Review Type
Est. Completion Date
Building Review
No Comments
Reviewer Comments:
Engineering Review
No Comments
Correction 1:
Provide the WHMM calculation printout to show that the infiltration trenches are feasible, infiltrate 100% and meet the flow control standard.
Correction 2:
See Document Markup
Provide figure III-1.1 Runoff Treatment BMP Selection Flow Chart within the drainage report. [drainage report, pg 12]
Correction 3:
See Document Markup
This tax parcel is for the lot to the south. Revise to 0419043122. [site plan, pg 1]
Correction 4:
See Document Markup
Add general information ie linetypes, hatches, etc. to the project legend. [site plan, pg 4]
Correction 5:
See Document Markup
Phase 2 is for constructing the parking lot and addressing stormwater, revise accordingly. [drainage report, pg 16]
Correction 6:
See Document Markup
Show the easement for 14th St Pl SW to allow it to be discharged from the 14th St Pl SW right of way. The Costco as-builts show there is an existing 15' storm drainage easement. [cup, pg 13]
Correction 7:
See Document Markup
Provide continuous groundwater monitoring data for the location of the proposed infiltration facility. Infiltration facitilites require 5' of separation from the bottom of the proposed facility to the determined seasonal high groundwater. [drainage report, pg 28]
Correction 8:
See Document Markup
There is no information provided regarding the build out conditions of Costco's 0419043123 parcel. How is it known that the 15" proposed storm pipe has capacity for this parcel, the overflow of the PSD's parking lot and 14th St's runoff? Provide additional calculations/information for sizing this overflow pipe for the contributing flows over the 100-year storm event as outlined by the overflow stormwater easement agreement. [drainage report, pg 79.]
Correction 9:
See Document Markup
Provide the LID report showing that the project meets the LID performance standard per the proposed WWHM infiltration trench modeling. [drainage report, pg 89]
Correction 10:
See Document Markup
Indicate the proposed infiltration trench is 4' deep per the wwhm calculation. [site plan, pg 14]
Correction 11:
See Document Markup
The analysis results are missing from this page. Be sure to include this on the next submittal. [drainage report, pg 90]
Correction 12:
See Document Markup
Why are additional gravel trenches modeled for both the northern and southern bioretention WWHM calculations? [drainage report, pg 153]
Correction 13:
See Document Markup
Clearly show that this sheet is phase 1 of the proposed project and the rest of the site plan is for for phase 2 of the development. All sheets indicate phase 1 within the project title. [site plan, pg 3]
Correction 14:
See Document Markup
Provide preliminary feasibility/modeling/additional information that proves the existing pond has capacity for the proposed 14th St runoff, overflow from PSD and Costco's proposed gas station overflow. [drainage report, pg 9]
Correction 15:
See Document Markup
Has Costco conducted any prelminary geotechnical investigation? How will the school district and Costco deal with the proposed 15" pipe being undersized based on the limited information? [Stormwater Agreement].
Correction 16:
See Document Markup
List #1 is for projects proposing 2,000-5,000SF of new plus replaced hard surfaces (NPRHS). Projects proposing to exceed 5,000SF or more of NPRHS, must meet List #2, #3 or the low impact development performance standard. Additionally, it does not appear that the project is meeting the intent of the Ecology manual for MR 5. Bioretention is not being used for infiltration for MR 5, but rather for treatment for MR 6. Choosing to meet the LID performance standard would eliminate this conflict. [drainage plan, pg 11]
Correction 17:
See Document Markup
Provide a basin map within the preliminary drainage report showing the pre-developed and post-developed land-uses. Also include a table breakdown depicting impervious and pervious areas in acres[drainage report, pg 68]
Correction 18:
See Document Markup
The geotech report on page 77 of the report mentions to use a design infiltration rate of 1.1 inches per hour. Update the calculation and/ or provide reasoning as to why 5 inches per hour was used for the WWHM modeling. [drainage report, pg 77]
Correction 19:
See Document Markup
How come the LID report doesnt show a check mark for the "Used for Treatment" column for the bioswales? [drainage report, pg 94]
Reviewer Comments:
Planning Review
No Comments
Correction 1:
See Document Markup
all new and replaced utility lines must be located outside of required landscape beds unless it can be demonstrated that no other feasible alternative exists. See VMS Pg 25
Correction 2:
See Document Markup
Bus parking lot to the north is missing required type IV landscaping for parking areas. [Site Plan, Sheet C3-302]
Correction 3:
See Document Markup
Provide level of EV charging station anticipated. Review PMC 20.56 for regulations for EV charging stations. [site plan, sheet C3-302]
Reviewer Comments:
Fire Review
No Comments
Reviewer Comments:
Engineering Traffic Review
No Comments
Correction 1:
See Document Markup
PREVIOUS CITY COMMENT: Access easement at this property corner. This easement would allow for possible future re-alignment of the Costco Drive Isle (substandard geometry). Access easement would not allow proposed parking lot to access 14th St SW (or Costco property). This would allow for "possible" realignment of substandard private access. These possible improvements would not be the responsibility of the district. [CUP Site Plan C2-101]
COMMENT RESPONSE: Per discussions with City the School District is open to discussions of the long term maintenance of this portion of the property, but request that this process be separate from the CUP as it is not part of the proposed project and the maintenance agreement/easements would be between the School District and the private road owner, Costco.
Comment response does not address City's previous comment. Maintenance agreement not necessary with adjacent property owner for execution of an access easement.
[CUP Site Plan C2-101]
Correction 2:
See Document Markup
PREVIOUS CITY COMMENT: Per previous comment, remove all trees / shrubs located at the SE corner of parcel to improve sight distance for Costco drive isle. Confirmed with Planning Dept that vegetation can be removed. Place note on site plan & landscaping sheets requiring removal. [CUP Site Plan C3-30]
COMMENT RESPONSE: Per discussions with City the School District is open to discussions of the long term maintenance of this portion of the property, but request that this process be separate from the CUP as it is not part of the proposed project and the maintenance agreement/easements would be between the School District and the private road owner, Costco.
Maintenance agreement not necessary with adjacent property owner. PSD can maintain/remove vegetation on their own property.
[CUP Site Plan C3-302]
Correction 3:
See Document Markup
PREVIOUS CITY COMMENT: Re-align fence away from Costco Drive Isle [CUP Site Plan C3-30]
COMMENT RESPONSE: Per discussions with City the School District is open to discussions of the long term maintenance of this portion of the property, but request that this process be separate from the CUP as it is not part of the proposed project and the maintenance agreement/easements would be between the School District and the private road owner, Costco.
Maintenance agreement not necessary with adjacent property owner for placement of fence on PSD property. Re-align fence away from Costco drive isle to improve safety.
[CUP Site Plan C3-302]
Correction 4:
TIA submittal is currently being reviewed by our 3rd party reviewer. Upcoming comments will be sent directly to the applicant's traffic engineer (TENW).
Previous Traffic analysis direction from City:
-City can provide signal timing for signals within study area.
-Need to measure existing queue lengths at study intersections
-Delay analysis shall account for unserved demand where applicable. Please reference the 2020 ITE Creasey article.
-use 3% annual growth rate (3 year horizon).
-The operational analysis at 17th St SW & 39th Ave should evaluate existing NB/SB channelization. Analysis needs to evaluate SBL & NBL turn pockets.
-report 95th percentile queuing & approach delay.
Reviewer Comments:
Engineering Traffic Review
Correction 1:
See Document Markup
Per previous comment, fix drive isle alignment at this location. This design creates unnecessary obstruction/hazard within primary access point. AASHTO Passenger Car shown for reference.
[CUP Site Plan C3-30]
Correction 2:
See Document Markup
Per previous comment, remove all trees / shrubs located at the SE corner of parcel to improve sight distance for Costco drive isle. Confirmed with Planning Dept that vegetation can be removed. Place note on site plan & landscaping sheets requiring removal. [CUP Site Plan C3-30]
Correction 3:
See Document Markup
Re-align fence away from Costco Drive Isle (green)
[CUP Site Plan C3-30]
Correction 4:
See Document Markup
AutoTurn needs to show parking layout/design in this area
[CUP Site Plan C1-50]
Correction 5:
See Document Markup
Coordinate with David Drake (Fire) if AutoTurn should include southern parking area
[CUP Site Plan C1-50]
Correction 6:
See Document Markup
Show inbound + outbound AutoTurn
[CUP Site Plan C1-50]
Correction 7:
See Document Markup
Show parking layout here
[CUP Site Plan C3-30]
Correction 8:
See Document Markup
Remove tree to improve sight distance at skewed intersection
[CUP Site Plan C3-30]
Correction 9:
See Document Markup
Access easement at this property corner. This easement would allow for possible future re-alignment of the Costco Drive Isle (substandard geometry). Access easement would not allow proposed parking lot to access 14th St SW (or Costco property). This would allow for "possible" realignment of substandard private access. These possible improvements would not be the responsibility of the district.
[CUP Site Plan C2-101]
Correction 10:
See Document Markup
Trip generation assumptions are approved.
[CUP Traffic Scoping]
Correction 11:
See Document Markup
9th St SW & 39th Ave SW
[CUP Traffic Scoping]
Correction 12:
See Document Markup
14th St SW & 39th Ave SW
[CUP Traffic Scoping]
Correction 13:
See Document Markup
17th St SW & 39th Ave SW
[CUP Traffic Scoping]
Correction 14:
See Document Markup
40% @ south leg of 17th/39th is too high for employee/bus trips. 20% is more likely. Please update trip distribution/assignment accordingly. [CUP Traffic Scoping]
Correction 15:
See Document Markup
Line of sight distance not relevant. These two sites are 11 minutes apart (without congestion).
[CUP Traffic Memo]
Correction 16:
See Document Markup
The additional vehicle trips at the South Hill campus will have localized impacts (completely isolated from the DOC site).
The existing DOC site will retain it's vested vehicle trips and will be able to use for credit against future development on this parcel.
