Planning Application Status


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The Ezra Multi-Family
Preliminary Site Plan
Preliminary Site Plan
Redevelopment of an existing 1.11 acre surface parking lot into a mixed use structure containing between 67-83 multifamily units, amenity space for residents, approximately 1200 sf of ground floor commercial space, and both structured and surface parking. The site will be improved with landscaping, storm-water infrastructure, and frontage parking improvements. Site will be developed with a single structure approximately 92,831 sq ft in size, and 4 stories (45 ft) tall. Preliminary site plan permit & SEPA, Downtown architectural design review (with public meeting with Design Review and Historic Preservation Board), civil construction permit, and building permits will be required for this project. Preliminary Architectural Design Review meeting is scheduled for July 7th, 2022 at 4pm at Puyallup City Hall, 5th Floor Council Chambers. This is a preliminary design review meeting only, no decision will be issued concerning the architecture of the proposal at this meeting. Subsequent meetings will be held for official architectural review.



330 3rd St SW


Review Type Outcome Est. Completion Date Completed
Planning Review Revisions Required 09/30/2022 10/07/2022
Fire Review Revisions Required 09/30/2022 10/03/2022
Engineering Review Revisions Required 09/30/2022 09/30/2022
Engineering Traffic Review Revisions Required 09/30/2022 09/28/2022
Building Review No Comments 09/30/2022 09/26/2022
Planning Review Revisions Required 07/07/2022 07/14/2022
Engineering Traffic Review Revisions Required 07/07/2022 07/07/2022
Engineering Review Revisions Required 07/07/2022 07/07/2022
Building Review Revisions Required 07/07/2022 07/07/2022
Fire Review Revisions Required 07/07/2022 07/01/2022


Paid Fees Amount Paid Owing Date Paid
SEPA Checklist Fee (with planning permit) $250.00 $250.00 Paid 05/29/2022
Preliminary Site Plan Fee $1,890.00 $1,890.00 Paid 05/29/2022
Outstanding Fees Amount Paid Owing Date Paid
No outstanding fees.

Application(s) will not be processed until outstanding fees have been paid in full.



There are no hearings for this planning application.


Condition Status Department Category Expiration Date Due Date
Sign Posted On Site Resolved Planning Division
: Sign Posted On Site must be provided.
Signed Affidavit Resolved Planning Division
: Signed Affidavit must be provided.
Miscellaneous Condition Open Planning Division Standard Conditions
: Plazas must abut and be within three feet in elevation of a sidewalk. Plazas shall be accessible at grade adjacent to the sidewalk to promote physical and visual connection to the street. Portions of plazas may be above or below grade to accommodate a variety of outdoor gathering spaces.
Miscellaneous Condition Open Engineering Division Submit With Civil Permit Application
: There is a critical fiber optic run in or very near to the proposed construction along W Pioneer Ave and 3rd St SW that will require relocation or restoration. This is infrastructure that the Puyallup Police Department uses for communication. We note that the telecommunication box is called out for relocation. This box is a part of the run in question. The run is known to be shallow and it is suspected that trees proposed to be removed along W. Pioneer Ave will have roots entangled around these conduits and wires. The city and The Ezra development project will need to work closely together to address this issue. There is a good chance that prior to construction of The Ezra this run will be temporarily moved to a wireless system. This is not optimal or sustainable and should be returned to a direct wired connection as soon as is possible. As a condition of the Preliminary Site Plan Approval the fiber optic run shall be, at the time of Civil Permit application, shown and discussed in the construction documents.
Miscellaneous Condition Open Engineering Division
: This project will require an application to the Washington State Department of Ecology for a Construction General Stormwater Permit due to the land area exceeding one acre.

Related Permit & Planning Applications

Reference Number Status Type
P-21-0141 File Closed Pre-Application
PLDDG20220086 Canceled Downtown Design Review

Documents & Images

Date Uploaded File Type Name
05/29/2022 Receipt Receipt for transaction:2022-001000
06/07/2022 Letter PLPSPS20220085 and PLDDG20220886 Complete Application Letter
06/09/2022 Report AOB_CleanupSiteDetails_3307
06/23/2022 Affidavit of Notice
07/14/2022 Other CenturyLink Encroachment Agreement - The Ezra (Flattened)
07/14/2022 Other Cover Letter - The Ezra (Flattened)
07/14/2022 Form Crical Area ID Form - The Ezra (Flattened)
07/14/2022 Report Draft Geotechnical Report - The Ezra (Flattened)
07/14/2022 Letter DRT Letter 1
07/14/2022 Study Groundwater Level Monitoring and Preliminary Infiltartion Feasibility Evaluation - The Ezra (Flattened)
07/14/2022 Report Phase I ESA - AOB Lot (Flattened)
07/14/2022 Other Pre-Application Meeting Notes - The Ezra (Flattened)
07/14/2022 Form Preliminary Site Plan Review - The Ezra (Flattened)
07/14/2022 Study Preliminary Vault Design - The Ezra (Flattened)
07/14/2022 Study Small Scale Pit Infiltration Test - The Ezra (Flattened)
07/14/2022 Other Survey - The Ezra (Flattened)
07/14/2022 Other Vicinity Map - The Ezra (Flattened)
08/31/2022 Drawing REV 1 - Landscape Plan - The Ezra
08/31/2022 Other REV 1 - Preliminary Site Plan_Review - the Ezra
08/31/2022 Form REV 1 - SEPA Checklist - The Ezra
08/31/2022 Form REV 1 - Traffic Scoping Worksheet - The Ezra
10/07/2022 Drawing Conceptual3rdStreetChannelization_NTC_2022.09.21 (Flattened)
10/07/2022 Letter DRT Letter
10/07/2022 Plans REV 1 - Architectural Site Plan - The Ezra0 (Flattened)
10/07/2022 Study REV 1 - Civil Plan Set - The Ezra (Flattened)
10/07/2022 Study REV 1 - Preliminary Drainage Report - The Ezra (Flattened)
10/07/2022 Other REV 1 - Response to Comments Letter - The Ezra0 (Flattened)

Should you need assistance, please contact the Permit Center at (253) 864-4165 option 1.