document Markup
LUC 210 should be 0.94 trips per DU
4*0.94= 3.8
[Traffic Scoping Document]
Correction 6:
See Document Markup
Per the SEPA check list: "the project intends to continue to use the site for automotive sales, auto
parts store and automotive storage facility"
Proposed land use summary does not show estimated trips for auto parts store or automotive storage functions as defined in SEPA.
Per the SEPA check list: The project proposes to provide approximately 750 vehicle display and storage stalls on-site.
Provided detailed assumption for how automotive storage operation will impact vehicle trips.
[Traffic Scoping Document]
Correction 7:
See Document Markup
Will the 2,160 sqft auto service center be demolished? [Traffic Scoping Document]
Correction 8:
See Document Markup
Demolished? More detail needed.
[Traffic Scoping Document]
Correction 9:
See Document Markup
737 daily & 79 PM peak hour trips far exceeds actual trip generation of Hagen's site. [Traffic Scoping Document]
Correction 10:
See Document Markup
LUC 943 should be 2.06 trips per 1000 sqft
2.16*2.06= 4.4
[Traffic Scoping Document]
Correction 11:
See Document Markup
LUC 841 should be 3.75 trips per 1000 sqft
2.4*3.75= 9.0
[Traffic Scoping Document]
Correction 12:
See Document Markup
LUC 841 should be 3.75 trips per 1000 sqft
1.6*3.75= 6.0
[Traffic Scoping Document]
Correction 13:
See Document Markup
recalculate using "Peak Hour of Adjacent Street Traffic" [Traffic Scoping Document]
Correction 14:
Traffic Scoping:
-Please coordinate with City Traffic Engineer to discuss current proposal
-There are still outstanding questions that would be resolved with a conference call.
Correction 15:
Streetlight Design is required with next resubmittal:
i. City standard streetlights are required every 150ft along frontage (River Rd & 15th St NW).
ii. River Rd (Arterial) will require GE EVOLVE ELR2 Fixtures ERL2-3-23-A3-40-D-Gray-A-V1 (City to provide latest part numbers)
iii. It is the sole responsibility of the design engineer to ensure streetlight design/placement is outside of the 10ft minimum “safe zone” area. The City will not allow streetlights to be within 10ft of the PSE primary for safety reasons.
iv. Streetlights shall have shorting caps installed with remote photocell located on the service cabinet.
v. PSE utility pole mounted streetlights do not meet current City standards and will be removed with installation of City standard streetlights.
vi. Streetlight design shall provide the following:
1. Provide details on how streetlights will be powered
2. Location of conduit runs
3. Wiring Schedule - Conduit size/type/details for each raceway, Conductors details
4. Pole schedule - STA & offset for each luminaire
5. Show location of junction boxes
Correction 16:
AutoTurn Analysis:
-Show inbound car hauler using the outside lane (closest to curb).
-Curb radii and entrance dimensions shall be increased as necessary to allow inbound vehicles to access the site without encroaching into adjacent lanes of traffic.
-AutoTurn analysis must include the following:
i. All movements need to start straight and end straight.
ii. Make sure “Turn Wheels from Stop” is not selected.
iii. Please include the template of the vehicles used
iv. For clarity, wheel & overhang paths should be different colors.
Correction 17:
Sight Distance Analysis:
-Show lane lines in exhibit. The center of approaching lanes shall be used for sight line placement (driver's eye).
-Along River Rd, move trees to the back of sidewalk to avoid sight obstructions.
-SSD sight lines are not setback 14.5ft from the edge of the road. The object and driver's eye are typically centered within travel lane.
Correction 18:
General Comments:
-Along River Rd, move trees to the back of sidewalk to avoid sight obstructions. Even with the trees limbs removed for the first 8ft, the existing curvature will create sight obstructions for motorists.
-Coordinate with David Drake (Fire) for the design requirements for the proposed gates.
-"NO PARKING" signage will be required along 15th Street NW.
-Extend River Rd frontage improvements to the edge of parcel 0420204281
Reviewer Comments:
Engineering Civil Review
Correction 1:
Planning and zoning requirements do not support work or installation of utilities in this area. Parcel #0420204263 is not part of this project and as such shall not have catch basins or pipes installed within its boundaries. Furthermore catch basins should not be installed in areas that are not paved. Revise the strom drainage structure layout based on the recent zoning decision handed down by the Puyallup City Council. All changes must be carried through to the Drainage Report and any other affected documents and resubmitted.
Correction 2:
See Document Markup
Include CoP fire approval stamp on cover page and water page. [Sheet C0.1, 20230727-LARSON RIVER ROAD STORAGE CIVIL PLANS-2160102 - RESUBMITTAL]
Correction 3:
See Document Markup
Provide cut and fill quantities in cubic yards on the plans. [Sheet C0.1, 20230727-LARSON RIVER ROAD STORAGE CIVIL PLANS-2160102 - RESUBMITTAL]
Correction 4:
See Document Markup
It is not clear to reviewers if the on-site catch basins and pipes for the existing storm system are to be replaced or retained, or which ones. The demo plan is not showing removal (except for a few spots outside of the future system), and the existing pipes are mostly not shown at all. The grading and drainage plan shows the catch basins and pipes in bold which we presume to be new, yet the demo plan shows only IP for each existing catch basin and the design of the CBs places them right on top of existing. CLEARLY indicate which CBs and pipes are to be retained and which are to be replaced with new. Include all existing and proposed elevations and notes to adjust to grade if applicable. [Sheet C1.0, 20230727-LARSON RIVER ROAD STORAGE CIVIL PLANS-2160102 - RESUBMITTAL]
Correction 5:
See Document Markup
Not used. [Sheet C1.0, 20230727-LARSON RIVER ROAD STORAGE CIVIL PLANS-2160102 - RESUBMITTAL]
Correction 6:
See Document Markup
These do not appear to exist here. [Sheet C1.0, 20230727-LARSON RIVER ROAD STORAGE CIVIL PLANS-2160102 - RESUBMITTAL]
Correction 7:
See Document Markup
Is this to remain? Is it storm or sewer? While it is outside of the project area, confirm that this structure is decommissioned (if applicable) and no longer connected to other infrastructure. [Sheet C1.0, 20230727-LARSON RIVER ROAD STORAGE CIVIL PLANS-2160102 - RESUBMITTAL]
Correction 8:
See Document Markup
No pole here. [Sheet C1.0, 20230727-LARSON RIVER ROAD STORAGE CIVIL PLANS-2160102 - RESUBMITTAL]
Correction 9:
See Document Markup
Not pointing at fence. [Sheet C1.1, 20230727-LARSON RIVER ROAD STORAGE CIVIL PLANS-2160102 - RESUBMITTAL]
Correction 10:
See Document Markup
Only one power pole here. [Sheet C1.1, 20230727-LARSON RIVER ROAD STORAGE CIVIL PLANS-2160102 - RESUBMITTAL]
Correction 11:
See Document Markup
Show existing pipe. [Sheet C1.1, 20230727-LARSON RIVER ROAD STORAGE CIVIL PLANS-2160102 - RESUBMITTAL]
Correction 12:
See Document Markup
Show existing storm lines. [Sheet C1.1, 20230727-LARSON RIVER ROAD STORAGE CIVIL PLANS-2160102 - RESUBMITTAL]
Correction 13:
See Document Markup
Include on the plans City of Puyallup Standard General Notes (Section 2.4 CoP Design Standards) and replace the TESC Notes on Sheet C1.2 with City of Puyallup Standard Grading, Erosion and Sediment Control Notes (Section 505 CoP Design Standards). [Sheet C1.1, 20230727-LARSON RIVER ROAD STORAGE CIVIL PLANS-2160102 - RESUBMITTAL]
Correction 14:
See Document Markup
Access to this building seems limited. Provide walkway or parking configuration that lends to pedestrian access of building. [Sheet C2.1, 20230727-LARSON RIVER ROAD STORAGE CIVIL PLANS-2160102 - RESUBMITTAL]
Correction 15:
See Document Markup
Include CoP Water System Notes (Section 304, CoP Design Standards. [Sheet 2.0, 20230727-LARSON RIVER ROAD STORAGE CIVIL PLANS-2160102 - RESUBMITTAL]
Correction 16:
See Document Markup
What does "RR" stand for? [Sheet C3.0, 20230727-LARSON RIVER ROAD STORAGE CIVIL PLANS-2160102 - RESUBMITTAL]
Correction 17:
See Document Markup
Include CoP Stormwater Notes (Section 207, CoP Design Standards). [Sheet 3.1, 20230727-LARSON RIVER ROAD STORAGE CIVIL PLANS-2160102 - RESUBMITTAL]
Correction 18:
See Document Markup
Trenching in ROW. Include detail 01.01.20 and show limits of trenching and restoration. [Sheet C3.1, 20230727-LARSON RIVER ROAD STORAGE CIVIL PLANS-2160102 - RESUBMITTAL]
Correction 19:
Stormwater Report not reviewed. Still shows and refences previous design. Update all reports for review. Ensure all refences, descriptions and exhibits match the most current civil plans and refence and adhere to the 2019 SWMMWW. Also include detailed analysis of existing and proposed and new and replaced impervious and hard surfaces on plans and in Stormwater Report.
Correction 20:
SWPPP not reviewed. Update all reports for review and only refence and adhere to the 2019 SWMMWW. Update construction schedule portion. Fill in the CESCL information if identified at this time. Existing conditions maps are outdated as well.
Correction 21:
Traffic Scoping Worksheet not updated to match current site plan.
Correction 22:
Include on the plans City Standard Details 01.02.02, 01.02.08a, 01.02.09, 01.02.10, 01.02.16, 01.02.19, 02.01.02, 02.01.03, 02.01.04, 02.01.05, 06.01.01 and match the design to these standards as applicable.
Correction 23:
Existing frontage was inspected by the City and was found to have deficencies in slope and ADA compliance. This area will require upgrades or replacement.
Reviewer Comments:
Public Works Water Review
Correction 1:
See Document Markup
Civil Sheet C2.1: This revised plan does not have a proposed fire hydrant. Remove Keynotes 6 and 7.
Correction 2:
See Document Markup
Civil Sheet C2.1: In this revised plan there is not a driveway approach that interferes with the existing dual water service on River Rd. These dual water meters do not need to be relocated to back of sidewalk, but they must be up to grade meeting City standard requirements and placed out of a hard surface. Note 9 can be removed.
Correction 3:
See Document Markup
Civil Sheet C2.1: Keynote 11 calls for relocating a water service that has been removed from the water main on 15th St NW. Please note that the east dual water service on River Rd can be used for irrigation, so a water service on 15th St NW is not needed.
Correction 4:
See Document Markup
Civil Sheet C2.1: A DCVA must be installed behind the sidewalk for the domestic water service to the west and for the irrigation service to the east. Clearly show this on the plans.
Reviewer Comments:
Planning Review
Correction 1:
Miscellaneous Planning Correction
Provide all available recorded access and utility easements along the south side of the development. Trees and landscaping must be placed interior to all access and utility easements on TPNs 0420204263, 0420208027, 0420208039, 0420213006. Neighboring property owners have provided information regarding non-exclusive easements for all parcels listed here, starting at the SE corner of TPN 0420204069 and extending to 15th Ave.
Correction 2:
Miscellaneous Planning Correction
All interior light standards shall be removed and replaced by conforming and shielded lighting per PMC 20.26.500; Light fixtures shall be no higher than 20 feet above any finished grade level within 10 feet of the fixture.
Correction 3:
Miscellaneous Planning Correction
Confirm all underground fuel and storage tanks have been removed and soil remediation work completed in accordance with regulatory agencies (TPCHD, ECY, etc.) Confirm all existing storm water facilities and structures will be demolished, removed and properly disposed of.
Correction 4:
Miscellaneous Planning Correction
See other Planning Division comments in plan set mark ups, carried over from P-21-0087, documents and images, "E-21-0406 Pages from p-21-0087 resub 1 plans PLANNING REDLINES" document. Please also refer to P-21-0087 for full Planning comments as they relate to this permit.
