Review Type |
Outcome |
Est. Completion Date |
Completed |
Engineering Review
See Document Markup
Incomplete site plan. Please refer to the CoP Site Plan Standards (available to download in the permitting portal). Revise the site plan to include items 1-3 and items A-X of the City's Site Plan Standards. Since the building permit cannot be issued until civil construction permit is issued first and the building plans must match the approved civil plans, please coordinate your final building permit submittal with the approval of the civil permit to avoid redundant or surplus building permit submittals and fees . [SITE PLAN, sheet A2]
See Document Markup
Refer to the PRCNC20240278 corrections and address for all site plans associated with the Bradley Heights Apartments. [SITE PLAN, sheet A2]
The total residential units listed on the construction plan set (236) does not match what was approved by Fruitland Mutual Water Company on the certificate of water availability (233). Please resolve the discrepancy by either reducing the total units on the construction plans or submit an updated certificate of water availability signed by Fruitland Mutual Water Company. [Yianni Charitou @ 05/01/2024 12:18 PM]
The "updated" certificate that was submitted is missing the second page that contains the approval and signature of the water purveyor. Therefore, correction has not been resolved. [Yianni Charitou @ 03/20/2025 11:56 AM]
Incomplete site plan. For continuity with the plumbing plans, the entire water and sanitary sewer line for each apartment building must be depicted on either the architectural site plan or the civil plans. On the civil plans, the water lines and some of the sewer lines are not depicted entering the building which conflicts with the POC for some of the plumbing plans. Revise the plans so that the utilities are connected to each building. [Yianni Charitou @ 03/20/2025 11:21 AM]
See Document Markup
Verify sanitary sewer POC location with PRCCP20240845 civil plans for continuity to civil utility design and revise plumbing plans accordingly. Include reference to permit PRCCP20240845 in callout. [CONSTRUCTION PLAN SET, sheet P2C.00]
See Document Markup
Compass rose is incorrect. Revise accordingly. [CONSTRUCTION PLAN SET, all plumbing plan sheets]
See Document Markup
Verify water POC location with PRCCP20240845 civil plans for continuity to civil utility design and revise plumbing plans accordingly. Include reference to permit PRCCP20240845 in callout. [CONSTRUCTION PLAN SET, sheet P3C.01]
See Document Markup
Verify backflow protection redundancy with PRCCP20240845 civil plans. RPBAs should not be installed inside buildings due to discharge method. [CONSTRUCTION PLAN SET, sheet P3C.01]
According to City policy, complexes containing buildings with multiple habitable units, such as apartment buildings, shall receive one numerical designation. Individual buildings shall be alphabetized, and individual units shall be designated by numbers. Upon the next submission, please provide a building address exhibit as a separate file from all other plans. The exhibit must depict the new site address (206 27TH AVE SE), alphabetized buildings (as agreed upon via email), and standardized numerical units (which should be provided by the applicant for City review). On all plans for all applications currently under review, update all references and labels to the building and site addresses. The City will update the permitting portal descriptions with the new addresses. [Yianni Charitou @ 03/25/2025 1:32 PM]
Planning Review
Building Review
See Document Markup
No EV parking calculations included in parking summary. Provide EV parking to meet Section 429 of the 2018 IBC WA Amendment.
Page A2 - Site Plan
See Document Markup
The City of Puyallup requires all documents to be flattened and the securities removed to stamp approved for issuance and printed to the job site.
Currently unable to markup any 2018 Washington State Energy Code Prescriptive Compliance reports for multifamily.
Revise credits selected to match the plans.
See Document Markup
Provide at least 1 accessible parking space for each Type A unit per Washington State Building, Section 1106.2 and insure that the accessible parking spaces are on the shortest accessible route of travel per Washington State Building Code Section 1106.6. See accessible parking for buildings C and D as an example, there may be others.
(Construction Set, Sheet A2, Site Plan)
See Document Markup
Provide a definition of "future electric vehicle charging stall infrastructure" as listed on the Site Key.
(Construction Set, Sheet A2, Site Key)
See Document Markup
Unit Plan Notes identify that R-13 insulation will be provided on 1 side U.N.O., but detail 4/D1states to insulate both sides U.N.O. Please clarify if the wall will be insulated on both sides or one side only.
(Construction Set, Sheet U1-U5, Unit Plan Notes)
See Document Markup
Unit Plan Notes state that no plumbing shall be located in the 1" air gap. See plumbing plans plumbing multiple penetrations are being made within the 1" air gap. Coordinate drawings for consistency and ease of construction.
(Construction Set, Sheet U1-U5, Unit Plan Notes)
See Document Markup
Door Key references Sheet U13 update plan or sheet numbers as needed, as there is no Sheet U13.
(Construction Set, Sheet U1-U5, Door Key)
See Document Markup
Review and clarify instances where header height will change as the header height is called out as 8' U.N.O. in Unit Plan Notes. Example 2 Bed Unit on Sheet U4 has a furred down ceiling. Review other units for additional instances and adjust if necessary.
(Construction Set, Sheet U1-U5, Unit Plan Notes)
See Document Markup
Review and clarify how washer and dryer in all Type A units shall meet Washington Accessibility Code 2009, Section 611. Example 2 Bed Unit shows a washer and dryer that appear to be stackable which could put the loading openings outside the perimeters set by 611.4. Review and updated as needed.
(Construction Set, Sheet U1-U6, Unit Plan Plans)
See Document Markup
Detail and show draftstops in attic as needed per Washington State Building Code, 708.4.2. Update the attic ventilation as needed based upon changes for draftstops.
(Construction Set, Sheet R3, Unit Plans)
See Document Markup
Detail 1 for the Furred Ceiling at 1-hr wall appears to have sheathing being used to create a positive connection between the metal framing that is attached to the ceiling and metal framing at the bottom of the soffit. Identify the minimum sheathing material needed, also identify minimum faster for field and edge of sheathing. Identify minimum metal framing requirements to include type, minimum fasteners for positive connection.
(Construction Set, Sheet D8, Detail 1)
See Document Markup
Update details call outs to reflect correct details and detail sheets in matrix.
(Construction Set, Sheet D9, Detail 12, Matrix of UL Tested)
See Document Markup
Multiple detail call outs need to be corrected on this sheet, as the call outs do not exist.
(Construction Set, Sheets BE1 and BE3 and BE4)
See Document Markup
Update detail numbers as needed. There are two details labeled as 17.
(Construction Set, Sheet BE3)
See Document Markup
Duct runs for range hoods on interior units appear to be about 63 feet. Provide specifications on range hood that will accommodate a long run.
(Construction Set, Sheet M2 and M3.1)
See Document Markup
There are two duct runs that appear to terminate in the sprinkler riser room. The ducts are within a furred down ceiling to 8 foot and riser room is 9' tall with a shed roof. Review and revise duct runs as needed.
(Construction Set, Sheet M2, 1st Level Plan)
See Document Markup
Removed all duplicate pages within pages within the plan set. There are a number of duplicate within this set.
(Construction Set, Pg. 70 of 154 in set)
See Document Markup
Update code references within the plumbing plans to be consistent with submittal of 2018 Washington State Plumbing Code. Example would be Sheet P0G.01, Pipe Insulation Schedule, note references the 2019 CEC. Another example would be on sheet P0G.02 Fixture Unit Calculations references 2021UPC. Review and update code references as needed.
(Construction Set, Sheet P0G.00 and others)
See Document Markup
Update references in plumbing sheets to either details or other plumbing plan pages. There a multiple references to either incorrect pages or pages that do not exist. Example sheet P4G.00 refers to P200 for riser diagram, which are on sheets P4G.00 and P5G.00. See comment on sheet P0G.03 for another example. Review and update plumbing sheets as needed.
(Construction Set, Sheet P0G.00 and others)
See Document Markup
Update detail reference for the electric water heater. in note 2.
(Construction Set, Sheet P0G.03, Electric Water Heater)
Engineering Traffic Review
Fire Review
1. Provide adequate heat in the riser room. The FACP will also be in this room, an FACP is not rated for exterior use and will need heat to keep the electronics from condensation.
Building Review
See Document Markup
No EV parking calculations included in parking summary. Provide EV parking to meet Section 429 of the 2018 IBC WA Amendment.
Page A2 - Site Plan
See Document Markup
Revise to match 2018 Prescriptive Energy Code Compliance report. Page A
Report selected 1.7, 3.4 credit; plans show 1.1 credit
See Document Markup
Provide egress plan with all dimensions with travel distance for all floors. Page B4
See Document Markup
Provide fire stop detail for plumbing in 1-HR rated wall for all penetration in wall separating units. Wall section #6 unit separation wall does not reflect penetration in rated wall.
Page B4
See Document Markup
Provide lengths to all duct work for all floors to identify maximum duct length for all areas.
Page M2.0
See Document Markup
Did not locate sheets M300-M303 duct sizes and length.
Page M2.0
See Document Markup
Provide lengths to all duct work for all floors to identify and verify does not exceed Table 504.8.4.1 for allowable exhaust duct length.
Page M3.0
See Document Markup
The City of Puyallup requires all documents to be flattened and the securities removed to stamp approved for issuance and printed to the job site.
Currently unable to markup any 2018 Washington State Energy Code Prescriptive Compliance reports for multifamily.
Revise credits selected to match the plans.
Planning Review
See Document Markup
Fire Review
1. Provide adequate heat in the riser room. The FACP will also be in this room, an FACP is not rated for exterior use and will need heat to keep the electronics from condensation.
Engineering Review
See Document Markup
Incomplete site plan. Please refer to the CoP Site Plan Standards (available to download in the permitting portal). Revise the site plan to include items 1-3 and items A-X of the City's Site Plan Standards. Since the building permit cannot be issued until civil construction permit is issued first and the building plans must match the approved civil plans, please coordinate your final building permit submittal with the approval of the civil permit to avoid redundant or surplus building permit submittals and fees . [SITE PLAN, sheet A2]
See Document Markup
Refer to the PRCNC20240278 corrections and address for all site plans associated with the Bradley Heights Apartments. [SITE PLAN, sheet A2]
The total residential units listed on the construction plan set (236) does not match what was approved by Fruitland Mutual Water Company on the certificate of water availability (233). Please resolve the discrepancy by either reducing the total units on the construction plans or submit an updated certificate of water availability signed by Fruitland Mutual Water Company. [Yianni Charitou @ 05/01/2024 12:18 PM]
Engineering Traffic Review