[CUP Traffic Memo]
Correction 17:
Traffic analysis
-City can provide signal timing for signals within study area.
-Need to measure existing queue lengths at study intersections
-Delay analysis shall account for unserved demand where applicable. Please reference the 2020 ITE Creasey article.
-use 3% annual growth rate (3 year horizon).
-The operational analysis at 17th St SW & 39th Ave should evaluate existing NB/SB channelization. Analysis needs to evaluate SBL & NBL turn pockets.
-report 95th percentile queuing & approach delay.
Correction 18:
See Document Markup
PREVIOUS CITY COMMENT: Access easement at this property corner. This easement would allow for possible future re-alignment of the Costco Drive Isle (substandard geometry). Access easement would not allow proposed parking lot to access 14th St SW (or Costco property). This would allow for "possible" realignment of substandard private access. These possible improvements would not be the responsibility of the district. [CUP Site Plan C2-101]
COMMENT RESPONSE: Per discussions with City the School District is open to discussions of the long term maintenance of this portion of the property, but request that this process be separate from the CUP as it is not part of the proposed project and the maintenance agreement/easements would be between the School District and the private road owner, Costco.
Comment response does not address City's previous comment. Maintenance agreement not necessary with adjacent property owner for execution of an access easement.
[CUP Site Plan C2-101]
Correction 19:
See Document Markup
PREVIOUS CITY COMMENT: Per previous comment, remove all trees / shrubs located at the SE corner of parcel to improve sight distance for Costco drive isle. Confirmed with Planning Dept that vegetation can be removed. Place note on site plan & landscaping sheets requiring removal. [CUP Site Plan C3-30]
COMMENT RESPONSE: Per discussions with City the School District is open to discussions of the long term maintenance of this portion of the property, but request that this process be separate from the CUP as it is not part of the proposed project and the maintenance agreement/easements would be between the School District and the private road owner, Costco.
Maintenance agreement not necessary with adjacent property owner. PSD can maintain/remove vegetation on their own property.
[CUP Site Plan C3-302]
Correction 20:
See Document Markup
PREVIOUS CITY COMMENT: Re-align fence away from Costco Drive Isle [CUP Site Plan C3-30]
COMMENT RESPONSE: Per discussions with City the School District is open to discussions of the long term maintenance of this portion of the property, but request that this process be separate from the CUP as it is not part of the proposed project and the maintenance agreement/easements would be between the School District and the private road owner, Costco.
Maintenance agreement not necessary with adjacent property owner for placement of fence on PSD property. Re-align fence away from Costco drive isle to improve safety.
[CUP Site Plan C3-302]
Correction 21:
TIA submittal is currently being reviewed by our 3rd party reviewer. Upcoming comments will be sent directly to the applicant's traffic engineer (TENW).
Previous Traffic analysis direction from City:
-City can provide signal timing for signals within study area.
-Need to measure existing queue lengths at study intersections
-Delay analysis shall account for unserved demand where applicable. Please reference the 2020 ITE Creasey article.
-use 3% annual growth rate (3 year horizon).
-The operational analysis at 17th St SW & 39th Ave should evaluate existing NB/SB channelization. Analysis needs to evaluate SBL & NBL turn pockets.
-report 95th percentile queuing & approach delay.
Reviewer Comments:
Engineering Review
Correction 1:
Provide the WHMM calculation printout to show that the infiltration trenches are feasible, infiltrate 100% and meet the flow control standard.
Correction 2:
See Document Markup
Provide an agreement from the owners of 1201 39th Ave SW, that the overflow of the infiltration trenches can be conveyed to the existing pond. [Civils, pg 6]
Correction 3:
Revise the WWHM calculation for the infiltration trench. Provide further information from the Geotech that a corrected infiltration rate of 5in/hr is appropriate for the location of the infiltration trench. The most recent geotech report referenced corrected rates of 1.1 and 2.5 in/hr respectively for infiltration tests 3 and 4.
Correction 4:
The information presented on page 29 and 30 of the drainage report is not legible. [drainage plan, pg 30]
Correction 5:
See Document Markup
Provide a sheet index for the site plan. [site plan, pg 1]
Correction 6:
See Document Markup
Provide the survey datum being used. NAVD 88 is city standard. [site plan, pg 2]
Correction 7:
See Document Markup
Show the phased approach within the site plan sheets. Be sure to include the draft easement, overflow, fencing, etc. [site plan, pg 1]
Correction 8:
See Document Markup
Show the new location of the overflow and easement to the west as discussed with the city 2.7.23 [site plan, pg 9]
Correction 9:
See Document Markup
List #1 is for projects proposing 2,000-5,000SF of new plus replaced hard surfaces (NPRHS). Projects proposing to exceed 5,000SF or more of NPRHS, must meet List #2, #3 or the low impact development performance standard. Additionally, it does not appear that the project is meeting the intent of the Ecology manual for MR 5. Bioretention is not being used for infiltration for MR 5, but rather for treatment for MR 6. Choosing to meet the LID performance standard would eliminate this conflict. [drainage plan, pg 11]
Correction 10:
See Document Markup
Provide a basin map within the preliminary drainage report showing the pre-developed and post-developed land-uses. Also include a table breakdown depicting impervious and pervious areas in acres[drainage report, pg 68]
Correction 11:
See Document Markup
The geotech report on page 77 of the report mentions to use a design infiltration rate of 1.1 inches per hour. Update the calculation and/ or provide reasoning as to why 5 inches per hour was used for the WWHM modeling. [drainage report, pg 77]
Correction 12:
See Document Markup
Provide figure III-1.1 Runoff Treatment BMP Selection Flow Chart within the drainage report. [drainage report, pg 12]
Correction 13:
See Document Markup
How come the LID report doesnt show a check mark for the "Used for Treatment" column for the bioswales? [drainage report, pg 94]
Correction 14:
See Document Markup
FYI for the phased approach, the project may apply for a clear fill and grade permit to grade the site flat and install the overflow from the theoretical parcel A. The school district will need to own this property, prior to applying for this permit application. Additionally, the overflow pipe must be sized appropriately for the theoretical build out conditions. Be sure to include the theoretical hard surfaces to ensure the pipe is not undersized. See city design standard 204 for storm pipe conveyance system sizing. [site plan, pg 1]
Correction 15:
See Document Markup
Show the square footage of the parcel to be acquired. [site plan, pg 10]
Correction 16:
See Document Markup
Show the existing easement for this storm line [site plan, pg 9]
Correction 17:
See Document Markup
This tax parcel is for the lot to the south. Revise to 0419043122. [site plan, pg 1]
Correction 18:
See Document Markup
Add general information ie linetypes, hatches, etc. to the project legend. [site plan, pg 4]
Correction 19:
See Document Markup
Phase 2 is for constructing the parking lot and addressing stormwater, revise accordingly. [drainage report, pg 16]
Correction 20:
See Document Markup
Show the easement for 14th St Pl SW to allow it to be discharged from the 14th St Pl SW right of way. The Costco as-builts show there is an existing 15' storm drainage easement. [cup, pg 13]
Correction 21:
See Document Markup
Provide continuous groundwater monitoring data for the location of the proposed infiltration facility. Infiltration facitilites require 5' of separation from the bottom of the proposed facility to the determined seasonal high groundwater. [drainage report, pg 28]
Correction 22:
See Document Markup
There is no information provided regarding the build out conditions of Costco's 0419043123 parcel. How is it known that the 15" proposed storm pipe has capacity for this parcel, the overflow of the PSD's parking lot and 14th St's runoff? Provide additional calculations/information for sizing this overflow pipe for the contributing flows over the 100-year storm event as outlined by the overflow stormwater easement agreement. [drainage report, pg 79.]
Correction 23:
See Document Markup
Provide the LID report showing that the project meets the LID performance standard per the proposed WWHM infiltration trench modeling. [drainage report, pg 89]
Correction 24:
See Document Markup
Indicate the proposed infiltration trench is 4' deep per the wwhm calculation. [site plan, pg 14]
Correction 25:
See Document Markup
The analysis results are missing from this page. Be sure to include this on the next submittal. [drainage report, pg 90]
Correction 26:
See Document Markup
Why are additional gravel trenches modeled for both the northern and southern bioretention WWHM calculations? [drainage report, pg 153]
Correction 27:
See Document Markup
Show the square footage of the parcel to be acquired. [site plan, pg 3]
Correction 28:
See Document Markup
Clearly show that this sheet is phase 1 of the proposed project and the rest of the site plan is for for phase 2 of the development. All sheets indicate phase 1 within the project title. [site plan, pg 3]
Correction 29:
See Document Markup
Provide preliminary feasibility/modeling/additional information that proves the existing pond has capacity for the proposed 14th St runoff, overflow from PSD and Costco's proposed gas station overflow. [drainage report, pg 9]
Correction 30:
See Document Markup
Has Costco conducted any prelminary geotechnical investigation? How will the school district and Costco deal with the proposed 15" pipe being undersized based on the limited information? [Stormwater Agreement].
Reviewer Comments:
Planning Review
No Comments
Correction 1:
See Document Markup
all new and replaced utility lines must be located outside of required landscape beds unless it can be demonstrated that no other feasible alternative exists. See VMS Pg 25
Reviewer Comments:
Fire Review
No Comments
Reviewer Comments:
Building Review
No Comments
Reviewer Comments:
Building code compliance noted in the conditions for this review.
Engineering Traffic Review
Revisions Required
Correction 1:
General Comments
-Per previous comments, provide AutoTurn analysis assuming the largest anticipated design vehicle. Likely Thomas HDX w/277" wheelbase.
-Remove all trees/shrubs located at the SE corner of parcel to improve sight distance for Costco drive isle.
-Access easement may be necessary in the SE corner of parcel. This easement would allow for possible future re-alignment of the Costco Drive isle (substandard geometry). Access easement would not allow proposed parking lot to access 14th St SW (or Costco property).
-Southern internal parking lot connection (with parcel #0419043117) is not aligned properly with existing parking infrastructure & proposed internal parking channelization. This alignment will likely cause lane encroachment issues for ingress/egress vehicles.
-The existing internal access (along the east side of existing building) needs to connect with the proposed northern parking lot connection with a perpendicular approach. The proposed skewed/acute approach geometry will cause sight distance & operational issues (especially for large vehicles). As proposed, drivers will have difficulty turning their heads to scan for adequate gaps in traffic.
-Civil submittal shall include detailed striping/signage plan.
Traffic Scoping Comments:
-Per previous comments, vehicle trip credits cannot be moved between projects/parcels. Update traffic scoping document to reflect this.
-Proposed 188 additional parking spots (60 parking spots for buses + 128 parking stalls for staff) not consistent with scoping narrative & trip generation assumptions.
-Per the project narrative, 64 bus drivers will be relocated from the downtown bus barn to this to this facility. The assumed LUC 528 (School District Office) is meant to represent administrative office functions. Additional office space has not been proposed by this project. Bus storage/logistics are not represented by this ITE land use.
-Inbound/outbound buses + inbound/outbound personal vehicles need to be accounted for in trip generation assumptions.
-Please reference Traffic Impact Study from Milford, CT Bus Depot at 615 Plains Rd.
- TIA completed by Benesch in May 2022.
-Update traffic scoping worksheet & study intersections accordingly.
-Provide more narrative on how trip distribution was determined.
-More narrative needed for how ongoing fleet repairs, maintenance, and fueling activities impact vehicle trips to/from this site.
-Scoping site plan does not match preliminary site plan.
-Resubmit traffic scoping document for review prior to starting TIA.
Traffic analysis
-City can provide signal timing for signals within study area.
-Need to measure existing queue lengths at study intersections
-Delay analysis shall account for unserved demand where applicable.
-use 3% annual growth rate (3 year horizon).
-The operational analysis at 17th St SW & 39th Ave should evaluate existing NB/SB channelization. Analysis needs to evaluate SBL & NBL turn pockets.
-report 95th percentile queuing & approach delay.
Correction 2:
See Document Markup
Per previous comment, fix drive isle alignment at this location. This design creates unnecessary obstruction/hazard within primary access point. AASHTO Passenger Car shown for reference.
[CUP Site Plan C3-30]
Correction 3:
See Document Markup
Per previous comment, remove all trees / shrubs located at the SE corner of parcel to improve sight distance for Costco drive isle. Confirmed with Planning Dept that vegetation can be removed. Place note on site plan & landscaping sheets requiring removal. [CUP Site Plan C3-30]
Correction 4:
See Document Markup
Re-align fence away from Costco Drive Isle (green)
[CUP Site Plan C3-30]
Correction 5:
See Document Markup
AutoTurn needs to show parking layout/design in this area
[CUP Site Plan C1-50]
Correction 6:
See Document Markup
Coordinate with David Drake (Fire) if AutoTurn should include southern parking area
[CUP Site Plan C1-50]
Correction 7:
See Document Markup
Show inbound + outbound AutoTurn
[CUP Site Plan C1-50]
Correction 8:
See Document Markup
Show parking layout here
[CUP Site Plan C3-30]
Correction 9:
See Document Markup
Remove tree to improve sight distance at skewed intersection
[CUP Site Plan C3-30]
Correction 10:
See Document Markup
Access easement at this property corner. This easement would allow for possible future re-alignment of the Costco Drive Isle (substandard geometry). Access easement would not allow proposed parking lot to access 14th St SW (or Costco property). This would allow for "possible" realignment of substandard private access. These possible improvements would not be the responsibility of the district.
[CUP Site Plan C2-101]
Correction 11:
See Document Markup
Trip generation assumptions are approved.
[CUP Traffic Scoping]
Correction 12:
See Document Markup
9th St SW & 39th Ave SW
[CUP Traffic Scoping]
Correction 13:
See Document Markup
14th St SW & 39th Ave SW
[CUP Traffic Scoping]
Correction 14:
See Document Markup
17th St SW & 39th Ave SW
[CUP Traffic Scoping]
Correction 15:
See Document Markup
40% @ south leg of 17th/39th is too high for employee/bus trips. 20% is more likely. Please update trip distribution/assignment accordingly. [CUP Traffic Scoping]
Correction 16:
See Document Markup
Line of sight distance not relevant. These two sites are 11 minutes apart (without congestion).
[CUP Traffic Memo]
Correction 17:
See Document Markup
The additional vehicle trips at the South Hill campus will have localized impacts (completely isolated from the DOC site).
The existing DOC site will retain it's vested vehicle trips and will be able to use for credit against future development on this parcel.
[CUP Traffic Memo]
Correction 18:
Traffic analysis
-City can provide signal timing for signals within study area.
-Need to measure existing queue lengths at study intersections
-Delay analysis shall account for unserved demand where applicable. Please reference the 2020 ITE Creasey article.
-use 3% annual growth rate (3 year horizon).
-The operational analysis at 17th St SW & 39th Ave should evaluate existing NB/SB channelization. Analysis needs to evaluate SBL & NBL turn pockets.
-report 95th percentile queuing & approach delay.
Reviewer Comments:
Planning Review
No Comments
Correction 1:
Add Submittal Item: Tree Risk Assessment for Significant Trees
Additional Submittal Item Required: Existing trees on the site which are larger than 15” in Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) are considered to be ‘significant trees’ and must be retained, where possible. If your site includes any significant trees, then you must include a tree risk assessment completed by a certified arborist and provided with your land use application and civil construction permit landscape plan.
Correction 2:
See Document Markup
Bus parking lot to the north is missing required type IV landscaping for parking areas. [Site Plan, Sheet C3-302]
Correction 3:
Where electric vehicle charging stations are provided in parking lots or parking garages, excluding garages in single-family residences, accessible electric vehicle charging stations shall be provided according to the ratios shown in the table 20.56.030 (2). See this code section for specific design instructions for accessible EV stalls.
Correction 4:
See Document Markup
Provide level of EV charging station anticipated. Review PMC 20.56 for regulations for EV charging stations. [site plan, sheet C3-302]
Correction 5:
See Document Markup
Change bio-retention swale landscaping to type SLD-02 Landscaping in storm water control facilities. All bio-rention swales on site must follow SLD-02 landscape standards. SLD-02 standards can be found in City Vegetation Management Standards Manual (VMS) pg 44 [Landscape Plan, sheet L1.00]
Correction 6:
See Document Markup
all new and replaced utility lines must be located outside of required landscape beds unless it can be demonstrated that no other feasible alternative exists. See VMS Pg 25
Correction 7:
See Document Markup
Erosion control grass seed mix only permitted where necessary to stabilize steeply sloped areas. All other landscaping areas that are not covered by buildings or pavement shall be landscaped using appropriate shrubs, ground covers and trees. Landscaping shall be sufficient to achieve 75 percent coverage within a three-year period [Landscape Plan, sheet L1.00]
Reviewer Comments:
Building Review
No Comments
Correction 1:
Must show all additional accessible parking spots as defined in the IBC along with WA. ST. amendments. Also there is going to be a big change in the requirements for electrical charging stations effective July 1, 2023 per WAC 51-50-0429. So may want to do the design to reflect those new requirements if submitting for a permit after that date.
Reviewer Comments:
Fire Review
No Comments
Correction 1:
1) Must comply with International Fire Code provisions adopted by the State and City of Puyallup.
Reviewer Comments:
Engineering Review
Revisions Required
Correction 1:
As of 7/1/22, the city has adopted the 2019 Ecology Manual. Please update the references in the preliminary storm plan from 2014 to 2019. See page 10, 11, 12, etc, of the report.
Correction 2:
Provide the WHMM calculation printout to show that the infiltration trenches are feasible, infiltrate 100% and meet the flow control standard.
Correction 3:
The adjacent site to the west determined relatively infeasible soil rates for shallow infiltration. Moderate infiltration was present in the vashon advance outwash. The geotech report mentions "Locating and constructing infiltration trenches with a variable base depth can be challenging and additional subsurface exploration and infiltration testing will be required for facilities planned in Vashon advance outwash." Provide further justification regarding the feasibility of shallow infiltration feasibility with additional testing. Ensure the test pit is proposed at the proposed elevation of the infiltration trenches.
Correction 4:
Provide the WWHM modeling calculation for the sizing of the bioretention facilities.
Correction 5:
Provide the WWHM modeling calculations showing the project meeting the flow control requirements of the Ecology manual.
Correction 6:
What is the proposed phase 2 of the project proposal?
Correction 7:
See Document Markup
Coordinate with Costco regarding re-directing the stormwater flows from the cul-de-sac to the east to the catch basin to the east. This stormwater will be directed towards Costco's private pond rather than bypassing through the proposed parking lot. This coordination may require an agreement between the City of Puyallup and Costco. [Civils, pg 6]
Correction 8:
See Document Markup
Provide an agreement from the owners of 1201 39th Ave SW, that the overflow of the infiltration trenches can be conveyed to the existing pond. [Civils, pg 6]
Correction 9:
See Document Markup
Remove this sheet, it appears to be a duplicate of sheet 2 with less information. [Civils, pg 1]
Correction 10:
See Document Markup
Provide a vicinity map for the project. [Civils, pg 2]
Correction 11:
See Document Markup
provide the new square footage of the parcel. [civils, pg2]
Correction 12:
See Document Markup
Update the language for MR 9 as the city uses the 2019 Ecology manual, not the Pierce County Stormwater Manual. [Drainage report, pg 14]
Correction 13:
See Document Markup
Provide the square footage of impervious surfaces proposed by this development. [civils, pg 6]
Correction 14:
Revise the WWHM calculation for the infiltration trench. Provide further information from the Geotech that a corrected infiltration rate of 5in/hr is appropriate for the location of the infiltration trench. The most recent geotech report referenced corrected rates of 1.1 and 2.5 in/hr respectively for infiltration tests 3 and 4.
Correction 15:
The information presented on page 29 and 30 of the drainage report is not legible. [drainage plan, pg 30]
Correction 16:
See Document Markup
Provide a sheet index for the site plan. [site plan, pg 1]
Correction 17:
See Document Markup
Provide the survey datum being used. NAVD 88 is city standard. [site plan, pg 2]
Correction 18:
See Document Markup
Show the phased approach within the site plan sheets. Be sure to include the draft easement, overflow, fencing, etc. [site plan, pg 1]
Correction 19:
See Document Markup
Show the new location of the overflow and easement to the west as discussed with the city 2.7.23 [site plan, pg 9]
Correction 20:
See Document Markup
List #1 is for projects proposing 2,000-5,000SF of new plus replaced hard surfaces (NPRHS). Projects proposing to exceed 5,000SF or more of NPRHS, must meet List #2, #3 or the low impact development performance standard. Additionally, it does not appear that the project is meeting the intent of the Ecology manual for MR 5. Bioretention is not being used for infiltration for MR 5, but rather for treatment for MR 6. Choosing to meet the LID performance standard would eliminate this conflict. [drainage plan, pg 11]
Correction 21:
See Document Markup
Provide a basin map within the preliminary drainage report showing the pre-developed and post-developed land-uses. Also include a table breakdown depicting impervious and pervious areas in acres[drainage report, pg 68]
Correction 22:
See Document Markup
Provide a site map with a table breakdown showing the mitigated land use impervious and pervious areas in acres. [drainage report, pg 69]
Correction 23:
See Document Markup
The geotech report on page 77 of the report mentions to use a design infiltration rate of 1.1 inches per hour. Update the calculation and/ or provide reasoning as to why 5 inches per hour was used for the WWHM modeling. [drainage report, pg 77]
Correction 24:
See Document Markup
Provide figure III-1.1 Runoff Treatment BMP Selection Flow Chart within the drainage report. [drainage report, pg 12]
Correction 25:
See Document Markup
How come the LID report doesnt show a check mark for the "Used for Treatment" column for the bioswales? [drainage report, pg 94]
Correction 26:
See Document Markup
FYI for the phased approach, the project may apply for a clear fill and grade permit to grade the site flat and install the overflow from the theoretical parcel A. The school district will need to own this property, prior to applying for this permit application. Additionally, the overflow pipe must be sized appropriately for the theoretical build out conditions. Be sure to include the theoretical hard surfaces to ensure the pipe is not undersized. See city design standard 204 for storm pipe conveyance system sizing. [site plan, pg 1]
Correction 27:
See Document Markup
Show the square footage of the parcel to be acquired. [site plan, pg 10]
Correction 28:
See Document Markup
Show the existing easement for this storm line [site plan, pg 9]
Reviewer Comments:
Engineering Traffic Review
Revisions Required
Correction 1:
General Comments
-Per previous comments, provide AutoTurn analysis assuming the largest anticipated design vehicle. Likely Thomas HDX w/277" wheelbase.
-Remove all trees/shrubs located at the SE corner of parcel to improve sight distance for Costco drive isle.
-Access easement may be necessary in the SE corner of parcel. This easement would allow for possible future re-alignment of the Costco Drive isle (substandard geometry). Access easement would not allow proposed parking lot to access 14th St SW (or Costco property).
-Southern internal parking lot connection (with parcel #0419043117) is not aligned properly with existing parking infrastructure & proposed internal parking channelization. This alignment will likely cause lane encroachment issues for ingress/egress vehicles.
-The existing internal access (along the east side of existing building) needs to connect with the proposed northern parking lot connection with a perpendicular approach. The proposed skewed/acute approach geometry will cause sight distance & operational issues (especially for large vehicles). As proposed, drivers will have difficulty turning their heads to scan for adequate gaps in traffic.
-Civil submittal shall include detailed striping/signage plan.
Traffic Scoping Comments:
-Per previous comments, vehicle trip credits cannot be moved between projects/parcels. Update traffic scoping document to reflect this.
-Proposed 188 additional parking spots (60 parking spots for buses + 128 parking stalls for staff) not consistent with scoping narrative & trip generation assumptions.
-Per the project narrative, 64 bus drivers will be relocated from the downtown bus barn to this to this facility. The assumed LUC 528 (School District Office) is meant to represent administrative office functions. Additional office space has not been proposed by this project. Bus storage/logistics are not represented by this ITE land use.
-Inbound/outbound buses + inbound/outbound personal vehicles need to be accounted for in trip generation assumptions.
-Please reference Traffic Impact Study from Milford, CT Bus Depot at 615 Plains Rd.
- TIA completed by Benesch in May 2022.
-Update traffic scoping worksheet & study intersections accordingly.
-Provide more narrative on how trip distribution was determined.
-More narrative needed for how ongoing fleet repairs, maintenance, and fueling activities impact vehicle trips to/from this site.
-Scoping site plan does not match preliminary site plan.
-Resubmit traffic scoping document for review prior to starting TIA.
Traffic analysis
-City can provide signal timing for signals within study area.
-Need to measure existing queue lengths at study intersections
-Delay analysis shall account for unserved demand where applicable.
-use 3% annual growth rate (3 year horizon).
-The operational analysis at 17th St SW & 39th Ave should evaluate existing NB/SB channelization. Analysis needs to evaluate SBL & NBL turn pockets.
-report 95th percentile queuing & approach delay.
Reviewer Comments:
Planning Review
Revisions Required
Correction 1:
Add Submittal Item: Tree Risk Assessment for Significant Trees
Additional Submittal Item Required: Existing trees on the site which are larger than 15” in Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) are considered to be ‘significant trees’ and must be retained, where possible. If your site includes any significant trees, then you must include a tree risk assessment completed by a certified arborist and provided with your land use application and civil construction permit landscape plan.
Correction 2:
See Document Markup
Bus parking lot to the north is missing required type IV landscaping for parking areas. [Site Plan, Sheet C3-302]
Correction 3:
Where electric vehicle charging stations are provided in parking lots or parking garages, excluding garages in single-family residences, accessible electric vehicle charging stations shall be provided according to the ratios shown in the table 20.56.030 (2). See this code section for specific design instructions for accessible EV stalls.
Correction 4:
See Document Markup
Provide level of EV charging station anticipated. Review PMC 20.56 for regulations for EV charging stations. [site plan, sheet C3-302]
Correction 5:
See Document Markup
Change bio-retention swale landscaping to type SLD-02 Landscaping in storm water control facilities. All bio-rention swales on site must follow SLD-02 landscape standards. SLD-02 standards can be found in City Vegetation Management Standards Manual (VMS) pg 44 [Landscape Plan, sheet L1.00]
Correction 6:
See Document Markup
all new and replaced utility lines must be located outside of required landscape beds unless it can be demonstrated that no other feasible alternative exists. See VMS Pg 25
Correction 7:
See Document Markup
Erosion control grass seed mix only permitted where necessary to stabilize steeply sloped areas. All other landscaping areas that are not covered by buildings or pavement shall be landscaped using appropriate shrubs, ground covers and trees. Landscaping shall be sufficient to achieve 75 percent coverage within a three-year period [Landscape Plan, sheet L1.00]
Reviewer Comments:
Engineering Review
Revisions Required
Correction 1:
As of 7/1/22, the city has adopted the 2019 Ecology Manual. Please update the references in the preliminary storm plan from 2014 to 2019. See page 10, 11, 12, etc, of the report.
Correction 2:
Provide the WHMM calculation printout to show that the infiltration trenches are feasible, infiltrate 100% and meet the flow control standard.
Correction 3:
The adjacent site to the west determined relatively infeasible soil rates for shallow infiltration. Moderate infiltration was present in the vashon advance outwash. The geotech report mentions "Locating and constructing infiltration trenches with a variable base depth can be challenging and additional subsurface exploration and infiltration testing will be required for facilities planned in Vashon advance outwash." Provide further justification regarding the feasibility of shallow infiltration feasibility with additional testing. Ensure the test pit is proposed at the proposed elevation of the infiltration trenches.
Correction 4:
Provide the WWHM modeling calculation for the sizing of the bioretention facilities.
Correction 5:
Provide the WWHM modeling calculations showing the project meeting the flow control requirements of the Ecology manual.
Correction 6:
What is the proposed phase 2 of the project proposal?
Correction 7:
Correction 8:
See Document Markup
Coordinate with Costco regarding re-directing the stormwater flows from the cul-de-sac to the east to the catch basin to the east. This stormwater will be directed towards Costco's private pond rather than bypassing through the proposed parking lot. This coordination may require an agreement between the City of Puyallup and Costco. Provide a narrative regarding this cul-de-sac stormwater discharge during the next submission [Civils, pg 6]
Correction 9:
See Document Markup
Provide an agreement from the owners of 1201 39th Ave SW, that the overflow of the infiltration trenches can be conveyed to the existing pond. [Civils, pg 6]
Correction 10:
See Document Markup
Remove this sheet, it appears to be a duplicate of sheet 2 with less information. [Civils, pg 1]
Correction 11:
See Document Markup
Provide a vicinity map for the project. [Civils, pg 2]
Correction 12:
See Document Markup
provide the new square footage of the parcel. [civils, pg2]
Correction 13:
See Document Markup
Show the existing underground Costco fuel storage tanks [civils plans, pg 2]
Correction 14:
See Document Markup
Update the language for MR 9 as the city uses the 2019 Ecology manual, not the Pierce County Stormwater Manual. [Drainage report, pg 14]
Correction 15:
See Document Markup
Provide the square footage of impervious surfaces proposed by this development. [civils, pg 6]
Reviewer Comments:
Building Review
Revisions Required
Correction 1:
Must show all additional accessible parking spots as defined in the IBC along with WA. ST. amendments. Also there is going to be a big change in the requirements for electrical charging stations effective July 1, 2023 per WAC 51-50-0429. So may want to do the design to reflect those new requirements if submitting for a permit after that date.
Reviewer Comments:
Fire Review
Revisions Required
Correction 1:
1) Must comply with International Fire Code provisions adopted by the State and City of Puyallup.
Reviewer Comments: