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Fire Review
No Comments
Planning Review
No Comments
PMC 20.80.010 (3) lists required findings to grant a conditional use permit. The third finding stats "That the proposed use is properly located in relation to the other land uses and to transportation and service facilities in the vicinity; and, further, that the use can be adequately served by such public facilities and street capacities without placing an undue burden on such facilities and streets". It is the City's understanding that a significant number of students will be walking across W Main and 7th St NW, during each class passing period, to attend class in the proposed portables and the existing portables at this site and to access classes on the rest of the Puyallup High School campus. Please write a narrative addressing how the newly added portable classrooms meets finding #3 in terms of student pedestrian traffic across these streets during class passing periods.
See Document Markup
Provide dimensions for setback from western property line of parcel #5870000190. PF zone requires 20ft setback from this property line, or can be reduced through CUP process. If reducing setback, provide narrative for how reduced setback will meet all four findings of CUP PMC 20.80.010. [Site Plan, sheet AS-100]
Parking Requirements: Parking is required at the rate of one space for each 65 square feet of classroom space, plus one space for each 300 square feet of office space. It is our understanding that this project is being erected to accommodate the demolition of the Library science building. Please provide a summary table that demonstrates the square footage of library science area to be demolished, the number of library science parking space no longer needed and compares the number of parking spaces required for the proposed portable buildings. As long as the number of parking spaces no longer required for the library science building demolition is less than or equal to the number of parking stalls required for the proposed portables, no additional parking stalls will be required to be installed on the campus.
Engineering Traffic Review
No Comments
The City of Puyallup does not agree with the stated student capacity identified in the traffic scoping document. Previous documents submitted to the City of Puyallup show the previously approved and constructed phase one master plan assumed student capacity at 1650 students (not 1862 as stated with this submittal). These documents clearly show student capacity was assumed at 1650 for phase 1, and would be built out to 1800 with the full build out of the previously proposed master plan (phase 3). For the purpose of studying traffic impacts, parking requirements, public services, etc. these quantities were clearly assumed by the applicant. For the purposes of future traffic impact analyses and impact fee assessments, base student capacity should be assumed at 1650.
The City of Puyallup does not allow the transfer of vehicle trip credits between separate parcels. However, it's understood that the proposed portables will function as part of the overall campus. Will need to discuss how to represent this project as part of the CUP.
The existing pedestrians facilities on 7th St NW are substandard. Please identify mitigation to accommodate additional pedestrian trips.
Building Review
No Comments
Clarify if the proposed portables are new or being relocated to site. Note all portables will require the State Label for modular for portables to receive Certificate of Occupancy.
State Health Departments approval with documentation to meet their standards will be required with submittal for building permits.
Provide accessible path on site plan to restrooms. Include travel distance to public way and to restrooms to be utilized to support the portables occupant load requirements. Provide floor plan with occupant load to determine restroom requirements per 2018 (or potentially 2021) IBC. Within restroom calculations provide for occupancy load for proposed portables and where students will have access to them. Include current occupant load on restrooms to be used with the proposed that will service new portables for a total count to determine if meets code requirements.
Upon submittal of building permit provide:
1) Provide restroom calculations required for portable occupancy load and where students will have access to them. Include current occupant load restroom use with the proposed that will service portables for a total count to determine required total using restroom meet 2018 codes.
2) Provide accessible path including travel distance to public way and to what restrooms will be utilized to support the portables occupant load requirements.
3) On site plan, include all accessible ramps, stairs etc. for new portables, include dimensions.
4) Additional accessible parking may not be required if occupant load for portables will be relocated from existing building to portables (no increase) but show access to the public way on site plan from proposed portable to public way/parking. For all accessible requirements the City adopted the 2018 IBC / WAC 51-50 and the ICC A117.1-2009 standard.
5) Provide engineer seal attachment detail for setting portables, include all seismic requirements.
6) To obtain Certificate of Occupancy portables will require Health Department approval and valid modular label on building.
Engineering Review
No Comments
See Document Markup
It appears that any overflow or connection to the city storm system will flow to Clarks Creek which is not a flow control exempt water body. Provide further information proving the exemption or meet list #2 or the LID performance standard. [drainage report, pg 13]
See Document Markup
Provide a downstream drainage map. [drainage report, pg 13]
See Document Markup
Provide a geotechnical report providing site specific infiltration testing and continuous groundwater monitoring during the wet season (December 1st- April 1st. [drainage report, pg 1]
See Document Markup
Provide a legend on the plans that distinguish existing and proposed linetype and hatches. [site plan]
See Document Markup
Revise minimum trench centerline spacing to be 6'. [Add dwg, sheet C-04]
See Document Markup
Setback both trenches a minimum of 10' from the proposed structures. [Add dwg, sheet C-04]
See Document Markup
The city adopted 2019 DOE manual requires site specific infiltration testing, USDA soil infiltration rate may not be used. [drainage report, pg 14]
See Document Markup
Re-run infiltration trench modeling once the site specific infiltration rate is determined. [drainage report, pg 27]
See Document Markup
Provide a downstream drainage map, city records do not appear to show runoff is directly conveyed to the Puyallup River and rather to Clark's Creek then to the Puyallup River. [Drainage report, pg 9]
See Document Markup
Stormwater feasibility must be determined prior to conditional use permit approval. [drainage report, pg 9]
See Document Markup
Provide a table of groundwater data points to include the date and elevation beneath the existing ground surface. The Ecology manual requires determination of the seasonal high groundwater, not the average. [geotech report, pg 7]
Planning Review
PMC 20.80.010 (3) lists required findings to grant a conditional use permit. The third finding stats "That the proposed use is properly located in relation to the other land uses and to transportation and service facilities in the vicinity; and, further, that the use can be adequately served by such public facilities and street capacities without placing an undue burden on such facilities and streets". It is the City's understanding that a significant number of students will be walking across W Main and 7th St NW, during each class passing period, to attend class in the proposed portables and the existing portables at this site and to access classes on the rest of the Puyallup High School campus. Please write a narrative addressing how the newly added portable classrooms meets finding #3 in terms of student pedestrian traffic across these streets during class passing periods.
See Document Markup
Provide dimensions for setback from western property line of parcel #5870000190. PF zone requires 20ft setback from this property line, or can be reduced through CUP process. If reducing setback, provide narrative for how reduced setback will meet all four findings of CUP PMC 20.80.010. [Site Plan, sheet AS-100]
See Document Markup
Parking Requirements: Parking is required at the rate of one space for each 65 square feet of classroom space, plus one space for each 300 square feet of office space. It is our understanding that this project is being erected to accommodate the demolition of the Library science building. Please provide a summary table that demonstrates the square footage of library science area to be demolished, the number of library science parking space no longer needed and compares the number of parking spaces required for the proposed portable buildings. As long as the number of parking spaces no longer required for the library science building demolition is less than or equal to the number of parking stalls required for the proposed portables, no additional parking stalls will be required to be installed on the campus.
Engineering Traffic Review
The City of Puyallup does not agree with the stated student capacity identified in the traffic scoping document. Previous documents submitted to the City of Puyallup show the previously approved and constructed phase one master plan assumed student capacity at 1650 students (not 1862 as stated with this submittal). These documents clearly show student capacity was assumed at 1650 for phase 1, and would be built out to 1800 with the full build out of the previously proposed master plan (phase 3). For the purpose of studying traffic impacts, parking requirements, public services, etc. these quantities were clearly assumed by the applicant. For the purposes of future traffic impact analyses and impact fee assessments, base student capacity should be assumed at 1650.
The City of Puyallup does not allow the transfer of vehicle trip credits between separate parcels. However, it's understood that the proposed portables will function as part of the overall campus. Will need to discuss how to represent this project as part of the CUP.
The existing pedestrians facilities on 7th St NW are substandard. Please identify mitigation to accommodate additional pedestrian trips.
Fire Review
No Comments
Engineering Review
See Document Markup
It appears that any overflow or connection to the city storm system will flow to Clarks Creek which is not a flow control exempt water body. Provide further information proving the exemption or meet list #2 or the LID performance standard. [drainage report, pg 13]
See Document Markup
Provide a downstream drainage map. [drainage report, pg 13]
See Document Markup
Provide a geotechnical report providing site specific infiltration testing and continuous groundwater monitoring during the wet season (December 1st- April 1st. [drainage report, pg 1]
See Document Markup
Provide a legend on the plans that distinguish existing and proposed linetype and hatches. [site plan]
See Document Markup
Revise minimum trench centerline spacing to be 6'. [Add dwg, sheet C-04]
See Document Markup
Setback both trenches a minimum of 10' from the proposed structures. [Add dwg, sheet C-04]
See Document Markup
The city adopted 2019 DOE manual requires site specific infiltration testing, USDA soil infiltration rate may not be used. [drainage report, pg 14]
See Document Markup
Re-run infiltration trench modeling once the site specific infiltration rate is determined. [drainage report, pg 27]
See Document Markup
Include a vicinity map showing the proposed site and its geographic relationship to major natural and built features (streets, water bodies, etc) within one mile in all directions of the site. [site plan]
See Document Markup
Provide a downstream drainage map, city records do not appear to show runoff is directly conveyed to the Puyallup River and rather to Clark's Creek then to the Puyallup River. [Drainage report, pg 9]
See Document Markup
Stormwater feasibility must be determined prior to conditional use permit approval. [drainage report, pg 9]
Building Review
Clarify if the proposed portables are new or being relocated to site. Note all portables will require the State Label for modular for portables to receive Certificate of Occupancy.
State Health Departments approval with documentation to meet their standards will be required with submittal for building permits.
Provide accessible path on site plan to restrooms. Include travel distance to public way and to restrooms to be utilized to support the portables occupant load requirements. Provide floor plan with occupant load to determine restroom requirements per 2018 (or potentially 2021) IBC. Within restroom calculations provide for occupancy load for proposed portables and where students will have access to them. Include current occupant load on restrooms to be used with the proposed that will service new portables for a total count to determine if meets code requirements.
Upon submittal of building permit provide:
1) Provide restroom calculations required for portable occupancy load and where students will have access to them. Include current occupant load restroom use with the proposed that will service portables for a total count to determine required total using restroom meet 2018 codes.
2) Provide accessible path including travel distance to public way and to what restrooms will be utilized to support the portables occupant load requirements.
3) On site plan, include all accessible ramps, stairs etc. for new portables, include dimensions.
4) Additional accessible parking may not be required if occupant load for portables will be relocated from existing building to portables (no increase) but show access to the public way on site plan from proposed portable to public way/parking. For all accessible requirements the City adopted the 2018 IBC / WAC 51-50 and the ICC A117.1-2009 standard.
5) Provide engineer seal attachment detail for setting portables, include all seismic requirements.
6) To obtain Certificate of Occupancy portables will require Health Department approval and valid modular label on building.