Review Type
Est. Completion Date
Planning Review
Revisions Required
Correction 1:
See Document Markup
Per PMC 20.26.500 a 6ft tall wood or opaque fence must be added along both alleys. It appears that this fence is currently only proposed on the west alley. This fence can be positioned either on the property line or at the 12 ft setback line. Either location is acceptable. [Site Plan, Sheet G-2]
Correction 2:
The building footprint has expanded substantially replacing a surface parking lot and onsite stormwater detention in favor of off site direct discharge to the City’s stormwater system. It is our understanding that this direct discharge is contingent on the City’s capital improvement project of the storm water system that serves this site and that a meeting is scheduled next week to discuss this project’s participation in that capital improvement project. Should the project later be revised to again include onsite stormwater treatment, would you anticipate re-designing the building once more in order to include a surface parking lot?
Correction 3:
How are you accounting for modification of the shape of the plaza space to accommodate the required dedication of the 25ft radius on the SW corner of 3rd St and Pioneer? Will this modification require changes to the building shape or design? If so, this would either delay the official meeting with the Design Review Board or we could proceed with the design review board meeting with your understanding that significant alterations to the approved design would have to be re-evaluated by the Board.
Correction 4:
Correction 5:
The requested Auto Turn analysis was not provided in this last resubmittal for the preliminary site plan permit. How are you accounting for any changes that may need to be made to the building once that sight distance analysis is completed? Again any significant changes made to the building after the Board has issued a decision will have to be re-evaluated by the Board.
Correction 6:
See additional correction items for the separate design review permit PLDDG20220086
Reviewer Comments:
Fire Review
Revisions Required
Correction 1:
1) Acknowledged by applicant.
2) Plans lack sufficient detail for review of hydrant(s), FDC, and PIV placement. An additional hydrant may be required to meet the distance to FDC.
a) Unable to locate details for hydrant(s), FDC and PIV. Please provide submittal name and sheet references.
b) If located on the building, locate at SW or approved location.
Reviewer Comments:
Engineering Review
Revisions Required
Correction 1:
See Document Markup
There is a critical fiber optic run in or very near to the proposed construction along W Pioneer Ave and 3rd St SW that will require relocation or restoration. This is infrastructure that the Puyallup Police Department uses for communication. We note that the telecommunication box is called out for relocation. This box is a part of the run in question. The run is known to be shallow and it is suspected that trees proposed to be removed along W. Pioneer Ave will have roots entangled around these conduits and wires. The city and The Ezra development project will need to work closely together to address this issue. There is a good chance that prior to construction of The Ezra this run will be temporarily moved to a wireless system. This is not optimal or sustainable and should be returned to a direct wired connection as soon as is possible. It is important that the conduit is preserved where it can be and replaced or relocated where it is damaged or conflicting with improvements so that the wired connection can be restored as soon as possible.[Civil Plans, Sheet C-103]
Correction 2:
See Document Markup
Proposed 8 inch water pipe for fire flow does not work in this location. This is a 6 inch line to a fire hydrant. Water department recommends building fire flow from the 8 inch stub farther west and using the existing 2 inch stub for irrigation or to convert to the new domestic water service. If fire flow is to enter the building at this location then the connection should be made at the 12 inch main with an 8 inch tap. [Civil Plans, Sheet C-104]
Correction 3:
In order to enable flow control exemption/direct storm-water discharge as directed by the 2019 SWMMWW to the Puyallup River as discussed in the Drainage Report, considerable upgrades to the current city drainage system must be completed. Either through the construction of off-site improvements by the applicant and the city, or through financial contribution, the applicant shall be expected to enter into an agreement and contribute a fair share to the capacity upgrades that will allow direct discharge without continued impacts downstream. These infrastructure improvements would have to be completed, or at least scheduled, at the time of - or prior to - the construction of the development. Alternatively, the project can design their stormwater to be managed onsite if the design can feasibly meet all requirements of the 2019 storm-water manual. Finally, if neither of these options prove successful, the applicant may propose alternative storm-water mitigation measures in order to allow equivalent substitute mitigation for identified impacts. Such modifications shall be evaluated by the City’s SEPA Responsible Official prior to any project approvals by the city. In order to facilitate approval of this Preliminary Site Plan application, the agreement between the city and the applicant must be drafted and the preliminary design must be shown on the plans and discussed in the reports to a level commensurate with this stage of development.
Reviewer Comments:
Engineering Traffic Review
Revisions Required
Correction 1:
3rd St SW 2-Way Operation:
After review and consideration of the items outlined in your email dated 08/10/2022 and further emphasized in the most recent submittal on PRPSP20220085, 3rd Street SW will be required to maintain 2-way traffic operations as part of this project. We appreciate your extensive research into City Code and other industry standards in relation to the implementation of angled parking along 3rd Street SW. PMC 20.55 scope is primarily related to requirements related to off-street parking. Street improvements within City owned and maintained public Right of Way are generally required to meet City established standards for construction. With this being a special development and the City’s first implementation of angled parking within publicly owned right of way, much of what will be implemented along 3rd St SE will be based on engineering judgement as approved by the City Engineer/Public Works Director.
To aid in the assurance that the agreed upon quantity of shared parking spaces can be obtained, we drafted a conceptual channelization plan for 3rd Street SE that aids in sight distance improvement for northbound vehicles entering W Pioneer (document attached in CityView portal). Even with this shift in centerline alignment, a total of 22 stalls would be obtainable which exceeds the quantity committed as part of the purchase and sale agreement. Additionally, if the City Engineer has concerns with parked vehicle stall depth at the time of implementing the angled parking along 3rd St SW, vegetation will be removed to accommodate vehicle overhang as deemed appropriate and necessary.
Traffic Scoping Worksheet:
Per previous comments, 3rd Street NW must maintain two-way traffic (one-way southbound operation will not be allowed). Please revise traffic scoping to reflect this requirement. To help expedite the traffic analysis work, resubmit the updated traffic scoping worksheet prior to next permit resubmittal. Once this document has been reviewed and approved by the City, please coordinate with the City’s Traffic Engineer on the scope of the TIA. Per previous comments, the upcoming TIA must account for unserved demand. Existing queue lengths need to be collected with turning movement counts. Provide a detailed description for how unserved demand will be accounted for in the TIA.
General Comments:
Sight distance analysis required at (2) intersections:
-W Pioneer/3rd St SW
-Powers Funeral Home/W Pioneer driveway.
-The funeral home driveway must be analyzed to ensure the Ezra building placement will not obstruct entering sight distance. This analysis must be provided by the applicant’s design team.
-W Pioneer has a posted speed of 25mph (35mph design) which requires 300ft of entering sight distance
-Setback 14.5ft from face of curb to evaluate sight lines.
-For this exhibit, assume future channelization of W Pioneer will include 12ft TWLTL
-Identify street tree placement, monument signage, fences, etc. that could obstruct sight distance.
-Identify any building overhang conflicts that may obstruct clear sight lines. Assume truck eye height for this evaluation.
Provide clarification on driveway/access design.
-The existing 3rd St SW driveway cut is approximately 26.5ft wide (less than our current 30ft minimum standard).
-To accommodate safe ingress/egress from site the entire width of the existing driveway approach must be utilized. The on-site drive isle must be aligned/centered within the existing driveway and shall widen/taper to 26.5ft as it approaches the driveway cut on 3rd St SW.
-same requirements applies to the existing 24ft wide alley driveway.
Widen the proposed secure garage entry driveway (alley). 22ft is not wide enough to accommodate simultaneous inbound/outbound vehicle movements.
Provide details on how a garbage truck will access collection area. Must coordinate with service provider on preferred location and design. Provide correspondence with provider. Please note, the garbage pickup will not be allowed within ROW loading zone areas.
Show ROW dedication on the SW corner of the W Pioneer/3rd St SW to accommodate future 25ft radius per previous comments. Verify there will be no obstructions with a ~14.5ft radius behind sidewalk. The size of the pedestrian plaza must be larger to account for this future improvement.
Remove marked crosswalk on the west leg of W Pioneer/3rd St SW.
The Puyallup School District has requested pedestrian improvements adjacent to Meeker Elementary (4th Ave SW) per previous comments. The City of Puyallup has considered the request from PSD and has determined that constructing a pedestrian bulb-out on the south side of the existing 4th Ave SW/4th St SW crosswalk was an appropriate improvement for this development to provide. The Ezra project will generate additional traffic/pedestrians adjacent to the school. This mitigation will help maintain safe walking conditions for student residents attending Meeker Elementary.
Traffic Impact fees (TIF) will be assessed in accordance with fees adopted by ordinance, per PMC 21.10. Impact fees are subject to change and are adopted by ordinance. The applicant shall pay the proportionate impact fees adopted at the time of building permit application
Park impact fees shall be charged per new dwelling unit based on its size. Fees are assessed in accordance with fees adopted by ordinance, per PMC 21.10
School impact fees shall be paid directly to the school district in accordance with adopted fee at the time of collection by the district.
For multifamily developments, impact fees are charged for all dwelling units (not separated) prior to building permit issuance.
Per Puyallup Municipal Code Section 11.08.135, the applicant/owner would be expected to construct half-street improvements including curb, gutter, planter strip, sidewalk, roadway base, pavement, and street lighting. Any existing improvements which are damaged now or during construction, or which do not meet current City Standards, shall be replaced. Based on the materials submitted, the applicant would be expected to construct half-street improvements on the following streets:
-Adequate Frontage Improvements Exist per PMC 11.08.135(6)
-Proposed alleys must be constructed per City engineering standards (minimum 20ft paved width).
At the time of civil permit review, the design team must coordinate with City Capital Engineering Department on the design of the on-street pavement striping plan (channelization), signage, etc. to accommodate the angled (45 degree) head-in parking (to be installed by the City).
-At the intersection of 4th Ave SW/3rd St SW, NW corner may need to be modified with bulb out to provide a protected location for STOP sign and improve line of sight for approaching vehicles.
-My need to shift parking stalls farther south near W Pioneer to provide a more gradual transition for approaching vehicles. Protected bulb-out may be necessary to provide buffer for maneuvering vehicles.
-For proposed head-in parking; compact stalls with wheel blocks or bollards to protect streetlights.
Proposed gates shall not restrict vehicular access for (20) on-site parking stalls designated for the Senior Activity Center.
-These public parking spaces must be available 24/7.
-Gate design/placement must provide adequate on-site queue space so entering vehicles do not cause operational impacts (block sidewalks, drive lanes, alley, etc.)
Reviewer Comments:
Building Review
No Comments
Reviewer Comments:
Planning Review
Revisions Required
Correction 1:
See Document Markup
Pg. 8 of the architectural plans was not provided [Architectural Plans, pg. 1]. Resubmittal 2: Staff again could not locate page 8 that includes the Square Footage Tabulations for Floor Area Ratio (FAR) Calculation. Please submit this page under the submittal item line called "Square Footage Tabulations for Floor Area Ratio (FAR) Calculation" in the online permits portal.
Correction 2:
See Document Markup
Correction 3:
Electric Vehicle Charing Stations: Are any electric vehicle charging stations proposed for this project?
Correction 4:
Downtown Design Review Pre-App Notes from Board this is a summary of board comments/ requirements for direct quotes, see Design Review and Historic Preservation Board (DRHPB) meeting recording for July 7, 2022 available at
• Board is in support of a deviation from strict adherence to the setback requirements of the DDGs for the setback design at building elevations along pioneer as proposed.
• Board is in support of a deviation from strict adherent to the plaza location standards and would agree with locating the plaza space along the north/northeast side of the building.
• Articulation at top of building must be added. This could be in the form of a feature that casts a shadow rather than a large parapet feature that defeats the sleek modern building aesthetic.
• Blank wall on west side of building: provide evidence that blank wall on first floor of building will be obstructed from public view by either building, structure or fence after construction. If this is the case, then no further revision of the design will be warranted.
• Zone transition standards apply to those areas of building abutting or across from residential zone including but not limited to 3.B.3 and 3.B.6. Please provide more narrative describing how the proposal meets these requirements or adjust proposal as needed.
• Suggestions from the board (not requirements):
o Extend datum located at transom window above canopies all the way along east façade by incorporating into garage coverings.
o Missing column at corner: Explore ways to make this missing column feel less out of place. Possibly remove brick columns directly above missing column at corner?
o West elevation: explore adding building elevation setback on west side section abutting residences.
o Provide 3D view of south west side of building in next submittal to aid in Board review.
o Explore terminating brick pillars at ground on column at corner of site instead of stopping them above the wood paneling
Correction 5:
Reviewer Comments:
Review Due date adjusted from 7/22 to 7/7 to reflect City's goals and to coordinate PSP and DDG review cycles.
Engineering Traffic Review
Revisions Required
Correction 1:
Traffic Scoping Worksheet:
3rd Street NW must maintain two-way traffic (one-way southbound operation will not be allowed).
Use 3% annual growth rate.
Trip Distribution/Assignment: The majority (80%) of inbound/outbound vehicles will use W Pioneer to access 3rd St SW. Coordinate with the City prior to updating your distribution & assignment.
Need more information on the proposed 1,200 sqft commercial space. Architectural site plan shows a “Retail Entry” along W Pioneer frontage. Trip generation should assume reasonable worst-case scenario.
Add the following study intersections:
-3rd St SW/W Pioneer
-S Meridian/W Pioneer (Signal)
To ensure unserved demand is captured in your delay analysis, existing queue lengths need to be collected with turning movement counts. Provide a detailed description for how unserved demand will be accounted for in the TIA.
Analyze the need for an eastbound right turn pocket at S Meridian/W Pioneer (possible mitigation requirement per Downtown Planned Action EIS)
City can provide signal timing plans for intersections under our control.
General Comments:
Sight distance analysis required at (2) intersections; W Pioneer/3rd St SW & Powers Funeral Home/W Pioneer driveway.
-W Pioneer is classified as a Major Arterial and requires 415ft of entering sight distance
-Setback 14.5ft from face of curb to evaluate sight lines.
-For this exhibit, assume future channelization of W Pioneer will include 12ft TWLTL
-Identify street tree placement, monument signage, fences, etc. that could obstruct sight distance.
City standard commercial driveway required along frontage (30ft wide). This could change based on design vehicles used for the AutoTurn.
Southern Parking Lot shall access 20ft alley directly. The proposed geometry would make simultaneous ingress/egress maneuvers difficult for vehicles. Also, there's an existing garage located on SE corner of parcel 5745001420 that will not meet sight distance standards for outbound vehicles.
City Engineering standards require a 25ft radius on the SW corner of 3rd St SW/W Pioneer (construction of this improvement is not required by this development). To accommodate this future improvement, pedestrian plaza must increase in size (assume ~14.5ft radius behind sidewalk).
-ROW dedication will be required to facilitate this future improvement.
AutoTurn analysis will be required to ensure the largest anticipated design vehicle can safely maneuver throughout site and driveways.
-Analysis must include the following:
-All movements need to start straight and end straight.
-Make sure “Turn Wheels from Stop” is not selected.
-Please include the template of the vehicles used
-For clarity, wheel & overhang paths should be different colors.
Provide details on how a garbage truck will access collection area based on AutoTurn analysis. Must coordinate with service provider on preferred location and design.
Traffic Impact fees (TIF) will be assessed in accordance with fees adopted by ordinance, per PMC 21.10. Impact fees are subject to change and are adopted by ordinance. The applicant shall pay the proportionate impact fees adopted at the time of building permit application
Park impact fees shall be charged per new dwelling unit based on its size. Fees are assessed in accordance with fees adopted by ordinance, per PMC 21.10
School impact fees shall be paid directly to the school district in accordance with adopted fee at the time of collection by the district.
For multifamily developments, impact fees are charged for all dwelling units (not separated) prior to building permit issuance.
Per Puyallup Municipal Code Section 11.08.135, the applicant/owner would be expected to construct half-street improvements including curb, gutter, planter strip, sidewalk, roadway base, pavement, and street lighting. Any existing improvements which are damaged now or during construction, or which do not meet current City Standards, shall be replaced. Based on the materials submitted, the applicant would be expected to construct half-street improvements on the following streets:
-Adequate Frontage Improvements Exist per PMC 11.08.135(6)
-Proposed alleys must be constructed per City engineering standards (minimum 20ft paved width).
At the time of civil permit review, the design team must coordinate with City Capital Engineering Department on the design of the on-street pavement striping plan (channelization), signage, etc. to accommodate the angled (45 degree) head-in parking (to be installed by the City).
-At the intersection of 4th Ave SW/3rd St SW, NW corner may need to be modified with bulb out to provide a protected location for STOP sign and improve line of sight for approaching vehicles.
-My need to shift parking stalls farther south near W Pioneer to provide a more gradual transition for approaching vehicles. Protected bulb-out may be necessary to provide buffer for maneuvering vehicles.
-For proposed head-in parking; compact stalls with wheel blocks or bollards to protect streetlights.
Proposed gates shall not restrict vehicular access for (20) on-site parking stalls designated for the Senior Activity Center.
-These public parking spaces must be available 24/7.
-Gate design/placement must provide adequate on-site queue space so entering vehicles do not cause operational impacts (block sidewalks, drive lanes, alley, etc.)
The City of Puyallup has received the following comment from the Puyallup School District:
"PSD has requested traffic calming and the potential for a school speed zone along 4th Ave SW fronting Meeker Elementary. 4th Ave SW has become an east/west bypass road when Pioneer becomes congested. Narrowing the street width at the existing 4th St/4th Ave crosswalk with facing bulb outs is an example of a traffic calming and pedestrian safety improvement that is supported by PSD, that may be warranted as a condition to the project, as it will add to the existing traffic volumes and help maintain safe walking conditions for its k-6 elementary student residents attending Meeker."
Reviewer Comments:
Review Due date adjusted from 7/22 to 7/7 to reflect City's goals and to coordinate PSP and DDG review cycles.
Engineering Review
Revisions Required
Correction 1:
See Document Markup
There is a critical fiber optic run in or very near to the proposed construction along W Pioneer Ave and 3rd St SW that will require relocation or restoration. This is infrastructure that the Puyallup Police Department uses for communication. We note that the telecommunication box is called out for relocation. This box is a part of the run in question. The run is known to be shallow and it is suspected that trees proposed to be removed along W. Pioneer Ave will have roots entangled around these conduits and wires. The city and The Ezra development project will need to work closely together to address this issue. There is a good chance that prior to construction of The Ezra this run will be temporarily moved to a wireless system. This is not optimal or sustainable and should be returned to a direct wired connection as soon as is possible. It is important that the conduit is preserved where it can be and replaced or relocated where it is damaged or conflicting with improvements so that the wired connection can be restored as soon as possible.[Civil Plans, Sheet C-103]
Correction 2:
See Document Markup
Proposed 8 inch water pipe for fire flow does not work in this location. This is a 6 inch line to a fire hydrant. Water department recommends building fire flow from the 8 inch stub farther west and using the existing 2 inch stub for irrigation or to convert to the new domestic water service. If fire flow is to enter the building at this location then the connection should be made at the 12 inch main with an 8 inch tap. [Civil Plans, Sheet C-104]
Correction 3:
See Document Markup
The planned build out shows 10 trees with none of the trees behind the sidewalk on W Pioneer Ave shown as being retained.[Preliminary Drainage Report, Page 7 of 124]
Correction 4:
See Document Markup
Clarify number of units. Should this say 'or'? [Preliminary Drainage Report, Page 7 of 124]
Correction 5:
See Document Markup
City of Puyallup does not have a Refuse and Recycling Authority. [Preliminary Drainage Report, Page 9 of 124]
Correction 6:
See Document Markup
Weir box is located at 15th St SW. [Preliminary Drainage Report, PAge 25 of 124]
Correction 7:
See Document Markup
Downspout dispersion previously stated as infeasible. [Preliminary Drainage Report, Page 30 of 124]
Correction 8:
RE: Stormtrap. Stormtrap document Sheet 2.0 indicates that the Stormtrap system is not intended to receive additional loads from structures on top of or next to the vault system. Provide details or specific buffer information for Stormtrap systems adjacent to large buildings.
Correction 9:
In order to mitigate for storm-water impacts, this project shall be responsible for any storm-water upgrades triggered by this project to the City’s 4th Ave NW Storm Drain Replacement project, in order to enable direct storm-water discharge to the Puyallup River (City CIP Project # CIP- ST-2). The City would accept a latecomers agreement, joint construction proposal with other interested developers, or the establishment of a local improvement district for the installation of the required storm-water infrastructure improvements which would have to be completed at the time of the development. Alternatively, the project can design their storm-water to be managed onsite, if the design can feasibly meet all requirements of the 2019 storm-water manual. Finally, if neither of these options prove successful, the applicant may propose alternative storm-water mitigation measures in order to allow equivalent substitute mitigation for identified impacts. Such modifications shall be evaluated by the City’s SEPA Responsible Official prior to any project approvals by the City.
Reviewer Comments:
Review Due date adjusted from 7/22 to 7/7 to reflect City's goals and to coordinate PSP and DDG review cycles.
Building Review
Revisions Required
Correction 1:
1.Accessible stalls must be provided with unload space per chapter 5 ICC-A117.1 and RCW 19.27.550. Parking Garage notes several accessible stalls.
2.Provide hauler approval to the City per WAC 51-50-009 RECYCLABLE MATERIALS, COMPOST, AND SOLID WASTE STORAGE
3.Make sure the exterior walls and decks are designated rated or not rated depending on construction type and distance from property lines per the 2018 IBC and WA. ST. amendments.
Reviewer Comments:
Review Due date adjusted from 7/22 to 7/7 to reflect City's goals and to coordinate PSP and DDG review cycles.
Fire Review
Revisions Required
Correction 1:
1) Please reference the preapplication material for any questions.
2) Plans lack sufficient detail for review of hydrant(s), FDC, and PIV placement. An additional hydrant may be required to meet the distance to FDC.
Reviewer Comments:
Msg with Matt Cyr - location of PIV, FDC and hydrant access. Looking for clarification.