Review Type
Est. Completion Date
Engineering Traffic Review
No Comments
Correction 1:
General Comments:
Based on required number of parking spaces (per the Planning Department), provide an updated traffic scoping worksheet that reflects the proposed split of Multi-Family and Senior Adult Housing. Please provide clarification on how the applicant would separate Multifamily & Senior housing in perpetuity.
As stated in Ken Cook's 10/19/23 email, the frontage design will require an AMR to be processed and approved. Please provide this application prior to PSP resubmittal.
Reviewer Comments:
Engineering Review
No Comments
Reviewer Comments:
Building Review
No Comments
Reviewer Comments:
Fire Review
No Comments
Reviewer Comments:
Planning Review
No Comments
Reviewer Comments:
Planning Review
No Comments
Correction 1:
TRANSIT: City staff has reached out to Pierce Transit Planning Dept. for feedback – covered shelters are warranted at the existing stop locations (2) which are located one block east (on the north AND south side of Pioneer at 3rd Street) – this development will impact that stop locations further by drawing additional ridership. The applicant would be responsible to install covered shelters at those locations. Possible replacement of panels off site to accommodate concrete thickness for bolt hardware may be required. Exact placement will need to be reviewed at civil stage (off-site) based on available ROW and sight distance/loading areas. (Made condition of civil permit issuance)
Correction 2:
See Document Markup
Landscaping is shown across northern driveway. [Landscape Plan, Sheet L-1]
Correction 3:
See Document Markup
Switch decorative street light and street tree at north east corner of site to meet 30 ft setback from curb corner requirement. See VMS pg. 27 [Landscape Plan, sheet L-1]
Correction 4:
See Document Markup
4'x10' wide tree wells required on Pioneer, [site plan, Sheet S1]
Correction 5:
See Document Markup
Soil cells under pavement required under all sidewalks adjacent to street tree planting areas to mitigate for reduced planting area volume. [Landscape Plan, sheet L-1] (moved to conditions)
Correction 6:
See Document Markup
Two Public bike racks shall be added on the Pioneer frontage in ROW. Bike racks shall be this kind: [Landscape Plan, sheet L-1]
Correction 7:
See Document Markup
Two public street benches shall be required. Benches shall be this model: [Landscape Plan, Sheet L-1]
Correction 8:
See Document Markup
Two Public bike racks shall be added4th St SW frontage. Since there is no available paved space in ROW, bike racks shall be added to patio area. Bike racks shall be this kind: [Landscape Plan, sheet L-1]
Correction 9:
See Document Markup
Street tree on south side of 4th St SW may not meet distance from stop sign standard. If needed, switch decorative street light and street tree positions. See VMS pg. 26 for street tree setback standards table [Landscape Plan, sheet L-1]. Moved to conditions, address at civil permit submittal.
Correction 10:
See Document Markup
Per Puyallup VMS 2022, Street trees proposed in sight distance areas are required to be larger cultivated nursery stock, with tall branching up the trunk from the nursery, or with branching pruned at the time of installation to limit conflicts and provide a clear zone below the tree canopy for the expected drivers eye height per MUTCD standards. Add additional street trees on either side of driveway on Meeker. [Landscape Plan, sheet L-1].
Correction 11:
See Document Markup
Parking analysis to propose reduction of required parking ratio can only be applied to senior apartment use because a reduced parking requirement is already defined in the planned action area for multi-family uses. A revised parking study that evaluates the parking impact of senior apartments only is permitted and would be evaluated by the City. The parking study as written cannot be accepted because it evaluates multi-family uses, which already have a reduce parking rate of 1 parking unit per dwelling unit which cannot be further reduced. [Parking Study, pg. 2]
Correction 12:
See Document Markup
Soil cells shall be installed under the entire length and width of sidewalk along W Pioneer to facilitate healthy street tree growth in undersized street tree cutouts. [Landscape Plan, Sheet L-1]
Reviewer Comments:
Engineering Traffic Review
Correction 1:
See Document Markup
Show building location
[Sight Distance Exhibit]
Correction 2:
See Document Markup
Show face of curb
[Sight Distance Exhibit]
Correction 3:
See Document Markup
Show face of curb
[Sight Distance Exhibit]
Correction 4:
See Document Markup
Will need to verify there are no sight obstructions at NE/SE corner of building
[Sight Distance Exhibit]
Correction 5:
General Comments:
Based on required number of parking spaces (per the Planning Department), provide an updated traffic scoping worksheet that reflects the proposed split of Multi-Family and Senior Adult Housing. Please provide clarification on how the applicant would separate Multifamily & Senior housing in perpetuity.
As stated in Ken Cook's 10/19/23 email, the frontage design will require an AMR to be processed and approved. Please provide this application prior to PSP resubmittal.
Correction 6:
Reviewer Comments:
Engineering Review
No Comments
Reviewer Comments:
Building Review
No Comments
Reviewer Comments:
Fire Review
No Comments
Reviewer Comments:
Planning Review
Correction 1:
SITE PLAN: 20.25.020 Property development standards – RM zones. (13) Minimum landscaped area by percentage of net lot area for attached units 10%. Please provide calculations that show this standard is being met. Rooftop gardens could apply. If rooftop garden space is provided, and the landscaped areas are part of a green roof (LID storm facility), a 10% off street parking reduction may apply.
Update per 4/2023 resubmittal: submitted preliminary landscape plan shows very little landscape area on rooftops. please provide color coded calculation indicating which parts of the plan are being counted toward the required 10% landscape area.
Correction 2:
SITE PLAN: 20.25.020 Property development standards – RM zones. (16) Private open space per upper story dwelling unit dimensions (on east, west and south elevations). Please show on floor plans how this standard is being met.
Correction 3:
SITE PLAN: 20.25.0215 Front yard and side-street setback in RM-Core zone and RM-20 zone when in downtown planned action area.
(1) Ten-foot minimum setback.
(2) Five-foot minimum setback, subject to the following requirements:
(a) Entrances serving single units shall have either a minimum 50-square-foot outdoor entrance landing or an entrance threshold that is at least seven inches above the abutting sidewalk level.
(b) Entrances serving multiple units shall have an outdoor entrance landing that is at least 50 square feet per unit served by said entrance or 100 square feet, whichever is less.
(c) Entrance landings are at least three feet higher than the elevation of the street or street sidewalk level and do not extend into the required setback.
(d) Entrance steps may extend into the required setback to give visual emphasis to entries and to connect entrance landings with the right-of-way sidewalk.
(e) The area between the front or side-street lot line and the building shall be landscaped with a mixture of shrubbery and trees sufficient to achieve 75 percent ground coverage within a three-year period. At least 20 percent of the vegetation necessary to achieve required coverage shall consist of deciduous and/or evergreen trees. (Ord. 3193 § 1, 2019; Ord. 3172 § 1, 2018; Ord. 2851 § 4, 2006).
Building entrance shown on the site plan and the elevation plan does not match what is shown on the landscape plan. The landscape plan shows a building entrance on the southeast corner of the building with a 115 sq ft entrance landing and a second entrance on the northwest corner with a 120 sq ft entrance landing. The site plan and elevation show the secondary entrance in the northwest corner however the primary entrance is shown from 4th St SW (east elevation) near the elevators and stairwell. We cannot count the area in front of a roll up door for the trash service to count toward the entrance requirements – a more pedestrian oriented plaza space serving the NW corner stair well access is needed. CPTED needs to be considered for this entrance and the trash service aisle – please provide a response as to how this area is designed with CPTED in mind.
Please show consistency between the site plan, elevations, and landscape plans and demonstrate how the above standard is being met. The angled entrance shown on the landscape sheets is preferred and will allow for the Pioneer and 4th frontages to be allowed to use the five foot setback provision for those sides of the building.
Street frontages without a building entrance meeting the standards of the five-foot minimum setback requirements must have a 10’ setback. Portions of the building on Pioneer appear to be proposed at a zero lot line.
Update per 4/2023 resubmittal: Proposed 115 ft entrance at SE corner is acceptable to serve the entire building and qualifies the 4th St SW and West Pioneer frontages to utilize the five-foot setback requirement. The West Meeker frontage, which does not have an entrance that includes the required entrance landing will have to use the ten-foot setback.
Correction 4:
SITE PLAN: For the west side of the development, special attention needs to be provided to scaling the development to the lower single story structures to the west. An additional landscaped setback (such as a narrow outdoor garden space or dog run) and additional setbacks and bulk reduction/modulation on upper floors of west side of the structure are anticipated to be needs to incorporate into the site and architectural design. See section 3.2.B of the DDGs. On the ground floor, standard parking stalls of 20’ depth are shown along the west wall of the garage – 15’ stalls would allow additional open space to the west landscape yard outside of the garage
Correction 5:
TRANSIT: City staff has reached out to Pierce Transit Planning Dept. for feedback – covered shelters are warranted at the existing stop locations (2) which are located one block east (on the north AND south side of Pioneer at 3rd Street) – this development will impact that stop locations further by drawing additional ridership. The applicant would be responsible to install covered shelters at those locations. Possible replacement of panels off site to accommodate concrete thickness for bolt hardware may be required. Exact placement will need to be reviewed at civil stage (off-site) based on available ROW and sight distance/loading areas
Correction 6:
STREET TREES AND FRONTAGE ZONE: Integrate 18’ of pedestrian street frontage requirements on West Pioneer per city standards for arterials. Standards for arterials is 10’ planter + 8’ walk, we have been modifying the standard in downtown on other projects to be an 18’ walk with 6’x 10’street tree boxes next to curb line for downtown developments. The Meeker and 4th Street frontages need to include a 12’ walk with 6’ x 10’ street tree boxes. Two (2) benches and two (2) bike rack loops shall be provided on the Meeker frontage and two (2) benches and two (2) bike rack loops on the Pioneer frontage are required. Street benches shall be the following model, (the full back model with arms): . For bike rack loops, this model: . Pedestrian scaled street lighting shall be provided in the ROW consistent with city standard detail 01.05.08, one per 50’ linear feet, in addition to city standard street lighting.
Correction 7:
The updated traffic scoping worksheet indicates that the proposed uses on the site will be multi-family housing and senior apartments. Retirement apartments are a permitted use in the RM-core zone subject to the following provisions:
Retirement apartments, containing no more than 50 units are permitted provided that;
(a) The overall density of the project shall not exceed one and one-half times the allowed density of the underlying zone;
(b) Parking shall be provided as follows: one space per dwelling unit;
(16) Affordable retirement apartments shall comply with the following standards:
(a) The overall density of the project shall not exceed twice the maximum density of the applicable zone district as defined in PMC 20.25.022;
(b) On-site parking shall be provided at a ratio of 0.75 stalls per unit;
(c) Any accessory support use shall be located within a structure containing residential units and shall feature no exterior signage;
(d) Affordable retirement apartments are exempt from providing private outdoor open space as required in Table 20.25.020 in PMC 20.25.020; however, an equivalent compensatory amount of common, active outdoor open space shall be provided;
(e) Affordable retirement apartments shall comply with residential design review standards (Chapter 20.26 PMC).
Will the retirement apartments be 'affordable' retirement apartments, or market rate retirement apartments?
Correction 8:
DESIGN REVIEW: It appears that an updated design review narrative and other items relevant to the design review were summitted with this package. However an updated elevation set was not submitted with this package. When resubmitting the next design package, respond under PLDDG20220153. A review of the design review submittal was not conducted as a part of this review.
Correction 9:
PMC 20.25.040 (4) Yard Projections. Every required front, rear and side yard shall be open and unobstructed from the ground to the sky unless otherwise provided:
(a) Fences and walls as specified and limited in subsection (5) of this section may project into said front, rear and side yards.
(b) Cornices, sills, eaves projections, and awnings without enclosing walls or screening may project into a required yard by not more than two feet provided the width of any required interior side yard is not reduced to less than two feet, six inches, and any yard abutting a street is not reduced to less than five feet.
(c) Open unenclosed decks not covered by a roof may project into any required yard, providing, however, that said decks are constructed to grade elevation, or in no event, exceed 30 inches above adjoining grade.
it appears that several structures along the walls of the proposed building, as well as the eaves of the building, are projecting within the required setback areas. please refer to PMC 20.25.040 (4) for the standards for yard projections
Correction 10:
See Document Markup
Landscaping is shown across northern driveway. [Landscape Plan, Sheet L-1]
Correction 11:
See Document Markup
Switch decorative street light and street tree at north east corner of site to meet 30 ft setback from curb corner requirement. See VMS pg. 27 [Landscape Plan, sheet L-1]
Correction 12:
See Document Markup
4'x10' wide tree wells required on Pioneer, [site plan, Sheet S1]
Correction 13:
See Document Markup
Soil cells under pavement required under all sidewalks adjacent to street tree planting areas to mitigate for reduced planting area volume. [Landscape Plan, sheet L-1]
Correction 14:
See Document Markup
Two Public bike racks shall be added on the Pioneer frontage in ROW. Bike racks shall be this kind: [Landscape Plan, sheet L-1]
Correction 15:
See Document Markup
Two public street benches shall be required. Benches shall be this model: [Landscape Plan, Sheet L-1]
Correction 16:
See Document Markup
Two Public bike racks shall be added4th St SW frontage. Since there is no available paved space in ROW, bike racks shall be added to patio area. Bike racks shall be this kind: [Landscape Plan, sheet L-1]
Correction 17:
See Document Markup
Street tree on south side of 4th St SW may not meet distance from stop sign standard. If needed, switch decorative street light and street tree positions. See VMS pg. 26 for street tree setback standards table [Landscape Plan, sheet L-1]
Correction 18:
See Document Markup
Per Puyallup VMS 2022, Street trees proposed in sight distance areas are required to be larger cultivated nursery stock, with tall branching up the trunk from the nursery, or with branching pruned at the time of installation to limit conflicts and provide a clear zone below the tree canopy for the expected drivers eye height per MUTCD standards. Add additional street trees on either side of driveway on Meeker. [Landscape Plan, sheet L-1].
Correction 19:
Correction 20:
See Document Markup
Parking analysis to propose reduction of required parking ratio can only be applied to senior apartment use because a reduced parking requirement is already defined in the planned action area for multi-family uses. A revised parking study that evaluates the parking impact of senior apartments only is permitted and would be evaluated by the City. The parking study as written cannot be accepted because it evaluates multi-family uses, which already have a reduce parking rate of 1 parking unit per dwelling unit which cannot be further reduced. [Parking Study, pg. 2]
Correction 21:
See Document Markup
Soil cells shall be installed under the entire length and width of sidewalk along W Pioneer to facilitate healthy street tree growth in undersized street tree cutouts. [Landscape Plan, Sheet L-1]
Reviewer Comments:
Engineering Traffic Review
Correction 1:
Dimensions of proposed frontage improvements are not consistent with previous direction provided by Chris Beale.
City standard frontage improvements for W Pioneer (Arterial) require 8ft walk + 10ft planter strips. Deviation from this requirement will require an Alternative Methods Request (AMR).
City standard frontage improvements for 4th St SW & require 8ft walk + 7.5ft planter strips. Deviation from this requirement will require an Alternative Methods Request (AMR).
Current submittal is showing bulb-outs at adjacent intersections.
• Remove proposed bulb-out at W Pioneer/4th St SW and replaced with City standard 25ft radius. Adjust building placement as necessary to accommodate this change.
• The proposed bulb-out at W Meeker and 4th St SW can remain if all (4) corners are upgraded with bulb-outs to match geometry.
Please show detailed dimensions on half-street improvements including all necessary ADA wheelchair ramp improvements. Show existing curb/gutter on W Meeker (north of project and east of 4th St SW) and face of curb offset from ROW centerline.
During Civil review, 5th St SW will require striping modification to allow SBL turn pocket/TWLTL at W Meeker. This modification will not be completed by the City.
Show preliminary locations of City standard streetlights City standard Street lighting @150ft spacing. Streetlights are required by code. Utility mounted lights do not meet City standards.
Existing NO PARKING restrictions on 4th St SW and W Pioneer will remain. Remaining W Meeker on-street parking area will maintain existing 4HR parking restriction.
Provide detailed sight distance analysis at driveway location & W Pioneer/4th St SW & W Meeker/4th St SW per City standards. Identify any obstructions that may impact entering sight distance triangle.
A 30-foot commercial driveway will be required for site access. The building structure must allow for clear sight lines (thru building) on either side of vehicle opening @ W Meeker. This will provide improved visibility for exiting vehicles & approaching pedestrians (using sidewalk).
Will the proposed gate be open during daytime hours? Inbound vehicles will block sidewalk when waiting for garage door to open. Could the gate simply be moved farther within building to avoid this conflict?
How details on how refuse truck will access garbage/compactor. Will need to coordinate with service provided on preferred design location.
As reflected in the traffic scoping worksheet, a high number of pedestrians will be accessing the nearby rail station. Provide improvements on the south side of W Meeker connecting frontage to 5th Street NW for improved pedestrian mobility.
How will the Multifamily & Senior housing be separated? How will the City ensure the proposed 46 senior units wouldn’t be used as single family units?
Correction 2:
See Document Markup
Show building location
[Sight Distance Exhibit]
Correction 3:
See Document Markup
Show face of curb
[Sight Distance Exhibit]
Correction 4:
See Document Markup
Show face of curb
[Sight Distance Exhibit]
Correction 5:
See Document Markup
Will need to verify there are no sight obstructions at NE/SE corner of building
[Sight Distance Exhibit]
Correction 6:
General Comments:
Based on required number of parking spaces (per the Planning Department), provide an updated traffic scoping worksheet that reflects the proposed split of Multi-Family and Senior Adult Housing. Please provide clarification on how the applicant would separate Multifamily & Senior housing in perpetuity.
Please see markups on the sight distance exhibit (SD1). Identify any obstructions that may impact entering sight distance triangle.
As stated in Ken Cook's 10/19/23 email, the frontage design will require an AMR to be processed and approved. Please provide this application prior to PSP resubmittal.
Correction 7:
Site Plan comments:
Show preliminary locations of City standard streetlights (01.05.04) @150ft spacing. Streetlights are required by code. Existing utility mounted lights do not meet City standards.
-Remove decorative streetlights from design.
Per Ken Cook's 10/19/23 email, frontage improvements are to include 4.5ft wide landscaping (5ft shown on site plan)
Clearly identify roadway widths (from ROW CL) using face of curb (not back of curb).
West Meeker and 4th Street SW should be 20ft wide to be compatible with ROW and frontage improvements. Adjacent offsite curb alignments to be confirmed during civil review.
-30ft half-street improvements to include 5ft walk, 4.5ft planter, 0.5ft curb, 20ft half street width.
-4th St SW frontage labeled with 7.5ft planter width
For the W Pioneer frontage, please provided a note that Silva Cells will be required. During civil review, please coordinate with Planning and Traffic engineering to specify established tree species that will not have tree limbs under 7ft (prevent sight line obstructions).
Reviewer Comments:
Fire Review
No Comments
Correction 1:
1. Provide Riser Room, FDC, PIV, and Fire Hydrant locations on plan. FDC and PIV will not be allowed on 4th Street.
2. Depending on location and design, the FDC, and PIV may be approved on building. The first floor would be required to be non-combustible. No openings would be allowed by either except for Riser Room door. This area needs to be designed so it cannot
be blocked by street parking.
3. A dedicated Fire Hydrant is required for the FDC and needs to be within 10-15’ of FDC.
4. A Loading zone is required for Emergency services, move ins, and delivery’s per the pre-application meeting.
5. W Meeker will be required to have an emergency turn-in zone, with a minimum 75' designated for emergency access. This area can also be used for loading, unloading, and deliveries to keep the streets clear.
Reviewer Comments:
Building Review
No Comments
Reviewer Comments:
Engineering Review
No Comments
Reviewer Comments:
Fire Review
Correction 1:
1. Provide Riser Room, FDC, PIV, and Fire Hydrant locations on plan. FDC and PIV will not be allowed on 4th Street.
2. Depending on location and design, the FDC, and PIV may be approved on building. The first floor would be required to be non-combustible. No openings would be allowed by either except for Riser Room door. This area needs to be designed so it cannot
be blocked by street parking.
3. A dedicated Fire Hydrant is required for the FDC and needs to be within 10-15’ of FDC.
4. A Loading zone is required for Emergency services, move ins, and delivery’s per the pre-application meeting.
5. W Meeker will be required to have an emergency turn-in zone, with a minimum 75' designated for emergency access. This area can also be used for loading, unloading, and deliveries to keep the streets clear.
Reviewer Comments:
FDC, PIV, and Fire Hydrants will be addressed at CIVILS.
Planning Review
Correction 1:
CULTURAL RESOURCES: The city has received two comment letters from tribal agencies requesting on site cultural resource survey at the land use or civil review phase due to a high probability area for encountering cultural resources. This will be a condition of approval.
Correction 2:
BUILDING ACCESS: Police have provided specific feedback as follows. Staff is requesting modifications to the garage access consistent with this feedback to ensure conflicts with police service at the station are addressed and mitigated. The applicant shall revise the garage entrance location to Meeker frontage, consistent with Traffic Engineering and city standards: “Our main concern remains the location of the driveway to the parking garage of Bell Place. Their driveway would be directly across from the entrance to the police parking lot and the entrance to the Sally Port, the Puyallup Jail drive-in garage. We are concerned about the congestion at the key point as it may delay emergency vehicles getting into the facility. There is a frequent response to the Puyallup Jail by the Fire Department and medic rigs as they routinely respond for emergency medical care for the inmates in our facility (52 bed capacity). We are also concerned about the loss of on-street parking spots in the police parking only zone on the west side of 4th ST SW. That area is a regularly used space for parking Jail transport vans and occasionally the police department Mobile Command Post. There are supply and food delivery trucks that double park in that area of 4th ST SW to offload pallets as well, several times a week. If we had recommendation, it would be for them to have the entrance on Meeker. Deputy Chief Dave McDonald, Puyallup Police Department”
Correction 3:
SITE PLAN: 20.25.020 Property development standards – RM zones. (9) Maximum lot coverage by percentage of net lot area – 90%. Please provide calculations that show this standard is being met.
Correction 4:
SITE PLAN: 20.25.020 Property development standards – RM zones. (13) Minimum landscaped area by percentage of net lot area for attached units 10%. Please provide calculations that show this standard is being met. Rooftop gardens could apply. If rooftop garden space is provided, and the landscaped areas are part of a green roof (LID storm facility), a 10% off street parking reduction may apply.
Update per 4/2023 resubmittal: submitted preliminary landscape plan shows very little landscape area on rooftops. please provide color coded calculation indicating which parts of the plan are being counted toward the required 10% landscape area.
Correction 5:
SITE PLAN: 20.25.020 Property development standards – RM zones. (16) Private open space per upper story dwelling unit dimensions (on east, west and south elevations). Please show on floor plans how this standard is being met.
Correction 6:
SITE PLAN: 20.25.0215 Front yard and side-street setback in RM-Core zone and RM-20 zone when in downtown planned action area.
(1) Ten-foot minimum setback.
(2) Five-foot minimum setback, subject to the following requirements:
(a) Entrances serving single units shall have either a minimum 50-square-foot outdoor entrance landing or an entrance threshold that is at least seven inches above the abutting sidewalk level.
(b) Entrances serving multiple units shall have an outdoor entrance landing that is at least 50 square feet per unit served by said entrance or 100 square feet, whichever is less.
(c) Entrance landings are at least three feet higher than the elevation of the street or street sidewalk level and do not extend into the required setback.
(d) Entrance steps may extend into the required setback to give visual emphasis to entries and to connect entrance landings with the right-of-way sidewalk.
(e) The area between the front or side-street lot line and the building shall be landscaped with a mixture of shrubbery and trees sufficient to achieve 75 percent ground coverage within a three-year period. At least 20 percent of the vegetation necessary to achieve required coverage shall consist of deciduous and/or evergreen trees. (Ord. 3193 § 1, 2019; Ord. 3172 § 1, 2018; Ord. 2851 § 4, 2006).
Building entrance shown on the site plan and the elevation plan does not match what is shown on the landscape plan. The landscape plan shows a building entrance on the southeast corner of the building with a 115 sq ft entrance landing and a second entrance on the northwest corner with a 120 sq ft entrance landing. The site plan and elevation show the secondary entrance in the northwest corner however the primary entrance is shown from 4th St SW (east elevation) near the elevators and stairwell. We cannot count the area in front of a roll up door for the trash service to count toward the entrance requirements – a more pedestrian oriented plaza space serving the NW corner stair well access is needed. CPTED needs to be considered for this entrance and the trash service aisle – please provide a response as to how this area is designed with CPTED in mind.
Please show consistency between the site plan, elevations, and landscape plans and demonstrate how the above standard is being met. The angled entrance shown on the landscape sheets is preferred and will allow for the Pioneer and 4th frontages to be allowed to use the five foot setback provision for those sides of the building.
Street frontages without a building entrance meeting the standards of the five-foot minimum setback requirements must have a 10’ setback. Portions of the building on Pioneer appear to be proposed at a zero lot line.
Update per 4/2023 resubmittal: Proposed 115 ft entrance at SE corner is acceptable to serve the entire building and qualifies the 4th St SW and West Pioneer frontages to utilize the five-foot setback requirement. The West Meeker frontage, which does not have an entrance that includes the required entrance landing will have to use the ten-foot setback.
Correction 7:
SITE PLAN: For the west side of the development, special attention needs to be provided to scaling the development to the lower single story structures to the west. An additional landscaped setback (such as a narrow outdoor garden space or dog run) and additional setbacks and bulk reduction/modulation on upper floors of west side of the structure are anticipated to be needs to incorporate into the site and architectural design. See section 3.2.B of the DDGs. On the ground floor, standard parking stalls of 20’ depth are shown along the west wall of the garage – 15’ stalls would allow additional open space to the west landscape yard outside of the garage
Correction 8:
PARKING: 20.55.011 Number of parking spaces required – Downtown planned action area. Within the downtown planned action area, the following minimum parking standards shall apply except where joint use of parking is permitted pursuant to PMC 20.55.050. (1) Dwellings, multiple-family, including apartments, condominiums, duplexes and townhouses: one parking space per dwelling unit.
Staff review: It is unclear how many units are in the proposed development as the floor plan for level 3 has not been provided. Please include the level 3 floor plan with resubmittal.
Correction 9:
TRANSIT: City staff has reached out to Pierce Transit Planning Dept. for feedback – covered shelters are warranted at the existing stop locations (2) which are located one block east (on the north AND south side of Pioneer at 3rd Street) – this development will impact that stop locations further by drawing additional ridership. The applicant would be responsible to install covered shelters at those locations. Possible replacement of panels off site to accommodate concrete thickness for bolt hardware may be required. Exact placement will need to be reviewed at civil stage (off-site) based on available ROW and sight distance/loading areas
Correction 10:
STREET TREES AND FRONTAGE ZONE: Integrate 18’ of pedestrian street frontage requirements on West Pioneer per city standards for arterials. Standards for arterials is 10’ planter + 8’ walk, we have been modifying the standard in downtown on other projects to be an 18’ walk with 6’x 10’street tree boxes next to curb line for downtown developments. The Meeker and 4th Street frontages need to include a 12’ walk with 6’ x 10’ street tree boxes. Two (2) benches and two (2) bike rack loops shall be provided on the Meeker frontage and two (2) benches and two (2) bike rack loops on the Pioneer frontage are required. Street benches shall be the following model, (the full back model with arms): . For bike rack loops, this model: . Pedestrian scaled street lighting shall be provided in the ROW consistent with city standard detail 01.05.08, one per 50’ linear feet, in addition to city standard street lighting.
Correction 11:
Add Submittal Item: Lot Combo
Condition of Building permit approval: Lot Combination Permit Application required. Application form can be downloaded from the City website at
Correction 12:
DESIGN REVIEW: See the attached design review spreadsheet. When resubmitting, respond under PLDDG20220153. The review is consolidated here.
Correction 13:
The updated traffic scoping worksheet indicates that the proposed uses on the site will be multi-family housing and senior apartments. Retirement apartments are a permitted use in the RM-core zone subject to the following provisions:
Retirement apartments, containing no more than 50 units are permitted provided that;
(a) The overall density of the project shall not exceed one and one-half times the allowed density of the underlying zone;
(b) Parking shall be provided as follows: one space per dwelling unit;
(16) Affordable retirement apartments shall comply with the following standards:
(a) The overall density of the project shall not exceed twice the maximum density of the applicable zone district as defined in PMC 20.25.022;
(b) On-site parking shall be provided at a ratio of 0.75 stalls per unit;
(c) Any accessory support use shall be located within a structure containing residential units and shall feature no exterior signage;
(d) Affordable retirement apartments are exempt from providing private outdoor open space as required in Table 20.25.020 in PMC 20.25.020; however, an equivalent compensatory amount of common, active outdoor open space shall be provided;
(e) Affordable retirement apartments shall comply with residential design review standards (Chapter 20.26 PMC).
Will the retirement apartments be 'affordable' retirement apartments, or market rate retirement apartments?
Correction 14:
DESIGN REVIEW: It appears that an updated design review narrative and other items relevant to the design review were summitted with this package. However an updated elevation set was not submitted with this package. When resubmitting the next design package, respond under PLDDG20220153. A review of the design review submittal was not conducted as a part of this review.
Correction 15:
PMC 20.25.040 (4) Yard Projections. Every required front, rear and side yard shall be open and unobstructed from the ground to the sky unless otherwise provided:
(a) Fences and walls as specified and limited in subsection (5) of this section may project into said front, rear and side yards.
(b) Cornices, sills, eaves projections, and awnings without enclosing walls or screening may project into a required yard by not more than two feet provided the width of any required interior side yard is not reduced to less than two feet, six inches, and any yard abutting a street is not reduced to less than five feet.
(c) Open unenclosed decks not covered by a roof may project into any required yard, providing, however, that said decks are constructed to grade elevation, or in no event, exceed 30 inches above adjoining grade.
it appears that several structures along the walls of the proposed building, as well as the eaves of the building, are projecting within the required setback areas. please refer to PMC 20.25.040 (4) for the standards for yard projections
Reviewer Comments:
Engineering Traffic Review
Correction 1:
Please see Chris Beale’s comments for half-street improvement requirements. Frontage design will require an Alternative Methods Request (AMR). Please show detailed dimensions on half-street improvements including all necessary ADA wheelchair ramp improvements.
Show face of curb offset from ROW centerline.
Per engineering standard 101.8 (Sidewalks), multifamily residential requires a minimum sidewalk width of 8ft.
Curb radius shall be 25ft at adjacent intersections.
Show existing curb/gutter on W Meeker (north of project and east of 4th St SW)
During Civil review, 5th St SW will require striping modification to allow SBL turn pocket/TWLTL at W Meeker.
Per direction of Puyallup PD, access must be relocated to W Meeker
Existing NO PARKING restrictions on 4th St SW and W Pioneer will remain.
Show details of Emergency turn-in/loading zone on W Meeker (see Fire comments for more details). Remaining on-street parking area will maintain existing 4HR parking restriction.
Show preliminary locations of City standard streetlights City standard Street lighting @150ft spacing.
How details on how refuse truck will access garbage/compactor. Will need to coordinate with service provided on preferred design location.
A 30-foot commercial driveway will be required for site access.
Need to provide enough queue storage so vehicles are not blocking sidewalk or W Meeker when waiting for garage door to open.
Provide detailed sight distance analysis at driveway location & W Pioneer/4th St SW & W Meeker/4th St SW per City standards. Identify any obstructions that may impact entering sight distance triangle.
As reflected in the traffic scoping worksheet, a high number of pedestrians will be accessing the nearby rail station. Its possible off-site pedestrian improvements will be necessary.
Traffic Scoping Comments
Traffic scoping worksheet needs to be updated to reflect W Meeker access.
Coordinate with the City Traffic Engineer on the scope of the TIA
Correction 2:
Dimensions of proposed frontage improvements are not consistent with previous direction provided by Chris Beale.
City standard frontage improvements for W Pioneer (Arterial) require 8ft walk + 10ft planter strips. Deviation from this requirement will require an Alternative Methods Request (AMR).
City standard frontage improvements for 4th St SW & require 8ft walk + 7.5ft planter strips. Deviation from this requirement will require an Alternative Methods Request (AMR).
Current submittal is showing bulb-outs at adjacent intersections.
• Remove proposed bulb-out at W Pioneer/4th St SW and replaced with City standard 25ft radius. Adjust building placement as necessary to accommodate this change.
• The proposed bulb-out at W Meeker and 4th St SW can remain if all (4) corners are upgraded with bulb-outs to match geometry.
Please show detailed dimensions on half-street improvements including all necessary ADA wheelchair ramp improvements. Show existing curb/gutter on W Meeker (north of project and east of 4th St SW) and face of curb offset from ROW centerline.
During Civil review, 5th St SW will require striping modification to allow SBL turn pocket/TWLTL at W Meeker. This modification will not be completed by the City.
Show preliminary locations of City standard streetlights City standard Street lighting @150ft spacing. Streetlights are required by code. Utility mounted lights do not meet City standards.
Existing NO PARKING restrictions on 4th St SW and W Pioneer will remain. Remaining W Meeker on-street parking area will maintain existing 4HR parking restriction.
Provide detailed sight distance analysis at driveway location & W Pioneer/4th St SW & W Meeker/4th St SW per City standards. Identify any obstructions that may impact entering sight distance triangle.
A 30-foot commercial driveway will be required for site access. The building structure must allow for clear sight lines (thru building) on either side of vehicle opening @ W Meeker. This will provide improved visibility for exiting vehicles & approaching pedestrians (using sidewalk).
Will the proposed gate be open during daytime hours? Inbound vehicles will block sidewalk when waiting for garage door to open. Could the gate simply be moved farther within building to avoid this conflict?
How details on how refuse truck will access garbage/compactor. Will need to coordinate with service provided on preferred design location.
As reflected in the traffic scoping worksheet, a high number of pedestrians will be accessing the nearby rail station. Provide improvements on the south side of W Meeker connecting frontage to 5th Street NW for improved pedestrian mobility.
How will the Multifamily & Senior housing be separated? How will the City ensure the proposed 46 senior units wouldn’t be used as single family units?
Reviewer Comments:
Building Review
No Comments
Reviewer Comments:
Engineering Review
No Comments
Correction 1:
• The “direct discharge” that is enabled by the Planned Action SEPA effectively allows the applicant to utilize the TDA Exemption to Flow Control Exempt Receiving Waters provided by the manual (I-3.4.7). Without a properly sized, man-made conveyance system in between the project and the exempt receiving water, there is no way to support a direct discharge. As discussed, if the City Stormwater CIP project (ST-2) that serves this particular development has project elements secured, such as: viable funding options, design work completed, and a tentative schedule, then the city would be comfortable with moving forward with no on-site detention system. Should the City’s project be delayed or otherwise not built, then the applicant would be responsible for complying with the manual through their own design. Recognizing that this could delay or alter the project significantly, the city will work closely and communicate openly with this and other developers in the basin. Part of the plan is to have developers that can benefit from the system through the TDA exemption "buy in" to the project at a pre-negotiated rate that is commensurate with the size and impact of the development. To this end the City Council has made this Capital Improvement project a priority for the near future. It is our intent to have this issue resolved before the end of this Preliminary Site Plan process.
• R-tank system not reviewed. The city is reasonably confident that this type of system will not be installed. If that is incorrect, then a thorough review of the R-Tank system will be performed during the 2nd submittal of the Preliminary Site Plan.
• The sidewalks adjacent to the project range from fair to poor in condition. The city is assuming that all of the sidewalks will be redesigned and replaced. These offsite improvements will trigger Minimum Requirements 1-5, but the project is working to become flow control exempt. State in report what the new plus replaced is triggering (1-5) and then explain why the project will be flow control exempt.
o Include all impervious frontage in the threshold determination. New + replaced are part of the threshold determination.
• Ensure that all refences are changed to and the design itself is compatible with the 2019 version of the Storm Water Management Manual for Western Washington.
Correction 2:
• Highly suggest revising the garage entrance to be on W Meeker Ave in order to avoid conflicts and congestion resulting from the Police Department activity that is pervasive on 4th St SW. This change will require revisions to the traffic scoping memo.
• A Preliminary Site Plan should include ‘Proposed traffic access, circulation and paved areas’. Much of this is included but ensure that the following have been addressed: dimensions of parking stalls, aisles, driveways, and sidewalks: show type of pavement; show wheel stops and curbs; show provisions for handicapped parking and ADA access and ADA ramps.
Correction 3:
• A Preliminary Site Plan should include proposed lighting if applicable to the project. Review the illumination standards and include draft hardware specifications and locations for street lighting.
Correction 4:
• Fire flow requirements will likely trigger the upsizing of the 1923 4-inch cast-iron water main in W Meeker to an 8-inch ductile iron pipe. If this upgrade is not made, then the fire suppression system is recommended to be installed from the 10-inch cast iron pipe in W Pioneer Ave.
• According to the Downtown Puyallup Planned Action Mitigation Document the water main in W Pioneer Ave is slated for replacement by the city in 2036 (Water Main Replacement Project Number D-20). It is currently a 10-inch cast iron pipe, and a 12-inch DI pipe is specified by the replacement project. Connection to this water main may trigger upgrades to the water system.
Correction 5:
• The City’s preference would be for the sewer to connect to the public system within W Pioneer Ave. This pipe and the other possible candidate on W Meeker Ave are both vitrified-clay pipes that are approximately 75 years old. Should the contractor be unable to connect to these mains properly due to their age, then the project will be responsible for upgrades to the system that will enable the connection to be made and retain the integrity of the system.
Correction 6:
Reviewer Comments:
Engineering Traffic Review
Revisions Required
Correction 1:
Please see Chris Beale’s comments for half-street improvement requirements. Frontage design will require an Alternative Methods Request (AMR). Please show detailed dimensions on half-street improvements including all necessary ADA wheelchair ramp improvements.
Show face of curb offset from ROW centerline.
Per engineering standard 101.8 (Sidewalks), multifamily residential requires a minimum sidewalk width of 8ft.
Curb radius shall be 25ft at adjacent intersections.
Show existing curb/gutter on W Meeker (north of project and east of 4th St SW)
During Civil review, 5th St SW will require striping modification to allow SBL turn pocket/TWLTL at W Meeker.
Per direction of Puyallup PD, access must be relocated to W Meeker
Existing NO PARKING restrictions on 4th St SW and W Pioneer will remain.
Show details of Emergency turn-in/loading zone on W Meeker (see Fire comments for more details). Remaining on-street parking area will maintain existing 4HR parking restriction.
Show preliminary locations of City standard streetlights City standard Street lighting @150ft spacing.
How details on how refuse truck will access garbage/compactor. Will need to coordinate with service provided on preferred design location.
A 30-foot commercial driveway will be required for site access.
Need to provide enough queue storage so vehicles are not blocking sidewalk or W Meeker when waiting for garage door to open.
Provide detailed sight distance analysis at driveway location & W Pioneer/4th St SW & W Meeker/4th St SW per City standards. Identify any obstructions that may impact entering sight distance triangle.
As reflected in the traffic scoping worksheet, a high number of pedestrians will be accessing the nearby rail station. Its possible off-site pedestrian improvements will be necessary.
Traffic Scoping Comments
Traffic scoping worksheet needs to be updated to reflect W Meeker access.
Coordinate with the City Traffic Engineer on the scope of the TIA
Reviewer Comments:
Engineering Review
Revisions Required
Correction 1:
• The “direct discharge” that is enabled by the Planned Action SEPA effectively allows the applicant to utilize the TDA Exemption to Flow Control Exempt Receiving Waters provided by the manual (I-3.4.7). Without a properly sized, man-made conveyance system in between the project and the exempt receiving water, there is no way to support a direct discharge. As discussed, if the City Stormwater CIP project (ST-2) that serves this particular development has project elements secured, such as: viable funding options, design work completed, and a tentative schedule, then the city would be comfortable with moving forward with no on-site detention system. Should the City’s project be delayed or otherwise not built, then the applicant would be responsible for complying with the manual through their own design. Recognizing that this could delay or alter the project significantly, the city will work closely and communicate openly with this and other developers in the basin. Part of the plan is to have developers that can benefit from the system through the TDA exemption "buy in" to the project at a pre-negotiated rate that is commensurate with the size and impact of the development. To this end the City Council has made this Capital Improvement project a priority for the near future. It is our intent to have this issue resolved before the end of this Preliminary Site Plan process.
• R-tank system not reviewed. The city is reasonably confident that this type of system will not be installed. If that is incorrect, then a thorough review of the R-Tank system will be performed during the 2nd submittal of the Preliminary Site Plan.
• The sidewalks adjacent to the project range from fair to poor in condition. The city is assuming that all of the sidewalks will be redesigned and replaced. These offsite improvements will trigger Minimum Requirements 1-5, but the project is working to become flow control exempt. State in report what the new plus replaced is triggering (1-5) and then explain why the project will be flow control exempt.
o Include all impervious frontage in the threshold determination. New + replaced are part of the threshold determination.
• Ensure that all refences are changed to and the design itself is compatible with the 2019 version of the Storm Water Management Manual for Western Washington.
Correction 2:
• Highly suggest revising the garage entrance to be on W Meeker Ave in order to avoid conflicts and congestion resulting from the Police Department activity that is pervasive on 4th St SW. This change will require revisions to the traffic scoping memo.
• A Preliminary Site Plan should include ‘Proposed traffic access, circulation and paved areas’. Much of this is included but ensure that the following have been addressed: dimensions of parking stalls, aisles, driveways, and sidewalks: show type of pavement; show wheel stops and curbs; show provisions for handicapped parking and ADA access and ADA ramps.
Correction 3:
• A Preliminary Site Plan should include proposed lighting if applicable to the project. Review the illumination standards and include draft hardware specifications and locations for street lighting.
Correction 4:
• Fire flow requirements will likely trigger the upsizing of the 1923 4-inch cast-iron water main in W Meeker to an 8-inch ductile iron pipe. If this upgrade is not made, then the fire suppression system is recommended to be installed from the 10-inch cast iron pipe in W Pioneer Ave.
• According to the Downtown Puyallup Planned Action Mitigation Document the water main in W Pioneer Ave is slated for replacement by the city in 2036 (Water Main Replacement Project Number D-20). It is currently a 10-inch cast iron pipe, and a 12-inch DI pipe is specified by the replacement project. Connection to this water main may trigger upgrades to the water system.
Correction 5:
• The City’s preference would be for the sewer to connect to the public system within W Pioneer Ave. This pipe and the other possible candidate on W Meeker Ave are both vitrified-clay pipes that are approximately 75 years old. Should the contractor be unable to connect to these mains properly due to their age, then the project will be responsible for upgrades to the system that will enable the connection to be made and retain the integrity of the system.
Reviewer Comments:
Planning Review
Revisions Required
Correction 1:
CULTURAL RESOURCES: The city has received two comment letters from tribal agencies requesting on site cultural resource survey at the land use or civil review phase due to a high probability area for encountering cultural resources. This will be a condition of approval.
Correction 2:
BUILDING ACCESS: Police have provided specific feedback as follows. Staff is requesting modifications to the garage access consistent with this feedback to ensure conflicts with police service at the station are addressed and mitigated. The applicant shall revise the garage entrance location to Meeker frontage, consistent with Traffic Engineering and city standards: “Our main concern remains the location of the driveway to the parking garage of Bell Place. Their driveway would be directly across from the entrance to the police parking lot and the entrance to the Sally Port, the Puyallup Jail drive-in garage. We are concerned about the congestion at the key point as it may delay emergency vehicles getting into the facility. There is a frequent response to the Puyallup Jail by the Fire Department and medic rigs as they routinely respond for emergency medical care for the inmates in our facility (52 bed capacity). We are also concerned about the loss of on-street parking spots in the police parking only zone on the west side of 4th ST SW. That area is a regularly used space for parking Jail transport vans and occasionally the police department Mobile Command Post. There are supply and food delivery trucks that double park in that area of 4th ST SW to offload pallets as well, several times a week. If we had recommendation, it would be for them to have the entrance on Meeker. Deputy Chief Dave McDonald, Puyallup Police Department”
Correction 3:
SITE PLAN: 20.25.020 Property development standards – RM zones. (9) Maximum lot coverage by percentage of net lot area – 90%. Please provide calculations that show this standard is being met.
Correction 4:
SITE PLAN: 20.25.020 Property development standards – RM zones. (13) Minimum landscaped area by percentage of net lot area for attached units 10%. Please provide calculations that show this standard is being met. Rooftop gardens could apply. If rooftop garden space is provided, and the landscaped areas are part of a green roof (LID storm facility), a 10% off street parking reduction may apply
Correction 5:
SITE PLAN: 20.25.020 Property development standards – RM zones. (16) Private open space per upper story dwelling unit dimensions (on east, west and south elevations). Please show on floor plans how this standard is being met.
Correction 6:
SITE PLAN: 20.25.0215 Front yard and side-street setback in RM-Core zone and RM-20 zone when in downtown planned action area.
(1) Ten-foot minimum setback.
(2) Five-foot minimum setback, subject to the following requirements:
(a) Entrances serving single units shall have either a minimum 50-square-foot outdoor entrance landing or an entrance threshold that is at least seven inches above the abutting sidewalk level.
(b) Entrances serving multiple units shall have an outdoor entrance landing that is at least 50 square feet per unit served by said entrance or 100 square feet, whichever is less.
(c) Entrance landings are at least three feet higher than the elevation of the street or street sidewalk level and do not extend into the required setback.
(d) Entrance steps may extend into the required setback to give visual emphasis to entries and to connect entrance landings with the right-of-way sidewalk.
(e) The area between the front or side-street lot line and the building shall be landscaped with a mixture of shrubbery and trees sufficient to achieve 75 percent ground coverage within a three-year period. At least 20 percent of the vegetation necessary to achieve required coverage shall consist of deciduous and/or evergreen trees. (Ord. 3193 § 1, 2019; Ord. 3172 § 1, 2018; Ord. 2851 § 4, 2006).
Building entrance shown on the site plan and the elevation plan does not match what is shown on the landscape plan. The landscape plan shows a building entrance on the southeast corner of the building with a 115 sq ft entrance landing and a second entrance on the northwest corner with a 120 sq ft entrance landing. The site plan and elevation show the secondary entrance in the northwest corner however the primary entrance is shown from 4th St SW (east elevation) near the elevators and stairwell. We cannot count the area in front of a roll up door for the trash service to count toward the entrance requirements – a more pedestrian oriented plaza space serving the NW corner stair well access is needed. CPTED needs to be considered for this entrance and the trash service aisle – please provide a response as to how this area is designed with CPTED in mind.
Please show consistency between the site plan, elevations, and landscape plans and demonstrate how the above standard is being met. The angled entrance shown on the landscape sheets is preferred and will allow for the Pioneer and 4th frontages to be allowed to use the five foot setback provision for those sides of the building.
Street frontages without a building entrance meeting the standards of the five-foot minimum setback requirements must have a 10’ setback. Portions of the building on Pioneer appear to be proposed at a zero lot line.
Correction 7:
SITE PLAN: For the west side of the development, special attention needs to be provided to scaling the development to the lower single story structures to the west. An additional landscaped setback (such as a narrow outdoor garden space or dog run) and additional setbacks and bulk reduction/modulation on upper floors of west side of the structure are anticipated to be needs to incorporate into the site and architectural design. See section 3.2.B of the DDGs. On the ground floor, standard parking stalls of 20’ depth are shown along the west wall of the garage – 15’ stalls would allow additional open space to the west landscape yard outside of the garage
Correction 8:
PARKING: 20.55.011 Number of parking spaces required – Downtown planned action area. Within the downtown planned action area, the following minimum parking standards shall apply except where joint use of parking is permitted pursuant to PMC 20.55.050. (1) Dwellings, multiple-family, including apartments, condominiums, duplexes and townhouses: one parking space per dwelling unit.
Staff review: It is unclear how many units are in the proposed development as the floor plan for level 3 has not been provided. Please include the level 3 floor plan with resubmittal.
Correction 9:
TRANSIT: City staff has reached out to Pierce Transit Planning Dept. for feedback – covered shelters are warranted at the existing stop locations (2) which are located one block east (on the north AND south side of Pioneer at 3rd Street) – this development will impact that stop locations further by drawing additional ridership. The applicant would be responsible to install covered shelters at those locations. Possible replacement of panels off site to accommodate concrete thickness for bolt hardware may be required. Exact placement will need to be reviewed at civil stage (off-site) based on available ROW and sight distance/loading areas
Correction 10:
STREET TREES AND FRONTAGE ZONE: Integrate 18’ of pedestrian street frontage requirements on West Pioneer per city standards for arterials. Standards for arterials is 10’ planter + 8’ walk, we have been modifying the standard in downtown on other projects to be an 18’ walk with 6’x 10’street tree boxes next to curb line for downtown developments. The Meeker and 4th Street frontages need to include a 12’ walk with 6’ x 10’ street tree boxes. Two (2) benches and two (2) bike rack loops shall be provided on the Meeker frontage and two (2) benches and two (2) bike rack loops on the Pioneer frontage are required. Street benches shall be the following model, (the full back model with arms): . For bike rack loops, this model: . Pedestrian scaled street lighting shall be provided in the ROW consistent with city standard detail 01.05.08, one per 50’ linear feet, in addition to city standard street lighting.
Correction 11:
LOT COMBO: Required prior to building permit. Apply for a lot combination through city DPS.
Correction 12:
DESIGN REVIEW: See the attached design review spreadsheet. When resubmitting, respond under PLDDG20220153. The review is consolidated here.
Reviewer Comments:
Fire Review
Revisions Required
Correction 1:
1. Provide Riser Room, FDC, PIV, and Fire Hydrant locations on plan. FDC and PIV will not be allowed on 4th Street.
2. Depending on location and design, the FDC, and PIV may be approved on building. The first floor would be required to be non-combustible. No openings would be allowed by either except for Riser Room door. This area needs to be designed so it cannot
be blocked by street parking.
3. A dedicated Fire Hydrant is required for the FDC and needs to be within 10-15’ of FDC.
4. A Loading zone is required for Emergency services, move ins, and delivery’s per the pre-application meeting.
5. W Meeker will be required to have an emergency turn-in zone, with a minimum 75' designated for emergency access. This area can also be used for loading, unloading, and deliveries to keep the streets clear.
Reviewer Comments:
Building Review
No Comments
Reviewer Comments: