Review Type |
Outcome |
Est. Completion Date |
Completed |
Planning Review
Revisions Required
See Document Markup
Please provide a surveyed site plan that delineates where the exact property lines are located to assist with determining if setbacks are being met. [design review conceptual, pg.1]
See Document Markup
Please provide a dimensioned floor plan layout for each floor that includes the proposed square footage of the exterior decks. This was not included in the submitted plans. [design review conceptual, pg.1]
See Document Markup
• There is a 0' rear yard setback for the RM-Core zone. The site plan shows a 6' setback from the property line between the property line and the parking lot. The proposed site plan does not reflect the 25' landslide hazard area buffer setback established by GeoResources (which may change to 32' based on the required updated report). Please see Landau Associates’ third-party review of the geotechnical report prepared by GeoResources in Documents & Images on the CityView Portal for more details on the required landslide hazard area buffers. [design review conceptual, pg. 1]
See Document Markup
Please provide the mid-roof height for each elevation [design review conceptual, pg. 2]
See Document Markup
Please document the parking reduction request you are pursuing from PMC 20.55.018 on the site plan sheet under the parking calculation [design review conceptual, pg.1]
Landscape Plan
1. Red maple is a prohibited street tree (VMS 12.11)
2. For projects involving nine (9) to fifteen (15) trees, at least three (3) different trees (all of differing genus) shall be used. (VMS 12.6)
1. Per PMC 20.55.025, whenever five or more spaces are required, 30 percent of the required parking spaces should be compact parking spaces. Currently, 9 compact spaces are proposed. You may provide up to 21 compact stalls.
2. Please document the calculation and proposal for LID parking reduction you are pursuing per PMC 20.55.018 on the site plan sheet under the parking calculation. [design review conceptual, pg. 1]
Critical Areas
1. Existing tree(s) on the site where there are larger than 15” in diameter at breast height (DBH) are considered to be ‘significant trees’ and must be retained, where possible.
a. If your site includes any significant trees, then you must include a tree risk assessment completed by a certified arborist and provided with your land use application. Trees along perimeter areas of the site are of high value to preservation.
b. Tree retention is part of the parking reduction you are requesting. We will need to see what trees are to be retained, especially in the open space area on the SW corner of the site plan (west of the building, 4,268 sq ft).
2. The Critical Area Report prepared by Russell & Associates has been reviewed by our third part consultant, Confluence Environmental Company. Confluence has confirmed that there are no wetlands or streams on-site or within 300-feet of the parcel. However, corrections need to be made to the report and resubmitted to the City for review. Please see their full review letter in Documents & Images in the CityView Portal.
3. The Geotechnical Report prepared by GeoResources has been reviewed by our third-party consultant, Landau Associates. Landau has noted multiple deficiencies in the submitted geotechnical report. Please see their full review letter in Documents & Images in the CityView Portal.
SEPA Checklist
1. The Squaxin Island Tribe have provided a comment letter. Please see the attachment in Documents & Images in the CityView Portal.
2. The Nisqually Indian Tribe have provided a comment letter. Please see the attachment in Documents & Images in the CityView Portal.
3. The Puyallup Tribe has asked for a cultural resource survey to be conducted prior to any ground disturbance. Please see the attachment in Documents & Images in the CityView Portal.
a. The city will be considering these Cultural Resources comments and is preliminarily identifying this is a mitigation measure in the preparation of ta SEPA MDNS; such as condition would require the applicant to prepare an archaeological site investigation, in accordance with state DAHP and Tribal standards/guidelines prior to permit issuance.
The Puyallup School District has provided a comment letter. Please see the attachment in Documents & Images in the CityView Portal.
4. The Tacoma Pierce County Health Department has provided a comment letter. Please see the attachment in Documents & Images in the CityView Portal.
5. The Department of Ecology has provided a comment letter. Please see the attachment in Documents & Images in the CityView Portal.
Design Review
1. Design review comments are forthcoming with the associated design review permit PLDDG20220017 in the coming week.
Fire Review
Revisions Required
Fire can not review the application until Traffic and Planning conditions are met. Both comments will change the out come of the site plan. Application not reviewed.
Engineering Review
Revisions Required
See Document Markup
Correct typo to correct parcel number, Wetland Preliminary Assessment, Pg. 1
See Document Markup
Layout provided does not match submitted layout., Wetland Preliminary Assessment, Pg. 4
See Document Markup
No site plan was submitted for the Preliminary Site Plan review. Reviewer reached out to Engineer directly and still did not receive a site plan under this application. This severely limits the scope of the review. Comments on the Stormwater Drainage Report have been provided, but could be affected by the contents of the site plan. [Preliminary Storm Drainage Report. Cover Page]
See Document Markup
City to transition to 2019 SWMMWW on July 1, 2022. Only projects with current applications deemed complete before this date and constructed before 2027 shall be vested. [Preliminary Storm Drainage Report, Page 4]
See Document Markup
Refer to City of Puyallup Design Standards, Section 204.4 for approved pipe types. [Preliminary Storm Drainage Report, Page 18].
Overall, the proposed stormwater improvements in the Preliminary Storm Drainage Report appear to meet the requirements, although an engineering site plan will still be required to approve the Preliminary Site Plan review. From the pre-application notes:
• The applicant is responsible for submitting a preliminary stormwater management site plan which meets the design requirements provided by PMC Section 21.10 and Ecology Manual Volume I, Section 2.5.1. The preliminary stormwater site plan (PSSP) shall be submitted prior to Preliminary Site Plan approval to ensure that adequate stormwater facilities are anticipated prior to development of the individual lot(s). The preliminary stormwater site plan shall reasonably estimate the quantity of roof and driveway stormwater runoff and the application of On-site Stormwater Management BMPs for the proposed development.
The preliminary site plan should also include any known information about proposed structures, location of proposed utilities (not just storm), existing contours and finished grades.
This development falls within the Fruitland Mutual Water Company's district and is subject to their review during Civil review. The City will facilitate the review and provide documents to Fruitland Mutual Water Company.
Engineering Traffic Review
Revisions Required
Per previous communication with the applicant, a sight distance analysis is required at the intersection of 7th St SW/43rd Ave SW. City can't review the preliminary site plan submittal until this document is received because of possible impacts to access locations & building layout.
Building Review
No Comments
No building comments at this time.