Planning Application Status


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Preliminary Site Plan
Preliminary Site Plan
File Closed






* Address
3910 5TH ST SE


Review Type Outcome Est. Completion Date Completed
Planning Review No Comments 01/10/2025 11/26/2024
Fire Review No Comments 01/10/2025 11/26/2024
Engineering Traffic Review No Comments 01/10/2025 11/25/2024
Engineering Review No Comments 01/10/2025 11/25/2024
Building Review No Comments 01/10/2025 11/25/2024
Engineering Traffic Review No Comments 11/18/2024 11/18/2024
Engineering Review No Comments 11/18/2024 11/15/2024
Building Review Comments 11/18/2024 10/30/2024
Planning Review No Comments 11/18/2024 10/22/2024
Fire Review No Comments 11/18/2024 10/15/2024
Engineering Traffic Review No Comments 06/28/2024 07/17/2024
Engineering Review Comments 06/28/2024 07/12/2024
Planning Review No Comments 06/28/2024 06/25/2024
Fire Review No Comments 06/28/2024 06/18/2024
Building Review Comments 06/28/2024 06/05/2024
Engineering Review Comments 10/12/2023 10/26/2023
Building Review Comments 10/12/2023 10/13/2023
Engineering Traffic Review Comments 10/12/2023 10/12/2023
Fire Review Comments 10/12/2023 10/12/2023
Planning Review Comments 10/12/2023 10/06/2023
Engineering Traffic Review Revisions Required 02/22/2023 04/04/2023
Engineering Review Revisions Required 02/22/2023 03/30/2023
Fire Review No Comments 02/22/2023 02/22/2023
Building Review Revisions Required 02/22/2023 02/16/2023
Planning Review Revisions Required 02/22/2023 02/07/2023
Planning Review Revisions Required 02/14/2022
Engineering Traffic Review Revisions Required 12/17/2021 02/08/2022
Fire Review Revisions Required 12/17/2021 01/14/2022
Fire Review VOID 12/14/2021
Engineering Traffic Review VOID 12/14/2021
Fire Review Approved 11/17/2021
Engineering Traffic Review Approved 11/05/2021
Engineering Traffic Review Approved 10/22/2021


Paid Fees Amount Paid Owing Date Paid
None $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Outstanding Fees Amount Paid Owing Date Paid
Legacy Fee $160.00 $160.00 Paid 09/20/2021
Legacy Fee $250.00 $250.00 Paid 09/20/2021
Legacy Fee $1,890.00 $1,890.00 Paid 09/20/2021

Application(s) will not be processed until outstanding fees have been paid in full.



There are no hearings for this planning application.


Condition Status Department Category Expiration Date Due Date
Miscellaneous SEPA Condition Resolved Planning Division SEPA Condition
: Project shall provide an ADA compliant pathway from lot C the NE corner of parcel C to the corner of 39th  and 5th. Planning will implement this requirement given the wetland parcel A is part of the mixed use site  plan with parcel B and C. 
Miscellaneous SEPA Condition Resolved Planning Division SEPA Condition
: Project shall provide a cultural resource site assessment consistent with DAHP and tribal requirements at the time of civil development permit application.
Miscellaneous SEPA Condition Resolved Planning Division SEPA Condition
: If Lot A wetland or associated wetland buffer is disturbed by any proposed land disturbance activities (grading, retaining, wall, etc.), a new wetland critical area report may be required if the previous critical area report is more than 5-years old. A new critical area report may alter the wetland buffer widths. A mitigation plan may be required
Miscellaneous Condition Resolved Engineering Division Submit With Civil Permit Application
: ITEMS REQUIRED PRIOR TO CIVIL PERMIT APPROVAL (submit with Civil Application): Parcel B: 1. As previously noted, parcels, 0419106025 and 0419106024 contain existing stormwater facilities serving the adjacent Parcel 0419102095. Prior to civil application approval, the Dos Lagos project shall meet the following conditions: - Any proposed site improvements shall be located outside of the existing stormwater facilities serving Parcel 0419102095 or, the existing stormwater facilities shall be redesigned and reconstructed to provide equal or better performance. - The applicant shall provide acknowledgement from the ownership of Parcel 0419102095 that any proposed site improvements do not interfere with the use and maintenance of the existing stormwater facilities serving Parcel 0419102095. - The applicant shall execute and record a private stormwater access and maintenance easement in favor of Parcel 0419102095. Parcel C: 1. It must be shown that the underlying soils meet treatment criteria (SSC-6) associated with the permeable pavement. 2. Clarify the interaction between the proposed retaining wall and the permeable pavement (hydrostatic pressure; wall drainage vs. reservoir storage; etc). 3. Frontage improvements shall extend to the property line. 4. No structures (walls, stairs, etc.) shall be constructed over the storm main. 5. Overflow facilities shall be provided at the low points of the proposed permeable pavement areas to prevent surface runoff and safe discharge to the downstream storm system.
Miscellaneous Condition Resolved Engineering Division Submit With Civil Permit Application
: ITEMS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY: Parcel B: 1. Recorded public access and utilities easement between 39th Ave SE and the westerly property limits (use City form). - A DRAFT easement document shall be submitted with the Civil Engineering Permit Application. Parcel C: 1. Recorded public access and utilities easement associated with public stormwater conveyance through the site (use City form). Minimum easement width is 40-ft per current City Standards. - A DRAFT easement document shall be submitted with the Civil Engineering Permit Application. 2. Register infiltration trench(es) as UIC prior to Occupancy.
Miscellaneous Condition Resolved Engineering Division Submit With Civil Permit Application
: GENERAL: 1. Any proposed retaining walls shall be located outside the ROW on private property. 2. No structures (walls, stairs, etc.) shall be constructed over the top wet utility pipes. 3. The proposed project shall be designed to ensure that landscaping trees are located a minimum of 10-ft from any public utility and any onsite lighting or other permanent structures are located outside the limits of any public utility easement(s). 4. Incorporate all applicable REVIEW comments as noted on the Parcel B Preliminary Plans (Sheets C1.0-C1.2) and Parcel C Preliminary Plans (Sheets C2.0-C2.2). 5. At time of civil application, incorporate applicable REVIEW conditions described in prior DRT Letters.
Miscellaneous Condition Resolved Traffic Division Standard Conditions
: Traffic Impact Analysis is approved. Project will generate 23 pm peak hour trips. During civil review, additional counter measures (signage, striping, etc.) will be necessary to enforce right-in/right-out restriction on 5th St SE. The proposed porkchop (using pavement markings) needs to be larger to enforce access restriction. The pavement markings would be located on-site with durable material (thermoplastic). For civil submittal, include a draft agreement that requires the owner to maintain the pavement markings in perpetuity. Traffic Impact fees (TIF) will be assessed in accordance with fees adopted by ordinance, per PMC 21.10. Impact fees are subject to change and are adopted by ordinance. The applicant shall pay the proportionate impact fees adopted at the time of building permit application. Park impact fees shall be charged per new dwelling unit based on its size. Fees are assessed in accordance with fees adopted by ordinance, per PMC 21.10 School impact fees shall be paid directly to the school district in accordance with adopted fee at the time of collection by the District. Per Puyallup Municipal Code Section 11.08.135 the applicant/owner would be expected to construct half- street improvements including curb, gutter, sidewalk, roadway base, pavement, and street lighting. Any existing improvements which are damaged now or during construction, or which do not meet current City Standards, shall be replaced. a. Half-street grind & overlay may be necessary based on the roadway condition at the time of civil review. At the time of civil permit review provide a separate street lighting plan and pavement striping plan (channelization) sheet for the City to review. a. On the 43rd Ave SE frontage, extend conduit & j-box (to the west) to accommodate future streetlight expansion along this street. b. Streetlights shall have shorting caps installed with remote photocell located on the service cabinet. c. Streetlight design shall provide the following: i. Provide details on how streetlights will be powered ii. Location of conduit runs iii. Wiring Schedule 1. Conduit size and type for each raceway 2. Conductors details iv. Pole schedule 1. STA & offset for each luminaire v. Show location of junction boxes A 30-foot commercial driveway will be required for site access. Driveway & parking lot cannot exceed 10% grade. AutoTurn analysis will be required to ensure site driveways and internal circulation can accommodate the largest anticipated design vehicle. Submit at the time of civil review. For Lot B - East of the commercial access on 39th Ave SE, a portion of the existing fence must be modified to meet distance standards During Civil review, show location of existing streetlights on 5th St SE. During Civil design, must verify existing streetlight conduit under driveway meets City standards (schedule 80)
Final Landscape Plan - Tree Protection Resolved Planning Division Submit With Civil Permit Application
: Existing trees to be retained must be clearly marked on the final clearing and grading plan, and final landscape plan. Tree protection fencing and signage shall follow the city standard detail, see appendix 20.5. Standard detail shall be included on all plan sets with vegetation which is scheduled for retention and protection. All critical root protection zones (CRPZ) shall be shown on plan sets in diameter from the center of the tree. In determining tree CRPZ, the following standards shall be used.In establishing the extent of the Critical Root Protection Zone (CRPZ) for individual significant trees, groupings of significant trees, a stand of significant trees, or a heritage tree the following formula shall be used: Individual tree diameter (in inches) X 2, converted into feet = CRPZ, in diameter (Example: 20” tree X 2 = 40’ CRPZ diameter). The following minimum performance standards shall be used to determine the extent of allowable impacts to the CRPZ of significant trees: For significant trees, a minimum of 50 percent of the critical root zone must be preserved at natural grade, with natural ground cover. The protection zone may be irregular. The plan set shall provide a total square footage of CRPZ area and show the % of disturbance area. For heritage trees, a minimum of 75 percent of the critical root zone must be preserved at natural grade with natural ground cover. The protection zone may be irregular. The plan set shall provide a total square footage of CRPZ area and show the % of disturbance area. No cut or fill greater than four (4) inches in depth may be located closer to the tree trunk than ½ the CRPZ radius distance. (Example, 20-inch DBH tree has a 40’ CRPZ area (in diameter) - meaning no cut or fill greater than 4” in depth is allowed within 20’ of the tree trunk). No cut or fill within the distance from the tree which is three (3) times the trunk DBH is allowed. (Example, 20-inch DBH tree X 3 = 60”, meaning no cut is allowed within 60-inches of a tree which has a 20-inch diameter trunk). These criteria represent minimum standards for determining whether or not a tree may be required to be retained. Greater impacts may be allowed, provided that all design alternatives have been proven unfeasible and that a pre-conditioning and after care mitigation program is established. See section 10.1 of the VMS, and referenced appendices for more information.
Miscellaneous Planning Condition Resolved Planning Division Submit With Civil Permit Application
: Landscape plan is required for lot B. Perimeter landscaping will be required for the charging station lot.
Miscellaneous Condition Resolved Engineering Division Submit With Civil Permit Application
: At time of civil application, clarify what constitutes the designation "pond" noted in Section 4 wetland breakdown. Is that Willows Pond only? Offsite detention facilities? Other?
Miscellaneous Condition Resolved Engineering Division Submit With Civil Permit Application
: At time of civil application, provide additional commentary regarding Ecology's permeable pavement run-on limitation (bullet-point 2 on Page 748, Chapter 5, Volume 5).
Miscellaneous Condition Resolved Engineering Division Submit With Civil Permit Application
: At time of civil application, provide certification that the soil treatment layer below the permeable pavement reservoir course is a minimum 18 inches per Ecology SSC-6.
Miscellaneous Condition Resolved Development & Permitting Services
Miscellaneous Condition Resolved Development & Permitting Services Submit With Building Permit Application
: The applicant must submit the full set of EV requirements, including calculations based on the 2021 Washington State Building Code, Table 429.2. These requirements include: - EV Charging Stations: 10% of the total parking spaces. - EV-Ready Parking Spaces: 25% of the total parking spaces. - EV-Capable Parking Spaces: 10% of the total parking spaces. All percentages must be rounded up to the nearest whole number. The calculations should be clearly presented on the site plan for the building. Additionally, the site plan should clearly label each of the three types of EV spaces to facilitate ease of construction and inspection.

Related Permit & Planning Applications

Reference Number Status Type
P-21-0100 File Closed Preliminary Site Plan
P-20-0088 Expired Pre-Application

Documents & Images

Date Uploaded File Type Name
02/10/2022 Plans p-21-0099 plans b (Flattened)
02/10/2022 Plans p-21-0099 application a-b-c (Flattened)
02/10/2022 Plans p-21-0099 drainage report b (Flattened)
02/10/2022 Plans p-21-0099 drainage report c (Flattened)
02/10/2022 Plans p-21-0099 plans c (Flattened)
02/10/2022 Plans P-21-0099 SEPA A B C (Flattened)
04/05/2023 Letter DRT Letter
04/05/2023 Other P-21-0099 DRT LETTER - Responses (Flattened)
05/15/2024 Study 12896 - AUTO TURN AMBULANCE
05/15/2024 Form Dos Lagos Apartments Parcel B TRAFFIC SCOPING - 12-28-22
05/15/2024 Plans Dos Lagos Apartments Parcel C TRAFFIC SCOPING- 12-28-22
05/15/2024 Form TRAFFIC STUDY - Dos Lagos Apartments Parcels B and C TIA - 12-28-22
07/17/2024 Drawing !P-21-0099 and P-21-0100 MX-DRO STAFF REPORT - responses (Flattened)
07/17/2024 Letter DRT Letter
07/17/2024 P-21-0099 SEPA Determination 071724
08/28/2023 Plans 12896 Drainage Report Lot C
08/28/2023 Plans 12896-Alta (2021-02-16)
08/28/2023 Plans 12896-ALTA 20230816
08/28/2023 Plans Dos Lagos - Lot C (City Review Set) 8-11-2023 TWE
08/28/2023 Plans FRUITLAND MAP
08/28/2023 Plans FRUITLAND MAP 2
08/28/2023 Plans FRUITLAND MAP 3
08/28/2023 Plans FRUITLAND RECEIPT
10/02/2024 Plans LANDSCAPE PLANS - RESUB
10/02/2024 Plans SITE PLAN - RESUB
10/30/2023 Plans 12896 - Dos Lagos - Lot B Preliminary Storm, Sewer & Water Plans0 (Flattened)
10/30/2023 Other 12896 - P-21-0099 - Lot A-B-C Dos Lagos Comment Response Letter-2nd Review (Flattened)
10/30/2023 Study 12896 Drainage Report Lot B0 (Flattened)
10/30/2023 Plans DosLagosM_U_P_1222 (Flattened)
10/30/2023 Letter DRT Letter
11/21/2024 Plans 12896 - Dos Lagos - Lot C Preliminary Storm, Sewer & Water Plans - RESUB (Flattened)
11/21/2024 Report 12896 Drainage Report Lot C (Flattened)
11/21/2024 Letter DRT Letter
12/03/2024 Letter Final DRT Letter
12/07/2023 Drawing RENDERINGS - ALL SITES
12/13/2023 Email P-21-0099 ~ Incomplete Resubmittal - EMAIL
12/27/2022 Other 12896 - Dos Lagos Comment Response Letter - Lot B Plans & Drainage Report
12/27/2022 Other 12896 - Dos Lagos Comment Response Letter - Lot C Plans & Drainage Report
12/27/2022 Other 12896 - P-21-0099 - Dos Lagos Comment Response Letter
12/27/2022 Drawing 21050 - Dos Lagos_LC04_221208
12/27/2022 Other ALTA Commit for Title Ins w Arb (8-1-16)-WA (NCS) No_ 4
12/27/2022 Other ALTA Commit for Title Ins w Arb (8-1-16)-WA (NCS) No_ 4
12/27/2022 Plans Dos Lagos - Lot C (City Review Set) 12-12-2022 TWE (ILLUMINATION)

Should you need assistance, please contact the Permit Center at (253) 864-4165 option 1.