Planning Application Status


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213 10TH ST SE
SEPA Standalone
SEPA Standalone
File Closed



Review Type Outcome Est. Completion Date Completed
Fire Review No Comments 01/27/2022 02/10/2022
Engineering Traffic Review No Comments 01/27/2022 02/09/2022
Planning Review No Comments 01/27/2022 02/09/2022
Engineering Review No Comments 01/27/2022 01/21/2022
Engineering Traffic Review Approved 11/16/2021
Engineering Traffic Review Approved 11/16/2021


Paid Fees Amount Paid Owing Date Paid
None $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Outstanding Fees Amount Paid Owing Date Paid
Legacy Fee $570.00 $570.00 Paid 09/23/2021

Application(s) will not be processed until outstanding fees have been paid in full.



There are no hearings for this planning application.


Condition Status Department Category Expiration Date Due Date
Miscellaneous Condition Resolved Planning Division
: On March 12, 2021, the property owner executed an assignment of funds for onsite landscaping that was required as part of the original CUP approval in order to postpone the improvements. As a condition for the subject application, the onsite landscaping shall be installed and receive final approval in order for the applicant to start operations on proposed Tank 3. Tank 3 shall not be operational, e.g. not used for testing, filling, or otherwise used for product storage until the landscaping improvements are complete.
Miscellaneous Condition Resolved Planning Division
: The subject site is located within a volcanic hazard area. Per 21.06.1260, new hazardous facilities are prohibited within volcanic hazard areas. This is an existing use/site that was previously determined to not meet the definition of a “hazardous facility” under PMC 21.06.210(65). In review of the subject application, based on review of the current building codes for hazardous occupancies, the city building code official has determined that the proposed modification would not change the prior determination, i.e. the site would not be considered a hazardous facility. Should the project scope change during permit review, city staff will re-evaluate whether it alters this determination.
Miscellaneous Condition Resolved Engineering Division Standard Conditions
: Traffic Impact fees (TIF) will be assessed in accordance with fees adopted by ordinance, per PMC 21.10.
Miscellaneous Condition Resolved Engineering Division
: Any existing improvements which are damaged now or during construction, or which do not meet current City Standards, shall be replaced.
Miscellaneous Condition Resolved Engineering Division SEPA Condition
: Abide by the current City of Puyallup POTW discharge permit. Follow all accidental spill preventions plans in place in case of a spill.
Miscellaneous Condition Resolved Planning Division Critical Area
: Project shall comply with the recommendations and methods outlined in the Critical Aquifer Recharge Area (CARA) hydrological report and subsequent addendums, as well as the Emergency Action Plan (Rev. 06/01/2021) and the Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure Plan (Rev. October 2021).
Miscellaneous Condition Resolved Planning Division Standard Conditions
: The Accidental Spill Prevention/Slug Discharge Plan (ASSP) shall be updated to recognize Tank 3 prior to Tank 3 becoming operational.
Miscellaneous Condition Resolved Fire Prevention
: Separate permits are required for review and inspection. Compliance with the original CUP determination is required for this tank restoration and service. Reference the Fire Protection Consulting technical report dated August 8, 2019, the ChemE consulting LLC technical report dated October 8, 2019, the Cheme Consultation LLC dated September 10, 2021; to provide qualified 3rd party assessment and inspection reports as part of the permit and inspections required to meet all applicable code requirements (eg, IFC, IBC, NFPA and related standards).

Related Permit & Planning Applications

There are no related items for this planning application.

Documents & Images

Date Uploaded File Type Name
02/09/2022 Letter P-21-0116 CUP modification findings_signed
02/10/2022 Other ELR Puyallup EmergencyActionPlan (Flattened)
02/10/2022 Other ELR-CARA Memo Review (Flattened)
02/10/2022 Other ELR-Piping Plan Puyallup Tank 3 (Flattened)
02/10/2022 Other ELRPuyallup - Accidental Spill Prevention Slug Discharge Plan (Flattened)
02/10/2022 Other ELR-Site Plan Tank 3 (Flattened)
02/10/2022 Other ELR-Traffic Scoping Worksheet (Flattened)
02/10/2022 Letter Final DRT Letter
02/10/2022 Other P-21-0116 DRT LETTER 1 Ecolube Response signed (Flattened)
02/10/2022 Other SPCC Plan -Rev October 2021 (Flattened)
02/24/2022 Original SEPA DNS - P-18-0154
02/24/2022 Permit SEPA Addendum Determination 2.24.22
09/23/2021 Plans p-21-0116 affidavit of notice of application.pdf
09/23/2021 Plans p-21-0116 affidavit of notice of application.pdf
09/23/2021 Plans p-21-0116 application.pdf
09/23/2021 Plans p-21-0116 comment letter j. spencer 10.29.21.pdf
09/23/2021 Plans p-21-0116 ecy noa comment letter.pdf
09/23/2021 Plans p-21-0116 letter to city staff.pdf
09/23/2021 Plans p-21-0116 letter to reuse of tanks for storage.pdf
09/23/2021 Plans p-21-0116 sepa comment_nisqually.pdf
09/23/2021 Plans p-21-0116 sepa comment_squaxin.pdf
09/23/2021 Plans p-21-0116 site plan.pdf

Should you need assistance, please contact the Permit Center at (253) 864-4165 option 1.