Permit Application Status


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Commercial - New Construction
Returned for Correction
Construct a 129,040 SF warehouse, with parking and truck loading bays.~ shell only - FORTRESS PUYALLUP



Documents Returned For Corrections

Review Type Outcome Est. Completion Date Completed
Engineering Review Failed 11/13/2024 11/08/2024
Building Review Approved 11/13/2024 11/08/2024
Planning Review Approved 11/13/2024 11/06/2024
Design Review Approved 11/13/2024 11/06/2024
Engineering Traffic Review Approved 11/13/2024 11/04/2024
Fire Review Approved 11/13/2024 10/15/2024
Building Review Approved 01/12/2024 01/12/2024
Planning Review Approved 01/12/2024 01/11/2024
Design Review Approved 01/12/2024 01/11/2024
Engineering Review Failed 01/12/2024 01/11/2024
Fire Review Approved 01/12/2024 01/10/2024
Engineering Traffic Review Approved 01/12/2024 01/09/2024
Building Review Failed 09/28/2023 10/04/2023
Fire Review Failed 09/28/2023 10/02/2023
Planning Review Failed 09/28/2023 09/28/2023
Design Review Approved 09/28/2023 09/28/2023
Engineering Review Failed 09/28/2023 09/25/2023
Engineering Traffic Review Failed 09/28/2023 09/20/2023


Paid Fees Amount Paid Owing Date Paid
Building Plan Review Fee $9,671.84 $9,671.84 Paid 07/10/2023
Mechanical Plan Review Fee $75.37 $75.37 Paid 07/10/2023
Plumbing Plan Review Fee $31.53 $31.53 Paid 07/10/2023
Resubmittal Fee $180.00 $180.00 Paid 12/08/2023
Resubmittal Fee $180.00 $180.00 Paid 10/10/2024
Outstanding Fees Amount Paid Owing Date Paid
Fire Review Fee (Commercial Building) $265.00 $0.00 Not payable Not Paid
Planning Landscape Review Fee $300.00 $0.00 Not payable Not Paid
Furnace (up to 100,000 BTU) Fee $78.20 $0.00 Not payable Not Paid
Ventilation System (apart from Heating/AC) Fee $56.40 $0.00 Not payable Not Paid
Building Permit Fee $14,879.75 $0.00 Not payable Not Paid
Planning Building Permit Fee $120.00 $0.00 Not payable Not Paid
Mechanical Permit Fee $40.00 $0.00 Not payable Not Paid
Gas Piping (Plumbing) Fee $8.50 $0.00 Not payable Not Paid
Plumbing Permit Fee $40.00 $0.00 Not payable Not Paid
WA State Building Code Council Fee (Commercial) $25.00 $0.00 Not payable Not Paid
Plumbing Fixtures Fee $13.00 $0.00 Not payable Not Paid
Backflow Preventor Fee $26.00 $0.00 Not payable Not Paid
Traffic Impact Fee (Commercial) $122,400.00 $0.00 Not payable Not Paid
Park Impact Fee (Manufacturing) $112,264.80 $0.00 Not payable Not Paid
Resubmittal Fee $180.00 $0.00 $180.00 Not Paid

Permit(s) will not be issued until outstanding fees have been paid in full. Fee details shown above only include currently payable fees, there might be addtional fees to be paid before issuance.

$180.00    Add Fees to My Cart


There are no inspections for this permit application, or you are not authorized to view them.


Condition Status Department Category Expiration Date Due Date
Building Permit Standard Conditions Open Building Division Standard Conditions
: * Final approval by the Building Official is required prior to use or occupancy.* Work shall not proceed until the inspector has approved the stages of construction.* Surface storm water shall be diverted from the building site and shall not drain onto adjacent properties.* I hereby acknowledge that I have read this Permit/Application, that the information given is correct; that I am the owner or the duly authorized agent of the owner; that plans submitted herewith are in compliance with all applicable city, county and state laws and that all construction will proceed in accordance with said laws. This permit shall expire if work is not commenced with 180 days or if the work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Permits expire two years from issuance. * By leaving the contractor information section blank, I hereby certify further that contractors (general or subcontractors) will not be hired to perform any work in association with this permit. I also certify that if I do choose to hire a contractor (general or subcontractor) I will only hire those contractors that are licensed by the State of Washington. If you are a property owner, contractor or permittee and you are paying for someone to perform the work, they must have a valid contractor registration and the person(s) installing plumbing inside a structure must meet the plumbing certification requirements. If you have any questions regarding these regulations, you may contact the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries or you can find more information on-line at:
Fire Review Conditions Open Fire Prevention Standard Conditions
: • Comply with 2018 IFC and 2018 IBC • Total coverage required in the city of puyallup • L&I Final required prior to Fire Final • Exit lighting test required, contractor to provide light meter • Emergency radio test required comply with IFC section 510. Fire final approval upon completed test results • Separate permits required for Fire Alarm and Fire Sprinkler • RTU’S will be required to be tested for shut down • Smoke and Fire dampeners will be tested with Fire Alarm. Access doors are required for maintenance and visual inspection. • Fire extinguishers required per code • A Knox box is required at the front entry on the exterior of the building if equipped with a Fire Alarm System or Fire Sprinkler System. • PIV must have a Knox lock or approved lock with an extra key provided in Knox box • All above items to be completed prior to fire final. Fire final required before building final Schedule your inspection online through the city of puyallup online permit system. This is a request for inspection only. A date and time will be selected by Inspector depending on availability. Email morning of inspection between 7am – 8am for scheduled date and time. Fire Inspections are Monday – Thursday there will be no inspections on Fridays. David Drake
Engineering Commercial Standard Conditions Open Engineering Division Standard Conditions
: Development Engineering standard commercial conditions: - Prior to starting site work request an inspection for erosion and sediment. - Sediment control and erosion procedures shall be practice to eliminate and prevent off site damage. Stormwater runoff originating upgrade of exposed areas shall be controlled to reduce erosion and sediment loss during the period of exposure. See approved civil plan PRCCP20231096 for approved method of control. - Stormwater control of roof downspouts required. See approved civil plan PRCCP20231096 for approved method of control. - Steps shall be taken to prevent drainage onto adjacent lots. - The applicant is responsible to schedule all utility inspections prior to backfilling - Curb, gutter, sidewalk and approach must be poured per city standards. - Driveway approach must be a minimum of 30' wide. Refer to AMR PRAMR20230739. - The builder/owner shall be responsible for keeping the existing right-of-way free of debris and dirt. Any violation of PMC chapter 21.14 pertaining to clearing, filling and grading, erosion and sediment control, and storm water discharges shall be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.- Any addition/expansion to the footprint of the building including decks and porches not originally shown on the approved set of plans must obtain proper permits prior to construction. - The applicant is responsible to call the utility notification center at 1-800-424-5555 before beginning any excavation. Call before you dig, it's the law. - No work shall be done in or on the public right of way without a licensed and bonded contractor first obtaining a civil construction permit. - Any code requirement that may have been overlooked in this plan review does not imply that the requirements have been waived.
Miscellaneous Condition Open Engineering Division Prior to Issuance
: Building permit PRCNC20230967 shall not be issued until civil permit PRCCP20231096 and all necessary demolition permits are issued first. The building permit site plan must match the approved civil permit site plan. A final comparison of the building and civil plans are required prior to building permit issuance. The applicant shall be responsible for coordinating final building permit submission to avoid redundant reviews and building permit fees. [Yianni Charitou @ 08/04/2023 8:57 AM]
Frontage Improvements - New Commercial/Industrial Buildings or Expansion of Existing Buildings Open Engineering Division Prior to Occupancy
: In accordance with Puyallup Municipal Code 11.08.135, the new commercial project is required to complete improvements along the property's street frontage. Occupancy shall not be granted until all civil work associated with PRCCP20231096 has been completed by the contractor and approved by the City. [Yianni Charitou @ 08/04/2023 8:38 AM]
Side Sewer Sample Tee Open Engineering Division Prior to Completion
: A side sewer sampling connection is required to be installed on the commercial sanitary side sewer service in accordance with City policy ENG 21-03.  Refer to civil permit PRCCP20231096 Water and Sanitary Sewer Plan sheets for the location of the proposed side sewer sampling connection. [Yianni Charitou @ 08/04/2023 8:44 AM]
Backflow Protection Device - Commercial RPBA Open Engineering Division Prior to Completion
: An approved reduced pressure backflow assembly (RPBA) device is required to be installed on the domestic water service per City Standard Detail 03.04.02. For more information, visit Upon approval of the installation by the city inspector, the backflow device shall be tested by a Washington State certified backflow assembly tester, and the test report results shall be submitted to the City prior to occupancy of the building.
Backflow Protection Device - Commercial DCVA Open Engineering Division Prior to Completion
: An approved double check valve assembly (DCVA) backflow device is required to be installed on the irrigation water service per City Standard Detail 03.04.01. For more information, visit A double check valve assembly (DCVA) may be installed to isolate all irrigation systems that do not use injectors or pumps to apply fertilizer and other agricultural chemicals. A reduced pressure backflow assembly (RPBA) is required to isolate irrigation systems using injectors or pumps to apply fertilizer and other agricultural chemicals. Upon approval of the installation by the city inspector, the backflow device shall be tested by a Washington State certified backflow assembly tester, and the test report results shall be submitted to the City prior to occupancy of the building.
Fire Sprinkler Protection System Water Service and Backflow Protection Device Open Engineering Division Prior to Completion
: Per City Design Standard Section 302.3, a double detector check valve assembly (DDCVA) backflow device is required on the fire service line to any building which is equipped with a closed fire sprinkler protection system. The DDCVA shall be located inside the building or in a vault at or near the property line and shall be installed in accordance with City Standard Detail 03.10.01-1 and 03.10.01-2. Upon approval of the installation by the city inspector, the backflow device shall be tested by a Washington State certified backflow assembly tester, and the test report results shall be submitted to the City prior to occupancy of the building.
Stormwater Maintenance Agreement (SWA) Open Engineering Division Prior to Occupancy
: The approved Stormwater Maintenance Agreement from PRCCP20231096 shall be recorded prior to the City granting a certificate of occupancy. Once recorded, provide the City with the Auditor File Number (AFN) for verification. [Yianni Charitou @ 08/04/2023 9:25 AM]
Contaminated Site Remediation Open Engineering Division Standard Conditions
: The subject property has been classified as a contaminated site by the Tacoma Pierce County Health Department (TPCHD) and must be remediated per Washington Administrative Code Title 173. It is the applicant’s responsibility to coordinate cleanup with TPCHD. Visit for more information. The applicant shall request a remediation status report from TPCHD by emailing Provide a copy of the status report to the City.
Right-of-Way (ROW) Dedication Open Engineering Division Prior to Occupancy
: Right-of-way dedication to match the abutting street classification shall be required as determined by Development Engineering. No building permit or development permit shall be granted for the construction or substantial improvement of any industrial, commercial, or residential building, or plat unless the plans and specifications contain provisions for the dedication to the City of sufficient street right of way for the classification of the street abutting the property according to the street plans and street development needs of the city for that street. In accordance with Puyallup Municipal Code Chapter 11.08.120, the subject site property owner shall dedicate approximately 10.5’ of right-of-way to match the street classification of 15TH ST SE. Please fill out the REETA template form and the Right of Way Dedication Deed form provided under civil permit PRCCP20231096. The Deed form must include a legal description and be accompanied by an exhibit (survey completed by licensed surveyor) depicting the right-of-way dedication. Once drafted, please return these documents to me to review with the Engineering Support Specialist and City Engineer. If accepted, the City Engineer will sign the Deed so that it can be recorded with Pierce County.

Related Permit & Planning Applications

Reference Number Status Type
PRAMR20230739 Closed Alternative Methods / Materials Request
PRGR20230909 Ready for Issuance Clear, Fill, & Grade Permit
PRCCP20231096 Returned for Correction Civil Construction Permit
PRDE20231445 Closed Demolition
PRDE20231446 Closed Demolition
PRDE20231447 Permit(s) Issued Demolition
PRCWSA20240364 Closed Certificate of Water/Sewer Availability
PRFO20240367 Returned for Correction Foundation Only
PRRWF20240390 Returned for Correction Retaining Wall
PR20240618 Pending
PLPSP20220155 Waiting for Conditions Preliminary Site Plan
PLLC20230108 File Closed Lot Combination

Documents & Images

Date Uploaded File Type Name
01/12/2024 Letter Permit Review Correction Letter
01/16/2024 Form Plumbing fixture worksheet_202012021825172385_1 (Flattened)
06/29/2023 Plans 23-0628_Fortress_Puyallup_Plans-Landscape
06/29/2023 Form 23-0628_Fortress_Puyallup_Project Envelope Compliance Summary
06/29/2023 Form 23-0628_Fortress_Puyallup_Project Mechanical Compliance Summary
06/29/2023 Map Site_Aerial
06/30/2023 Letter Incomplete Application Notice
07/10/2023 Receipt Receipt for transaction: 2023-001292
07/25/2023 Report 23-0724_Fortress_Puyallup_HMIS
07/25/2023 Other 23-0725-Fortress-Permit Submittal-Response Letter
07/25/2023 Other Permit Narrative
07/26/2023 Other 23-0623_Fortress_Puyallup_Geotechnical Report
07/26/2023 Other 240 15th St SE - Traffic Scoping Worksheet
08/04/2023 CoP Site Plan Standards
10/05/2023 Other 23_0628_Fortress_Puyallup_Project Mechanical Compliance Requirements List (Flattened)
10/05/2023 Report 23-0628_Fortress_Puyallup_Calcs-Structural0 (Flattened)
10/05/2023 Form 23-0628_Fortress_Puyallup_Project Envelope Compliance Requirements List (Flattened)
10/05/2023 Drawing Fortress Building Elevations (Flattened)
10/05/2023 Letter Permit Review Correction Letter
10/05/2023 Form Puyallup_Building Permit Application (Flattened)
10/10/2024 Receipt Receipt for transaction:2024-002123
11/12/2024 Plans CONSTRUCTION PLAN SET - RESUB (Flattened)
11/12/2024 Letter Permit Review Correction Letter
11/12/2024 Plans SITE PLAN - RESUB (Flattened)
11/22/2023 Other 00LTR-City of Puyllup-Response-231120
12/08/2023 Receipt Receipt for transaction:2023-002317

Should you need assistance, please contact the Permit Center at (253) 864-4165 option 1.