Review Type
Est. Completion Date
External Agency Review
Correction 1:
Revised 2024 wetland and fish and wildlife habitat report continues to have several of the same outstanding corrections needed that were outlined in the City's review of the first version of this report. Some of the outstanding corrections from the review letter sent in 2022 have been addressed in the updated report, but several remain unresolved. Please see the documents and images section for the original wetland report review letter for a list of the required changes to the report. I have highlighted those changes that remain unresolved. The document is called "Wetland Report Correction Letter 7/12/2022". It appears that Appendix E and Appendix F have been updated to reflect the review comments however the other corrections have not been addressed. Revise report and plat maps as needed to address review letter.
Correction 2:
Puyallup School District has provided comments on this proposal. See public comment letter "PSD Comment 07082024" in Documents and Images section. The following items shall be provided by the project:
- 100 square feet of hardscape surface school bus waiting area located near the NE corner of Crystal Ridge Drive South and the proposed access road. The waiting area should be adjacent to, and separate from, the back of sidewalk fronting Crystal Ridge Drive South.
- The waiting area shall include separation from private property (Lot 25), such as fencing, landscaping or other improvement approved by the district and the City of Puyallup.
- Street and/or pedestrian level light shall be provided to illuminate the school bus stop waiting area.
Correction 3:
Dept. of Archaeology & Historic Preservation (DAHP) Review: DAHP Letter dated July 15, 2024 cites a survey report submitted for their review. Provide verification that report has been reviewed by Puyallup Tribe and Nisqually Tribal Departments of Archaeology. Provide report to City of Puyallup in next resubmittal.
Correction 4:
Dept of Natural Resources has provided a comment letter indicating that this project may require a Washington State Department of Natural Resources Class IV-General Forest Practices Application/Notification
Correction 5:
Neighborh Comments: Two nieghbors provided comments for the previous plat application for this project (PLPMP20220090). Address public comment in subsequent response letter. The two comment letters are available for your review in the documents and images section. They are titled "Barred Owls Comment" and "Angela Stalgis-Nelson Public Comment".
Correction 6:
Peer review of geo-tech report has indefied several required corrections to the geo-tech report. Review comments are available in documents and images section in document titled "Geotechnical Peer Review 09.13.2024". Applicant's geologist shall review most recent version of the proposed plat map and grading plan and incorporate site plan into the geo-tech report.
Reviewer Comments:
Planning Review
Correction 1:
See Document Markup
Wetland review letter dated 7.18.2022 calls for this section to be recalculated to include an additional area of undisturbed area.
Correction 2:
See Document Markup
Wrong stream rating, wetland review letter calls for type to be changed to Type II. Also this lists 'Snohomish County' instead of 'City of Puyallup'
Correction 3:
See Document Markup
Habitat score has been updated to be 5 points
Correction 4:
See Document Markup
Habitat score has been revised to 5
Correction 5:
Architectural Elevations do not meet required garage standards:
(c) Garages should be oriented with diminished garage doors, and shall meet the performance standards listed below.
(i) At least 25 percent of garages shall be located within rear yards and accessed via an alley; or
(ii) Accessed from the side and oriented perpendicular to the street, where the street-facing facade is finished with a window or other architectural features; or
(iii) Accessed via a shared driveway serving a minimum of two units and set back at least five feet from the front door of the home; or
(iv) Detached and set back at least 10 feet from the front door of the home; and
(v) All other garages shall be set back at least five feet from the front door of the home.
Revise architectural design of homes to meet the standards above. Copy those standards as a note on the plat document along with the setbacks.
Correction 6:
Add note on face of plat 'maximum flor area ratio: 0.65"
Correction 7:
See Document Markup
Min lot size along common boundary with adjacent property shall be 7,500 sf per PMC 20.40.025 (3)
Correction 8:
Curb cuts should not exceed more than 30 percent of total street frontages internal to the development, but shall not exceed 50 percent of any individual lot frontage. Provide calculation demonstrating how the project meets this requirement
Correction 9:
Those projects which provide each residential unit with at least 500 square feet of private open space immediately contiguous to the unit and separate from the private open space for any other unit may reduce the overall common open space requirement to 10 percent of the total gross parcel area, excluding public streets. Those projects providing this lesser 10 percent common open space shall still be subject to the requirement that at least five percent of the total parcel area be devoted to amenity areas for active use by residents. Such amenity areas shall also meet the standards cited in subsection (4)(b) of this section.
The maximum lot coverage per the RS-10 zone is .40. Given the minimum lot size of 5255 and the maximum lot coverage of 0.40, it is clear that 500sf will be available for private open space for each lot. Therefore, the required common open space for the project may be reduced to 10% of gross parcel area, excluding public streets or 280,492 sf. Project must therefore provide 28,049 SF of common open space. Demonstrate how this project is meeting this requirement.
“Open space, common” means land available for recreational, park or environmental amenity for collective enjoyment by occupants of the development.
(1) Common open space shall not include public or private streets, driveways, parking areas, storage, or utility/trash service areas.
(2) In projects consisting of six or fewer dwelling units, common open space may include the required yards for buildings or structures. For all projects larger than six dwelling units, common open space shall be separate from private open space.
“Open space, private” means a yard, garden, patio, or balcony that is attached or directly accessible to each dwelling unit and provided with vegetative screening, berms or structural screening to achieve a degree of vertical closure of the space and to obstruct the view from common open space or public rights-of-way. Required private open space attached to ground floor dwelling units open space shall be landscaped. All required landscaping shall be maintained in a neat and healthy condition.
Proposed common areas and facilities shall conform to the following:
(a) Facilities benefiting more than one property owner shall be considered common area/facilities, designated by easement or separate tract, and corresponding dedication statements included on the face of the final plat specifying the use for which the easement or tract is created, and assigning ownership and use interest;
(b) Common areas/facilities which primarily benefit the residents/property owners within the development such as subdivision entrances containing signage/landscape treatment, and private parks and recreation facilities shall be considered “private” common areas/facilities and the primary ownership and responsibility for maintenance assigned to said residents/property owners;
(c) All private common areas shall be of a size sufficient to accommodate associated facilities;
(d) Adequate provisions for ownership and maintenance in the form of statements of easement; conditions, covenants and restrictions; and/or creation of a homeowner’s association shall be specified at the time of platting. The documents shall address continued ownership interest, right of use, responsibility for maintenance, remedies in the event any of the responsible parties fail to perform, and procedures for modification or vacation of easements or tracts and associated facilities not required as a condition of plat approval. The documents shall also include an adequate funding mechanism for those areas/facilities requiring regular maintenance; and
(e) Common areas/facilities which are determined by the city to primarily benefit the general public or are considered part of a city facility such as storm water detention/retention ponds and bioswales shall be delineated as a separate tract and dedicated to the public for future ownership and maintenance.
(3) Common open space may include land occupied by noncommercial recreational buildings or structures serving residents of the project site area.
(4) Common open space shall be landscaped. All required landscaping shall be maintained in a neat and healthy condition.
(5) Common open space may include environmentally critical areas and buffers; however, at least five percent of the net lot area shall be devoted to amenity areas for active use by residents of site units.
(6) Common open space may contain structures or improvements as are necessary and appropriate for the out-of-doors enjoyment of residents of the development.
(7) Safe age-appropriate amenities shall be provided in common open space for the provision of play and other activities corresponding to the needs of the intended resident types (e.g., full spectrum of age groups and household types, family housing, special needs housing for elderly or handicapped, housing for singles and couples).
Correction 10:
Amenity space: Of the 10% required open space, a portion of this shall be active amentiy space for residents. This amenity space shall be equal to 5% of the gross area of the site or
5% of 308,061 sf = 15,403sf amenity space
Proivde calculation demonstrating how this standard is being met. Show active amenity space on the plat map.
General principles for common facilities to be reflected in the proposed development include: common areas and facilities benefiting more than one party should be designated as a common area/facility and delineated by easement or separate tract, and the ownership/use interest and provisions for maintenance should be specified at the time of platting; ownership and maintenance of common areas/facilities which primarily benefit the residents/property owners within the development should be the responsibility of said residents/property owners; adequate provisions should be included for continued ownership and maintenance of private common facilities; and common facilities which primarily benefit the general public or are considered part of a city facility should be delineated at separate tracts and dedicated to the public.
Correction 11:
Required Landscaping. Required yards for individual lots shall be landscaped. The project landscape architect shall provide sample landscape plans for each residential lot on the preliminary and final landscape plans; each lot shall contain at least two PNW native evergreen conifer trees in suitable yard locations. Such sample landscape plan shall be shown on the building permit site plan for each lot. All such required landscaping shall be maintained in a neat manner.
Correction 12:
The following shall be included in the next submittal: Specific development standards to be applied to the project, formatted into a table on the master site plan and final plat document(s), including maximum building heights, yard setbacks, lot coverage maximum, floor area ratio maximum, mix of garage types and lots where alternative garage designs are assigned (ex. “lot 18 shall be side loaded with a shared driveway approach,” etc.), an inventory of all individual lot sizes, and any other information or design standards relevant to the project approval which will dictate standards applied to the construction of homes in the project;
Correction 13:
See Document Markup
Retaining walls within 30ft of the front or street side property line shall be no taller than 3.5ft tall. See PMC 20.58.005 (2) (a) (i) for more information on requirements for retaining walls.
Correction 14:
See Document Markup
Retaining walls within 30ft of the front or street side property line shall be no taller than 3.5ft tall. See PMC 20.58.005 (2) (a) (i) for more information on requirements for retaining walls.
Correction 15:
See Document Markup
Retaining walls within 30ft of the front or street side property line shall be no taller than 3.5ft tall. See PMC 20.58.005 (2) (a) (i) for more information on requirements for retaining walls.
Correction 16:
Plat Note: Lanslide or Erosion Hazard Areas
The site contains steep slope/landslide hazard areas and/or erosion areas. A note shall be included on the face of the plat for each affected lot indicating: “This lot contains a steep slope/landslide hazard and/or erosion hazard area. These areas are prone to mass land movement and/or soil erosion. Retention of vegetation and land covered by vegetation is key to preventing impacts to life, structures and improvements in these areas. Modification of land or vegetation and/or encroachment/conversion of these areas is strictly prohibited without prior government approval.”
Correction 17:
Plat Note: Wetland or buffer
The site contains wetland areas and protective wetland buffers. A note shall be included on the face of the plat for each affected lot indicating: “This lot contains a wetland and/or wetland buffer that is protected by federal, state and local regulations. A wetland is a permanently, semi-permanently, or seasonally flooded area of land with a distinct ecosystem based on hydrology, hydric soils, and vegetation adapted for life in water saturated soils. Wetlands provide numerous benefits to the natural environment including water quality, flood control, wildlife habitat, shoreline stability, and aesthetic values. Since the 1780s, Washington has lost 31 percent of its wetland areas, from 1.35 million acres to 938,000 acres, contributing to loss of flood storage and habitat areas. Wetlands are critical to the overall health of watersheds and property owners are key for protecting, restoring, and managing our state's remaining wetland resources. Modification of land or vegetation and/or encroachment/conversion of these areas is strictly prohibited without prior government approval.”
Correction 18:
Plat Note: Stream or FWC
The site contains a fish and wildlife conservation area. A note shall be included on the face of the plat for each affected lot indicating: “This lot contains a fish and wildlife habitat area that is protected by federal, state and local regulations. These areas serve a critical role in sustaining needed habitats and species for the functional integrity of the ecosystem, and which, if altered, may reduce the likelihood that the species will persist over the long term. Property owners are key for protecting, restoring, and managing our state's remaining habitat areas. Modification of land or vegetation and/or encroachment/conversion of these areas is strictly prohibited without prior government approval.”
Correction 19:
See Document Markup
Native trees within Tract A, landslide hazard area, must be retained unless demonstrated in revised tree risk assessment that they are a hazard. Revise landscape plan and all other relevant plans to show native tree retention in Tract A. [Landscape Plan, Sheet L1]
Correction 20:
See Document Markup
Native trees within landslide hazard area, must be retained unless demonstrated in revised tree risk assessment that they are a hazard. Revise landscape plan and all other relevant plans to show native tree retention in landslide hazard area and buffer [Landscape Plan, Sheet L1]
Reviewer Comments:
External Agency Review
Reviewer Comments:
Engineering Traffic Review
Correction 1:
General Comments
Update traffic scoping worksheet with latest trip generation rates from ITE. Land use 210 (Single Family Detached) generates 0.94 trips per dwelling unit. Current Scoping worksheet assumes 0.99 trips per dwelling unit.
Per entering sight distance exhibit, private sight distance easement required prior to PSP approval.
Include SSD analysis with next submittal per City Standards.
Based on the updated site plan, include sight distance analysis for tract B @ Road A. Remove walls/buildings as necessary to meet the City's sight distance requirements. Verify all internal driveways meet sight distance requirements.
Final horizonal alignment and elevations are not known at this time. North of 23rd, the future roadway section will have spiral transitions with superelevation. The preliminary KPG alignment did not include this level of design. The continuous 10ft ROW dedication along Shaw Rd frontage likely won’t capture the correct ROW alignment.
We need to know the future geometry of this Shaw Rd segment to verify wall alignment, wall height, ROW dedication, parcel layout, handrail placement, guardrail alignment, etc.
At time of civil, wall height must be coordinated with City CIP project with top of wall a minimum of 1-ft above proposed Shaw Road finished grade.
Tract B & C must be modified to meet major plat engineering standards:
2-4 Dwelling Units: 300' length, maximum, 30' right-of-way: 24' width face of curb to face of curb, curb and gutter, sidewalks required.
Unclear where Lot 16 will access City ROW. Driveway must be located at least at least 35ft away from future 20th Ave SE/Road A intersection.
Detention vault access exceeds 10% grade.
Length of proposed cul-de-sac exceeds 500ft maximum length. The City will require an AMR to document this deviation. Submit prior to next submittal.
Verify proposed cul-de-sac turnaround meets City standards (37' radius to face of curb, 48' radius to right-of-way)
Provide preliminary channelization for Crystal Ridge Dr.
-Main access off Crystal Ridge Dr must be channelized to allow for a WBL turn pocket (at signal) + TWLTL across proposed access
Frontage wall design will need to provide guardrail. Show preliminary locations on site plan
Show all locations where handrail is necessary along frontage. Show preliminary locations on site plan
Along the Shaw Rd frontage (adjacent to lot 11) there is an angle point that needs to be removed. Realign the ROW and wall alignment as needed. Additional design is needed to determine the required alignment and wall height.
Reviewer Comments:
Engineering Review
Correction 1:
See Document Markup
As this is a new application all design shall be to the most currently adopted version - 2019. Revise all references and the design to conform to this version. [PRELIM STORM REPORT p.5/208]
Correction 2:
See Document Markup
See Section II-3.2 of the 2019 SWMMWW. Many Construction Source Control BMPs are Erosion and Sediment Controls. At least refence the TESC Plan in this section. [PRELIM STORM REPORT, P.14/208]
Correction 3:
See Document Markup
Correction 4:
See Document Markup
Clarify. Is this referring to the east shoulder adjacent to the site, or the pervious pavement portion of Shaw Rd E further to the south? [PRELIM STORM REPORT, Page 26/208]
Correction 5:
See Document Markup
25 lots times 2500 sq ft/lot is 62,500 sq ft. Revise or clarify. [PRELIM STORM REPORT, Page 28/208]
Correction 6:
See Document Markup
Update report to include most current design elements. [PRELIM STORM REPORT, Page 31/208]
Correction 7:
See Document Markup
Run model for water quality for first civil submittal. Specify which proprietary unit will be used at that time. [PRELIM STORM REPORT, Page 56/208]
Correction 8:
See Document Markup
Include building permits for all walls over 4 feet in height. [PRELIM STORM REPORT, Page 204/208]
Correction 9:
See Document Markup
WALLS: Should retaining walls touch or be within the building footprint? Why do some walls/lots have rear setbacks while other similar ones don't? Side and street-side setbacks seem inconsistent, as well. Clarify.
More elevation labels are required. There is one span where the elevation changes by 18 feet with no intermediary elevations called out. [COVER SHEET, Sheet C3]
Correction 10:
See Document Markup
This wall is drawn facing the wrong direction. [COVER SHEET, Sheet C3]
Correction 11:
See Document Markup
Correct dimensions. [COVER SHEET, Sheet C3]
Correction 12:
See Document Markup
All Retention/Detention facilities shall be 20 feet from ROW, tracts, vegetative buffers and property lines. Consider eliminating a lot to provide proper space for stormwater controls. Maximizing dwelling units at the cost of proper storm drainage is not the intent of The Manual. From the pre-application notes: In the event that during civil design there is insufficient room for proposed stormwater facilities in the area(s) shown on the major plat, the stormwater area(s) shall be increased as necessary so that the final design will be in compliance with current standards. This may result in the number of lots being reduced, or a reduction in other site amenities. [COVER SHEET, Sheet C3]
Correction 13:
See Document Markup
SEWER: Pre-application notes specify sewer connection in Crystal Ridge Dr. SE. Standard notes and procedures call for sewer mainlines to be extended 'through' the development when possible. Existing configuration suggests a that a new pipe connection in the ROW would be prudent between the 2 existing manholes in Crystal Ridge. Connecting in Shaw may trigger upgrades to the conveyance system (identified in the sewer comp plan, although pre-application notes state that initial analysis indicates that there is capacity - more research is required) and we are also concerned about achieving gravity flow from the plat to the system in Shaw. [COVER SHEET, Sheet C3]
Correction 14:
See Document Markup
City Standard 101.4.2(5) - Streets are to intersect between 90 to 85 degrees measured at center line intersects. [COVER SHEET, Sheet C3]
Correction 15:
See Document Markup
This project is NOT a Single Family Residential site. This is a major plat permit. Drainage controls for the individual lots shall be reviewed under separate individual building permits. [PRELIM STORM REPORT, Page 29/208]
Correction 16:
Provide data (actual logs) from reported wet weather monitoring to ensure groundwater levels will not impact storm infrastructure.
Correction 17:
See Document Markup
If the Tracts are to be public, then a public road connection and not an approach will be required. City Standard 101.4.3 (2) states: Where the same class of street intersect, the center line and slopes shall be matched at the center line of the intersection with cross slopes varying through the intersection to allow for drainage. In addition, City Standard 101.7 states that Alleys...shall not be provided in residential blocks except where the subdivider produces evidence satisfactory to the Hearing Examiner or City Council for the need for alleys. [COVER SHEET, Sheet C3]
Correction 18:
See Document Markup
Water quality unit and control structure in the same manhole? Clarify basic details for next submittal and provide full details of release and treatment at civil submittal. [COVER SHEET, Sheet C3]
Correction 19:
The city is willing to accept the Geotechnical Engineers assertion that infiltration of storm water into the native soils or imported fill is not recommended. At civil submittal nclude all recommendations and reports in a permanent storm water management plan that conforms to PMC Section 21.10.
Reviewer Comments:
Fire Review
No Comments
Reviewer Comments:
Building Review
No Comments
Reviewer Comments: