Review Type
Est. Completion Date
Engineering Traffic Review
Correction 1:
For traffic scoping comment, see document markup.
Proposed gates must meet Pierce County Standards. Gates must be reflectorized and have vertical stripes alternately red and white at 16-inch intervals measured horizontally. This guidance comes directly from the MUTCD (Section 2B.68).
Street trees shall be located behind sidewalk along River Rd due to sight distance concerns/conflicts
Maintain 8ft sidewalk at 15th/River Rd intersection.
NW corner of 15th/River Rd does not meet minimum 35ft radius requirement
Per previous comment, include a sight distance analysis ESD for 15th St NW/River Rd intersection
Sight distance analysis needs to include an SSD evaluation. Need to ensure EB vehicles have adequate sight lines to see roadway obstruction at River Rd/15th St NW
River Rd Driveway
Utility pole on east side of driveway needs to be at least 3ft from face of curb (to edge of pole).
Proposed driveway does not meet 300ft spacing requirement from the adjacent AUTOS4LESS.COM driveway. Work with property owner to remove this non-compliant driveway access. Access no longer needed to access gravel lot.
River Rd frontage improvements are missing along the northwest corner of development
Driveway spacing requirement on 15th St NW is 150ft (collector), driveways on 15th St NW must be relocated & consolidated to meet spacing standards. See exhibit previously provide by Jamie Carter.
Fire truck AutoTurn not using current site plan
a. Each AutoTurn analysis must include the following:
i. All movements need to start straight and end straight.
ii. Make sure “Turn Wheels from Stop” is not selected.
iii. Please include the template of the vehicles used
iv. For clarity, wheel & overhang paths should be different colors.
b. Curb radii and entrance dimensions shall be increased as necessary to allow vehicles to access the site without encroaching into adjacent lanes of traffic.
Separate street light design is required Street lighting plan:
i. City standard streetlights are required every 150ft along frontage (River Rd & 15th St NW).
ii. River Rd (Arterial) will require GE EVOLVE ELR2 Fixtures ERL2-3-23-A3-40-D-Gray-A-V1 (City to provide latest part numbers)
iii. It is the sole responsibility of the design engineer to ensure streetlight design/placement is outside of the 10ft minimum “safe zone” area. The City will not allow streetlights to be within 10ft of the PSE primary for safety reasons.
iv. Streetlights shall have shorting caps installed with remote photocell located on the service cabinet.
v. PSE utility pole mounted streetlights do not meet current City standards and will be removed with installation of City standard streetlights.
vi. Streetlight design shall provide the following:
1. Provide details on how streetlights will be powered
2. Location of conduit runs
3. Wiring Schedule - Conduit size/type/details for each raceway, Conductors details
4. Pole schedule - STA & offset for each luminaire
5. Show location of junction boxes
Any existing driveway cuts along frontage that are not utilized for this project shall be replaced with curb/gutter/sidewalk.
Correction 2:
See Document Markup
This building was previously Hagen's Auto Parts & Machine Shop.
It's the City's understanding that only a small portion of the building sqft was used for vintage auto parts sales. The warehouse building space was used as a machine shop. LUC 110 should be used to represent industrial space
[Traffic Scoping Document]
Correction 3:
See Document Markup
Do not include Car Trek used car buildings in calculation. Land use not changing.
[Traffic Scoping Document]
Correction 4:
See Document Markup
Please confirm if building will be used for new car sales or used car sales. SEPA needs to define which land use will be assumed for this site (LUC 840 vs 841).
[Traffic Scoping Document]
Correction 5:
See Document Markup
LUC 210 should be 0.94 trips per DU
4*0.94= 3.8
[Traffic Scoping Document]
Correction 6:
See Document Markup
Per the SEPA check list: "the project intends to continue to use the site for automotive sales, auto parts store and automotive storage facility"
Proposed land use summary does not show estimated trips for auto parts store or automotive storage functions as defined in SEPA.
Per the SEPA check list: The project proposes to provide approximately 750 vehicle display and storage stalls on-site.
Provided detailed assumption for how automotive storage operation will impact vehicle trips.
[Traffic Scoping Document]
Correction 7:
See Document Markup
Will the 2,160 sqft auto service center be demolished? [Traffic Scoping Document]
Correction 8:
See Document Markup
Demolished? More detail needed.
[Traffic Scoping Document]
Correction 9:
See Document Markup
737 daily & 79 PM peak hour trips far exceeds actual trip generation of Hagen's site. [Traffic Scoping Document]
Correction 10:
See Document Markup
LUC 943 should be 2.06 trips per 1000 sqft
2.16*2.06= 4.4
[Traffic Scoping Document]
Correction 11:
See Document Markup
LUC 841 should be 3.75 trips per 1000 sqft
2.4*3.75= 9.0
[Traffic Scoping Document]
Correction 12:
See Document Markup
LUC 841 should be 3.75 trips per 1000 sqft
1.6*3.75= 6.0
[Traffic Scoping Document]
Correction 13:
See Document Markup
recalculate using "Peak Hour of Adjacent Street Traffic" [Traffic Scoping Document]
Correction 14:
Traffic Scoping:
-Please coordinate with City Traffic Engineer to discuss current proposal
-There are still outstanding questions that would be resolved with a conference call.
Correction 15:
Streetlight Design is required with next resubmittal:
i. City standard streetlights are required every 150ft along frontage (River Rd & 15th St NW).
ii. River Rd (Arterial) will require GE EVOLVE ELR2 Fixtures ERL2-3-23-A3-40-D-Gray-A-V1 (City to provide latest part numbers)
iii. It is the sole responsibility of the design engineer to ensure streetlight design/placement is outside of the 10ft minimum “safe zone” area. The City will not allow streetlights to be within 10ft of the PSE primary for safety reasons.
iv. Streetlights shall have shorting caps installed with remote photocell located on the service cabinet.
v. PSE utility pole mounted streetlights do not meet current City standards and will be removed with installation of City standard streetlights.
vi. Streetlight design shall provide the following:
1. Provide details on how streetlights will be powered
2. Location of conduit runs
3. Wiring Schedule - Conduit size/type/details for each raceway, Conductors details
4. Pole schedule - STA & offset for each luminaire
5. Show location of junction boxes
Correction 16:
AutoTurn Analysis:
-Show inbound car hauler using the outside lane (closest to curb).
-Curb radii and entrance dimensions shall be increased as necessary to allow inbound vehicles to access the site without encroaching into adjacent lanes of traffic.
-AutoTurn analysis must include the following:
i. All movements need to start straight and end straight.
ii. Make sure “Turn Wheels from Stop” is not selected.
iii. Please include the template of the vehicles used
iv. For clarity, wheel & overhang paths should be different colors.
Correction 17:
Sight Distance Analysis:
-Show lane lines in exhibit. The center of approaching lanes shall be used for sight line placement (driver's eye).
-Along River Rd, move trees to the back of sidewalk to avoid sight obstructions.
-SSD sight lines are not setback 14.5ft from the edge of the road. The object and driver's eye are typically centered within travel lane.
Correction 18:
General Comments:
-Along River Rd, move trees to the back of sidewalk to avoid sight obstructions. Even with the trees limbs removed for the first 8ft, the existing curvature will create sight obstructions for motorists.
-Coordinate with David Drake (Fire) for the design requirements for the proposed gates.
-"NO PARKING" signage will be required along 15th Street NW.
-Extend River Rd frontage improvements to the edge of parcel 0420204281
Reviewer Comments:
Planning Review
Correction 1:
December, 2023 notes:
1. Ensure all recorded access and utility easements along the south side of the development are shown on the site plans with call outs. Trees and landscaping must be placed interior to all access and utility easements on TPNs 0420204263, 0420208027, 0420208039, 0420213006. Neighboring property owners have provided information regarding non-exclusive easements for all parcels listed here, starting at the SE corner of TPN 0420204069 and extending to 15th Ave.
2. Cultural resource survey is required. See previous comments on land use/SEPA permit. Three tribal agencies responded requesting a survey, which will be SEPA condition of this permit. Ensure the cultural resource consultant provides documentation of coordination of site survey consistent with Puyallup Tribe standards.
3. All interior light standards shall be removed and replaced by conforming and shielded lighting per PMC 20.26.500; Light fixtures shall be no higher than 20 feet above any finished grade level within 10 feet of the fixture. Provide a photo metric report for all new lighting.
4. The site will be discharging storm water onto Tribe trust land (bed and banks of Puyallup River) within the Reservation boundaries. Staff has provided the storm report to the Tribe’s water quality staff; however, in coordinating with Engineering, its understood that the storm report will need to be updated. Tribe staff is also awaiting the updated report to provide comments.
5. Provide six foot connector landscape strip to interconnect interior landscape islands. Required by type IV landscape. [planning comment, sheet L1.0]
6. Will the applicant be proposing to use River Road or 15th St NW for any form of truck transport parking/off-loading? Neighboring owners/residents are concerned about safety issues related to off-loading/transport staging in the ROW. Please respond.
7. Please see all other notes on permit PRCCP20231640, notes issued 11/21/23.
Reviewer Comments:
Fire Review
Correction 1:
12/01/2023 notes - With the new site plan some notes have changed.
1. Maintain no less than 24’ Fire Lane throughout all isles in parking lot.
2. Provide Auto-turn or equivalent program to demonstrate fire apparatus turning radius for the new site plan.
3. Provide Fire Lane painting/stripping and No Parking Signs site plan at Civils. Items need to be shown on site plan along with the note.
4. A Fire Hydrant is required in the SW area parking lot. Place in a parking island to reach all areas within 400’. Comply with C.O.P. standards.
5. Will the parcel that was removed from the plans be fenced off?
6. If electronic gates are used Opticon will be required for Fire Department access. This will need to be review by Traffic and Fire for code compliance.
7. A 45' cueing space will be required in front of the gate on River Rd for the fire truck. 15th Street SW will require a minimum of 20' unless Traffic requires more.
8. With the dead-end that is now created on parcel 0420204282 a fire truck turn-around is now required. If the vacant space meets the criteria of the 2018 IFC Appendix D turn-around options, this area must be marked out for the turn-around. This area will not be allowed to have any storage except for the approved parking. An emergency access can be created through parcel 0420204059 in leu of a turn-around as another option.
Reviewer Comments:
Engineering Review
Correction 1:
Section B, Number 1.g. - The current proposal is less than five acres.
Correction 2:
Section B, Number 1.h. references the 2012 SWMMWW. Change all refences to 2019.
Reviewer Comments:
Engineering Traffic Review
Revisions Required
Correction 1:
For traffic scoping comment, see document markup.
Proposed gates must meet Pierce County Standards. Gates must be reflectorized and have vertical stripes alternately red and white at 16-inch intervals measured horizontally. This guidance comes directly from the MUTCD (Section 2B.68).
Street trees shall be located behind sidewalk along River Rd due to sight distance concerns/conflicts
Maintain 8ft sidewalk at 15th/River Rd intersection.
NW corner of 15th/River Rd does not meet minimum 35ft radius requirement
Per previous comment, include a sight distance analysis ESD for 15th St NW/River Rd intersection
Sight distance analysis needs to include an SSD evaluation. Need to ensure EB vehicles have adequate sight lines to see roadway obstruction at River Rd/15th St NW
River Rd Driveway
Utility pole on east side of driveway needs to be at least 3ft from face of curb (to edge of pole).
Proposed driveway does not meet 300ft spacing requirement from the adjacent AUTOS4LESS.COM driveway. Work with property owner to remove this non-compliant driveway access. Access no longer needed to access gravel lot.
River Rd frontage improvements are missing along the northwest corner of development
Driveway spacing requirement on 15th St NW is 150ft (collector), driveways on 15th St NW must be relocated & consolidated to meet spacing standards. See exhibit previously provide by Jamie Carter.
Fire truck AutoTurn not using current site plan
a. Each AutoTurn analysis must include the following:
i. All movements need to start straight and end straight.
ii. Make sure “Turn Wheels from Stop” is not selected.
iii. Please include the template of the vehicles used
iv. For clarity, wheel & overhang paths should be different colors.
b. Curb radii and entrance dimensions shall be increased as necessary to allow vehicles to access the site without encroaching into adjacent lanes of traffic.