Correction 5:
See Document Markup
Due to the denial of the Comp Plan/rezone amendment request, this parcel (zoned RM-10), a 30 foot; perimeter buffer on the commercial side must be shown. See PMC 20.26.500 [landscape L1.0]
Correction 6:
See Document Markup
Type IV landscape required throughout. Please re-review landscape code in VMS. This requires 15 foot wide landscape islands, with 6 foot connector landscape strips every 8 stalls and silva cells. Please re-review the design requirements [landscape L1.0]
Correction 7:
See Document Markup
30 foot buffer interior to drive aisle and easement required. [landscape L1.0]
Correction 8:
See Document Markup
Shrub density on site frontage required to" consist of clustered groupings of low growing shrubs and ground covers
that provide 50 percent ground coverage within 5 years of planting";. [landscape L1.0]
Correction 9:
See Document Markup
Shrub density on site frontage required to "consist of clustered groupings of low growing shrubs and ground covers
that provide 50 percent ground coverage within 5 years of planting". [landscape L1.0]
Correction 10:
See Document Markup
Shrub density on site frontage required to "consist of clustered groupings of low growing shrubs and ground covers
that provide 50 percent ground coverage within 5 years of planting";. [landscape L1.0]
Correction 11:
See Document Markup
Planter strip for street trees required. [landscape L1.0]
Correction 12:
See Document Markup
Perimeter not required adjacent to RM-10 parcel due to the denial of the Comp Plan/rezone amendment request. Leave this area.
Correction 13:
See Document Markup
Increase shrub plant density between trees to meet PMC 20.26.500 requirements Understory shrubs (at least three-gallon container size) spaced no more than five feet on center, or sufficiently sized and spaced to assure full screening between required trees up to a height of six feet within three years (as determined by a professional landscape architect and as approved by the director). A variety of shrubs may be used, provided they are of a type and species that will provide vertical height and horizontal fullness for screening purposes (e.g., photinia frasier, arborvitae, huckleberry, tall Oregon grape).
Correction 14:
See Document Markup
Increase shrub plant density between trees to meet PMC 20.26.500 requirements Understory shrubs (at least three-gallon container size) spaced no more than five feet on center, or sufficiently sized and spaced to assure full screening between required trees up to a height of six feet within three years (as determined by a professional landscape architect and as approved by the director). A variety of shrubs may be used, provided they are of a type and species that will provide vertical height and horizontal fullness for screening purposes (e.g., photinia frasier, arborvitae, huckleberry, tall Oregon grape).
Correction 15:
See Document Markup
Interior fence required per PMC 20.26.500. Landscape berming shall be provided outside of root protection zone to meet Type Id [landscape L1.0]
Correction 16:
See Document Markup
Public sidewalk cannot be located on private prop. [landscape L1.0]
Correction 17:
See Document Markup
Need OHWM determination from qualified biologist. any work in 200'; shoreline area may require shoreline permitting. [landscape L1.0]
Correction 18:
See Document Markup
Tree species may not be acceptable for under OHP. Please check w LA [landscape L1.0]
Correction 19:
See Document Markup
Provide six foot connector landscape strip to interconnect interior landscape islands. Required by type IV landscape. [planning comment, sheet L1.0]
Correction 20:
See Document Markup
Provide correct mixture of street trees per section 12.6 of VMS. For projects involving sixteen (16) or more street trees, at least four (4) different ????? ???? ????????? ?????? ????? ?? ????? ????? ? ?? ??????? ????? ?? ?????? ?????? ?? ?? ?????
provided, a minimum of 25 percent of these trees shall be evergreen conifer. ????????? ???????? ????? ?? ??
Correction 21:
See Document Markup
Provide silva cells under parking areas of interior islands. Provide detail for contractor installation of cells, per manufacturer spec. [planning comment, sheet L1.0]
Correction 22:
See Document Markup
Provide a greater intermixing and depth of flowering native shrub species. Provide multiple rows of native shrubs in the 30 foot planter area. [planning comment, sheet L1.0]
Correction 23:
See Document Markup
All perimeter landscape ???? ????? ???????? ?? ??? ? ??? ????? ??????? ????????? ??????? ????? ??????? ??†?????? ???????
in the first 3’ of landscape areas behind the property line, planted at 6” on-center. Other ????????? ?? ????????? ????? ?? ???? ?? ????????? ??????? ????????? ??????
A. Daffodil Bulbs may be interspersed throughout the perimeter landscape areas ???? ???????? ??????????? ????????????? ???????????? ?? ?????????
B. Other varieties of Narcissus trumpet may be used, with the preference of 'King ??????? ??†?????? ??????? ?? ??? ???????? ????? ??????? ?? ??? ???????? ???? ??? ?????????? ???? ???
right of way. [planning comment, sheet L1.0]
Correction 24:
See Document Markup
Street trees required in ROW. Please show sight distance to avoid placing trees in sight lines. [planning comment, sheet L1.0]
Correction 25:
SEPA re-submittal required prior to Planning approval of the civil permit package. Please resubmit under P-21-0087
Correction 26:
See Document Markup
Due to the denial of the Comp Plan/rezone amendment request, this parcel (zoned RM-10), a 30' perimeter buffer on the commercial side must be shown. See PMC 20.26.500 [landscape L1.0]
Correction 27:
See Document Markup
Type IV landscape required. Please re-review landscape code in VMS [landscape L1.0]
Correction 28:
See Document Markup
30 foot buffer interior to drive aisle and easement required. [landscape L1.0]
Correction 29:
See Document Markup
Shrub density on site frontage required to "consist of clustered groupings of low growing shrubs and ground covers
that provide 50 percent ground coverage within 5 years of planting". [landscape L1.0]
Correction 30:
See Document Markup
Shrub density on site frontage required to "consist of clustered groupings of low growing shrubs and ground covers
that provide 50 percent ground coverage within 5 years of planting". [landscape L1.0]
Correction 31:
See Document Markup
Shrub density on site frontage required to "consist of clustered groupings of low growing shrubs and ground covers
that provide 50 percent ground coverage within 5 years of planting". [landscape L1.0]
Correction 32:
See Document Markup
Planter strip for street trees required. [landscape L1.0]
Correction 33:
See Document Markup
Perimeter not required adjacent to RM-10 parcel due to the denial of the Comp Plan/rezone amendment request. Leave this area.
Correction 34:
See Document Markup
Increase shrub plant density between trees to meet PMC 20.26.500 requirements Understory shrubs (at least three-gallon container size) spaced no more than five feet on center, or sufficiently sized and spaced to assure full screening between required trees up to a height of six feet within three years (as determined by a professional landscape architect and as approved by the director). A variety of shrubs may be used, provided they are of a type and species that will provide vertical height and horizontal fullness for screening purposes (e.g., photinia frasier, arborvitae, huckleberry, tall Oregon grape).
Correction 35:
See Document Markup
Increase shrub plant density between trees to meet PMC 20.26.500 requirements Understory shrubs (at least three-gallon container size) spaced no more than five feet on center, or sufficiently sized and spaced to assure full screening between required trees up to a height of six feet within three years (as determined by a professional landscape architect and as approved by the director). A variety of shrubs may be used, provided they are of a type and species that will provide vertical height and horizontal fullness for screening purposes (e.g., photinia frasier, arborvitae, huckleberry, tall Oregon grape).
Correction 36:
See Document Markup
Interior fence required per PMC 20.26.500. Landscape berming shall be provided outside of root protection zone to meet Type Id [landscape L1.0]
Correction 37:
See Document Markup
Public sidewalk cannot be located on private prop. [landscape L1.0]
Correction 38:
See Document Markup
Need OHWM determination from qualified biologist. any work in 200' shoreline area may require shoreline permitting. [landscape L1.0]
Correction 39:
See Document Markup
Tree species may not be acceptable for under OHP. Please check w LA [landscape L1.0]
Correction 40:
See Document Markup
Correction 41:
See Document Markup
Correction 42:
See Document Markup
Provide the correct mixture of street tree species per section 12.6 of VMS [planning comment, sheet L1.0]
Correction 43:
See Document Markup
All perimeter landscape islands are required to contain daffodils in the first 3 feet of landscape at 6 inches on center, plus intermixed throughout the site. See section 7.4 of the VMS. [planning comment sheet L1.0]
Reviewer Comments:
Fire Review
Correction 1:
Note from previous submittal. (Will the storage yard be fenced off with a gate? If an electronic gate is used Opticon will be required for Fire Department access. This will need to be review by Traffic and Fire for code compliance.
New - Future gates will not be allowed unless the current design can show both Fire and Traffic conditions can be met. Placement and Traffic Cueing would need to be determined now). 1. New gates added to submittal will require a 45' traffic queuing area before the North gate. The East gate will require a minimum 20' for fire and possibly more from traffic. See traffic note if required. This is a nonnegotiable to leave room for a fire truck.
Reviewer Comments:
Public Works Collection Review
Correction 1:
See Document Markup
Keynote 25 is pointing at mainline cleanout. Cap lateral, not mainline cleanout. Lateral is tapped between mainline cleanout and water service - Sheet 3
Correction 2:
See Document Markup
Detail for lid replacement should say Sewer, not Storm - Sheet 10
Reviewer Comments:
Engineering Traffic Review
Correction 1:
For traffic scoping comment, see document markup.
Proposed gates must meet Pierce County Standards. Gates must be reflectorized and have vertical stripes alternately red and white at 16-inch intervals measured horizontally. This guidance comes directly from the MUTCD (Section 2B.68).
Street trees shall be located behind sidewalk along River Rd due to sight distance concerns/conflicts
Maintain 8ft sidewalk at 15th/River Rd intersection.
NW corner of 15th/River Rd does not meet minimum 35ft radius requirement
Per previous comment, include a sight distance analysis ESD for 15th St NW/River Rd intersection
Sight distance analysis needs to include an SSD evaluation. Need to ensure EB vehicles have adequate sight lines to see roadway obstruction at River Rd/15th St NW
River Rd Driveway
Utility pole on east side of driveway needs to be at least 3ft from face of curb (to edge of pole).
Proposed driveway does not meet 300ft spacing requirement from the adjacent AUTOS4LESS.COM driveway. Work with property owner to remove this non-compliant driveway access. Access no longer needed to access gravel lot.
River Rd frontage improvements are missing along the northwest corner of development
Driveway spacing requirement on 15th St NW is 150ft (collector), driveways on 15th St NW must be relocated & consolidated to meet spacing standards. See exhibit previously provide by Jamie Carter.
Fire truck AutoTurn not using current site plan
a. Each AutoTurn analysis must include the following:
i. All movements need to start straight and end straight.
ii. Make sure “Turn Wheels from Stop” is not selected.
iii. Please include the template of the vehicles used
iv. For clarity, wheel & overhang paths should be different colors.
b. Curb radii and entrance dimensions shall be increased as necessary to allow vehicles to access the site without encroaching into adjacent lanes of traffic.
Separate street light design is required Street lighting plan:
i. City standard streetlights are required every 150ft along frontage (River Rd & 15th St NW).
ii. River Rd (Arterial) will require GE EVOLVE ELR2 Fixtures ERL2-3-23-A3-40-D-Gray-A-V1 (City to provide latest part numbers)
iii. It is the sole responsibility of the design engineer to ensure streetlight design/placement is outside of the 10ft minimum “safe zone” area. The City will not allow streetlights to be within 10ft of the PSE primary for safety reasons.
iv. Streetlights shall have shorting caps installed with remote photocell located on the service cabinet.
v. PSE utility pole mounted streetlights do not meet current City standards and will be removed with installation of City standard streetlights.
vi. Streetlight design shall provide the following:
1. Provide details on how streetlights will be powered
2. Location of conduit runs
3. Wiring Schedule - Conduit size/type/details for each raceway, Conductors details
4. Pole schedule - STA & offset for each luminaire
5. Show location of junction boxes
Any existing driveway cuts along frontage that are not utilized for this project shall be replaced with curb/gutter/sidewalk.
Correction 2:
See Document Markup
This building was previously Hagen's Auto Parts & Machine Shop.
It's the City's understanding that only a small portion of the building sqft was used for vintage auto parts sales. The warehouse building space was used as a machine shop. LUC 110 should be used to represent industrial space
[Traffic Scoping Document]
Correction 3:
See Document Markup
Do not include Car Trek used car buildings in calculation. Land use not changing.
[Traffic Scoping Document]
Correction 4:
See Document Markup
Please confirm if building will be used for new car sales or used car sales. SEPA needs to define which land use will be assumed for this site (LUC 840 vs 841).
[Traffic Scoping Document]
Correction 5:
See Document Markup
LUC 210 should be 0.94 trips per DU
4*0.94= 3.8
[Traffic Scoping Document]
Correction 6:
See Document Markup
Per the SEPA check list: "the project intends to continue to use the site for automotive sales, auto
parts store and automotive storage facility"
Proposed land use summary does not show estimated trips for auto parts store or automotive storage functions as defined in SEPA.
Per the SEPA check list: The project proposes to provide approximately 750 vehicle display and storage stalls on-site.
Provided detailed assumption for how automotive storage operation will impact vehicle trips.
[Traffic Scoping Document]
Correction 7:
See Document Markup
Will the 2,160 sqft auto service center be demolished? [Traffic Scoping Document]
Correction 8:
See Document Markup
Demolished? More detail needed.
[Traffic Scoping Document]
Correction 9:
See Document Markup
737 daily & 79 PM peak hour trips far exceeds actual trip generation of Hagen's site. [Traffic Scoping Document]
Correction 10:
See Document Markup
LUC 943 should be 2.06 trips per 1000 sqft
2.16*2.06= 4.4
[Traffic Scoping Document]
Correction 11:
See Document Markup
LUC 841 should be 3.75 trips per 1000 sqft
2.4*3.75= 9.0
[Traffic Scoping Document]
Correction 12:
See Document Markup
LUC 841 should be 3.75 trips per 1000 sqft
1.6*3.75= 6.0
[Traffic Scoping Document]
Correction 13:
See Document Markup
recalculate using "Peak Hour of Adjacent Street Traffic" [Traffic Scoping Document]
Reviewer Comments:
Engineering Civil Review
Correction 1:
See Document Markup
Correct punctuation and display entire note. Site Plan, #22, Sheet C1.0.
Correction 2:
See Document Markup
Clarify which CBs are to be demolished. Site Plan, Sheet C1.0.
Correction 3:
See Document Markup
7 buildings are being demolished, but no sewer lines are called out for demo (just caps at main). In addition it is suspected that some buildings were connected to septic drainfields. Clarify and provide all details of drainfields, existing sewer and proposed sewer.. Clarify. Site Plan, Sheet C1.0.
Correction 4:
See Document Markup
Key note indicators are difficult to see within this hatching. Site Plan, Sheet C1.0 and C1.1.
Correction 5:
See Document Markup
Clarify language. Is the entire hydrant being replaced? Or is a STORZ fitting being added to an existing. Site Plan, Sheet C2.1.
Correction 6:
See Document Markup
Change in curb type? Revise or clarify. Site Plan, Sheet C2.0.
Correction 7:
See Document Markup
The City would like to discuss different options for the CE. Placing it in a gravel road that is used by residents for access and has a CB within its proposed boundary could be problematic. Site Plan, Sheet C1.1
Correction 8:
See Document Markup
Clarify purpose of curb cut. Run off should be directed toward the system unless dispersion or infiltration is proposed for this area. Site Plan, Sheet C2.1.
Correction 9:
See Document Markup
Infrastructure is proposed on parcel that is not a part of this project. Revise or justify. Site Plan, Sheet C3.0
Correction 10:
See Document Markup
Complete legend. Site Plan, Sheet C3.0
Correction 11:
See Document Markup
Complete legend. Site Plan, Sheet C3.1
Correction 12:
Change reference to 2012 SWMMWW. SSP, Page 1.
Correction 13:
Enhanced treatment of runoff will be required before release to the 60 inch drainage pipe in 15th St NW. SSP, General.
Correction 14:
The SSP report does not do enough to illustrate that onsite BMPs are not practical and that infiltration is completely infeasible. Revise with references to the 2012 SWMMWW that use project specific site data.
Correction 15:
Update all references in plans and reports to specify the Baysaver and remove references to Contech or clarify. Also update all maps, figures and language to exclude parcel # 0420204263.
Correction 16:
This project is in Puyallup, not Eatonville. Geotech report, Geologic Setting, Page 2.
Correction 17:
Page 2 of the Geotech report under Groundwater Conditions says that groundwater was observed at DEPTHS of 4.5-5.5 feet below grade. On page 7 of the same report, under Infiltration Characteristics, the groundwater table is reported to be within 1-2 feet of the bottom of the test pits which are reported to be 3.5-3.75 feet deep. This must be reconciled. This is why the City requires long term monitoring of groundwater during the wet season. Reporting that groundwater levels "will fluctuate" does not inform the technical design of stormwater BMPs and is not acceptable for permitting.
Correction 18:
See Document Markup
Remove extraneous line or clarify.Site Plan, Sheet C3.0
Correction 19:
Planning and zoning requirements do not support work or installation of utilities in this area. Parcel #0420204263 is not part of this project and as such shall not have catch basins or pipes installed within its boundaries. Furthermore catch basins should not be installed in areas that are not paved. Revise the strom drainage structure layout based on the recent zoning decision handed down by the Puyallup City Council. All changes must be carried through to the Drainage Report and any other affected documents and resubmitted.
Reviewer Comments:
Planning Review
Correction 1:
Miscellaneous Planning Correction
Provide all available recorded access and utility easements along the south side of the development. Trees and landscaping must be placed interior to all access and utility easements on TPNs 0420204263, 0420208027, 0420208039, 0420213006. Neighboring property owners have provided information regarding non-exclusive easements for all parcels listed here, starting at the SE corner of TPN 0420204069 and extending to 15th Ave.
Correction 2:
Miscellaneous Planning Correction
All interior light standards shall be removed and replaced by conforming and shielded lighting per PMC 20.26.500; Light fixtures shall be no higher than 20 feet above any finished grade level within 10 feet of the fixture.
Correction 3:
Miscellaneous Planning Correction
Confirm all underground fuel and storage tanks have been removed and soil remediation work completed in accordance with regulatory agencies (TPCHD, ECY, etc.) Confirm all existing storm water facilities and structures will be demolished, removed and properly disposed of.
Correction 4:
Miscellaneous Planning Correction
See other Planning Division comments in plan set mark ups, carried over from P-21-0087, documents and images, "E-21-0406 Pages from p-21-0087 resub 1 plans PLANNING REDLINES" document. Please also refer to P-21-0087 for full Planning comments as they relate to this permit.
Correction 5:
See Document Markup
Due to the denial of the Comp Plan/rezone amendment request, this parcel (zoned RM-10), a 30 foot; perimeter buffer on the commercial side must be shown. See PMC 20.26.500 [landscape L1.0]
Correction 6:
See Document Markup
Type IV landscape required throughout. Please re-review landscape code in VMS. This requires 15 foot wide landscape islands, with 6 foot connector landscape strips every 8 stalls and silva cells. Please re-review the design requirements [landscape L1.0]
Correction 7:
See Document Markup
30 foot buffer interior to drive aisle and easement required. [landscape L1.0]
Correction 8:
See Document Markup
Shrub density on site frontage required to" consist of clustered groupings of low growing shrubs and ground covers
that provide 50 percent ground coverage within 5 years of planting";. [landscape L1.0]
Correction 9:
See Document Markup
Shrub density on site frontage required to "consist of clustered groupings of low growing shrubs and ground covers
that provide 50 percent ground coverage within 5 years of planting". [landscape L1.0]
Correction 10:
See Document Markup
Shrub density on site frontage required to "consist of clustered groupings of low growing shrubs and ground covers
that provide 50 percent ground coverage within 5 years of planting";. [landscape L1.0]
Correction 11:
See Document Markup
Planter strip for street trees required. [landscape L1.0]
Correction 12:
See Document Markup
Perimeter not required adjacent to RM-10 parcel due to the denial of the Comp Plan/rezone amendment request. Leave this area.
Correction 13:
See Document Markup
Increase shrub plant density between trees to meet PMC 20.26.500 requirements Understory shrubs (at least three-gallon container size) spaced no more than five feet on center, or sufficiently sized and spaced to assure full screening between required trees up to a height of six feet within three years (as determined by a professional landscape architect and as approved by the director). A variety of shrubs may be used, provided they are of a type and species that will provide vertical height and horizontal fullness for screening purposes (e.g., photinia frasier, arborvitae, huckleberry, tall Oregon grape).
Correction 14:
See Document Markup
Increase shrub plant density between trees to meet PMC 20.26.500 requirements Understory shrubs (at least three-gallon container size) spaced no more than five feet on center, or sufficiently sized and spaced to assure full screening between required trees up to a height of six feet within three years (as determined by a professional landscape architect and as approved by the director). A variety of shrubs may be used, provided they are of a type and species that will provide vertical height and horizontal fullness for screening purposes (e.g., photinia frasier, arborvitae, huckleberry, tall Oregon grape).
Correction 15:
See Document Markup
Interior fence required per PMC 20.26.500. Landscape berming shall be provided outside of root protection zone to meet Type Id [landscape L1.0]
Correction 16:
See Document Markup
Public sidewalk cannot be located on private prop. [landscape L1.0]
Correction 17:
See Document Markup
Need OHWM determination from qualified biologist. any work in 200'; shoreline area may require shoreline permitting. [landscape L1.0]
Correction 18:
See Document Markup
Tree species may not be acceptable for under OHP. Please check w LA [landscape L1.0]
Reviewer Comments:
Fire Review
Correction 1:
1. Maintain no less than 24’ Fire Lane throughout all isles in parking lot.
2. See traffic notes for changes. Provide New Auto-turn or equivalent program to demonstrate fire apparatus turning radius.
3. Provide Fire Lane painting/stripping and No Parking Signs site plan.
4. A Fire Hydrant is required in the SW area parking lot. Place in a parking island to reach all areas within 400’. Comply with C.O.P. standards.
5. Will the parcel that was removed from the plans be fenced off? If the parcel is not used as per the SEPA the Auto-turn shall not be shown as access.
6. Will the storage yard be fenced off with a gate? If an electronic gate is used Opticon will be required for Fire Department access. This will need to be review by Traffic and Fire for code compliance.
Correction 2:
1. Provide Fire Lane painting/stripping and No Parking Signs site plan.
New - All parking islands will be required be painted and stenciled unless its the side that is parallel with a stall. Show on site plan both details and sign placement. This will also be a requirement around the existing building. Provide on a separate page.
2. Will the parcel that was removed from the plans be fenced off? If the parcel is not used as per the SEPA the Auto-turn shall not be shown as access.
New - remove plans that show unused parcel from set showing Auto-turn.
3. Will the storage yard be fenced off with a gate? If an electronic gate is used Opticon will be required for Fire Department access. This will need to be review by Traffic and Fire for code compliance.
New - Future gates will not be allowed unless the current design can show both Fire and Traffic conditions can be met. Placement and Traffic Cueing would need to be determined now.
Reviewer Comments:
Public Works Collection Review
Correction 1:
See Document Markup
Keynote 25 is pointing at mainline cleanout. Cap lateral, not mainline cleanout. Lateral is tapped between mainline cleanout and water service - Sheet 3
Correction 2:
See Document Markup
Detail for lid replacement should say Sewer, not Storm - Sheet 10
Correction 3:
See Document Markup
Reviewer Comments:
Public Works Water Review
Correction 1:
See Document Markup
Sheet C2.0 - Is a hydraulic model needed for this proposed hydrant?
Correction 2:
See Document Markup
Sheet C2.0 - Change hydrant tee call-out to read1-8"x6" TEE, MJxFl1-6" GATE VALVE FlxMJ1-8" MJ PLUGTHRUST BLOCKING
Correction 3:
See Document Markup
Sheet C2.0 - Acquire a private water easement through this parcel
Correction 4:
See Document Markup
Sheet C2.0 - Call out private 8-inch ductile iron pipe
Correction 5:
See Document Markup
Sheet C2.1 - Change 1-8"x8" TAPPING TEE to read1-8"x16" TAPPING TEE (Fl)
Correction 6:
See Document Markup
Sheet C2.1 - If the existing dual water service will be located in the ADA sidewalk ramp, the contractor will have to install a new 1-inch water line from the tap on the water main in River Road and relocated the meters directly behind the sidewalk. Add City Standard detail 03.03.01-1 to this plan set. The west side dual water service feeds the existing building to remain. If this building is just an office type building, install a 3/4-inch DCVA 3-feet down stream of the meter. If the building will include a car wash and / or mechanic shop, upgrade the protection to an above ground RPBA. The east side dual water service will be used for irrigation. Install a DCVA 3-feet down stream of the meter.
Correction 7:
See Document Markup
Sheet C2.1 - Call out private 8-inch ductile iron pipe
Correction 8:
See Document Markup
Sheet L1.0 - No trees within 10-feet of a water main.
Correction 9:
See Document Markup
Sheet L1.0 - No trees within 10-feet of a water main.
Correction 10:
See Document Markup
Sheet L1.0 - No trees within 10-feet of a water main.
Correction 11:
See Document Markup
Sheet L1.0 - No trees within 10-feet of a water main.
Correction 12:
See Document Markup
Sheet L1.0 - No trees within 10-feet of a water main.
Reviewer Comments:
Engineering Traffic Review
Correction 1:
Traffic scoping worksheet will be required. City policy requires the project trips to be estimated using the Institute of Transportation Engineers’ (ITE) Trip Generation, 11th Edition. In general, trip generation regression equations shall be used when the R2 value is 0.70 or greater. For single-family units and offices smaller than 30,000 SF, use ITE’s Trip Generation, average rate. The project trips shall be rounded to the nearest tenth. Trip credits would be allowed for any existing development.
• The city has adopted a City-Wide Traffic Impact Fee of $4,500 per PM peak hour trip. Final fees will be calculated and assessed by the City at the time of building permit issuance.
Driveway spacing requirement on River Rd is 300ft (Arterial), driveways on River Rd must be consolidated into one driveway to meet City standards. See exhibit previously provide by Jamie Carter.
Driveway spacing requirement on 15th St NW is 150ft (collector), driveways on 15th St NW must be relocated & consolidated to meet spacing standards. See exhibit previously provide by Jamie Carter.
Based on required access configuration, update AutoTurn analysis. Car carrier & Fire truck need to be modelled
a. Each AutoTurn analysis must include the following:
i. All movements need to start straight and end straight.
ii. Make sure “Turn Wheels from Stop” is not selected.
iii. Please include the template of the vehicles used
iv. For clarity, wheel & overhang paths should be different colors.
b. Curb radii and entrance dimensions shall be increased as necessary to allow vehicles to access the site without encroaching into adjacent lanes of traffic.
Because of River Rd curvature, it’s critical a City standard sight distance analysis is completed for a 45mph roadway segment at the River Rd access location. Also complete a sight distance analysis for 15th St NW/River Rd intersection and the 15th St NW site access.
During civil review, City staff shall review street tree placement, monument signage, fences, etc. to ensure required sight distance requirements are met.
Per Puyallup Municipal Code Section 11.08.135, the applicant/owner will be expected to construct half-street improvements including curb, gutter, sidewalk, roadway base, pavement, and street lighting. Any existing improvements which are damaged now or during the course of construction, or which do not meet current City Standards, shall be replaced.
• Frontage improvements on River Rd will include 8ft sidewalk, 10ft planter, streetlights, & ROW dedication.
• Frontage improvements on 15th St NW will include 36ft roadway, 8ft sidewalk, 3.5ft planter, streetlights, & ROW dedication. Offsite tapers necessary to transition SB vehicles
Site access driveways shall meet our minimum commercial driveway requirements (35ft curb radius, 30ft width). This could change based on the results of the updated AutoTurn analysis.
Existing “jog” in frontage will be removed
Existing access easement on the south side of property must be paved
Any existing driveway cuts along frontage that are not utilized for this project shall be replaced with curb/gutter/sidewalk.
Once the City received an updated design showing the updated River Rd access location and City standard frontage improvements, the design will be sent to WSDOT for comment.
Separate street light design is required Street lighting plan:
i. City standard streetlights are required every 150ft along frontage (River Rd & 15th St NW).
ii. River Rd (Arterial) will require GE EVOLVE ELR2 Fixtures ERL2-3-23-A3-40-D-Gray-A-V1 (City to provide latest part numbers)
iii. It is the sole responsibility of the design engineer to ensure streetlight design/placement is outside of the 10ft minimum “safe zone” area. The City will not allow streetlights to be within 10ft of the PSE primary for safety reasons.
iv. Streetlights shall have shorting caps installed with remote photocell located on the service cabinet.
v. PSE utility pole mounted streetlights do not meet current City standards and will be removed with installation of City standard streetlights.
vi. Streetlight design shall provide the following:
1. Provide details on how streetlights will be powered
2. Location of conduit runs
3. Wiring Schedule - Conduit size/type/details for each raceway, Conductors details
4. Pole schedule - STA & offset for each luminaire
5. Show location of junction boxes
Reviewer Comments:
Engineering Civil Review
Correction 1:
See Document Markup
Correct punctuation and display entire note. Site Plan, #22, Sheet C1.0.
Correction 2:
See Document Markup
Clarify which CBs are to be demolished. Site Plan, Sheet C1.0.
Correction 3:
See Document Markup
7 buildings are being demolished, but no sewer lines are called out for demo (just caps at main). In addition it is suspected that some buildings were connected to septic drainfields. Clarify and provide all details of drainfields, existing sewer and proposed sewer.. Clarify. Site Plan, Sheet C1.0.
Correction 4:
See Document Markup
Key note indicators are difficult to see within this hatching. Site Plan, Sheet C1.0 and C1.1.
Correction 5:
See Document Markup
Clarify language. Is the entire hydrant being replaced? Or is a STORZ fitting being added to an existing. Site Plan, Sheet C2.1.
Correction 6:
See Document Markup
Change in curb type? Revise or clarify. Site Plan, Sheet C2.0.
Correction 7:
See Document Markup
The City would like to discuss different options for the CE. Placing it in a gravel road that is used by residents for access and has a CB within its proposed boundary could be problematic. Site Plan, Sheet C1.1
Correction 8:
See Document Markup
Clarify purpose of curb cut. Run off should be directed toward the system unless dispersion or infiltration is proposed for this area. Site Plan, Sheet C2.1.
Correction 9:
See Document Markup
Infrastructure is proposed on parcel that is not a part of this project. Revise or justify. Site Plan, Sheet C3.0
Correction 10:
See Document Markup
Complete legend. Site Plan, Sheet C3.0
Correction 11:
See Document Markup
Complete legend. Site Plan, Sheet C3.1
Correction 12:
Change reference to 2012 SWMMWW. SSP, Page 1.
Correction 13:
Enhanced treatment of runoff will be required before release to the 60 inch drainage pipe in 15th St NW. SSP, General.
Correction 14:
The SSP report does not do enough to illustrate that onsite BMPs are not practical and that infiltration is completely infeasible. Revise with references to the 2012 SWMMWW that use project specific site data.
Correction 15:
Update all references in plans and reports to specify the Baysaver and remove references to Contech or clarify. Also update all maps, figures and language to exclude parcel # 0420204263.
Correction 16:
This project is in Puyallup, not Eatonville. Geotech report, Geologic Setting, Page 2.
Correction 17:
Page 2 of the Geotech report under Groundwater Conditions says that groundwater was observed at DEPTHS of 4.5-5.5 feet below grade. On page 7 of the same report, under Infiltration Characteristics, the groundwater table is reported to be within 1-2 feet of the bottom of the test pits which are reported to be 3.5-3.75 feet deep. This must be reconciled. This is why the City requires long term monitoring of groundwater during the wet season. Reporting that groundwater levels "will fluctuate" does not inform the technical design of stormwater BMPs and is not acceptable for permitting.
Correction 18:
Reviewer Comments:
Public Works Collection Review
Correction 1:
See Document Markup
Keynote 25 is pointing at mainline cleanout. Cap lateral, not mainline cleanout. Lateral is tapped between mainline cleanout and water service - Sheet 3
Correction 2:
See Document Markup
Detail for lid replacement should say Sewer, not Storm - Sheet 10
Correction 3:
See Document Markup
Reviewer Comments:
Planning Review
Correction 1:
Miscellaneous Planning Correction
Provide all available recorded access and utility easements along the south side of the development. Trees and landscaping must be placed interior to all access and utility easements on TPNs 0420204263, 0420208027, 0420208039, 0420213006. Neighboring property owners have provided information regarding non-exclusive easements for all parcels listed here, starting at the SE corner of TPN 0420204069 and extending to 15th Ave.
Correction 2:
Miscellaneous Planning Correction
All interior light standards shall be removed and replaced by conforming and shielded lighting per PMC 20.26.500; Light fixtures shall be no higher than 20 feet above any finished grade level within 10 feet of the fixture.
Correction 3:
Miscellaneous Planning Correction
Confirm all underground fuel and storage tanks have been removed and soil remediation work completed in accordance with regulatory agencies (TPCHD, ECY, etc.) Confirm all existing storm water facilities and structures will be demolished, removed and properly disposed of.
Correction 4:
Miscellaneous Planning Correction
See other Planning Division comments in plan set mark ups, carried over from P-21-0087, documents and images, "E-21-0406 Pages from p-21-0087 resub 1 plans PLANNING REDLINES" document. Please also refer to P-21-0087 for full Planning comments as they relate to this permit.
Reviewer Comments:
Other / Miscellaneous
Please see Planning redlines in P-21-0087 (SEPA) - most comments are duplicated on this submittal
Public Works Water Review
Correction 1:
See Document Markup
Sheet C2.0 - Is a hydraulic model needed for this proposed hydrant?
Correction 2:
See Document Markup
Sheet C2.0 - Change hydrant tee call-out to read1-8"x6" TEE, MJxFl1-6" GATE VALVE FlxMJ1-8" MJ PLUGTHRUST BLOCKING
Correction 3:
See Document Markup
Sheet C2.0 - Acquire a private water easement through this parcel unless it is owned by the applicant. Assuming that it is, let it be known that should ownership change at anytime during the future, then an easement would have to be procured for the utilities at that time.
Correction 4:
See Document Markup
Sheet C2.0 - Call out private 8-inch ductile iron pipe
Correction 5:
See Document Markup
Sheet C2.1 - Change 1-8"x8" TAPPING TEE to read1-8"x16" TAPPING TEE (Fl)
Correction 6:
See Document Markup
Sheet C2.1 - If the existing dual water service will be located in the ADA sidewalk ramp, the contractor will have to install a new 1-inch water line from the tap on the water main in River Road and relocated the meters directly behind the sidewalk. Add City Standard detail 03.03.01-1 to this plan set. The west side dual water service feeds the existing building to remain. If this building is just an office type building, install a 3/4-inch DCVA 3-feet down stream of the meter. If the building will include a car wash and / or mechanic shop, upgrade the protection to an above ground RPBA. The east side dual water service will be used for irrigation. Install a DCVA 3-feet down stream of the meter.
Correction 7:
See Document Markup
Sheet C2.1 - Call out private 8-inch ductile iron pipe
Correction 8:
See Document Markup
Sheet L1.0 - No trees within 10-feet of a water main.
Correction 9:
See Document Markup
Sheet L1.0 - No trees within 10-feet of a water main.
Correction 10:
See Document Markup
Sheet L1.0 - No trees within 10-feet of a water main.
Correction 11:
See Document Markup
Sheet L1.0 - No trees within 10-feet of a water main.
Correction 12:
See Document Markup
Sheet L1.0 - No trees within 10-feet of a water main.
Reviewer Comments:
Fire Review
Correction 1:
1. Maintain no less than 24’ Fire Lane throughout all isles in parking lot.
2. See traffic notes for changes. Provide New Auto-turn or equivalent program to demonstrate fire apparatus turning radius.
3. Provide Fire Lane painting/stripping and No Parking Signs site plan.
4. A Fire Hydrant is required in the SW area parking lot. Place in a parking island to reach all areas within 400’. Comply with C.O.P. standards.
5. Will the parcel that was removed from the plans be fenced off? If the parcel is not used as per the SEPA the Auto-turn shall not be shown as access.
6. Will the storage yard be fenced off with a gate? If an electronic gate is used Opticon will be required for Fire Department access. This will need to be review by Traffic and Fire for code compliance.
Correction 2:
1. Provide Fire Lane painting/stripping and No Parking Signs site plan.
New - All parking islands will be required be painted and stenciled unless its the side that is parallel with a stall. Show on site plan both details and sign placement. This will also be a requirement around the existing building. Provide on a separate page.
2. Will the parcel that was removed from the plans be fenced off? If the parcel is not used as per the SEPA the Auto-turn shall not be shown as access.
New - remove plans that show unused parcel from set showing Auto-turn.
3. Will the storage yard be fenced off with a gate? If an electronic gate is used Opticon will be required for Fire Department access. This will need to be review by Traffic and Fire for code compliance.
New - Future gates will not be allowed unless the current design can show both Fire and Traffic conditions can be met. Placement and Traffic Cueing would need to be determined now.
Reviewer Comments:
Public Works Water Review
Reviewer Comments:
PW WATER - No Comments
Engineering Civil Review
Reviewer Comments:
ENG PLAN REVIEW CIVIL - The review was stopped short due to changing conditions although some departments had alrready commented. Next submittal should go to WATER, SEWER, STORM, TRAFFIC, STREETS and PLANNING. Can PERMITTING please route out the remining departments?
Fire Review
Reviewer Comments:
Fire-FCO (PLAN REVIEW) - No Comments
Planning Review
Reviewer Comments:
Public Works Collection Review
Reviewer Comments: