Review Type
Est. Completion Date
Engineering Review
No Comments
Correction 1:
See Document Markup
There are future plans for a shared driveway, single family home, carport, shed, etc. Fill out question 7. [SEPA, pg 3]. Document not resubmitted 3rd round of review.
Correction 2:
See Document Markup
Since the project is using List # 2 provide the in-feasibility criteria for each BMP for Roofs and Other Hard Surfaces. [Drainage Report, pg 10]
Correction 3:
See Document Markup
Show locations of splash blocks for the proposed shop. Splashblocks require a 50' flowpath. [site plan]
Correction 4:
See Document Markup
Create a note 14 that speaks to something similar to "This project is proposing to fill in the regulated AE floodplain. 1:1 compensatory storage to fill will be required. [short plat, pg 2]
Correction 5:
See Document Markup
Create a note 15 that speaks to the structure being required to provide a minimum of 2 flood openings, not having a total net area of not less than one square inch for every square foot of enclosed area subject to flooding. [short plat, pg 2].
Correction 6:
See Document Markup
Show the existing 8" PVC pipe in this location and existing catch basin [short plat, pg 2
Correction 7:
See Document Markup
The proposed floodplain compensatory storage does not meet Puyallup Municipal Requirements, the project must provide compensatory storage located within the regulated AE floodplain at equivalent elevations to the fill. [site plan, pg 1]
Correction 8:
See Document Markup
Provide the elevations that fill will be placed. The compensatory storage must be provided at equivalent elevations of that of the fill. [site plan, pg 1]
Correction 9:
See Document Markup
Provide the finish floor elevation of the proposed structure. [site plan, pg1]
Correction 10:
See Document Markup
Provide a table breaking down the new plus replaced hard surfaces, with pollution generating hard surfaces (PGHS) being there own category. I measured 5,569SF of PGHS. See grading plan. [drainage report, pg 10]
Correction 11:
See Document Markup
Provide the driveway BMP flow path lengths on the plans. [site plan, pg 1]
Correction 12:
See Document Markup
Provide preliminary calculations for the driveway dispersion BMP's.
Additionally, it does not appear that there is an adequate flowpath for splashblocks for the carport building, a dispersion trench may be necessary. [drainage report, pg 10]
Correction 13:
See Document Markup
Show the existing lot lines using a heavy dashed line, and proposed lot lines using a heavy solid line. [short plat, pg 2]
Correction 14:
See Document Markup
Revise notes 14 and 15 to include both lots, as the regulated floodplain exists on both lots 1 and 2. [short plat, pg 2]
Reviewer Comments:
Engineering Traffic Review
No Comments
Reviewer Comments:
Planning Review
No Comments
Correction 1:
See Document Markup
- Update the site plan to include additional wetland critical areas and their buffers as appropriate (Confluence Third-Party Review of Critical Areas Assessment, pg. 4) - Update the site plan accordingly to address floodplain storage concerns (Confluence Third-Party Review of Critical Areas Assessment, pg. 6)[short plat preliminary site plan, pg. 1]
Correction 2:
See Document Markup
Please update the language of the short plat cover page to match the exact language of the City of Puyallup's template:
Specifically, the acknowledgements, development engineering division, planning division sections
[short plat, pg. 1]
Correction 3:
See Document Markup
Please remove the line:
"a ____ note for each lot shall indicate:" from each critical area note. This part of the comment is an instruction rather than what needs to be stated on the plat.
[short plat, pg. 2]
Correction 4:
See Document Markup
Delineate the existing lot lines using a heavy dashed line, and the proposed lot lines shown using a heavy solid line (PMC 19.02.100 (g)).
In the most recent submittal, all the lines are heavy solid lines
[short plat, pg. 2]
Correction 5:
See Document Markup
Please delineate the floodplain on the short plat site plan.
(PMC 19.02.100 (o)) Boundaries and associated buffers, development envelopes, or other information for any critical areas as defined or required by Chapter 21.06 PMC;
[short plat, pg. 2]
Correction 6:
Please see the full letter from Confluence Environmental Company which has conducted a third-party review of the August 2022 Critical Areas Assessment & Biological Evaluation letter by Habitat Technologies. (document title: Confluence Environmental Company Review 10172022 - 808 14th St SW)
Reviewer Comments:
Building Review
No Comments
Reviewer Comments:
Fire Review
No Comments
Reviewer Comments:
Engineering Traffic Review
No Comments
Correction 1:
The city has adopted a City-Wide Traffic Impact Fee of $4,500 per single family home. Final fees will be calculated and assessed by the City at the time of building permit issuance.
Park impact fee was established by Ordinance 3142 dated July 3, 2017 and shall be charged per new dwelling unit based on its size
Per Puyallup Municipal Code Section 11.08.135, the applicant/owner would be expected to construct half-street improvements including curb, gutter, planter strip, sidewalk, roadway base, and pavement. Any existing improvements which are damaged now or during construction, or which do not meet current City Standards, shall be replaced.
-To facilitate future streetlights, conduit and junction boxes will be required along frontage (lots 1 & 2).
ADA compliant driveway approach is required for access.
14th St SW along the site is designated as a minor collector. City standards (Section 101.10.1) require minimum spacing of 150 feet.
-Since this parcel already has two existing driveways, the existing single access will be allowed for this new lot.
Correction 2:
Second submittal not reviewed by Traffic... only going to 3rd party consultant for this round
Reviewer Comments:
Planning Review
Revisions Required
Correction 1:
See Document Markup
Prior to submittal to the city for final signatures, please add a 'Critical Area' note to denote the presence of a'CRITICAL AREA ON SITE' on the face of the short plat (sheet 1).Aquifer Recharge AreaLots 1 and 2 contain critical aquifer recharge areas. A critical aquifer recharge area note for each affected lot shallindicate: “The site is within a high susceptibility/critical aquifer recharge area. Uses and activities on this site shallcomply with the city?s critical area ordinance (Puyallup Municipal Code 21.06, Article XI). Activities that do notcause degradation of ground water quality and will not adversely affect the recharging of the aquifer may bepermitted in a critical aquifer recharge area and do not require preparation of a critical area report; provided,thatthey comply with the city storm water management regulations and other applicable local, state and federalregulations.”Volcanic Hazard Area Lots 1 and 2 contain a volcanic hazard area. A volcanic hazard area note for each lot affected shall indicate: “Thesite is within a volcanic hazard area. In the event of an eruption of Mt. Rainier, the site is expected to beinundated by pyroclastic flows, lava flows, debris avalanche, inundation by debris flows, lahars, mudflows, orrelated flooding resulting from volcanic activities. Uses and activities on this site shall comply with the city'scritical area ordinance (Puyallup Municipal Code 21.06, Article XII, section 21.06.1260, or succeedingsection,regarding volcanic hazard areas.” Floodplain Lot 1 and 2 contain 100-year floodplain areas. A note shall be included on the face of the plat for each affected lotindicating: “This lot contains a 100-year floodplain areas, containing a 1% chance every year of flooding/inundationthat could affect life, property, structures and improvements. All development and land modifications of floodplainareas requires city approval and consistency with the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), the EndangeredSpecies Act (ESA), critical areas ordinance (PMC 21.06) and flood protection ordinance (PMC 21.07), as well asany other applicable state, federal and local laws. Modification of land or vegetation, especially land filling thatcould reduce flood storage capacity, and/or encroachment/conversion of these areas is strictly prohibited withoutprior government approval.” Wetland Lots 1 and 2 contain wetland areas and protective wetland buffers. A note shall be included on the face of the platfor each affected lot indicating: “This lot contains a wetland and/or wetland buffer that is protected byfederal,state and local regulations. A wetland is a permanently, semi-permanently, or seasonally flooded area ofland with a distinct ecosystem based on hydrology, hydric soils, and vegetation adapted for life in water saturatedsoils. Wetlands provide numerous benefits to the natural environment including water quality, flood control,wildlife habitat, shoreline stability, and aesthetic values. Since the 1780s, Washington has lost 31 percent of itswetland areas, from 1.35 million acres to 938,000 acres, contributing to loss of flood storage and habitat areas.Wetlands are critical to the overall health of watersheds and property owners are key for protecting, restoring,and managing our state's remaining wetland resources. Modification of land or vegetation and/orencroachment/conversion of these areas is strictly prohibited without prior government approval.” [short platpreliminary site plan, pg. 1]
Correction 2:
See Document Markup
Native Vegetation Protection Easement Areas (PMC 19.12.070)- 14th St SW is designated as a minor collector roadway according to the city'scomprehensive plan. Per PMC 19.12.070(a), a 15-foot vegetative buffer required alongcollector roadways. As a result, a 15-foot buffer area is required along the frontage ofLot 1. The buffer area shall be placed into a “Native Vegetation Protection Easement(NVPE)” shown on the short plat drawing. The following note must also be added tothe face of the short plat (sheet 1):“A 15-foot “Native Vegetation Protection Easement (NVPE)” area is required along thefrontage of Lot 1. The NVPE is meant to promote the visual quality of the streetscapesand provide additional buffering from major street corridors. A landscape plan meetingcity standards shall be provided by the applicant and the following shall berequired:-The NVPE shall be preserved in accordance with a final landscape plan andshall not b emodified, disturbed or otherwise displaced without prior approval fromthe city's Planning Department; and, -It is the right of the city to enforce the terms ofthe restriction in the easement area.” [short plat preliminary site plan, pg. 1]
Correction 3:
See Document Markup
Please see the attached memorandum from Confluence Environmental Company who has conducted a third-party review of the October 2021 Critical Areas Assessment - Biological Evaluation letter by Habitat Technologies. - Please have Habitat Technologies address the recommendations made by Confluence in an updated habitat assessment report- Please have Barghausen address recommendations made by Confluence in an updated Storm Water Site Plan. The Storm Water Site Plan did not discuss the amount of floodplain fill associated with the project or the quantity and location of floodplain storage created by the project. Report should be updated to fully address the code requirements. [short plat preliminary site plan, pg. 1]
Correction 4:
See Document Markup
1. Please update the language of the short plat cover page to match the exact language of the City of Puyallup's template:
o Specifically, the acknowledgements, development engineering division, planning division sections
[short plat survey, pg. 1]
Correction 5:
See Document Markup
- Add the name and address of the owners to the face of the plat (sheet 1) (PMC 19.02.100 (a).) - Provide the legal description of the existing and proposed lots (PMC 19.02.100 (b)).- Provide the parcel number for the existing parcel at 808 14th St SW (PMC 19.02.100 (c)).- Delineate the existing lot lines using a heavy dashed line, and the proposed lot lines shown using a heavy solid line (PMC 19.02.100 (g)).- Move the square footage of proposed Lot 1 to be outside the approximate building outline of the future SFR (PMC 19.02.100 (h,k)).- Include the accurate location and dimensions/square footage of all existing and proposed structures, septic systems and utility services, and the distance between structures, improvements and utilities to the adjoining proposed lot lines (PMC 19.02.100 (l)).- Include contour lines to address the topography on the low by showing existing and proposed contours at five-foot contour intervals except for any portion of the site containing slopes of 15 percent or greater which shall be shown at two-foot contour intervals. The contour intervals shall extend at least 100 feet beyond the boundaries of the site (PMC 19.02.100 (m)).- Update the site plan to delineate the boundaries and associated buffers, development envelopes, or other information for any critical areas as defined or required by Chapter 21.06 PMC (PMC 19.02.100 (o)). [short plat preliminary site plan, pg. 1]
Correction 6:
See Document Markup
Aquifer Recharge AreaLots 1 and 2 contain critical aquifer recharge areas. A critical aquiferrecharge area note for each affected lot shall indicate: “The site iswithin a high susceptibility/critical aquifer recharge area. Uses andactivities on this site shall comply with the city?s critical area ordinance(Puyallup Municipal Code 21.06, Article XI). Activities that do not causedegradation of ground water quality and will not adversely affect therecharging of the aquifer may be permitted in a critical aquifer rechargearea and do not require preparation of a critical area report;provided,that they comply with the city storm water managementregulations and other applicable local, state and federal regulations." [short plat preliminary site plan, pg. 1]
Correction 7:
See Document Markup
Volcanic Hazard Area Lots 1 and 2 contain a volcanic hazard area. A volcanic hazard area notefor each lot affected shall indicate: “The site is within a volcanic hazardarea. In the event of an eruption of Mt. Rainier, the site is expected tobe inundated by pyroclastic flows, lava flows, debris avalanche,inundation by debris flows, lahars, mudflows, or related floodingresulting from volcanic activities. Uses and activities on this site shallcomply with the city's critical area ordinance (Puyallup Municipal Code21.06, Article XII, section 21.06.1260, or succeeding section,regardingvolcanic hazard areas.” [short plat preliminary site plan, pg. 1]
Correction 8:
See Document Markup
Lot 1 and 2 contain 100-year floodplain areas. A note shall be included on the face of the plat for each affected lot indicating: “This lot contains a 100-year floodplain areas, containing a 1% chance every year of flooding/inundation that could affect life, property, structures and improvements. All development and land modifications of floodplain areas requires city approval and consistency with the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), the Endangered Species Act (ESA), critical areas ordinance (PMC 21.06) and flood protection ordinance (PMC 21.07), as well as any other applicable state, federal and local laws. Modification of land or vegetation, especially land filling that could reduce flood storage capacity, and/or encroachment/conversion of these areas is strictly prohibited without prior government approval.” [short plat preliminary site plan, pg. 1]
Correction 9:
See Document Markup
Wetland Lots 1 and 2 contain wetland areas and protective wetland buffers. Anote shall be included on the face of the plat for each affected lotindicating: “This lot contains a wetland and/or wetland buffer that isprotected by federal,state and local regulations. A wetland is apermanently, semi-permanently, or seasonally flooded area of land witha distinct ecosystem based on hydrology, hydric soils, and vegetationadapted for life in water saturated soils. Wetlands provide numerousbenefits to the natural environment including water quality, floodcontrol, wildlife habitat, shoreline stability, and aesthetic values. Sincethe 1780s, Washington has lost 31 percent of its wetland areas, from1.35 million acres to 938,000 acres, contributing to loss of flood storageand habitat areas. Wetlands are critical to the overall health ofwatersheds and property owners are key for protecting, restoring, andmanaging our state's remaining wetland resources. Modification of landor vegetation and/or encroachment/conversion of these areas is strictlyprohibited without prior government approval.” [short plat preliminarysite plan, pg. 1]
Correction 10:
See Document Markup
Prior to submittal to the city for final signatures, please add a 'Critical Area' note to denote the presence of a 'CRITICAL AREA ON SITE' on the face of the short plat (sheet 1). [short plat preliminary site plan, pg. 1]
Correction 11:
See Document Markup
- Update the site plan to include additional wetland critical areas and their buffers as appropriate (Confluence Third-Party Review of Critical Areas Assessment, pg. 4) - Update the site plan accordingly to address floodplain storage concerns (Confluence Third-Party Review of Critical Areas Assessment, pg. 6)[short plat preliminary site plan, pg. 1]
Correction 12:
See Document Markup
Please update the language of the short plat cover page to match the exact language of the City of Puyallup's template:
Specifically, the acknowledgements, development engineering division, planning division sections
[short plat, pg. 1]
Correction 13:
See Document Markup
Please remove the line:
"a ____ note for each lot shall indicate:" from each critical area note. This part of the comment is an instruction rather than what needs to be stated on the plat.
[short plat, pg. 2]
Correction 14:
See Document Markup
Delineate the existing lot lines using a heavy dashed line, and the proposed lot lines shown using a heavy solid line (PMC 19.02.100 (g)).
In the most recent submittal, all the lines are heavy solid lines
[short plat, pg. 2]
Correction 15:
See Document Markup
Please delineate the floodplain on the short plat site plan.
(PMC 19.02.100 (o)) Boundaries and associated buffers, development envelopes, or other information for any critical areas as defined or required by Chapter 21.06 PMC;
[short plat, pg. 2]
Correction 16:
Please see the full letter from Confluence Environmental Company which has conducted a third-party review of the August 2022 Critical Areas Assessment & Biological Evaluation letter by Habitat Technologies. (document title: Confluence Environmental Company Review 10172022 - 808 14th St SW)
Reviewer Comments:
External Agency Review
No Comments
Correction 1:
Please see Confluence Environmental Company's comment letter titled "Confluence Environmental Company Review 07182022 - 808 14th St SW_3rd Party Review_CoPuyallup_Cycle 2_071822" under Documents & Images. Revisions to the report are required.
Reviewer Comments:
Sent to Confluence for review 10/04/22
Engineering Review
Revisions Required
Correction 1:
See Document Markup
The proposed short plat must be a surveyed plan on City of Puyallup Short plat template found here: that the survey map submitted has provided a good chunk of the required information outline in the short plat application. [short plat, pg 1]
Correction 2:
See Document Markup
Provide a legend showing existing/proposed lot lines. The existing lot lines shall be shown using a heavy dashed line, whereas the proposed lines shall be a heavy solid line. [short plat, pg 1]
Correction 3:
See Document Markup
Provide owner's names as shown on the Title Report: Kristian J. Mullan and Joann C. Mullan. [short plat, pg 1]
Correction 4:
See Document Markup
Include the boundary and topographic survey as part of the short plat document. [short plat, pg 1]
Correction 5:
See Document Markup
Provide a section discussing the following:How will the project deal with Lawn and Landscaped areas? Soil amendment.The proposed SFR and future shop may not just connect into the city storm system without evaluating List #2. If all BMP's are infeasible, the project may connect into the city storm system. prelim drainage report, pg 31
Correction 6:
See Document Markup
Provide a calculation for the amount of fill proposed for the project and how the project will provide compensatory storage at equivalent elevations to that displaced. [short plat, pg 1]
Correction 7:
See Document Markup
Provide existing and proposed areas for new, plus replaced hard surfaces. [short plat, pg 1]
Correction 8:
See Document Markup
Include the updated geotech report with groundwater monitoring information so the preliminary stormater design can be determined. At this time, I can't determine if the flow control requirement is met or not. Provide an in depth breakdown of surfaces that can be modeled as pervious if infiltrated or dispersed per the Ecology manual. [short plat, pg 1]
Correction 9:
See Document Markup
The WWHM calculation on page 36 speaks to a bypass basin. Show this on the basin map. [prelim drainage plan, pg 27]
Correction 10:
See Document Markup
There are future plans for a shared driveway, single family home, carport, shed, etc. Fill out question 7. [SEPA, pg 3]. Document not resubmitted 3rd round of review.
Correction 11:
See Document Markup
Add this note to the face of the short plat document. Prior to building permit issuance for each lot within this Short plat, individual lot Stormwater reports will need to be submitted to verify the calculations in the stormwater report submitted during Short Plat review. The stormwater reports submitted during building permit review are required to contain saturated hydraulic conductivity testing and ground water monitoring during the wet season in accordance with the currently adopted stormwater manual and City Standards.? [short plat, pg 1]
Correction 12:
See Document Markup
Add this note to the face of the short plat document. No Building Permits will be issued for Lot 1 through Lot2 until City approved utility and road improvements are reviewed and approved to include curb, gutter, sidewalk, roadway base,pavement, water, sanitary sewer, storm infrastructure and street lighting.? [short plat, pg 1]
Correction 13:
See Document Markup
Add this note to the face of the short plat document. A preliminary Storm Drainage Plan is on file for this short plat. No Building Permits will be issued for any lots in this short plat until all necessary drainage improvements are approved and permitted by Development Services Engineering. Compliance may require the property owner/builder to retain a Professional Engineer to design the stormwater controls for the individual lots.? [short plat, pg 1]
Correction 14:
See Document Markup
Add this note to the face of the short plat document. NOTICE: This short plat contains a private storm drainage system. Private storm drainage systems are the sole responsibility of the owners, successors, and assignees for all lots being served by the private storm drainage system. Responsibility includes, but is not limited to, constructing, maintaining, and allowing City inspection of the private storm system in accordance with a separately recorded stormwater management facilities agreement recorded with Pierce County. Ref. AFN _______________? [short plat, pg 1]
Correction 15:
See Document Markup
Add this note to the face of the short plat document. Erosion and stormwater control plans shall be required for any new residential development prior to building permit issuance on Lot 1 through Lot 2.? -No permanent structures(s) shall be erected within the easement area(s). Permanent structure(s) shall mean any concrete foundation, concrete slab, wall, rockery, pond,stream, building, deck, overhanging structure, fill material, tree, recreational sport court, carport, shed, private utility, fence, or other site improvement that restricts or unreasonably interferes with the need to access or construct utilities in said easements(s). Permanent structure(s) shall not mean improvements such as flowers, ground cover and shrubs less than 3-feet in height, lawn grass,asphalt paving, gravel, or other similar site improvements that do not prevent the access of men, material, and machinery across,along, and within the said easement area. Land restoration by the City within the said easement area due to construction, shall mean planting grass seed or grass sod, asphalt paving, or gravel unless otherwise determined by the City of Puyallup.? [short plat, pg 1]
Correction 16:
See Document Markup
Add this note to the face of the short plat document. “The project site is designated a special flood hazardzone and was determined by examination of the Flood Insurance Rate Map(FIRM) Community PanelNumber 53053C0341E, dated March 7, 2017. Prior to final building inspection and approval, a FEMAElevation Certificate must be submitted and approved by the City of Puyallup Engineering ServicesDepartment verifying that the structure has been constructed and elevated in accordance with the City?sFloodplain Management Regulations.” "The project site is located in the regulated AE floodplain. Any newconstruction and substantial improvements in this zone must construct the lowest floor, includingbasement, a minimum one foot or more above the established base flood elevation. [short plat, pg 1]
Correction 17:
See Document Markup
According to the submitted critical area assessment, an off-site wetland was found to the south of this project. Minimum requirement 8 must be evaluated for this project. [prelim storm report, pg 10]
Correction 18:
See Document Markup
The project is proposing to construct greater than 5,000SF of new plus replaced hard surfaces. Minimum requirement 9 must be addressed as part of this project. An O&M manual can be submitted at the time of civil. For now, reference that MR 9 will be addressed at the time of civil application. [prelim storm report, pg 10]
Correction 19:
See Document Markup
Provide a map legend [short plat, pg 1]
Correction 20:
See Document Markup
City standard details 01.02.12 requires a 3' paving from the driveway to any adjacent property lines. [short plat, pg 1]
Correction 21:
See Document Markup
Minimum driveway width for a single family home is 15'. [short plat, pg 1]
Correction 22:
See Document Markup
Since the project is using List # 2 provide the in-feasibility criteria for each BMP for Roofs and Other Hard Surfaces. [Drainage Report, pg 10]
Correction 23:
See Document Markup
Show locations of splash blocks for the proposed shop. Splashblocks require a 50' flowpath. [site plan]
Correction 24:
See Document Markup
Create a note 14 that speaks to something similar to "This project is proposing to fill in the regulated AE floodplain. 1:1 compensatory storage to fill will be required. [short plat, pg 2]
Correction 25:
See Document Markup
Create a note 15 that speaks to the structure being required to provide a minimum of 2 flood openings, not having a total net area of not less than one square inch for every square foot of enclosed area subject to flooding. [short plat, pg 2].
Correction 26:
See Document Markup
Show the existing 8" PVC pipe in this location and existing catch basin [short plat, pg 2
Correction 27:
See Document Markup
The proposed floodplain compensatory storage does not meet Puyallup Municipal Requirements, the project must provide compensatory storage located within the regulated AE floodplain at equivalent elevations to the fill. [site plan, pg 1]
Correction 28:
See Document Markup
Provide the elevations that fill will be placed. The compensatory storage must be provided at equivalent elevations of that of the fill. [site plan, pg 1]
Correction 29:
See Document Markup
Provide the finish floor elevation of the proposed structure. [site plan, pg1]
Correction 30:
See Document Markup
Provide a table breaking down the new plus replaced hard surfaces, with pollution generating hard surfaces (PGHS) being there own category. I measured 5,569SF of PGHS. See grading plan. [drainage report, pg 10]
Correction 31:
See Document Markup
Provide the driveway BMP flow path lengths on the plans. [site plan, pg 1]
Correction 32:
See Document Markup
Provide preliminary calculations for the driveway dispersion BMP's.
Additionally, it does not appear that there is an adequate flowpath for splashblocks for the carport building, a dispersion trench may be necessary. [drainage report, pg 10]
Correction 33:
See Document Markup
Show the existing lot lines using a heavy dashed line, and proposed lot lines using a heavy solid line. [short plat, pg 2]
Reviewer Comments:
Building Review
No Comments
Correction 1:
See Document Markup
Provide a calculation for the number of splashblocks required for the future shop. [site plan]
Reviewer Comments:
Fire Review
No Comments
Correction 1:
Incomplete Resubmittal - Please respond to all comments.
1. Boundary Line may need to move move North.
2. 3' required from property line to driveway that runs to future shop.
3. 20' driveway is our standard, 15' paved with 2-1/2' gravel shoulders.
4. "NOTE" Future shop would not be allowed to be an ADU unless driveway width and a fire truck turn-around are in compliance.
5. Provide new site plan showing all requirements in order to receive a proper Fire Review. Current plan can not be accepted.
See Plat Document 22001-D-SHPL-2022-08-22
Reviewer Comments:
Engineering Review
Revisions Required
Correction 1:
See Document Markup
The proposed short plat must be a surveyed plan on City of Puyallup Short plat template found here: that the survey map submitted has provided a good chunk of the required information outline in the short plat application. [short plat, pg 1]
Correction 2:
See Document Markup
Provide a legend showing existing/proposed lot lines. The existing lot lines shall be shown using a heavy dashed line, whereas the proposed lines shall be a heavy solid line. [short plat, pg 1]
Correction 3:
See Document Markup
Provide owner's names as shown on the Title Report: Kristian J. Mullan and Joann C. Mullan. [short plat, pg 1]
Correction 4:
See Document Markup
Include the boundary and topographic survey as part of the short plat document. [short plat, pg 1]
Correction 5:
See Document Markup
Provide a section discussing the following:How will the project deal with Lawn and Landscaped areas? Soil amendment.The proposed SFR and future shop may not just connect into the city storm system without evaluating List #2. If all BMP's are infeasible, the project may connect into the city storm system. prelim drainage report, pg 31
Correction 6:
See Document Markup
Provide a calculation for the amount of fill proposed for the project and how the project will provide compensatory storage at equivalent elevations to that displaced. [short plat, pg 1]
Correction 7:
See Document Markup
Provide existing and proposed areas for new, plus replaced hard surfaces. [short plat, pg 1]
Correction 8:
See Document Markup
Include the updated geotech report with groundwater monitoring information so the preliminary stormater design can be determined. At this time, I can't determine if the flow control requirement is met or not. Provide an in depth breakdown of surfaces that can be modeled as pervious if infiltrated or dispersed per the Ecology manual. [short plat, pg 1]
Correction 9:
See Document Markup
The WWHM calculation on page 36 speaks to a bypass basin. Show this on the basin map. [prelim drainage plan, pg 27]
Correction 10:
See Document Markup
There are future plans for a shared driveway, single family home, carport, shed, etc. Fill out question 7. [SEPA, pg 3]
Correction 11:
See Document Markup
Add this note to the face of the short plat document. Prior to building permit issuance for each lot within this Short plat, individual lot Stormwater reports will need to be submitted to verify the calculations in the stormwater report submitted during Short Plat review. The stormwater reports submitted during building permit review are required to contain saturated hydraulic conductivity testing and ground water monitoring during the wet season in accordance with the currently adopted stormwater manual and City Standards.? [short plat, pg 1]
Correction 12:
See Document Markup
Add this note to the face of the short plat document. No Building Permits will be issued for Lot 1 through Lot2 until City approved utility and road improvements are reviewed and approved to include curb, gutter, sidewalk, roadway base,pavement, water, sanitary sewer, storm infrastructure and street lighting.? [short plat, pg 1]
Correction 13:
See Document Markup
Add this note to the face of the short plat document. A preliminary Storm Drainage Plan is on file for this short plat. No Building Permits will be issued for any lots in this short plat until all necessary drainage improvements are approved and permitted by Development Services Engineering. Compliance may require the property owner/builder to retain a Professional Engineer to design the stormwater controls for the individual lots.? [short plat, pg 1]
Correction 14:
See Document Markup
Add this note to the face of the short plat document. NOTICE: This short plat contains a private storm drainage system. Private storm drainage systems are the sole responsibility of the owners, successors, and assignees for all lots being served by the private storm drainage system. Responsibility includes, but is not limited to, constructing, maintaining, and allowing City inspection of the private storm system in accordance with a separately recorded stormwater management facilities agreement recorded with Pierce County. Ref. AFN _______________? [short plat, pg 1]
Correction 15:
See Document Markup
Add this note to the face of the short plat document. Erosion and stormwater control plans shall be required for any new residential development prior to building permit issuance on Lot 1 through Lot 2.? -No permanent structures(s) shall be erected within the easement area(s). Permanent structure(s) shall mean any concrete foundation, concrete slab, wall, rockery, pond,stream, building, deck, overhanging structure, fill material, tree, recreational sport court, carport, shed, private utility, fence, or other site improvement that restricts or unreasonably interferes with the need to access or construct utilities in said easements(s). Permanent structure(s) shall not mean improvements such as flowers, ground cover and shrubs less than 3-feet in height, lawn grass,asphalt paving, gravel, or other similar site improvements that do not prevent the access of men, material, and machinery across,along, and within the said easement area. Land restoration by the City within the said easement area due to construction, shall mean planting grass seed or grass sod, asphalt paving, or gravel unless otherwise determined by the City of Puyallup.? [short plat, pg 1]
Correction 16:
See Document Markup
Add this note to the face of the short plat document. “The project site is designated a special flood hazardzone and was determined by examination of the Flood Insurance Rate Map(FIRM) Community PanelNumber 53053C0341E, dated March 7, 2017. Prior to final building inspection and approval, a FEMAElevation Certificate must be submitted and approved by the City of Puyallup Engineering ServicesDepartment verifying that the structure has been constructed and elevated in accordance with the City?sFloodplain Management Regulations.” "The project site is located in the regulated AE floodplain. Any newconstruction and substantial improvements in this zone must construct the lowest floor, includingbasement, a minimum one foot or more above the established base flood elevation. [short plat, pg 1]
Correction 17:
See Document Markup
According to the submitted critical area assessment, an off-site wetland was found to the south of this project. Minimum requirement 8 must be evaluated for this project. [prelim storm report, pg 10]
Correction 18:
See Document Markup
The project is proposing to construct greater than 5,000SF of new plus replaced hard surfaces. Minimum requirement 9 must be addressed as part of this project. An O&M manual can be submitted at the time of civil. For now, reference that MR 9 will be addressed at the time of civil application. [prelim storm report, pg 10]
Correction 19:
See Document Markup
Provide a map legend [short plat, pg 1]
Correction 20:
See Document Markup
City standard details 01.02.12 requires a 3' paving from the driveway to any adjacent property lines. [short plat, pg 1]
Correction 21:
See Document Markup
Minimum driveway width for a single family home is 15'. [short plat, pg 1]
Reviewer Comments:
See email titled: PLSHP20220003 DRT Letter #1
Hi Cheryl,
Yes, you should be able to submit the updated critical area report as a re-submittal (submittal 2). I will then send the critical area report to our third-party consultant for review and comments. I will send you their comments once they’ve completed their review.
After you’ve updated your survey map based on their responses and our comments from the first DRT letter, you can submit for a third re-submittal. I’ve mapped it out as follows:
Submittal 1: Original submittal; survey map, critical area reports, etc. DRT letter 1 has already been sent.
Submittal 2 (proposed): Only updated critical area report so you can receive comments – We will void all reviews except for “external agency” (third party consultant)
Submittal 3 (future): Updated survey map with adjustments made based on Confluence’s comments. – Staff will review as normal
I’ve CC’d our permit center and other reviewers on this e-mail as well so they are informed of what you are proposing to do for your second submittal.
I cannot speak on a timeframe for our third-party’s review yet. I can ask them what their timeline is once we send out the report.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Nabila Comstock
Planning Review
Revisions Required
Correction 1:
See Document Markup
Prior to submittal to the city for final signatures, please add a 'Critical Area' note to denote the presence of a'CRITICAL AREA ON SITE' on the face of the short plat (sheet 1).Aquifer Recharge AreaLots 1 and 2 contain critical aquifer recharge areas. A critical aquifer recharge area note for each affected lot shallindicate: “The site is within a high susceptibility/critical aquifer recharge area. Uses and activities on this site shallcomply with the city?s critical area ordinance (Puyallup Municipal Code 21.06, Article XI). Activities that do notcause degradation of ground water quality and will not adversely affect the recharging of the aquifer may bepermitted in a critical aquifer recharge area and do not require preparation of a critical area report; provided,thatthey comply with the city storm water management regulations and other applicable local, state and federalregulations.”Volcanic Hazard Area Lots 1 and 2 contain a volcanic hazard area. A volcanic hazard area note for each lot affected shall indicate: “Thesite is within a volcanic hazard area. In the event of an eruption of Mt. Rainier, the site is expected to beinundated by pyroclastic flows, lava flows, debris avalanche, inundation by debris flows, lahars, mudflows, orrelated flooding resulting from volcanic activities. Uses and activities on this site shall comply with the city'scritical area ordinance (Puyallup Municipal Code 21.06, Article XII, section 21.06.1260, or succeedingsection,regarding volcanic hazard areas.” Floodplain Lot 1 and 2 contain 100-year floodplain areas. A note shall be included on the face of the plat for each affected lotindicating: “This lot contains a 100-year floodplain areas, containing a 1% chance every year of flooding/inundationthat could affect life, property, structures and improvements. All development and land modifications of floodplainareas requires city approval and consistency with the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), the EndangeredSpecies Act (ESA), critical areas ordinance (PMC 21.06) and flood protection ordinance (PMC 21.07), as well asany other applicable state, federal and local laws. Modification of land or vegetation, especially land filling thatcould reduce flood storage capacity, and/or encroachment/conversion of these areas is strictly prohibited withoutprior government approval.” Wetland Lots 1 and 2 contain wetland areas and protective wetland buffers. A note shall be included on the face of the platfor each affected lot indicating: “This lot contains a wetland and/or wetland buffer that is protected byfederal,state and local regulations. A wetland is a permanently, semi-permanently, or seasonally flooded area ofland with a distinct ecosystem based on hydrology, hydric soils, and vegetation adapted for life in water saturatedsoils. Wetlands provide numerous benefits to the natural environment including water quality, flood control,wildlife habitat, shoreline stability, and aesthetic values. Since the 1780s, Washington has lost 31 percent of itswetland areas, from 1.35 million acres to 938,000 acres, contributing to loss of flood storage and habitat areas.Wetlands are critical to the overall health of watersheds and property owners are key for protecting, restoring,and managing our state's remaining wetland resources. Modification of land or vegetation and/orencroachment/conversion of these areas is strictly prohibited without prior government approval.” [short platpreliminary site plan, pg. 1]
Correction 2:
See Document Markup
Native Vegetation Protection Easement Areas (PMC 19.12.070)- 14th St SW is designated as a minor collector roadway according to the city'scomprehensive plan. Per PMC 19.12.070(a), a 15-foot vegetative buffer required alongcollector roadways. As a result, a 15-foot buffer area is required along the frontage ofLot 1. The buffer area shall be placed into a “Native Vegetation Protection Easement(NVPE)” shown on the short plat drawing. The following note must also be added tothe face of the short plat (sheet 1):“A 15-foot “Native Vegetation Protection Easement (NVPE)” area is required along thefrontage of Lot 1. The NVPE is meant to promote the visual quality of the streetscapesand provide additional buffering from major street corridors. A landscape plan meetingcity standards shall be provided by the applicant and the following shall berequired:-The NVPE shall be preserved in accordance with a final landscape plan andshall not b emodified, disturbed or otherwise displaced without prior approval fromthe city's Planning Department; and, -It is the right of the city to enforce the terms ofthe restriction in the easement area.” [short plat preliminary site plan, pg. 1]
Correction 3:
See Document Markup
Please see the attached memorandum from Confluence Environmental Company who has conducted a third-party review of the October 2021 Critical Areas Assessment - Biological Evaluation letter by Habitat Technologies. - Please have Habitat Technologies address the recommendations made by Confluence in an updated habitat assessment report- Please have Barghausen address recommendations made by Confluence in an updated Storm Water Site Plan. The Storm Water Site Plan did not discuss the amount of floodplain fill associated with the project or the quantity and location of floodplain storage created by the project. Report should be updated to fully address the code requirements. [short plat preliminary site plan, pg. 1]
Correction 4:
See Document Markup
- Please submit the proposed short plat along with the completed City of Puyallup Short Plat template linked below: [short plat preliminary site plan, pg. 1]
Correction 5:
See Document Markup
- Add the name and address of the owners to the face of the plat (sheet 1) (PMC 19.02.100 (a).) - Provide the legal description of the existing and proposed lots (PMC 19.02.100 (b)).- Provide the parcel number for the existing parcel at 808 14th St SW (PMC 19.02.100 (c)).- Delineate the existing lot lines using a heavy dashed line, and the proposed lot lines shown using a heavy solid line (PMC 19.02.100 (g)).- Move the square footage of proposed Lot 1 to be outside the approximate building outline of the future SFR (PMC 19.02.100 (h,k)).- Include the accurate location and dimensions/square footage of all existing and proposed structures, septic systems and utility services, and the distance between structures, improvements and utilities to the adjoining proposed lot lines (PMC 19.02.100 (l)).- Include contour lines to address the topography on the low by showing existing and proposed contours at five-foot contour intervals except for any portion of the site containing slopes of 15 percent or greater which shall be shown at two-foot contour intervals. The contour intervals shall extend at least 100 feet beyond the boundaries of the site (PMC 19.02.100 (m)).- Update the site plan to delineate the boundaries and associated buffers, development envelopes, or other information for any critical areas as defined or required by Chapter 21.06 PMC (PMC 19.02.100 (o)). [short plat preliminary site plan, pg. 1]
Correction 6:
See Document Markup
Aquifer Recharge AreaLots 1 and 2 contain critical aquifer recharge areas. A critical aquiferrecharge area note for each affected lot shall indicate: “The site iswithin a high susceptibility/critical aquifer recharge area. Uses andactivities on this site shall comply with the city?s critical area ordinance(Puyallup Municipal Code 21.06, Article XI). Activities that do not causedegradation of ground water quality and will not adversely affect therecharging of the aquifer may be permitted in a critical aquifer rechargearea and do not require preparation of a critical area report;provided,that they comply with the city storm water managementregulations and other applicable local, state and federal regulations." [short plat preliminary site plan, pg. 1]
Correction 7:
See Document Markup
Volcanic Hazard Area Lots 1 and 2 contain a volcanic hazard area. A volcanic hazard area notefor each lot affected shall indicate: “The site is within a volcanic hazardarea. In the event of an eruption of Mt. Rainier, the site is expected tobe inundated by pyroclastic flows, lava flows, debris avalanche,inundation by debris flows, lahars, mudflows, or related floodingresulting from volcanic activities. Uses and activities on this site shallcomply with the city's critical area ordinance (Puyallup Municipal Code21.06, Article XII, section 21.06.1260, or succeeding section,regardingvolcanic hazard areas.” [short plat preliminary site plan, pg. 1]
Correction 8:
See Document Markup
Lot 1 and 2 contain 100-year floodplain areas. A note shall be included on the face of the plat for each affected lot indicating: “This lot contains a 100-year floodplain areas, containing a 1% chance every year of flooding/inundation that could affect life, property, structures and improvements. All development and land modifications of floodplain areas requires city approval and consistency with the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), the Endangered Species Act (ESA), critical areas ordinance (PMC 21.06) and flood protection ordinance (PMC 21.07), as well as any other applicable state, federal and local laws. Modification of land or vegetation, especially land filling that could reduce flood storage capacity, and/or encroachment/conversion of these areas is strictly prohibited without prior government approval.” [short plat preliminary site plan, pg. 1]
Correction 9:
See Document Markup
Wetland Lots 1 and 2 contain wetland areas and protective wetland buffers. Anote shall be included on the face of the plat for each affected lotindicating: “This lot contains a wetland and/or wetland buffer that isprotected by federal,state and local regulations. A wetland is apermanently, semi-permanently, or seasonally flooded area of land witha distinct ecosystem based on hydrology, hydric soils, and vegetationadapted for life in water saturated soils. Wetlands provide numerousbenefits to the natural environment including water quality, floodcontrol, wildlife habitat, shoreline stability, and aesthetic values. Sincethe 1780s, Washington has lost 31 percent of its wetland areas, from1.35 million acres to 938,000 acres, contributing to loss of flood storageand habitat areas. Wetlands are critical to the overall health ofwatersheds and property owners are key for protecting, restoring, andmanaging our state's remaining wetland resources. Modification of landor vegetation and/or encroachment/conversion of these areas is strictlyprohibited without prior government approval.” [short plat preliminarysite plan, pg. 1]
Correction 10:
See Document Markup
Prior to submittal to the city for final signatures, please add a 'Critical Area' note to denote the presence of a 'CRITICAL AREA ON SITE' on the face of the short plat (sheet 1). [short plat preliminary site plan, pg. 1]
Correction 11:
See Document Markup
- Update the site plan to include additional wetland critical areas and their buffers as appropriate (Confluence Third-Party Review of Critical Areas Assessment, pg. 4) - Update the site plan accordingly to address floodplain storage concerns (Confluence Third-Party Review of Critical Areas Assessment, pg. 6)[short plat preliminary site plan, pg. 1]
Reviewer Comments:
Fire Review
Revisions Required
Correction 1:
Incomplete Resubmittal - Please respond to all comments.
1. Boundary Line may need to move move North.
2. 3' required from property line to driveway that runs to future shop.
3. 20' driveway is our standard, 15' paved with 2-1/2' gravel shoulders.
4. "NOTE" Future shop would not be allowed to be an ADU unless driveway width and a fire truck turn-around are in compliance.
5. Provide new site plan showing all requirements in order to receive a proper Fire Review. Current plan can not be accepted.
Reviewer Comments:
External Agency Review
Revisions Required
Correction 1:
Please see Confluence Environmental Company's comment letter titled "Confluence Environmental Company Review 07182022 - 808 14th St SW_3rd Party Review_CoPuyallup_Cycle 2_071822" under Documents & Images. Revisions to the report are required.
Reviewer Comments:
Building Review
Reviewer Comments:
Engineering Traffic Review
Revisions Required
Correction 1:
The city has adopted a City-Wide Traffic Impact Fee of $4,500 per single family home. Final fees will be calculated and assessed by the City at the time of building permit issuance.
Park impact fee was established by Ordinance 3142 dated July 3, 2017 and shall be charged per new dwelling unit based on its size
Per Puyallup Municipal Code Section 11.08.135, the applicant/owner would be expected to construct half-street improvements including curb, gutter, planter strip, sidewalk, roadway base, and pavement. Any existing improvements which are damaged now or during construction, or which do not meet current City Standards, shall be replaced.
-To facilitate future streetlights, conduit and junction boxes will be required along frontage (lots 1 & 2).
ADA compliant driveway approach is required for access.
14th St SW along the site is designated as a minor collector. City standards (Section 101.10.1) require minimum spacing of 150 feet.
-Since this parcel already has two existing driveways, the existing single access will be allowed for this new lot.
Correction 2:
Second submittal not reviewed by Traffic... only going to 3rd party consultant for this round
Reviewer Comments:
Engineering Traffic Review
Revisions Required
Correction 1:
The city has adopted a City-Wide Traffic Impact Fee of $4,500 per single family home. Final fees will be calculated and assessed by the City at the time of building permit issuance.
Park impact fee was established by Ordinance 3142 dated July 3, 2017 and shall be charged per new dwelling unit based on its size
Per Puyallup Municipal Code Section 11.08.135, the applicant/owner would be expected to construct half-street improvements including curb, gutter, planter strip, sidewalk, roadway base, and pavement. Any existing improvements which are damaged now or during construction, or which do not meet current City Standards, shall be replaced.
-To facilitate future streetlights, conduit and junction boxes will be required along frontage (lots 1 & 2).
ADA compliant driveway approach is required for access.
14th St SW along the site is designated as a minor collector. City standards (Section 101.10.1) require minimum spacing of 150 feet.
-Since this parcel already has two existing driveways, the existing single access will be allowed for this new lot.
Reviewer Comments:
Planning Review
Revisions Required
Correction 1:
See Document Markup
Prior to submittal to the city for final signatures, please add a 'Critical Area' note to denote the presence of a'CRITICAL AREA ON SITE' on the face of the short plat (sheet 1).Aquifer Recharge AreaLots 1 and 2 contain critical aquifer recharge areas. A critical aquifer recharge area note for each affected lot shallindicate: “The site is within a high susceptibility/critical aquifer recharge area. Uses and activities on this site shallcomply with the city?s critical area ordinance (Puyallup Municipal Code 21.06, Article XI). Activities that do notcause degradation of ground water quality and will not adversely affect the recharging of the aquifer may bepermitted in a critical aquifer recharge area and do not require preparation of a critical area report; provided,thatthey comply with the city storm water management regulations and other applicable local, state and federalregulations.”Volcanic Hazard Area Lots 1 and 2 contain a volcanic hazard area. A volcanic hazard area note for each lot affected shall indicate: “Thesite is within a volcanic hazard area. In the event of an eruption of Mt. Rainier, the site is expected to beinundated by pyroclastic flows, lava flows, debris avalanche, inundation by debris flows, lahars, mudflows, orrelated flooding resulting from volcanic activities. Uses and activities on this site shall comply with the city'scritical area ordinance (Puyallup Municipal Code 21.06, Article XII, section 21.06.1260, or succeedingsection,regarding volcanic hazard areas.” Floodplain Lot 1 and 2 contain 100-year floodplain areas. A note shall be included on the face of the plat for each affected lotindicating: “This lot contains a 100-year floodplain areas, containing a 1% chance every year of flooding/inundationthat could affect life, property, structures and improvements. All development and land modifications of floodplainareas requires city approval and consistency with the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), the EndangeredSpecies Act (ESA), critical areas ordinance (PMC 21.06) and flood protection ordinance (PMC 21.07), as well asany other applicable state, federal and local laws. Modification of land or vegetation, especially land filling thatcould reduce flood storage capacity, and/or encroachment/conversion of these areas is strictly prohibited withoutprior government approval.” Wetland Lots 1 and 2 contain wetland areas and protective wetland buffers. A note shall be included on the face of the platfor each affected lot indicating: “This lot contains a wetland and/or wetland buffer that is protected byfederal,state and local regulations. A wetland is a permanently, semi-permanently, or seasonally flooded area ofland with a distinct ecosystem based on hydrology, hydric soils, and vegetation adapted for life in water saturatedsoils. Wetlands provide numerous benefits to the natural environment including water quality, flood control,wildlife habitat, shoreline stability, and aesthetic values. Since the 1780s, Washington has lost 31 percent of itswetland areas, from 1.35 million acres to 938,000 acres, contributing to loss of flood storage and habitat areas.Wetlands are critical to the overall health of watersheds and property owners are key for protecting, restoring,and managing our state's remaining wetland resources. Modification of land or vegetation and/orencroachment/conversion of these areas is strictly prohibited without prior government approval.” [short platpreliminary site plan, pg. 1]
Correction 2:
See Document Markup
Native Vegetation Protection Easement Areas (PMC 19.12.070)- 14th St SW is designated as a minor collector roadway according to the city'scomprehensive plan. Per PMC 19.12.070(a), a 15-foot vegetative buffer required alongcollector roadways. As a result, a 15-foot buffer area is required along the frontage ofLot 1. The buffer area shall be placed into a “Native Vegetation Protection Easement(NVPE)” shown on the short plat drawing. The following note must also be added tothe face of the short plat (sheet 1):“A 15-foot “Native Vegetation Protection Easement (NVPE)” area is required along thefrontage of Lot 1. The NVPE is meant to promote the visual quality of the streetscapesand provide additional buffering from major street corridors. A landscape plan meetingcity standards shall be provided by the applicant and the following shall berequired:-The NVPE shall be preserved in accordance with a final landscape plan andshall not b emodified, disturbed or otherwise displaced without prior approval fromthe city's Planning Department; and, -It is the right of the city to enforce the terms ofthe restriction in the easement area.” [short plat preliminary site plan, pg. 1]
Correction 3:
See Document Markup
Please see the attached memorandum from Confluence Environmental Company who has conducted a third-party review of the October 2021 Critical Areas Assessment - Biological Evaluation letter by Habitat Technologies. - Please have Habitat Technologies address the recommendations made by Confluence in an updated habitat assessment report- Please have Barghausen address recommendations made by Confluence in an updated Storm Water Site Plan. The Storm Water Site Plan did not discuss the amount of floodplain fill associated with the project or the quantity and location of floodplain storage created by the project. Report should be updated to fully address the code requirements. [short plat preliminary site plan, pg. 1]
Correction 4:
See Document Markup
- Please submit the proposed short plat along with the completed City of Puyallup Short Plat template linked below: [short plat preliminary site plan, pg. 1]
Correction 5:
See Document Markup
- Add the name and address of the owners to the face of the plat (sheet 1) (PMC 19.02.100 (a).) - Provide the legal description of the existing and proposed lots (PMC 19.02.100 (b)).- Provide the parcel number for the existing parcel at 808 14th St SW (PMC 19.02.100 (c)).- Delineate the existing lot lines using a heavy dashed line, and the proposed lot lines shown using a heavy solid line (PMC 19.02.100 (g)).- Move the square footage of proposed Lot 1 to be outside the approximate building outline of the future SFR (PMC 19.02.100 (h,k)).- Include the accurate location and dimensions/square footage of all existing and proposed structures, septic systems and utility services, and the distance between structures, improvements and utilities to the adjoining proposed lot lines (PMC 19.02.100 (l)).- Include contour lines to address the topography on the low by showing existing and proposed contours at five-foot contour intervals except for any portion of the site containing slopes of 15 percent or greater which shall be shown at two-foot contour intervals. The contour intervals shall extend at least 100 feet beyond the boundaries of the site (PMC 19.02.100 (m)).- Update the site plan to delineate the boundaries and associated buffers, development envelopes, or other information for any critical areas as defined or required by Chapter 21.06 PMC (PMC 19.02.100 (o)). [short plat preliminary site plan, pg. 1]
Correction 6:
See Document Markup
Aquifer Recharge AreaLots 1 and 2 contain critical aquifer recharge areas. A critical aquiferrecharge area note for each affected lot shall indicate: “The site iswithin a high susceptibility/critical aquifer recharge area. Uses andactivities on this site shall comply with the city?s critical area ordinance(Puyallup Municipal Code 21.06, Article XI). Activities that do not causedegradation of ground water quality and will not adversely affect therecharging of the aquifer may be permitted in a critical aquifer rechargearea and do not require preparation of a critical area report;provided,that they comply with the city storm water managementregulations and other applicable local, state and federal regulations." [short plat preliminary site plan, pg. 1]
Correction 7:
See Document Markup
Volcanic Hazard Area Lots 1 and 2 contain a volcanic hazard area. A volcanic hazard area notefor each lot affected shall indicate: “The site is within a volcanic hazardarea. In the event of an eruption of Mt. Rainier, the site is expected tobe inundated by pyroclastic flows, lava flows, debris avalanche,inundation by debris flows, lahars, mudflows, or related floodingresulting from volcanic activities. Uses and activities on this site shallcomply with the city's critical area ordinance (Puyallup Municipal Code21.06, Article XII, section 21.06.1260, or succeeding section,regardingvolcanic hazard areas.” [short plat preliminary site plan, pg. 1]
Correction 8:
See Document Markup
Lot 1 and 2 contain 100-year floodplain areas. A note shall be included on the face of the plat for each affected lot indicating: “This lot contains a 100-year floodplain areas, containing a 1% chance every year of flooding/inundation that could affect life, property, structures and improvements. All development and land modifications of floodplain areas requires city approval and consistency with the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), the Endangered Species Act (ESA), critical areas ordinance (PMC 21.06) and flood protection ordinance (PMC 21.07), as well as any other applicable state, federal and local laws. Modification of land or vegetation, especially land filling that could reduce flood storage capacity, and/or encroachment/conversion of these areas is strictly prohibited without prior government approval.” [short plat preliminary site plan, pg. 1]
Correction 9:
See Document Markup
Wetland Lots 1 and 2 contain wetland areas and protective wetland buffers. Anote shall be included on the face of the plat for each affected lotindicating: “This lot contains a wetland and/or wetland buffer that isprotected by federal,state and local regulations. A wetland is apermanently, semi-permanently, or seasonally flooded area of land witha distinct ecosystem based on hydrology, hydric soils, and vegetationadapted for life in water saturated soils. Wetlands provide numerousbenefits to the natural environment including water quality, floodcontrol, wildlife habitat, shoreline stability, and aesthetic values. Sincethe 1780s, Washington has lost 31 percent of its wetland areas, from1.35 million acres to 938,000 acres, contributing to loss of flood storageand habitat areas. Wetlands are critical to the overall health ofwatersheds and property owners are key for protecting, restoring, andmanaging our state's remaining wetland resources. Modification of landor vegetation and/or encroachment/conversion of these areas is strictlyprohibited without prior government approval.” [short plat preliminarysite plan, pg. 1]
Correction 10:
See Document Markup
Prior to submittal to the city for final signatures, please add a 'Critical Area' note to denote the presence of a 'CRITICAL AREA ON SITE' on the face of the short plat (sheet 1). [short plat preliminary site plan, pg. 1]
Correction 11:
See Document Markup
- Update the site plan to include additional wetland critical areas and their buffers as appropriate (Confluence Third-Party Review of Critical Areas Assessment, pg. 4) - Update the site plan accordingly to address floodplain storage concerns (Confluence Third-Party Review of Critical Areas Assessment, pg. 6)[short plat preliminary site plan, pg. 1]
Reviewer Comments:
Fire Review
Revisions Required
Correction 1:
1. Boundary Line may need to move move North.
2. 3' required from property line to driveway that runs to future shop.
3. 20' driveway is our standard, 15' paved with 2-1/2' gravel shoulders.
4. "NOTE" Future shop would not be allowed to be an ADU unless driveway width and a fire truck turn-around are in compliance.
5. Provide new site plan showing all requirements in order to receive a proper Fire Review. Current plan can not be accepted.
Reviewer Comments:
Engineering Review
Revisions Required
Correction 1:
See Document Markup
The proposed short plat must be a surveyed plan on City of Puyallup Short plat template found here: that the survey map submitted has provided a good chunk of the required information outline in the short plat application. [short plat, pg 1]
Correction 2:
See Document Markup
Provide a legend showing existing/proposed lot lines. The existing lot lines shall be shown using a heavy dashed line, whereas the proposed lines shall be a heavy solid line. [short plat, pg 1]
Correction 3:
See Document Markup
Provide owner's names as shown on the Title Report: Kristian J. Mullan and Joann C. Mullan. [short plat, pg 1]
Correction 4:
See Document Markup
Include the boundary and topographic survey as part of the short plat document. [short plat, pg 1]
Correction 5:
See Document Markup
Provide a section discussing the following:How will the project deal with Lawn and Landscaped areas? Soil amendment.The proposed SFR and future shop may not just connect into the city storm system without evaluating List #2. If all BMP's are infeasible, the project may connect into the city storm system. prelim drainage report, pg 31
Correction 6:
See Document Markup
Provide a calculation for the amount of fill proposed for the project and how the project will provide compensatory storage at equivalent elevations to that displaced. [short plat, pg 1]
Correction 7:
See Document Markup
Provide existing and proposed areas for new, plus replaced hard surfaces. [short plat, pg 1]
Correction 8:
See Document Markup
Include the updated geotech report with groundwater monitoring information so the preliminary stormater design can be determined. At this time, I can't determine if the flow control requirement is met or not. Provide an in depth breakdown of surfaces that can be modeled as pervious if infiltrated or dispersed per the Ecology manual. [short plat, pg 1]
Correction 9:
See Document Markup
The WWHM calculation on page 36 speaks to a bypass basin. Show this on the basin map. [prelim drainage plan, pg 27]
Correction 10:
See Document Markup
There are future plans for a shared driveway, single family home, carport, shed, etc. Fill out question 7. [SEPA, pg 3]
Correction 11:
See Document Markup
Add this note to the face of the short plat document. Prior to building permit issuance for each lot within this Short plat, individual lot Stormwater reports will need to be submitted to verify the calculations in the stormwater report submitted during Short Plat review. The stormwater reports submitted during building permit review are required to contain saturated hydraulic conductivity testing and ground water monitoring during the wet season in accordance with the currently adopted stormwater manual and City Standards.? [short plat, pg 1]
Correction 12:
See Document Markup
Add this note to the face of the short plat document. No Building Permits will be issued for Lot 1 through Lot2 until City approved utility and road improvements are reviewed and approved to include curb, gutter, sidewalk, roadway base,pavement, water, sanitary sewer, storm infrastructure and street lighting.? [short plat, pg 1]
Correction 13:
See Document Markup
Add this note to the face of the short plat document. A preliminary Storm Drainage Plan is on file for this short plat. No Building Permits will be issued for any lots in this short plat until all necessary drainage improvements are approved and permitted by Development Services Engineering. Compliance may require the property owner/builder to retain a Professional Engineer to design the stormwater controls for the individual lots.? [short plat, pg 1]
Correction 14:
See Document Markup
Add this note to the face of the short plat document. NOTICE: This short plat contains a private storm drainage system. Private storm drainage systems are the sole responsibility of the owners, successors, and assignees for all lots being served by the private storm drainage system. Responsibility includes, but is not limited to, constructing, maintaining, and allowing City inspection of the private storm system in accordance with a separately recorded stormwater management facilities agreement recorded with Pierce County. Ref. AFN _______________? [short plat, pg 1]
Correction 15:
See Document Markup
Add this note to the face of the short plat document. Erosion and stormwater control plans shall be required for any new residential development prior to building permit issuance on Lot 1 through Lot 2.? -No permanent structures(s) shall be erected within the easement area(s). Permanent structure(s) shall mean any concrete foundation, concrete slab, wall, rockery, pond,stream, building, deck, overhanging structure, fill material, tree, recreational sport court, carport, shed, private utility, fence, or other site improvement that restricts or unreasonably interferes with the need to access or construct utilities in said easements(s). Permanent structure(s) shall not mean improvements such as flowers, ground cover and shrubs less than 3-feet in height, lawn grass,asphalt paving, gravel, or other similar site improvements that do not prevent the access of men, material, and machinery across,along, and within the said easement area. Land restoration by the City within the said easement area due to construction, shall mean planting grass seed or grass sod, asphalt paving, or gravel unless otherwise determined by the City of Puyallup.? [short plat, pg 1]
Correction 16:
See Document Markup
Add this note to the face of the short plat document. “The project site is designated a special flood hazardzone and was determined by examination of the Flood Insurance Rate Map(FIRM) Community PanelNumber 53053C0341E, dated March 7, 2017. Prior to final building inspection and approval, a FEMAElevation Certificate must be submitted and approved by the City of Puyallup Engineering ServicesDepartment verifying that the structure has been constructed and elevated in accordance with the City?sFloodplain Management Regulations.” "The project site is located in the regulated AE floodplain. Any newconstruction and substantial improvements in this zone must construct the lowest floor, includingbasement, a minimum one foot or more above the established base flood elevation. [short plat, pg 1]
Correction 17:
See Document Markup
According to the submitted critical area assessment, an off-site wetland was found to the south of this project. Minimum requirement 8 must be evaluated for this project. [prelim storm report, pg 10]
Correction 18:
See Document Markup
The project is proposing to construct greater than 5,000SF of new plus replaced hard surfaces. Minimum requirement 9 must be addressed as part of this project. An O&M manual can be submitted at the time of civil. For now, reference that MR 9 will be addressed at the time of civil application. [prelim storm report, pg 10]
Correction 19:
See Document Markup
Provide a map legend [short plat, pg 1]
Correction 20:
See Document Markup
City standard details 01.02.12 requires a 3' paving from the driveway to any adjacent property lines. [short plat, pg 1]
Correction 21:
See Document Markup
Minimum driveway width for a single family home is 15'. [short plat, pg 1]
Reviewer Comments:
External Agency Review
Revisions Required
Reviewer Comments:
Habitat Assessment and Preliminary Storm Water Site Plan reviewed by Confluence. Report attached 03/17/2022
Building Review
No Response
Correction 1:
Reviewer Comments: