Planning Application Status


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Preliminary Site Plan
Preliminary Site Plan
File Closed





* Address


Review Type Outcome Est. Completion Date Completed
Building Review No Comments 08/12/2022 08/08/2022
Fire Review No Comments 08/12/2022 08/02/2022
Engineering Review No Comments 08/12/2022 07/27/2022
Planning Review No Comments 08/12/2022 07/26/2022
Engineering Traffic Review VOID 08/12/2022 07/15/2022
Building Review No Comments 03/26/2022 03/31/2022
Planning Review Revisions Required 03/26/2022 03/25/2022
Building Review Revisions Required 02/20/2022 02/11/2022
Planning Review Revisions Required 02/20/2022 02/11/2022
Building Review Approved 10/14/2021
Building Review Resubmittal Required 10/13/2021
Building Review Approved 09/28/2021
Building Review Approved 09/08/2021


Paid Fees Amount Paid Owing Date Paid
None $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Outstanding Fees Amount Paid Owing Date Paid
Traffic Impact Analysis (With SEPA Checklist) Fee $160.00 $160.00 Paid 09/20/2021
Legacy Fee $1,890.00 $1,890.00 Paid 09/20/2021
SEPA Checklist Fee (with planning permit) $250.00 $0.00 Not payable Not Paid
Preliminary Site Plan Fee $0.00 $0.00 Not payable Not Paid

Application(s) will not be processed until outstanding fees have been paid in full.



There are no hearings for this planning application.


Condition Status Department Category Expiration Date Due Date
Miscellaneous Condition Open Planning Division Standard Conditions
: - Final landscape plan required at the time of civil permit. More detailed comments regarding perimeter landscape treatment and design should be expected by applicant team at that time. - Final plan check on design review will occur at the time of final building permit submittal. - Final limits of clearing shall be consistent with tree report retention recommendations. Final grading plans should be provided to the project arborist prior to final submittal of civils.
Miscellaneous Condition Open Development & Permitting Services Standard Conditions
: As a condition of approval of this Preliminary Site Plan (P-21-0096) the water service must be shown in the Civil Permit Submittal Documents as connected to Fruitland Mutual Water Company’s system as they are the water purveyors for that area. The water line that the proposed service is connected to on the plans is a transmission line that supports fire hydrants only. Domestic connections are not allowed on this pipe and the civil submittal shall represent this. Also, as a condition of approval, a water availability letter from the purveyor must be provided with the first Civil Permit Submittal. The July 13 re-submission stated that the letter was provided but it cannot be located in our system.
Miscellaneous Condition Open Development & Permitting Services Standard Conditions
: Civil engineering drawings will be required for this project prior to issuance of the first building permit (The city has transitioned to electronic review. Please reach out to the city permit technicians at and they will guide you how to submit). Included within the civil design package will be a utility plan overlaid with the landscape architects landscaping design to ensure that potential conflicts between the two designs have been addressed. Engineering plans cannot be accepted until Planning Department requirements have been satisfied, including but not limited to, SEPA, Preliminary Site Plan approval, CUP, and/or Hearing Examiner conditions.
Miscellaneous Condition Open Development & Permitting Services Standard Conditions
: If the valuation of the proposed improvements exceeds $150,000, the applicant shall construct and/or replace any substandard curbs, gutters, sidewalks, storm drainage, half-street paving, and street lights in accordance with the City's standards and specifications along all street frontage adjoining the property, per PMC 11.08.030.
Miscellaneous Condition Open Development & Permitting Services Standard Conditions
: The minimum distance between water lines and sewer lines shall be 10-feet horizontally and 18-inches vertically. If this criterion cannot be met, the applicant shall isolate the sewer and water lines by encasement, shielding, or other approved methods. [PMC 14.02.120(f) & CS 301.1(8)]
Miscellaneous Condition Open Development & Permitting Services Standard Conditions
: Water and sewer pipes and service connections shall be a minimum of 10-feet away from building foundations and/or roof lines.
Miscellaneous Condition Open Development & Permitting Services Standard Conditions
: The applicant shall verify the level of backflow protection required for the domestic water supply with Fruitland Mutual Water Company.  (Note:  The City of Puyallup requires a reduced pressure backflow assembly (RPBA) on all commercial projects tied into the City’s water system.) [PMC 14.02.220(3) & CS 302.2]
Miscellaneous Condition Open Development & Permitting Services Standard Conditions
: Fire hydrants and other appurtenances such as DDCVA and PIV shall be placed as directed by the Puyallup Fire Code Official. Fire hydrants shall be placed so that there is a minimum of 50-feet of separation from hydrants to any building walls. [PMC 16.08.080 & CS 301.2, 302.3]
Miscellaneous Condition Open Development & Permitting Services Standard Conditions
: The Fire Department Connection (FDC) shall be located no closer than 10-feet and no further than 15-feet from a fire hydrant. (Note: If the project is utilizing a fire booster pump, the FDC must connect to the sprinkler system on the discharge side of the pump in accordance with NFPA regulations.) A post indicator valve (PIV) shall be provided for the fire sprinkler system in advance of the DDCVA. [CS 302.3]
Miscellaneous Condition Open Development & Permitting Services Standard Conditions
: Water connection fees and systems development charges shall be in accordance with Fruitland Mutual Water Company requirements.
Miscellaneous Condition Open Development & Permitting Services Standard Conditions
: A separate and independent side sewer will be required from the public main to the project site. Side sewers shall be 6-inch minimum diameter with a 0.02 foot per foot slope. Side sewers shall have a cleanout at the property line, at the building, and every 100 feet between the two points. [PMC 14.08.110 & CS 401(6)]
Miscellaneous Condition Open Development & Permitting Services Standard Conditions
: The construction of a trash enclosure will require the enclosure pad to be elevated to prevent stormwater run-on. If a sewer area drain is proposed for any trash enclosure, then the entire enclosure shall be covered to prevent stormwater run-on and inflow into the sewer system.
Miscellaneous Condition Open Development & Permitting Services Standard Conditions
: At the time of civil permit application, the applicant is responsible for submitting a permanent storm water management plan which meets the design requirements provided by PMC Section 21.10. [PMC 21.10.190, 21.10.060]
Miscellaneous Condition Open Development & Permitting Services Standard Conditions
: Upon civil permit application, the following items shall be provided: 1. A separate street lighting and channelization plan shall be provided in accordance with City Standards. 2. Commercial and Multi-family projects shall provide an autoturn analysis for the largest anticipated vehicle that would access the site. Curb radii and entrance dimensions shall be increased as necessary to allow vehicles to access the site without encroaching into adjacent lanes of traffic. 3. Root barriers in accordance with City Standard Detail 01.02.03 shall be installed for all street trees within ten (10) feet of the public ROW. 4. Wheel chair ramps, accessible routes, etc. shall be constructed in accordance with City Standards and current ADA regulations. If there is a conflict between the City Standards and ADA regulations, the ADA regulations shall take precedence over the City’s requirements. [PMC 17.42] 5. Any surface area proposed for parking, drive aisle, or outdoor storage shall be paved with asphalt or concrete. [PMC 20.30.045(3), 20.35.035(3), 20.44.045(2)]
Miscellaneous Condition Open Development & Permitting Services Standard Conditions
: Any curb, gutter, sidewalk, or other existing improvements which currently do not meet City Standards, or are damaged during construction, shall be replaced. [PMC 11.08.020]
Miscellaneous Condition Open Development & Permitting Services Standard Conditions
: At the time of civil permit application, the following notes shall be added to the first sheet of the TESCP: 1. At any time during construction it is determined by the City that mud and debris are being tracked onto public streets with insufficient cleanup, all work shall cease on the project until this condition is corrected. The contractor and/or the owner shall immediately take all steps necessary to prevent future tracking of mud and debris into the public ROW, which may include the installation of a wheel wash facility on-site. 2. Contractor shall designate a Washington Department of Ecology certified erosion and sediment control leadperson, and shall comply with the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) prepared for this project. 3. Sediment-laden runoff shall not be allowed to discharge beyond the construction limits in accordance with the Project’s NPDES General Stormwater Permit. 4. The permanent infiltration system shall not be utilized for TESC runoff. Connect infiltration trench to road system only after construction is complete and site is stabilized and paved.
Miscellaneous Condition Open Development & Permitting Services Standard Conditions
: Civil engineering drawings will be required for this project prior to issuance of the first building permit. Included within the civil design package shall be a utility plan overlaid with the proposed landscaping design to ensure that potential conflicts between the two designs have been addressed. 
Miscellaneous Condition Open Development & Permitting Services Standard Conditions
: All applicable City Standard Notes and Standard Details shall be included on the construction plans for this project. A copy of the City Standards can be found on the City’s web site under City Engineering, Development Engineering.
Miscellaneous Condition Open Development & Permitting Services Standard Conditions
: A Traffic Scoping Worksheet will be required. City policy requires the project trips be estimated using the Institute of Transportation Engineers’ (ITE) Trip Generation, 10th Edition. In general, trip generation regression equations shall be used when the R2 value is 0.70 or greater. For single-family units and offices smaller than 30,000 SF, use ITE’s Trip Generation, average rate. The project trips shall be rounded to the nearest tenth.
Miscellaneous Condition Open Development & Permitting Services Standard Conditions
: A 30-foot commercial driveway will be required for site access. See City Standard 01.02.16, 01.02.17, or 01.02.18.

Related Permit & Planning Applications

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PRFUP20231150 Closed Franchise Utility Permit
PRFA20240334 Permit(s) Issued Fire Alarms
PRFA20240335 Permit(s) Issued Fire Alarms
PRFS20240551 Permit(s) Issued Fire Sprinklers
PRFS20240552 Permit(s) Issued Fire Sprinklers
P-21-0014 File Closed Pre-Application

Documents & Images

Date Uploaded File Type Name
01/19/2022 Plans p-21-0096 application (Flattened)
01/19/2022 Plans p-21-0096 geotech report (Flattened)
01/19/2022 Plans p-21-0096 resub 1 application (Flattened)
01/19/2022 Plans p-21-0096 resub1 design features (Flattened)
01/19/2022 Plans p-21-0096 traffic scoping (Flattened)
01/19/2022 Plans p-21-0096 utility grading plan (Flattened)
02/11/2022 Report A) STAFF MEMO
02/11/2022 Report B) STAFF REVIEW TABLE
02/11/2022 Form Crical Area ID Form1_201906061613008609 (1) (Flattened)
03/25/2022 P-21-0096 COPPERBERRY CONDOS Design Review Determination_MX SIGNED FINAL DECISION 032522
03/25/2022 P-21-0096 DRT LETTER #1 SENT 101521
04/04/2022 Drawing City Response - Design Review Board0 (Flattened)
07/13/2022 Form CopperBerry SEPA Checklist Revised 7-12-2022 signed
08/04/2022 Email Notice of SEPA Threshold Determination - Project #
08/04/2022 Report P-21-0096 SEPA DNS SIGNED 080422
08/11/2022 Letter Final DRT Letter
08/11/2022 Letter P-21-0096 DNS Response
08/11/2022 Email RE Notice of SEPA Threshold Determination - Project #P-21-0096 Copperberry Condos SEPA DNS - City of Puyallup (Lead Agency)

Should you need assistance, please contact the Permit Center at (253) 864-4165 option 1.