Review Type |
Outcome |
Est. Completion Date |
Completed |
Public Works Water Review
Engineering Civil Review
Overall this submittal lacks many details that would be expected at the civil submittal stage and that were specifically requested during the Pre-application phase and the Preliminary Site Plan phase. These kind of omissions only serve to extend review durations and incurr more review hours prior to approval. Review prior documents and all corrections to this submittal prior to revsions and resubmittal. Provide Legend including all symbols, linetypes and hatching.
Revise frontage improvements on 27th as instructed by pre-application meeting notes from October 7, 2021; specifically: remove existing storm that is under the proposed sidewalk and show the new proposed storm system across the entire width of the property and align drainage inlets with proposed curb line. Frontage Improvements for this project shall include: curb, gutter, sidewalk, planter strip, street trees, storm drainage, street lighting and one-half street paving (when existing pavement is poor or when many utility connections are being made). Refer to PMC 11.08.135.
See Document Markup
Inspections are requested through the permitting portal or directly from the Inspector. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet G1]
See Document Markup
Indicate with Key Note where silt fence is to be installed. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet G5]
See Document Markup
Note points at contour line. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet G5]
See Document Markup
Label walls consistently with details on G12 and G13. Label as wall A, Segment 1 and include label for Wall A, Segment 2. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet G8]
See Document Markup
For next submittal refine or clarify proposed (solid line) ground level within these cross-sections. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet G9]
See Document Markup
B1 and B2. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet G-14]
See Document Markup
Remove incorrect north arrow. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet G14]
See Document Markup
Storm lines on the east end of the parking lot end with no structure or connection. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD1]
See Document Markup
Sewer design is inconsistent across sheets. Some plans show the sewer routed around this vault. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD1]
See Document Markup
Plan view is 1"=50'. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD2]
See Document Markup
Remove existing storm infrastructure and replace with city standard storm and frontage. See comment #2. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD2]
See Document Markup
Show overhead powerlines and poles to identify possible conflicts with the new frontage. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD2]
See Document Markup
Make hatching consistent with SD4 and show in legend. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD3]
See Document Markup
Clearly label each vault on plans to match the detail sheets and profiles. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD5]
See Document Markup
Doesn't match profile rim and ie elevations. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD5]
See Document Markup
IEs missing. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD5]
See Document Markup
Missing IEs. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD6]
See Document Markup
Features are behind section cut. Remove from view. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD11]
See Document Markup
24" opening? [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD11]
See Document Markup
E-E. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD11]
See Document Markup
These structures have rim elevations of 385.36 and 386.81 and one of them is located farther to the east. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD11]
See Document Markup
This structure has a rim elevation of 384.35. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD11]
See Document Markup
Show 5' x 10' grated opening. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD12]
See Document Markup
Correct to #1. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD12]
See Document Markup
Fill in reference. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD12]
See Document Markup
Features are behind Section Cut A-A. Remove from view. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD13]
See Document Markup
Show 5' x 10' grated opening. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD14]
See Document Markup
Pipe enters from side as depicted in Section A-A. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD14]
See Document Markup
Move over to the right as depicted in Section A-A. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD14]
See Document Markup
This feature is behind the section cut. Remove from view. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD14]
See Document Markup
These features are behind the section cut. Remove from view. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD14]
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Rims are labeled as 390.93 and less on plan view. Revise proposed ground level and rims
See Document Markup
Feature is behind section cut. Remove from view. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD15]
See Document Markup
Show risers in correct locations. Should see 4 total. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD15]
See Document Markup
This feature is behind section cut. Instead show the short run penetration from YD D-2. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD15]
See Document Markup
Missing penetration, roof drain Bldg C. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD15]
See Document Markup
Missing penetration from YD B-1. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD15]
See Document Markup
Missing penetration from CB 4-7. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD15]
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Grated opening? [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD15]
See Document Markup
Grated opening? [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD16]
See Document Markup
Show 24" access. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD16]
See Document Markup
Correct to #1 or remove. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD16]
See Document Markup
Correct to #2. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD16]
See Document Markup
Move to correct location. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD16]
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Show access lid rim 403.57. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD16
See Document Markup
Correct to #3. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD16]
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Correct to #2. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD16
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Fill in detail. {CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD16]
See Document Markup
Clarify annotation. Aren't these premade to specific standards? [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD19]
See Document Markup
Will these sumps be included in the vault design? [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD19].
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Sheet SD10 says 74' x 32'. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD20]
See Document Markup
Trash enclosure pad drain sewer connections not shown on plans. Covered dumpster areas or raised pads shall be used to ensure that no SW can enter dumpster sumps. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SS5]
See Document Markup
Show extents of pavement repair (TYP). Refer to City Standard Detail 01.01.20. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet W1]
See Document Markup
Missing penetration from YD D-2. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD15]
See Document Markup
8 buildings shown. [STORMWATER REPORT, Page 3/216]
See Document Markup
Provide the actual dimensions of the vaults and use those numbers for modeling. Equivalent areas will not be accepted. From the SWMMWW: performance of wetpools is improved by using large length-to-width ratios.
We are interested in the actual dimensions and true treatment efficiency only. Include the Department of Ecology's wetvault detail in planset and adhere to it. [STORMWATER REPORT, Page 14/216]
See Document Markup
Provide basin map that clearly labels and delineates each basin within the context of the model. [STORMWATER REPORT, Page 216/216]
See Document Markup
The Filterras are not connected to vault 1 as shown on plans. Basins 2, 3 and 4 mitigated match the area of Basins 4, 5, and 6 in the predeveloped exactly. Clarify the labeling as it is confusing. If Basin 1 is the entire project why is it only 1.35 acres here? What is Basin 8? Where are Basins 6 and 7 in the mitigated? Basin map and all labels should be clear and consistent. Provide descriptions and visual representations of all baisns from the model. [STORMWATER REPORT, Page 133/216]
Engineering Cost Estimate and draft Traffic Control Plan shall be submitted on the 3rd round. Request Engineering Cost Estimate template from engineering reviewer through email.
Street lighting and channelization plans not found. Submit these as stand alone sets or as part of the civil plan set.
Provide details of ADA compliance. Show complete designs for ramps and ADA accessable routes.
A Construction Stormwater General Permit is required to be applied for from Ecology.
This project has open demolition permits that will expire this Spring. Inspectors have requested that this work be completed with no resolution. Complete all work items associated with the demolition permits and close them out.
Adjacent lane in 27th Ave SE is chip sealed and shows aligator cracking. Proposed grind and overlay is not adequate. The requirement for replacement of this half of the roadway was communicated in 2022 under the Preliminary Site Plan (PLPSP20220049) notes (DRT letter from July 15, 2022). The crown of the road is at the north edge of the southern (adjacent to the project) lane. This replacement will trigger treatment of public roadway runoff. There exists currently some treatment capacity in a vault installed by the development to the north, and was in fact left that way for future development. Acknowledging that we gave different instructions last submittal for the storm frontage (partially because the project was not incorporating comments from previous permit reviews) the project should design the new roadway to collect PGHS and convey it to the existing system across the street. Applicant to calculate required treatment for new roadway and compare to existing treatment capacity (development review engineer to provide).
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Only four shown. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet G4]
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Pole called out for removal is connected by OH wire to this pole. Provide direction. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet G4]
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Remove this Key Note. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet G5]
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This BMP must be functional before any ground disturbing activity takes place. Provide call out for riser stick to determine sediment depth/accumulation and show the emergency spillway as per BMP C241 for the pond on this sheet. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet G5]
See Document Markup
Correction response letter suggests applying for an AMR for relief of dumpster enclosure requirements. What is the request? Run off from dumpsters cannot enter the storm system and must be directed to sewer or a dead end sump that would require regular maintenance (not recommended for multi-family). Also, provide details of enclosures for civil and building reviewers and clearly label all areas where dumpsters will be placed. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD1]
See Document Markup
Hatching in this area is overlapping. Clarify where sidewalks are proposed. Is this a dumpster area? What is the ground surface where there is no hatching? [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD4]
See Document Markup
Correct key note placement. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD4]
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Shift wheel stop symbols north. [CIVIL PLANS - RESUB, Sheet SD4]
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Is this the only location with traffic rated curb? Provide more information (type and elevations) and direction for curb construction throughout. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD3]
See Document Markup
Are these extruded? Provide distinct symbols for and/or label each continuous section of curb type. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD3]
See Document Markup
Are these areas flush? Most of the parking lot to walkway transitions have no label or symbol to show proposed curbing. If they are to be flush provide curbing around the back of the planters to retain the soil. [CIVIL PLANS , Sheet SD3]
See Document Markup
No storm connection to dumpster areas allowed. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD6]
See Document Markup
Correct leader placement. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD11]
See Document Markup
Revise the name of one of these CBs. Correct on profiles as well. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD5]
See Document Markup
Fix text overlap. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD6]
See Document Markup
Use Type 1 symbol here or revise all other sheets to show Type 2 in this location. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD6]
See Document Markup
Sheet SD5 says 383.5. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD7]
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Provide elevation or remove from this profile. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD7]
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Provide 6 inch IE. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD7]
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Sheet SD5 says 399.96. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD8]
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Include 6 inch IE's. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD8]
See Document Markup
These IE's do not match Sheet SD5 or profile on SD7. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD9]
See Document Markup
YD G7? Include here or remove from plans. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD9]
See Document Markup
Fix 0 elevations, text overlaps and bad references. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD9]
See Document Markup
Double name. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD9]
See Document Markup
IEs are slightly different on plans. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD9]
See Document Markup
Address elevation conflict. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD10]
See Document Markup
Move section cut back behind features. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD10]
See Document Markup
Elevations should match. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD11]
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First part of WATER NOTES not found. Provide or direct reviewers to the notes. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet W6]
Provide documentation that vaults in drive aisles can support full ladder truck out rigger loading. See Fire Department comments. If vaults are to be cast in place they require separate building permits.
Drainage Report - Basin Analysis - Provide basin maps that clearly delineate the areas that are running on to the project site (Off site tributary area). The maps at the end of the report lack labels, detail, legends and should clearly show which areas the report is claiming are run on (Driveway, Road, Roof, Sidewalk, Lawn) so that comparisons to the numbers in the submitted tables can be performed. Reviewers cannot determine where the 2181 square feet of Road is from, or the 4128 square feet of sidewalk. The total amount of sidewalk/walkway found in the tributary area is less than 1000 square feet. The off-site tributary area is approximately 3.9 acres total. Page 10 says the off-site tributary area is approximately 2.7 acres. Terminology in tables, maps and models should match. In the mitigation area is the 1.0684 new lawn? How can there be 1.06 in the mitigated scenario, yet we are claiming 1.31 acres of lawn to lawn for modeling on site? Basin maps should be extremely clear about which areas drain to which areas and what those areas are called.
Operations and Maintenance Manual requires modification prior to approval. This document is to be attached to the City's Storm Water Agreement which is required to be notarized and recorded prior to occupancy. Review Pierce County recording standards carefully and revise. Many of the pages and fonts are incorrectly sized and there can be nothing in the margins (1-inch). Include at the very beginning of the document some orientating information such as name of project and location. Ensure that all relevant BMPs are included.
See Document Markup
Areas of disturbance within the public ROW must be included in the stormwater thresholds and calculations. Public ROW runoff shall be detained and treated independently from proposed private facilities through bypass or by providing separate publicly maintained storm facilities (see other comment from this reviewer about storm frontage and existing treatment capacity) [STORMWATER REPORT, Page 14/229].
See Document Markup
Correct typo. [STORMWATER REPORT, Page 15/229]
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IMPORTANT: These plans do not contain all of the review comments. The design/owner team should receive a letter that has all corrections from all reviewers. This letter must be obtained and reviewed by all designers who will work on resubmittal items. In the last review the City did not receive responses to the majority of the traffic review comments. This causes delays and confusion. Our goal is to approve projects by the third review and new State laws will make that more than just a desire. Carefully review all marked up documents (Civil plans, stormwater report) and the review letter which will include all corrections and include in your Correction Response letter responses to ALL comments and corrections. We are available for a meeting to discuss the review comments in order to get the most complete 3rd submittal as possible. Schedule with the review engineer if desired. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet G1]
See Document Markup
Include Standard Details 05.02.01 and 01.02.08A. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet G6]
See Document Markup
Include City Standard Detail 01.01.19 for half street improvements. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD17]
See Document Markup
Streetlight required - Include all relevant City Standard Details form the 01.05 series for street light installation and cabinet connection. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD18]
Public Works Streets Review
See Document Markup
Add streetlight, show how it is powered, include Streetlight standard detail, provide spare conduit.......SH SD5
See Document Markup
show grind/overlay to first skip solid yellow ......SH
See Document Markup
add two streetlights, show where power is coming from, include streetlight standard detail, provide spare conduit....SH SD6
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show grind/overlay to first skip solid yellow ....SH
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Engineering Traffic Review
Preliminary site plan approval conditions (below) were have not been addressed. Please respond/address each one of these items prior to next submittal.
During civil review provide sight distance analysis required at proposed 27th Ave SE driveway
–City standards require 300ft of ESD, 250 of SSD (0.5ft object height).
–Setback 14.5ft from face of curb to evaluate sight lines.
-Identify street tree placement, monument signage, fences, etc. that could obstruct sight distance.
-Coordinate with Rachael Brown to specify tree species that will not impact sight distance.
During civil review, use 30ft wide commercial drop approach instead of radius design.
During civil review, the (2) gated EV access driveways shall be a drop approach design and must be 26ft in width.
During civil review provide details on how a garbage truck will access collection area based on AutoTurn analysis. Must coordinate with service provider on preferred location and design.
During civil review the curb alignment on the western frontage needs to be modified to meet City geometric standards. It is acceptable to remove the planter strip within this transition area as needed. See site plan redline to show necessary alignment. Provide channelization design that matches the updated geometry/curvature. See site plan markups for estimated alignment. Current proposal will require additional re-alignment. Civil plans to show channelization (TWLTL) without reverse curvature. This will require the curve section to be more gradual and set farther from the roadway.
Half-street improvements shall consist of curb, gutter, 34ft roadway, 8ft sidewalks, 7.5ft planter strip (0.5 curb), and streetlights.
During civil review move PSD bus stop pad to west side of the driveway (behind sidewalk). There's an accessible route on both sides of the driveway. Sizing per PSD requirements (300 sq ft minimum). Provide analysis that shows existing lighting across the street will be adequate. Photometric analysis needs to meet the RP-8 requirements
27th Ave SE streetlight required on the eastern edge of frontage.
To prevent confusion for motorists traveling WB on 27th Ave SE, the gate should be fully reflectorized with vertical stripes alternately red and white at 16-inch intervals measured horizontally. This guidance comes directly from the MUTCD (Section 2B.68). Based on the latest site plan, this treatment may not be necessary because the eastern driveway has been moved and no longer in alignment with 27th Ave SE. Will evaluate further during Civil review
ADA ramp must be removed on the northeast side of 27th Ave SE.
Curb alignment on the western side of frontage must be modified significantly to allow the removal of the existing reverse curvature channelization/alignment. As described in the preliminary site plan approval conditions, it is acceptable to remove the planter strip within this transition area as needed. Civil plans need to show channelization (TWLTL/turn pocket) without reverse curvature. This will require the curve section to be more gradual and set farther from the roadway.
For the (2) EV only driveways, provide gate design
EV driveways only, reduced to 26ft wide with drop approach
Streetlight design not submitted with current civil submittal
Detailed pavement marking/striping plan required
Public Works Collection Review
See Document Markup
There are 7 lateral connections to this section of existing sanitary main that all will need to be cut and capped at the main. A CCTV report will be provided to the engineering reviewer for approximate locations. [CIVILS PLANS; Sheet G4]
See Document Markup
An additional manhole will need to be set at the back of the RoW for ownership distinction. [CIVIL PLANS; Sheet SS1]
See Document Markup
A 0.1 foot drop from incoming to outgoing invert for all connections within a manhole is required. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SS1]
See Document Markup
Add standard 06.01.02. [CIVIL PLANS, sheet SS5]
Planning Review
Final Landscape Plan - Soil Req. Cubic Yards
Please estimate the total top soil required to meet the 8 inch minimum soil standard for all landscaped areas in cubic yards. The contractor will be required to submit delivery sheets and demonstrate compliance with top soil required and specified on plans at the time of final inspection.
Miscellaneous Planning Correction
Ground covers do not appear to be indicated for required perimeter landscaping areas. Revise
See Document Markup
Required perimeter landscape trees missing from SW corner of site [Landscape Plan, Sheet L1]
See Document Markup
Utility line marked 'f' needs to be moved out of the required perimeter landscape area [Landscape Plan, Sheet L1]
Final Landscape Plan - Native Plants
A minimum of 50 percent of the shrubs and ground covers used in projects under the requirements of the PMC and the VMS shall be native to the Puget Sound region. Please call out natives on the plant schedule for easy identification.
Final Landscape Plan - Min Shrub Size
All shrubs required shall be no smaller than two (2) gallon in size at the time of planting
Final Landscape Plan - Tree protection plan
Existing trees to be retained must be clearly marked on the final clearing and grading plan, and final landscape plan. Tree protection fencing and signage shall follow the city standard detail, see appendix 20.5. Standard detail shall be included on all plan sets with vegetation which is scheduled for retention and protection. All critical root protection zones (CRPZ) shall be shown on plan sets in diameter from the center of the tree. In determining tree CRPZ, the following standards shall be used.In establishing the extent of the Critical Root Protection Zone (CRPZ) for individual significant trees, groupings of significant trees, a stand of significant trees, or a heritage tree the following formula shall be used: Individual tree diameter (in inches) X 2, converted into feet = CRPZ, in diameter (Example: 20” tree X 2 = 40’ CRPZ diameter). The following minimum performance standards shall be used to determine the extent of allowable impacts to the CRPZ of significant trees: For significant trees, a minimum of 50 percent of the critical root zone must be preserved at natural grade, with natural ground cover. The protection zone may be irregular. The plan set shall provide a total square footage of CRPZ area and show the % of disturbance area. For heritage trees, a minimum of 75 percent of the critical root zone must be preserved at natural grade with natural ground cover. The protection zone may be irregular. The plan set shall provide a total square footage of CRPZ area and show the % of disturbance area. No cut or fill greater than four (4) inches in depth may be located closer to the tree trunk than ½ the CRPZ radius distance. (Example, 20-inch DBH tree has a 40’ CRPZ area (in diameter) - meaning no cut or fill greater than 4” in depth is allowed within 20’ of the tree trunk). No cut or fill within the distance from the tree which is three (3) times the trunk DBH is allowed. (Example, 20-inch DBH tree X 3 = 60”, meaning no cut is allowed within 60-inches of a tree which has a 20-inch diameter trunk). These criteria represent minimum standards for determining whether or not a tree may be required to be retained. Greater impacts may be allowed, provided that all design alternatives have been proven unfeasible and that a pre-conditioning and after care mitigation program is established. See section 10.1 of the VMS, and referenced appendices for more information.
Add tree protection detail to Sheet TESC Plan
Contractors Shall Read 'Tree Protection Standards in Construction Sites':
12/26/2024 Update: Tree protection detail added to Sheet L4 not TESC Plan (Sheet G-5). Copy detail to TESC Plan in addition to Sheet L4. Landscape plan is not guaranteed to be reviewed by sub-contractor executing the TESC Plan which established the limits of clearing before any grading or construction begins. If protective fencing is not erected around trees before grading begins, the chances that the trees will be mistakenly cleared is high.
Final Landscape Plan - Sight Distance Standards
Sight Distance standards. Adjacent to public rights-of-way and points of access, no fences or landscape material at maturity, shall exceed three (3) feet above the local finish grade within a clear sight triangle. Please spec plants that meet this standard. Show sight distance area on the landscape plan sheet L1.
Final Landscape Plan - Tree and utility conflicts
To avoid conflicts between underground and overhead utilities and trees as they grow and mature, please review the VMS tree installation standards table for required distances from various utilities and improvements. It appears several trees at the frontage are very close to the sewer service. Other utilities may also be in conflict with the required landscaping. New utilities must be relocated in deference for required landscape placement unless no feasible alternative exists.
All internal landscape islands and connector strips shall include a double row (horizontally) of structural soil cells – often called “Silva Cells”, or equivalent - along the perimeter of all internal islands in parking stall areas only (under the pavement directly abutting the outer edge of the landscape island) to provide additional soil volume for tree growth. The landscape architect shall provide manufacturer’s installation details for internal parking lot landscaping soil installation, including required structural soil cells, on the final landscape plan set. See section 8.2 of the Vegetation Standards Manual for soil quality standards.
Final Landscape Plan - Landscape Types
The VMS can be downloaded here:
See Document Markup
define clearing limits around trees to be retained on sheet G-5. Is the clearing limits just the dashed green line around each tree (the minimum) or is a broader area going to be protected during construction? Indicate in Key Notes where the required tree protection fencing will be placed around trees to be retained. Place City tree protection fencing detail on sheet G-5
See Document Markup
What appears to be a fire hydrant? is too close to required tree. Move all hydrants at least 5ft away from all trees. Move all parking lot lots at least 10ft away from parking area trees. [Landscape Plan, Sheet L1]
See Document Markup
Trees need to be positioned in the middle of the planter to ensure future healthy root flare development. [Landscape Plan, Sheet L1]
See Document Markup
It appears that there may be a conflict between the required parking areas trees and the shallow depth of the proposed storm water vault. The City's vegetation management standards manual states that "Underground utilities shall not be designed to cross below any perimeter or internal island in a manner which would prohibit or off-set the required tree planting(s); crossings of underground utility lines through connector landscaping strips shall be minimized to angled or perpendicular crossings and shall not follow the path of the landscaping strip. Such utility crossings shall also be offset as to avoid displacing required trees." (VMS pg. 44). Given this standard, it is important that the depth of the proposed stormwater vaults beneath the required tree planting beds be deep enough to provide adequate depth of soil for healthy tree growth. There must be a minimum of 1,200 cubic feet (44.444 cubic yards) of un-compacted soil between the planter surface and the stormwater vault to allow for tree root growth. Since many of the tree planters are small to accommodate parking areas, a deeper amount of soil volume will be needed to provide the necessary 1,200 cubic feet of soil per tree. It appears that the stormwater vaults are as shallow as only 2.5ft from the surface in some places. This would not allow for adequate soil volume for tree root growth and would lead to early failure of the trees. [Landscape Plan, Sheet L1]
See Document Markup
Storm line, water lines, and other utility lines appear to cross directly in the path of the required parking lot tree planting site. The path of this line needs to be moved 10 ft away from required trees, see VMS pg. 26 for list of tree spacing from utility lines. [Landscape Plan, Sheet L1]
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Fire Review
1. Label all Fire Hydrants so they are visible on the plans. Verify that all points of the building are within 400' as a hose lays from a hydrant.
2. Verify that all storm vaults in the fire lane are rated for a 75,000lb fire apparatus per the 2021 IFC.
3. With the change in layout from the approved preliminary site plan, provide a new auto-turn showing code compliance.
4. Provide a Fire Lane/ No Parking sign layout with painted and stenciled curb.
5. Label all P.I.V'S.
6. Provide all locations for carports with dimensions.
7. BLDG E and BLDG H, F.D.C's and Fire hydrant can not be blocked by parking stalls. Move diagonally to the NE parking island across fire lane on the corner.
Complete correction response letter addressing all fire related corrections. Detail with sheet numbers or pages for review.
Public Works Water Review
Public Works Streets Review
failed based on not showing roadway improvements and additional streetlights
Planning Review
Final Landscape Plan - Soil Req. Cubic Yards
Please estimate the total top soil required to meet the 8 inch minimum soil standard for all landscaped areas in cubic yards. The contractor will be required to submit delivery sheets and demonstrate compliance with top soil required and specified on plans at the time of final inspection.
Miscellaneous Planning Correction
Ground covers do not appear to be indicated for required perimeter landscaping areas. Revise
See Document Markup
Required perimeter landscape trees missing from SW corner of site [Landscape Plan, Sheet L1]
See Document Markup
Utility line marked 'f' needs to be moved out of the required perimeter landscape area [Landscape Plan, Sheet L1]
Final Landscape Plan - Native Plants
A minimum of 50 percent of the shrubs and ground covers used in projects under the requirements of the PMC and the VMS shall be native to the Puget Sound region. Please call out natives on the plant schedule for easy identification.
Final Landscape Plan - Min Shrub Size
All shrubs required shall be no smaller than two (2) gallon in size at the time of planting
Final Landscape Plan - Tree protection plan
Existing trees to be retained must be clearly marked on the final clearing and grading plan, and final landscape plan. Tree protection fencing and signage shall follow the city standard detail, see appendix 20.5. Standard detail shall be included on all plan sets with vegetation which is scheduled for retention and protection. All critical root protection zones (CRPZ) shall be shown on plan sets in diameter from the center of the tree. In determining tree CRPZ, the following standards shall be used.In establishing the extent of the Critical Root Protection Zone (CRPZ) for individual significant trees, groupings of significant trees, a stand of significant trees, or a heritage tree the following formula shall be used: Individual tree diameter (in inches) X 2, converted into feet = CRPZ, in diameter (Example: 20” tree X 2 = 40’ CRPZ diameter). The following minimum performance standards shall be used to determine the extent of allowable impacts to the CRPZ of significant trees: For significant trees, a minimum of 50 percent of the critical root zone must be preserved at natural grade, with natural ground cover. The protection zone may be irregular. The plan set shall provide a total square footage of CRPZ area and show the % of disturbance area. For heritage trees, a minimum of 75 percent of the critical root zone must be preserved at natural grade with natural ground cover. The protection zone may be irregular. The plan set shall provide a total square footage of CRPZ area and show the % of disturbance area. No cut or fill greater than four (4) inches in depth may be located closer to the tree trunk than ½ the CRPZ radius distance. (Example, 20-inch DBH tree has a 40’ CRPZ area (in diameter) - meaning no cut or fill greater than 4” in depth is allowed within 20’ of the tree trunk). No cut or fill within the distance from the tree which is three (3) times the trunk DBH is allowed. (Example, 20-inch DBH tree X 3 = 60”, meaning no cut is allowed within 60-inches of a tree which has a 20-inch diameter trunk). These criteria represent minimum standards for determining whether or not a tree may be required to be retained. Greater impacts may be allowed, provided that all design alternatives have been proven unfeasible and that a pre-conditioning and after care mitigation program is established. See section 10.1 of the VMS, and referenced appendices for more information.
Add tree protection detail to Sheet TESC Plan
Contractors Shall Read 'Tree Protection Standards in Construction Sites':
Final Landscape Plan - Sight Distance Standards
Sight Distance standards. Adjacent to public rights-of-way and points of access, no fences or landscape material at maturity, shall exceed three (3) feet above the local finish grade within a clear sight triangle. Please spec plants that meet this standard. Show sight distance area on the landscape plan sheet L1.
Final Landscape Plan - Tree and utility conflicts
To avoid conflicts between underground and overhead utilities and trees as they grow and mature, please review the VMS tree installation standards table for required distances from various utilities and improvements. It appears several trees at the frontage are very close to the sewer service. Other utilities may also be in conflict with the required landscaping. New utilities must be relocated in deference for required landscape placement unless no feasible alternative exists.
All internal landscape islands and connector strips shall include a double row (horizontally) of structural soil cells – often called “Silva Cells”, or equivalent - along the perimeter of all internal islands in parking stall areas only (under the pavement directly abutting the outer edge of the landscape island) to provide additional soil volume for tree growth. The landscape architect shall provide manufacturer’s installation details for internal parking lot landscaping soil installation, including required structural soil cells, on the final landscape plan set. See section 8.2 of the Vegetation Standards Manual for soil quality standards.
Final Landscape Plan - Landscape Types
The VMS can be downloaded here:
Engineering Traffic Review
Preliminary site plan approval conditions (below) were have not been addressed. Please respond/address each one of these items prior to next submittal.
During civil review provide sight distance analysis required at proposed 27th Ave SE driveway
–City standards require 300ft of ESD, 250 of SSD (0.5ft object height).
–Setback 14.5ft from face of curb to evaluate sight lines.
-Identify street tree placement, monument signage, fences, etc. that could obstruct sight distance.
-Coordinate with Rachael Brown to specify tree species that will not impact sight distance.
During civil review, use 30ft wide commercial drop approach instead of radius design.
During civil review, the (2) gated EV access driveways shall be a drop approach design and must be 26ft in width.
During civil review provide details on how a garbage truck will access collection area based on AutoTurn analysis. Must coordinate with service provider on preferred location and design.
During civil review the curb alignment on the western frontage needs to be modified to meet City geometric standards. It is acceptable to remove the planter strip within this transition area as needed. See site plan redline to show necessary alignment. Provide channelization design that matches the updated geometry/curvature. See site plan markups for estimated alignment. Current proposal will require additional re-alignment. Civil plans to show channelization (TWLTL) without reverse curvature. This will require the curve section to be more gradual and set farther from the roadway.
Half-street improvements shall consist of curb, gutter, 34ft roadway, 8ft sidewalks, 7.5ft planter strip (0.5 curb), and streetlights.
During civil review move PSD bus stop pad to west side of the driveway (behind sidewalk). There's an accessible route on both sides of the driveway. Sizing per PSD requirements (300 sq ft minimum). Provide analysis that shows existing lighting across the street will be adequate. Photometric analysis needs to meet the RP-8 requirements
27th Ave SE streetlight required on the eastern edge of frontage.
To prevent confusion for motorists traveling WB on 27th Ave SE, the gate should be fully reflectorized with vertical stripes alternately red and white at 16-inch intervals measured horizontally. This guidance comes directly from the MUTCD (Section 2B.68). Based on the latest site plan, this treatment may not be necessary because the eastern driveway has been moved and no longer in alignment with 27th Ave SE. Will evaluate further during Civil review
ADA ramp must be removed on the northeast side of 27th Ave SE.
Curb alignment on the western side of frontage must be modified significantly to allow the removal of the existing reverse curvature channelization/alignment. As described in the preliminary site plan approval conditions, it is acceptable to remove the planter strip within this transition area as needed. Civil plans need to show channelization (TWLTL/turn pocket) without reverse curvature. This will require the curve section to be more gradual and set farther from the roadway.
For the (2) EV only driveways, provided gate design
EV driveways only, reduced to 26ft wide with drop approach
Streetlight design not submitted with current civil submittal
Detailed pavement marking/striping plan required
Fire Review
1. Label all Fire Hydrants so they are visible on the plans. Verify that all points of the building are within 400' as a hose lays from a hydrant.
2. Verify that all storm vaults in the fire lane are rated for a 75,000lb fire apparatus per the 2021 IFC.
3. With the change in layout from the approved preliminary site plan, provide a new auto-turn showing code compliance.
4. Provide a Fire Lane/ No Parking sign layout with painted and stenciled curb.
5. Label all P.I.V'S.
6. Provide all locations for carports with dimensions.
7. BLDG E and BLDG H, F.D.C's and Fire hydrant can not be blocked by parking stalls. Move diagonally to the NE parking island across fire lane on the corner.
Engineering Civil Review
Overall this submittal lacks many details that would be expected at the civil submittal stage and that were specifically requested during the Pre-application phase and the Preliminary Site Plan phase. These kind of omissions only serve to extend review durations and incurr more review hours prior to approval. Review prior documents and all corrections to this submittal prior to revsions and resubmittal. Provide Legend including all symbols, linetypes and hatching.
Revise frontage improvements on 27th as instructed by pre-application meeting notes from October 7, 2021; specifically: remove existing storm that is under the proposed sidewalk and show the new proposed storm system across the entire width of the property and align drainage inlets with proposed curb line. Frontage Improvements for this project shall include: curb, gutter, sidewalk, planter strip, street trees, storm drainage, street lighting and one-half street paving (when existing pavement is poor or when many utility connections are being made). Refer to PMC 11.08.135.
See Document Markup
Inspections are requested through the permitting portal or directly from the Inspector. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet G1]
See Document Markup
Indicate with Key Note where silt fence is to be installed. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet G5]
See Document Markup
Note points at contour line. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet G5]
See Document Markup
Label walls consistently with details on G12 and G13. Label as wall A, Segment 1 and include label for Wall A, Segment 2. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet G8]
See Document Markup
For next submittal refine or clarify proposed (solid line) ground level within these cross-sections. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet G9]
See Document Markup
B1 and B2. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet G-14]
See Document Markup
Remove incorrect north arrow. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet G14]
See Document Markup
Storm lines on the east end of the parking lot end with no structure or connection. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD1]
See Document Markup
Sewer design is inconsistent across sheets. Some plans show the sewer routed around this vault. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD1]
See Document Markup
Plan view is 1"=50'. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD2]
See Document Markup
Remove existing storm infrastructure and replace with city standard storm and frontage. See comment #2. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD2]
See Document Markup
Show overhead powerlines and poles to identify possible conflicts with the new frontage. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD2]
See Document Markup
Make hatching consistent with SD4 and show in legend. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD3]
See Document Markup
Clearly label each vault on plans to match the detail sheets and profiles. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD5]
See Document Markup
Doesn't match profile rim and ie elevations. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD5]
See Document Markup
IEs missing. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD5]
See Document Markup
Missing IEs. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD6]
See Document Markup
Features are behind section cut. Remove from view. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD11]
See Document Markup
24" opening? [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD11]
See Document Markup
E-E. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD11]
See Document Markup
These structures have rim elevations of 385.36 and 386.81 and one of them is located farther to the east. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD11]
See Document Markup
This structure has a rim elevation of 384.35. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD11]
See Document Markup
Show 5' x 10' grated opening. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD12]
See Document Markup
Correct to #1. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD12]
See Document Markup
Fill in reference. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD12]
See Document Markup
Features are behind Section Cut A-A. Remove from view. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD13]
See Document Markup
Show 5' x 10' grated opening. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD14]
See Document Markup
Pipe enters from side as depicted in Section A-A. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD14]
See Document Markup
Move over to the right as depicted in Section A-A. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD14]
See Document Markup
This feature is behind the section cut. Remove from view. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD14]
See Document Markup
These features are behind the section cut. Remove from view. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD14]
See Document Markup
Rims are labeled as 390.93 and less on plan view. Revise proposed ground level and rims
See Document Markup
Feature is behind section cut. Remove from view. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD15]
See Document Markup
Show risers in correct locations. Should see 4 total. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD15]
See Document Markup
This feature is behind section cut. Instead show the short run penetration from YD D-2. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD15]
See Document Markup
Missing penetration, roof drain Bldg C. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD15]
See Document Markup
Missing penetration from YD B-1. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD15]
See Document Markup
Missing penetration from CB 4-7. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD15]
See Document Markup
Grated opening? [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD15]
See Document Markup
Grated opening? [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD16]
See Document Markup
Show 24" access. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD16]
See Document Markup
Correct to #1 or remove. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD16]
See Document Markup
Correct to #2. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD16]
See Document Markup
Move to correct location. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD16]
See Document Markup
Show access lid rim 403.57. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD16
See Document Markup
Correct to #3. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD16]
See Document Markup
Correct to #2. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD16
See Document Markup
Fill in detail. {CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD16]
See Document Markup
Clarify annotation. Aren't these premade to specific standards? [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD19]
See Document Markup
Will these sumps be included in the vault design? [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD19].
See Document Markup
Sheet SD10 says 74' x 32'. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD20]
See Document Markup
Trash enclosure pad drain sewer connections not shown on plans. Covered dumpster areas or raised pads shall be used to ensure that no SW can enter dumpster sumps. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SS5]
See Document Markup
Show extents of pavement repair (TYP). Refer to City Standard Detail 01.01.20. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet W1]
See Document Markup
Missing penetration from YD D-2. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SD15]
See Document Markup
8 buildings shown. [STORMWATER REPORT, Page 3/216]
See Document Markup
Provide the actual dimensions of the vaults and use those numbers for modeling. Equivalent areas will not be accepted. From the SWMMWW: performance of wetpools is improved by using large length-to-width ratios.
We are interested in the actual dimensions and true treatment efficiency only. Include the Department of Ecology's wetvault detail in planset and adhere to it. [STORMWATER REPORT, Page 14/216]
See Document Markup
Cite source. [STORMWATER REPORT, Page 15/216]
See Document Markup
Provide basin map that clearly labels and delineates each basin within the context of the model. [STORMWATER REPORT, Page 216/216]
See Document Markup
The Filterras are not connected to vault 1 as shown on plans. Basins 2, 3 and 4 mitigated match the area of Basins 4, 5, and 6 in the predeveloped exactly. Clarify the labeling as it is confusing. If Basin 1 is the entire project why is it only 1.35 acres here? What is Basin 8? Where are Basins 6 and 7 in the mitigated? Basin map and all labels should be clear and consistent. Provide descriptions and visual representations of all baisns from the model. [STORMWATER REPORT, Page 133/216]
Public Works Collection Review
See Document Markup
There are 7 lateral connections to this section of existing sanitary main that all will need to be cut and capped at the main. A CCTV report will be provided to the engineering reviewer for approximate locations. [CIVILS PLANS; Sheet G4]
See Document Markup
An additional manhole will need to be set at the back of the RoW for ownership distinction. [CIVIL PLANS; Sheet SS1]
See Document Markup
A 0.1 foot drop from incoming to outgoing invert for all connections within a manhole is required. [CIVIL PLANS, Sheet SS1]
See Document Markup
Add standard 06.01.02. [CIVIL PLANS, sheet SS5]
Public Works Water Review
Engineering Civil Review
Engineering Traffic Review
Fire Review
Planning Review
Public Works Collection Review
Public Works Streets Review