Separate street light design is required Street lighting plan:
i. City standard streetlights are required every 150ft along frontage (River Rd & 15th St NW).
ii. River Rd (Arterial) will require GE EVOLVE ELR2 Fixtures ERL2-3-23-A3-40-D-Gray-A-V1 (City to provide latest part numbers)
iii. It is the sole responsibility of the design engineer to ensure streetlight design/placement is outside of the 10ft minimum “safe zone” area. The City will not allow streetlights to be within 10ft of the PSE primary for safety reasons.
iv. Streetlights shall have shorting caps installed with remote photocell located on the service cabinet.
v. PSE utility pole mounted streetlights do not meet current City standards and will be removed with installation of City standard streetlights.
vi. Streetlight design shall provide the following:
1. Provide details on how streetlights will be powered
2. Location of conduit runs
3. Wiring Schedule - Conduit size/type/details for each raceway, Conductors details
4. Pole schedule - STA & offset for each luminaire
5. Show location of junction boxes
Any existing driveway cuts along frontage that are not utilized for this project shall be replaced with curb/gutter/sidewalk.
Correction 2:
See Document Markup
This building was previously Hagen's Auto Parts & Machine Shop.
It's the City's understanding that only a small portion of the building sqft was used for vintage auto parts sales. The warehouse building space was used as a machine shop. LUC 110 should be used to represent industrial space
[Traffic Scoping Document]
Correction 3:
See Document Markup
Do not include Car Trek used car buildings in calculation. Land use not changing.
[Traffic Scoping Document]
Correction 4:
See Document Markup
Please confirm if building will be used for new car sales or used car sales. SEPA needs to define which land use will be assumed for this site (LUC 840 vs 841).
[Traffic Scoping Document]
Correction 5:
See Document Markup
LUC 210 should be 0.94 trips per DU
4*0.94= 3.8
[Traffic Scoping Document]
Correction 6:
See Document Markup
Per the SEPA check list: "the project intends to continue to use the site for automotive sales, auto parts store and automotive storage facility"
Proposed land use summary does not show estimated trips for auto parts store or automotive storage functions as defined in SEPA.
Per the SEPA check list: The project proposes to provide approximately 750 vehicle display and storage stalls on-site.
Provided detailed assumption for how automotive storage operation will impact vehicle trips.
[Traffic Scoping Document]
Correction 7:
See Document Markup
Will the 2,160 sqft auto service center be demolished? [Traffic Scoping Document]
Correction 8:
See Document Markup
Demolished? More detail needed.
[Traffic Scoping Document]
Correction 9:
See Document Markup
737 daily & 79 PM peak hour trips far exceeds actual trip generation of Hagen's site. [Traffic Scoping Document]
Correction 10:
See Document Markup
LUC 943 should be 2.06 trips per 1000 sqft
2.16*2.06= 4.4
[Traffic Scoping Document]
Correction 11:
See Document Markup
LUC 841 should be 3.75 trips per 1000 sqft
2.4*3.75= 9.0
[Traffic Scoping Document]
Correction 12:
See Document Markup
LUC 841 should be 3.75 trips per 1000 sqft
1.6*3.75= 6.0
[Traffic Scoping Document]
Correction 13:
See Document Markup
recalculate using "Peak Hour of Adjacent Street Traffic" [Traffic Scoping Document]
Reviewer Comments:
Fire Review
No Comments
Correction 1:
1. Maintain no less than 24’ Fire Lane throughout all isles in parking lot.
2. Provide Auto-turn or equivalent program to demonstrate fire apparatus turning radius.
3. Provide Fire Lane painting/stripping and No Parking Signs site plan at Civils.
4. A Fire Hydrant is required in the SW area parking lot. Place in a parking island to reach all areas within 400’. Comply with C.O.P. standards.
5. Will the parcel that was removed from the plans be fenced off?
6. Will the storage yard be fenced off with a gate? If an electronic gate is used Opticon will be required for Fire Department access. This will need to be review by Traffic and Fire for code compliance.
Reviewer Comments:
Engineering Review
No Comments
Reviewer Comments:
Planning Review
Revisions Required
Correction 1:
SEPA Checklist, page 24, number 16 - Utilities omits the Storm Utility. Storm is a Public Utility and this project proposes to connect to a major trunk line in public Right of Way. Revise answer to describe this work.
Reviewer Comments:
Engineering Traffic Review
Revisions Required
Correction 1:
Traffic scoping worksheet will be required. City policy requires the project trips to be estimated using the Institute of Transportation Engineers’ (ITE) Trip Generation, 11th Edition. In general, trip generation regression equations shall be used when the R2 value is 0.70 or greater. For single-family units and offices smaller than 30,000 SF, use ITE’s Trip Generation, average rate. The project trips shall be rounded to the nearest tenth. Trip credits would be allowed for any existing development.
• The city has adopted a City-Wide Traffic Impact Fee of $4,500 per PM peak hour trip. Final fees will be calculated and assessed by the City at the time of building permit issuance.
Driveway spacing requirement on River Rd is 300ft (Arterial), driveways on River Rd must be consolidated into one driveway to meet City standards. See exhibit previously provide by Jamie Carter.
Driveway spacing requirement on 15th St NW is 150ft (collector), driveways on 15th St NW must be relocated & consolidated to meet spacing standards. See exhibit previously provide by Jamie Carter.
Based on required access configuration, update AutoTurn analysis. Car carrier & Fire truck need to be modelled
a. Each AutoTurn analysis must include the following:
i. All movements need to start straight and end straight.
ii. Make sure “Turn Wheels from Stop” is not selected.
iii. Please include the template of the vehicles used
iv. For clarity, wheel & overhang paths should be different colors.
b. Curb radii and entrance dimensions shall be increased as necessary to allow vehicles to access the site without encroaching into adjacent lanes of traffic.
Because of River Rd curvature, it’s critical a City standard sight distance analysis is completed for a 45mph roadway segment at the River Rd access location. Also complete a sight distance analysis for 15th St NW/River Rd intersection and the 15th St NW site access.
During civil review, City staff shall review street tree placement, monument signage, fences, etc. to ensure required sight distance requirements are met.
Per Puyallup Municipal Code Section 11.08.135, the applicant/owner will be expected to construct half-street improvements including curb, gutter, sidewalk, roadway base, pavement, and street lighting. Any existing improvements which are damaged now or during the course of construction, or which do not meet current City Standards, shall be replaced.
• Frontage improvements on River Rd will include 8ft sidewalk, 10ft planter, streetlights, & ROW dedication.
• Frontage improvements on 15th St NW will include 36ft roadway, 8ft sidewalk, 3.5ft planter, streetlights, & ROW dedication. Offsite tapers necessary to transition SB vehicles
Site access driveways shall meet our minimum commercial driveway requirements (35ft curb radius, 30ft width). This could change based on the results of the updated AutoTurn analysis.
Existing “jog” in frontage will be removed
Existing access easement on the south side of property must be paved
Any existing driveway cuts along frontage that are not utilized for this project shall be replaced with curb/gutter/sidewalk.
Once the City received an updated design showing the updated River Rd access location and City standard frontage improvements, the design will be sent to WSDOT for comment.
Separate street light design is required Street lighting plan:
i. City standard streetlights are required every 150ft along frontage (River Rd & 15th St NW).
ii. River Rd (Arterial) will require GE EVOLVE ELR2 Fixtures ERL2-3-23-A3-40-D-Gray-A-V1 (City to provide latest part numbers)
iii. It is the sole responsibility of the design engineer to ensure streetlight design/placement is outside of the 10ft minimum “safe zone” area. The City will not allow streetlights to be within 10ft of the PSE primary for safety reasons.
iv. Streetlights shall have shorting caps installed with remote photocell located on the service cabinet.
v. PSE utility pole mounted streetlights do not meet current City standards and will be removed with installation of City standard streetlights.
vi. Streetlight design shall provide the following:
1. Provide details on how streetlights will be powered
2. Location of conduit runs
3. Wiring Schedule - Conduit size/type/details for each raceway, Conductors details
4. Pole schedule - STA & offset for each luminaire
5. Show location of junction boxes
Reviewer Comments:
Fire Review
Revisions Required
Correction 1:
1. Maintain no less than 24’ Fire Lane throughout all isles in parking lot.
2. Provide Auto-turn or equivalent program to demonstrate fire apparatus turning radius.
3. Provide Fire Lane painting/stripping and No Parking Signs site plan at Civils.
4. A Fire Hydrant is required in the SW area parking lot. Place in a parking island to reach all areas within 400’. Comply with C.O.P. standards.
5. Will the parcel that was removed from the plans be fenced off?
6. Will the storage yard be fenced off with a gate? If an electronic gate is used Opticon will be required for Fire Department access. This will need to be review by Traffic and Fire for code compliance.
Reviewer Comments:
Planning Review
Revisions Required
Correction 1:
SEPA Checklist, page 24, number 16 - Utilities omits the Storm Utility. Storm is a Public Utility and this project proposes to connect to a major trunk line in public Right of Way. Revise answer to describe this work.
Reviewer Comments:
Planning Review
Revisions Required
Correction 1:
OCTOBER COMMENT: To view Planning markups on the submitted site plan, see the civil plan set E-21-0406. The site plan is not approved and remaining issues need to be resolved prior to SEPA issuance and approval.
Correction 2:
OCTOBER 2022: We cannot locate a response to these comments/ issue. See mark ups on civil plan set. Other conditions below should be considered and responded to by the applicant.
PUBLIC COMMENT: Neighbors of the site provided the following comments:
o There is an easement on file with the county that shows a non-exclusive roadway and public utility easement that starts at 15th St NW and runs along the Southern edge of parcels 0420213006, 0420208039, and 0420208027 (my memory of it, was that it was a 25' easement). Then the easement changes to an 18' non-exclusive roadway and public utility easement across the southern portion of parcel # 0420204263. This issue came up in front of City Council the last time Hopkins and Hagen attempted to rezone these three parcels. Mr. Hagen admitted to the city council that it was a non-exclusive roadway and public utility easement. If the city is unable to locate a copy, I can obtain a copy and provide it. Also, Sadler and Bernard found it when they done a survey for Hopkins, and it noted the same, non-exclusive roadway and public utility easement. Clearly they cannot plant trees in that easement and block the roadway. The city code calls for the 30' buffer to be placed on the outside of the easement.
o Need for a condition that would prevent the dealership from activating car alarms to locate cars and no outside PA systems.
o Shield lighting to eliminate light glare and light spill and turn off lights at 11pm
o Septic systems on site need to be decommissioned, removed and back filled according to TPCHD standards
Correction 3:
• PUBLIC COMMENT: Tribal governments provided comment letters requesting site archeological investigation prior to SEPA issuance. See documents and images in CityView portal for comment letters. A report needs to be provided at the time of resubmittal. Please provide evidence of coordination with Puyallup Tribe cultural resource officer on scope of site investigation.
OCTOBER UPDATED NOTES: Thank you for the acknowledgement in the 09/21/22 AHBL response letter. This will be a SEPA condition.
Correction 4:
OCTOBER 2022 UPDATE: No response received, no determinations submitted. Please review, prepare appropriate reports and resubmit.
SHORELINE: The front portions of the project may be within 200’ of the OHWM of the Puyallup River. GIS data layer shows the site frontage within the shoreline environment. Please hire a qualified professional biologist to provide a OHWM determination. A shoreline substantial development permit may be required. Larger landscape areas may be required along River Road to avoid conflicts with shoreline policies that prevent vehicle parking in the shoreline environment (200’ from the OHWM).
- WETLANDS: Tax parcel 0420204263 contains two indicators of wetlands (vegetation and hydrology), please have your qualified biologist conduct a wetland site investigation and submit a report for review.
Correction 5:
OCTOBER 2022 UPDATE: This is not resolved. Please see civil plan set mark ups.
SITE PLAN: The site needs to comply with the city’s Type IV design standards in the city’s Vegetation Management Standards manual. No more than eight (8) parking spaces shall be placed consecutively without a landscaping island.
o All perimeter landscape islands (defined as islands which project into parking lots from an area connected to a perimeter landscape yard) shall be a minimum of 12’ wide with a minimum area of 200 sq ft of area.
o All internal landscape islands (landscape islands entirely surrounded by paving) shall be a minimum of 15’ in width with a minimum area of 500 sq ft.
o ‘Head-to-head’ parking stalls and internal landscape islands shall be separated by a ‘connector landscaping strip’ a minimum of 6' in width
o All internal landscape islands and connector strips shall include a single row of structural soil cells (EX. Silva cells, or equivalent) along the perimeter of all internal parking lot landscape islands where parking spaces are proposed (under the pavement directly abutting the outer edge of the landscape island, except in drive lanes)
o All ‘head-to-head’ parking stalls internal to a parking lot shall have internal island ‘end caps’ to separate the parking stalls from abutting drive aisles. These ‘end cap’ islands shall follow the requirements for internal islands (size, dimensions, required landscaping, etc.).
Correction 6:
OCTOBER 2022 UPDATE: This is not resolved. Please see civil plan set mark ups.
SITE PLAN: Street frontage requirements on arterial roadways need to include street tree planter strips (10’) and 8’ sidewalks per engineering requirements. Collector roadways (15th) have different requirements. See engineering and traffic notes.
Correction 7:
OCTOBER 2022 UPDATE: This is not resolved. Please respond.
SITE PLAN: Where are trash receptacles located on site? Please clarify method of enclosure and screening planned.
Correction 8:
OCTOBER 2022 UPDATE: This is not resolved. Please see civil plan set mark ups.
PARKING: How many parking stalls are dedicated and set aside as non-vehicle sales display stalls for the structures on site? Where are ADA parking stalls? Off street parking for employees and customers must be provided and set aside
Correction 9:
OCTOBER 2022 UPDATE: This is not completely resolved. The fixture diagram on the lighting sheets do not include cut off shielding.
LIGHTING: All lighting shall conform to PMC 20.26.500. Light fixtures on cut sheets provided do not have cut off shielding. Need photo metric plan set and technical sheets specifying cut off shielding facing residential zones. 20’ height maximum for fixture poles. Photo metric plans shall show 0 foot candle light spill on adjacent residential properties. The heat diagram provided does not show foot candles. Please also demonstrate that glare will not be visible from any residential property (no LED diode shall be visible from adjacent properties and need to be sufficiently inset within the fixture and shielded as to cast lighting interior to the site).
Correction 10:
OCTOBER 2022 UPDATE: This is not resolved. Please see civil plan set mark ups.
LANDSCAPING: 30’ buffer areas along south and west side need to conform to PMC 20.26.500. 30' Buffer area required if gravel easement area is maintained PMC 20.26.500 (4). 30' buffer needs to be located interior the easement driveway area on the south side of the site.
o 30' buffer area shall include shrubs (3 gal min.) at 5' on center. Choose shrubs that will grow to 6' height at maturity. See PMC 20.26.500 (1)(b).
o Conifer trees shall be used only, 8’ tall at the time of planting, 15’ on center.
o An 8’ opaque fence shall be provided interior to the buffer area and a sloped berm of 4’ tall shall be provided, with a 4’ retaining wall interior facing the site at the 30’ buffer line shall be provided. See PLANNING REDLINES document in documents and images in the CityView portal.
o Provide an arborist report and tree protection plan with the civil plans.
- October 2022 updated comment: Neighbors of TPNs 0420208006 and 0420204101 are requesting the pine trees on the project site be removed "(they shed pinecones and needles and make a mess on the ground and clog up the gutters)."
Correction 11:
• LANDSCAPING: All landscaping back of walk shall be 12’ in width. Landscaping along 15th is too narrow to meet code. Landscaping shall be provided in front of 1526 River Road assuming that area is disturbed (pavement removed).
Correction 12:
See other comments on planning redline site plan in documents and images in the CityView portal:
Reviewer Comments:
Planning Review
Revisions Required
Correction 1:
No comment
Correction 2:
SEPA Checklist, page 24, number 16 - Utilities omits the Storm Utility. Storm is a Public Utility and this project proposes to connect to a major trunk line in public Right of Way. Revise answer to describe this work.
Reviewer Comments:
Planning Review
Reviewer Comments:
Planning Review
Correction 1:
No actions requiring a resubmittal under this permit application at this time; conditions are shown below. Conditions may affect final plan submittal documents, please review and contact staff if you have questions.
Reviewer Comments:
PLAN CURRENT PLANNING - Notes added to DRT letter for required demo permits for this project.