Planning Application Status


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Preliminary Site Plan
Preliminary Site Plan
File Closed









* Address


Review Type Outcome Est. Completion Date Completed
Engineering Review No Comments 05/30/2023 06/16/2023
Engineering Traffic Review No Comments 05/30/2023 06/14/2023
Building Review No Comments 05/30/2023 05/25/2023
Planning Review No Comments 05/30/2023 05/24/2023
Fire Review No Comments 05/30/2023 05/23/2023
Engineering Traffic Review Revisions Required 01/06/2023 01/26/2023
Engineering Review Revisions Required 01/06/2023 01/26/2023
Planning Review Revisions Required 01/06/2023 01/24/2023
Building Review No Comments 01/06/2023 01/06/2023
Fire Review Revisions Required 01/06/2023 01/05/2023
Engineering Traffic Review Revisions Required 08/06/2022 08/15/2022
Fire Review Revisions Required 08/06/2022 08/03/2022
Engineering Review Revisions Required 08/06/2022 08/03/2022
Building Review Revisions Required 08/06/2022 08/01/2022
Planning Review Revisions Required 08/06/2022 07/26/2022
Engineering Traffic Review Revisions Required 01/21/2022 04/28/2022
Engineering Review Revisions Required 01/21/2022 02/25/2022
Planning Review Revisions Required 01/21/2022 01/28/2022
Fire Review Revisions Required 01/21/2022 01/26/2022
Building Review Revisions Required 01/21/2022 01/11/2022
Engineering Traffic Review Approved 07/12/2021
Engineering Traffic Review Approved 07/01/2021
Fire Review Approved 04/23/2021
Fire Review Approved 04/21/2021


Paid Fees Amount Paid Owing Date Paid
None $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Outstanding Fees Amount Paid Owing Date Paid
Legacy Fee $160.00 $160.00 Paid 04/07/2021
Legacy Fee $250.00 $250.00 Paid 04/07/2021
Legacy Fee $1,890.00 $1,890.00 Paid 04/07/2021

Application(s) will not be processed until outstanding fees have been paid in full.



There are no hearings for this planning application.


Condition Status Department Category Expiration Date Due Date
Miscellaneous Condition Resolved Engineering Division
: Although not a condition of PSP approval, the City will require written acknowledgement from the operator/owner of the Northwest Pipeline LLC (Williams Gas Main) that the proposed development project is acceptable as designed. (William's acknowledgement letter received with the December 22, 2021 resubmittal package.)
Miscellaneous Condition Resolved Engineering Division
: PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN SPECIFIC CONDITIONS: 1. At time of civil application, the geotechnical engineer shall provide recommendations to protect the native subgrade and the engineered fill beneath all permeable paving areas during the course of construction. 2. At time of civil application, the geotechnical engineer shall provide specifications for the engineered fill considering hydraulic conductivity, water quality criteria, and structural stability (under saturated conditions) with an emphasis on long-term performance. 3. At time of civil application, the geotechnical engineer and the engineer-of-record shall address concerns associated with potential lateral flow exiting the site due to the shallow depth to native soils and associated restrictive layers. In addition, permeable pavement overflow protection will be required at low areas adjacent to the property lines, e.g., drive entrances, to allow safe discharge to the downstream public storm system. 4. At time of construction, engineered fill shall be field tested prior to placement of the permeable pavement reservoir course using Small Scale PIT testing at a frequency specified by the Ecology Manual. 5. At time of construction, if the engineered fill will be used for water quality treatment of pollution generating hard surfaces, the fill shall be field tested prior to placement to confirm the Site Suitability Criteria (CEC testing) specified by the Ecology Manual. 6. Run-on from landscape surfaces shall comply with the Ecology Manual requirements. At time of civil application, the applicant shall provide measures to minimize the potential for clogging and long-term performance concerns associated with run-on from landscape areas. 7. At time of civil application, the wetpool of the converted offsite storm facility shall be separated into two cells for water quality purposes and appropriately sized based on the original CES design. 8. At time of civil application, clarify how the new improvements over the top of the converted pond is being accounted for flow control and water quality. If permeable pavement, the infiltrated water must be prevented from entering the gravel/glass bed. 9. Due to the widening of Pioneer Avenue and associated flows generated by the project, at the time of civil application provide a backwater analysis of the Pioneer Avenue conveyance system considering the tailwater elevation of the Pioneer Avenue ditch as outlined in City Standards Section 204.3. The analysis shall include any upstream basin flows tributary to the pipe outfall. 10. At time of civil application, the storm conveyance system along the frontage must be installed per City Standards in terms of alignment (CS Detail 01.01.14) and structures (CBs)...see additional review comments on the Pioneer Basin Map, Appendix D of the Storm Report. 11. At time of civil application, the lower arm of the control riser associated with the pond conversion shall extend 2-ft below the Dead Storage elevation. 12. At time of civil application, trench dams will be required where utilities cross the property line(s) in accordance with Standard Detail 06.01.10. 13. Similarly, permeable pavement overflow protection will be required at low areas adjacent to the property lines, e.g., drive entrances. 14. Permeable Paving site preparation and pavement cross-section shall adhere to the latest APWA/WSDOT General Special Provisions. 15. Where landscaping abuts permeable pavement, provide 12” (min) CSTC intercept strip to reduce sediment loading onto the permeable pavement section. 16. The slope of landscaping areas should be minimized to the maximum extent practical to reduce the potential of run-on onto permeable pavements. 17. Measures shall be taken to reduce/eliminate clogging of the permeable pavement section due to debris captured in stormwater such as pine needles, leaves, etc.; e.g., downturned elbows, tee-sections, screens, etc. 18. City Standards require domestic water meters serving individual buildings to be located within the public ROW. Buildings fronting public ROW shall have the meters placed in the ROW. However, the City will allow the domestic meters to be located onsite for other structures that are not located adjacent to public ROW provided the civil plans clearly note that the individual service connections, with the exception of the meter and radio sending unit, are privately owned and maintained. 19. Fire hydrants installed within the public ROW shall be served by the individual public watermains located in Shaw Road and East Pioneer. (See comments on the preliminary Water Master Plan). Final hydrant locations shall be confirmed at the time of civil application. On East Pioneer, tap one fire hydrant off the existing 8-inch water main that currently extends into the site, and tap the other hydrant off of the existing 16-inch watermain using an 8-inch crossing reducing to a 6-inch hydrant lead. On Shaw Road, locate one public hydrant near Building H which shall be tapped off the existing 16-inch watermain with an 8-inch crossing reducing to a 6-inch hydrant lead. At the other hydrant location closer to the intersection, provide an 8-inch crossing (which possibly can connect to the onsite looped system for additional fire flow for the project), reducing to a 6-inch hydrant lead. Please note that the 6-inch hydrant leads shall be connected to the 8-inch supply lines using a tee and reducer. 20. The proposed sewer system will ultimately serve offsite properties in the future. Until such time that the properties to the east develop, the onsite sewer system shall be privately owned and maintained. To ensure a future public easement right, the applicant will be required to execute and record a "covenant for future sewer easement" prior to Occupancy. 21. At the time of civil application, the applicant shall confirm the need for an area drain at the trash enclosures. The City would prefer the enclosure pad be elevated to prevent any storm run-on and no area drain. If an area drain is desired, the entire enclosure area shall be covered to minimize stormwater inflow to the sanitary sewer system. 22. At the Shaw Road entrance, adequate ROW must be dedicated or an easement granted for maintenance and operation of the traffic signal equipment. 23. A Street Maintenance Covenant will be required to ensure that pavement markings located on private property at the drive entrances will be maintained. 24. Due to the condition of the existing Pioneer Way roadway, the applicant should anticipate full half-street road reconstruction will be required along the length of the frontage.
Miscellaneous Condition Resolved Engineering Division
: GENERAL: 25. Engineered plans must follow the latest regulations and standards set forth in the Puyallup Municipal Code (PMC), the City Standards for Public Works Engineering and Construction (design standards), and the current City adopted stormwater manual at the time of civil permit application [PMC 21.10.040]. The comments provided below are intended to assist the applicant with incorporating City requirements into the project design documents, but should not be considered an exhaustive list of all necessary provisions from the PMC, design standards, or the Ecology stormwater manual.
Miscellaneous Condition Resolved Engineering Division
: WATER: 26. The Water Dept. has raised concerns that there may be an existing 4-inch water pipe buried onsite associated with Ackerman springs. If the pipe location is known, the pipe shall be plugged and abandoned and/or removed. If the pipe location is not known, a note shall be added to the civil drawings to abandon the line if discovered during construction operations. 27. Any wells on the site must be decommissioned in accordance with Washington State requirements. Documentation of the decommissioning must be provided along with submittal of engineering drawings. If an existing well is to remain, the well protection zone shall be clearly delineated and appropriate backflow protection (Reduced Pressure Backflow Assemblies) shall be installed at all points of connection to the public water system. [PMC 14.02.220(3)(b)] 28. The applicant shall be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the proposed water system located on private property. 29. There is an existing 8-inch private watermain that extends from Pioneer Way southward through the site and connects to the watermain located in Shaw Road. The applicant shall verify that the existing onsite private watermain is adequately sized to provide the necessary flows for both the domestic system and fire protection system. [PMC 14.02.190, 14.20.010 & CS 301.1(1)] 30. The domestic service line and fire system service line shall have separate, independent connections to the supply main. [PMC 14.02 & CS 302.3(4)] 31. The minimum distance between water lines and sewer lines shall be 10-feet horizontally and 18-inches vertically. If this criterion cannot be met, the applicant shall isolate the sewer and water lines by encasement, shielding, or other approved methods. [PMC 14.02.120(f) & CS 301.1(8)] 32. The applicant shall be responsible to provide and install the water meters required to service the site. [PMC 14.02.120(f) & CS 301.3] 33. Any existing services that are to be abandoned at this site shall be disconnected at the main, the corp. stop removed, and the service plugged to city standards. The existing services associated with the recently demolished SFRs shall be removed as noted above. [PMC 14.02.120(f)] 34. Water pipe and service connections shall be a minimum of 10-feet away from building foundations and/or roof lines. 35. Applicant shall provide backflow protection on the domestic service line(s) with the installation of a double check valve assembly (DCVA) on the domestic connection. The unit should be located outside the building, immediately downstream of the water meter. If an irrigation system is also proposed, a DCVA is required on that line as well. [PMC 14.02.220(3) & CS 302.2] 36. If any of the proposed building uses are included under WAC 246-290-490 Table 9 facilities, then the DCVA shall be upgraded to a reduced pressure backflow assembly (RPBA). 37. Available fire flow for the project site must be determined by hydraulic modeling conducted by the City’s consultant. The cost of this analysis is $400 and shall be paid by the applicant. 38. Fire hydrants and other appurtenances such as DDCVA and PIV shall be placed as directed by the Puyallup Fire Code Official. Fire hydrants shall be placed so that there is a minimum of 50-feet of separation from hydrants to any building walls. [PMC 16.08.080 & CS 301.2, 302.3] 39. The fire sprinkler double detector check valve assemblies (DDCVA) may be located either inside, or outside, of the building. 40. At the time of Civil permit application, the fire sprinkler supply line shall be designed, and shown on the plan, into the building to the point of connection to the interior building riser. Provide plan and elevation detail(s) where the riser enters the building with dimensions, clearances, and joint restraint in accordance with NFPA 24. [CS 302.3, CS 303] 41. The Fire Department Connection (FDC) shall be located no closer than 10-feet and no further than 15-feet from a fire hydrant. (Note: If the project is utilizing a fire booster pump, the FDC must connect to the sprinkler system on the discharge side of the pump in accordance with NFPA regulations.) A post indicator valve (PIV) shall be provided for the fire sprinkler system in advance of the DDCVA. [CS 302.3] 42. For each residential building, a water system development charge (SDC) will be assessed based on the number of “residential” units in the facility. [PMC 14.02.040, 14.10.030] 43. For each commercial building, including common/administrative facilities associated a residential use (clubhouse), a water system development charge (SDC) will be assessed based on the number of plumbing fixture units as defined in the Uniform Plumbing Code. [PMC 14.02.040] 44. Water connection fees and systems development charges are due at the time of building permit issuance and do not vest until time of permit issuance. [PMC 14.02.040, 14.10.030] 45. To obtain credit towards System Development Fees for any existing fixture units, the applicant shall provide the City evidence of the existing plumbing fixtures prior to demolition or removal. A written breakdown of the removed fixture types, quantities, and associated fixture units shall accompany the building permit application and be subject to review and approval by the City. [PMC 14.02.040]
Miscellaneous Condition Resolved Engineering Division
: SANITARY SEWER: 46. A separate and independent side sewer will be required from the onsite sewer main to all building sites for each proposed lot. Side sewers shall be 6-inch minimum diameter with a 0.02 foot per foot slope. [PMC 14.08.110 & CS 401(6)] 47. Side sewers shall have a cleanout at the property line, at the building, and every 100 feet between the two points. Sampling stations shall be provided in accordance with City Standard Detail 04.03.04. [PMC 14.08.120 & CS 401(7)] 48. If the proposed side sewer is greater than 6-inches, a sanitary sewer manhole shall be provided at the property line. 49. Sewer main pipe and service connections shall be a minimum of 10-feet away from building foundations and/or roof lines. 50. Grease Interceptors are required for all commercial facilities involved in food preparation. If food preparation facilities are proposed now, or in the future, the applicant shall install an external grease interceptor in accordance with the current edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code adopted by the City of Puyallup, Puyallup Municipal Code, and City standard details. [PMC 14.06.031(3) & CS 401(5), 402.3] 51. The construction of a trash enclosure will require the enclosure pad to be elevated to prevent stormwater run-on. If an area drain is proposed for the trash enclosure, then the drain shall be connected to the sewer system and the trash enclosure covered to prevent stormwater run-on and inflow into the area drain. 52. For each residential building, a sanitary sewer system development charge (SDC) will be assessed based on the number of “residential” units in the facility. [PMC 14.10.010, 14.10.030] 53. For each commercial building, including common/administrative facilities associated a residential use (office, clubhouse, hallways, pool areas, etc.), sanitary sewer system development charge (SDC) will be assessed based on the number of plumbing fixture units as defined in the Uniform Plumbing Code. [PMC 14.10.010, 14.10.030] 54. Sewer connection fees and systems development charges are due at the time of building permit issuance and do not vest until time of permit issuance. [PMC 14.10.010, 14.10.030]
Miscellaneous Condition Resolved Engineering Division
: STORMWATER/ EROSION CONTROL: 55. Stormwater design shall be in accordance with the 2012 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington as amended in the December, 2014 (The 2014 SWMMWW aka “Ecology Manual”). 56. The applicant shall complete the stormwater flowchart, Figure 3.1, contained in Ecology’s Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit, Appendix I. The completed flowchart shall be submitted with the preliminary stormwater site plan and highlight the Minimum Requirements (MR) triggered by the project thresholds. The link below may be used to obtain the flowchart: Western Washington PH II Stormwater Permit 57. NOTE: Areas of disturbance within the public ROW must be included in the project area as part of the stormwater thresholds and calculations. 58. Each section of the TIR/SSP shall be individually indexed and tabbed with each permit application and every re-submittal prior to review by the City. [PMC 21.10.060] 59. Public right-of-way runoff shall be detained and treated independently from proposed private stormwater facilities. This shall be accomplished by enlarging the private facilities to account for bypass runoff; providing separate publicly maintained storm facilities within a Pu or dedicated right-of-way; or, other methods as approved by the City Engineer. [PMC 21.10.190(3)] 60. Development and redevelopment projects are required to employ, wherever feasible, Low Impact Development (LID) Best Management Practices (BMPs) to meet the design criteria set forth in PMC 21.10.190, the Ecology Manual Volume I, Minimum Requirement 5; Volume III, Chapter 3; and Volume V, Chapter 5. 61. Preliminary feasibility/infeasibility testing for infiltration facilities/BMPs shall be in accordance with the site analysis requirements of the Ecology Manual, Volume I, Chapter 3, specifically: - Groundwater evaluation, either instantaneous (MR1-5), or continuous monitoring (MR1-9), during the wet weather months (December 21 through April 1). - Hydraulic conductivity testing: i. If the development meets the threshold to require implementation of Minimum Requirement #7 (flow control); or, if the site soils are consolidated; or, if the property is encumbered by a critical area, then Small Scale Pilot Infiltration Testing (PIT) during the wet weather months (December 21 through April 1) is required. ii. If the development does not meet the threshold to require implementation of Minimum Requirement #7; or, is not encumbered by a critical area; and is located on soils unconsolidated by glacial advance, grain size analyses may be substituted for the Small Scale PIT test at the discretion of the review engineer. - Testing to determine the hydraulic restriction layer. - Mounding analysis may be required in accordance with Ecology Volume III Section 3.3.4 and 3.3.8. 62. Upon submission of the geotechnical infiltration testing, appropriate long-term correction factors shall be noted for any areas utilizing infiltration into the underlying native soils in accordance with the Ecology Manual, Volume III, Chapter 3. 63. If infiltration facilities/BMPs are anticipated, the number of infiltration tests shall be based on the area contributing to the proposed facility/BMP, e.g., one test for every 5,000 sq. ft of permeable pavement, or one test for each bioretention cell. 64. If the proposed project discharges to an adjacent wetland, the applicant shall provide a hydrologic analysis which ensures the wetland’s hydrologic conditions, hydrophytic vegetation, and substrate characteristics are maintained. See Ecology Manual Volume I, Minimum Requirement 8. 65. The proposed project is part of a larger, common plan of development, and includes the use of existing stormwater facilities. The Technical Information Report (TIR) or Stormwater Site Plan (SSP), shall provide supporting documentation and engineering calculations which substantiate the affect of the proposed project in regards to the design assumptions of the existing stormwater facilities. [PMC 21.10.060] 66. At the time of civil permit application, the applicant is responsible for submitting a permanent storm water management plan which meets the design requirements provided by PMC Section 21.10. [PMC 21.10.190, 21.10.060] - When using WWHM for analysis, provide the following WWHM project files with the civil permit application: - Binary project file (WHM file extension) - ASCII project file (WH2 file extension) - WDM file (WDM file extension) - WWHM report text (Word file) 67. The submitted project documentation indicates that the existing combined detention-wetpool facility serving adjacent properties to the South will be filled in as part of this proposed development. This facility was designed and constructed to past stormwater regulations using a single event model, Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph (SBUH) for flow control, and a wetpool sized using ½ of the 2-yr release rate for water quality compliance. - The applicant shall provide supporting documentation substantiating the 2-yr, 10-yr, and 100-yr release rates of the existing detention facility. - The upstream basins tributary to the existing detention facility shall be incorporated into the current project’s stormwater model in such a way as to ensure no increase in flow (release rate) to the downstream stormwater system post-project while complying with the requirements of the Ecology Manual for the proposed project. - The applicant shall provide water quality facilities for the existing upstream basins equal to, or better, than the existing wetpool facility to ensure no degradation of stormwater from the properties to the South. - Provide a detailed explanation of the analysis in the written technical report, including, but not limited to, assumptions; calculations; discharge rates; stage-storage relationships; recommendations, and any proposed modifications to the existing system. 68. The use of permeable pavement(s) will require trench dams where utility pipes cross property lines accordance with Standard Detail 06.01.10. 69. Any above-ground stormwater facility shall be screened from public right-of-way and adjacent property per the underlying zoning perimeter buffer requirements in the PMC. 70. Stormwater R/D facilities shall be a minimum of 20-feet from any public right-of-way, tract, vegetative buffer, and/or property line measured from the toe of the exterior slope/embankment of the facility. [PMC 21.10 & DOE Manual, Vol. V, Pg 10-39 and Pg 10-9] 71. The 2-yr, 10-yr, and 100-yr water surface elevation (WSE) shall be shown on any R/D facility cross-section(s). 72. A Stage-Storage Table for the 2-yr, 10-yr, and 100-yr water surface elevations shall be provided on the same civil sheet as the R/D facility cross-section(s). 73. Water quality treatment of stormwater shall be in accordance with the Ecology Manual, Volume 1, Minimum Requirement 6; and Volume 5, Runoff Treatment. 74. Construction of frontage improvements associated with this project will require installation/extension of the stormwater main to accommodate road runoff. The new stormwater main shall be adequately sized to accommodate any upstream basins tributary to main. 75. At the time of civil permit application, all pipe reaches shall be summarized in a Conveyance Table containing the following minimum information and included in the TIR: Pipe Reach Name Design Flow (cfs) Structure Tributary Area Pipe-Full Flow (cfs) Pipe Diameter (in) Water Depth at Design Flow (in) Pipe Length (ft) Critical Depth (in) Pipe Slope (%) Velocity at Design Flow (fps) Manning’s Coefficient (n) Velocity at Pipe-Full Flow (fps) Percent full at Design Flow (%) HGL for each Pipe Reach (elev) 76. All storm drains shall be signed as follows: a) Publicly maintained stormwater catch basins shall be signed using glue-down markers supplied by the City and installed by the project proponent. b) Privately maintained stormwater catch basins shall be signed with pre-cut 90ml torch down heavy-duty, intersection-grade preformed thermoplastic pavement marking material. It shall read either “Only Rain Down the Drain" or “No Dumping, Drains to Stream”. Alternatively, the glue-down markers may be purchased from the City for a nominal fee. 77. All private storm drainage facilities shall be covered by a maintenance agreement provided by the City and recorded with Pierce County. Under this agreement, if the owner fails to properly maintain the facilities, the City, after giving the owner notice, may perform necessary maintenance at the owner’s expense. 78. Erosion control measures for this site will be critical. A comprehensive erosion control plan will be required as part of the civil permit application. 79. A Stormwater Systems Development fee will be assessed for each new equivalent service unit (ESU) in accordance with PMC Chapter 14.26. Each ESU is equal to 2,800 square feet of ‘hard’ surface. 80. Stormwater Systems Development fees are due at the time of site development permit or in the case where no site development permit is required, at the time of building permit issuance for the individual lot(s); and the fees do not vest until the time of site development permit issuance, or at the time of building permit issuance in the case where a site development permit is not required. 81. A Construction Stormwater General Permit shall be obtained from the Department of Ecology if any land disturbing activities such as clearing, grading, excavating and/or demolition will disturb one or more acres of land, or are part of larger common plan of development or sale that will ultimately disturb one or more acres of land.
Miscellaneous Condition Resolved Engineering Division
: STREET: 82. Additional right-of-way dedication is required along both the Pioneer Way and Shaw Road frontages in order to accommodate the final design. See traffic engineering comments for minimum criteria. [PMC 11.08.120, 11.08.130, 19.12.050(1)] 83. Half-street improvements shall be completed along the entire E Pioneer property frontage and include curb, gutter, sidewalk, roadway base, pavement, street lighting, and drainage. [PMC 11.08.120, 11.08.130, 19.12.050(1)] 84. Existing private utilities (gas, telcom, cable, etc…) that are in conflict with City maintained right-of-way and utilities shall be relocated outside of the travelled road section, i.e., behind the curb under the sidewalk area. 85. Upon civil permit application, the following items shall be provided: - Road plans shall include a plan and profile view of the roadway indicating both the centerline and flow line elevations. [PMC 17.42 & CS 2.2] - A separate street lighting and channelization plan shall be provided in accordance with City Standards. - Commercial and Multi-family projects shall provide an autoturn analysis for the largest anticipated vehicle that would access the site. Curb radii and entrance dimensions shall be increased as necessary to allow vehicles to access the site without encroaching into adjacent lanes of traffic. - Root barriers in accordance with City Standard Detail 01.02.03 shall be installed for all street trees within ten (10) feet of the public ROW. - Wheel chair ramps, accessible routes, etc. shall be constructed in accordance with City Standards and current ADA regulations. If there is a conflict between the City Standards and ADA regulations, the ADA regulations shall take precedence over the City’s requirements. [PMC 17.42] - Any surface area proposed for parking, drive aisle, or outdoor storage shall be paved with asphalt or concrete. [PMC 20.30.045(3), 20.35.035(3), 20.44.045(2)] 86. Upon review of the required, submitted traffic report, additional off-site improvements may be required as directed by the Traffic Engineering Department. [PMC 17.42]
Miscellaneous Condition Resolved Engineering Division
: GRADING: 87. A Grading Plan conforming to all requirements of PMC Section 21.14.120 will be required for this project. The Plan shall be prepared by a Civil Engineer licensed in the State of Washington. [PMC 21.14.070] 88. A geotechnical report conforming to all requirements PMC Sections 21.14.150 and 21.14.160 will be required for this project. The Report shall be prepared by a Civil Engineer or Engineering Geologist licensed in the State of Washington. Prior to final acceptance of this project, the author of the Report shall provide certification to the City the project was constructed in accordance with the recommendations contained in the report. 89. Cross sections will be required at various points along the property lines extending 30-feet beyond the project limits to assure no impact from storm water damming or runoff. [PMC 17.42 & CS 502.1] 90. It should be noted there are existing drainage ditches along the east boundary of the site. Section 502.5 of the City Standards requires a minimum setback of 5-feet between the top of any fill placement and the top of any bank of any defined drainage channel. The perimeter drainage ditche(s) must remain in service to drain the properties outside of the project site. The ditch should not be altered without review by the affected property owners. If the ditch is a regulated stream, then additional review by the City Planning Dept., COE, and/or WDFW may be necessary. 91. At the time of civil permit application, the following notes shall be added to the first sheet of the TESCP: -“At any time during construction it is determined by the City that mud and debris are being tracked onto public streets with insufficient cleanup, all work shall cease on the project until this condition is corrected. The contractor and/or the owner shall immediately take all steps necessary to prevent future tracking of mud and debris into the public ROW, which may include the installation of a wheel wash facility on-site.” -“Contractor shall designate a Washington Department of Ecology certified erosion and sediment control leadperson, and shall comply with the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) prepared for this project.” -“Sediment-laden runoff shall not be allowed to discharge beyond the construction limits in accordance with the Project’s NPDES General Stormwater Permit.” -“The permanent infiltration system shall not be utilized for TESC runoff. Connect infiltration trench to road system only after construction is complete and site is stabilized and paved.” 92. RCW 19.122 requires all owners of underground facilities to notify pipeline companies of scheduled excavations through the one-number locator service if proposed excavation is within 100 feet. Notification must occur in a window of not less than 2 business days but not more than 10 business days before beginning the excavation. If a transmission pipeline company is notified that excavation work will occur near a pipeline, a representative of the company must consult with the excavator on-site prior to excavation.
Miscellaneous Condition Resolved Engineering Division
: MISC: 93. All proposed improvements shall be designed and constructed to current City Standards. [PMC 14.08.040, 14.08.120, 17.42] 94. Engineering plans cannot be accepted until Planning Department requirements have been satisfied, including but not limited to, SEPA, Preliminary Site Plan approval, CUP, and/or Hearing Examiner conditions. 95. Civil engineering drawings will be required for this project prior to issuance of the first building permit. Included within the civil design package shall be a utility plan overlaid with the proposed landscaping design to ensure that potential conflicts between the two designs have been addressed. - At the time of civil application, submit electronic files in PDF format, through the City’s Permit Portal. Contact the Permit staff via email at for the initial project submittal. 96. Civil engineering plan review fee is $470.00 (plus an additional per hour rate of $130.00 in excess of 5 hours). The Civil permit shall be $300.00 and the inspection fee shall be 3% of the total cost of the project as calculated on the Engineering Division Cost Estimate form. [City of Puyallup Resolution No. 2098] 97. Benchmark and monumentation to City of Puyallup datum (NAVD 88) will be required as a part of this project / plat. 98. Engineering plans submitted for review and approval shall comply with City Standards Section 1.0 and Section 2.0, particularly: - Engineering plans submitted for review and approval shall be based on 24 x 36-inch sheets. - The scale for design plans shall be indicated directly below the north arrow and shall be only 1”=20’ or 1”=30’. The north arrow shall point up or to the right on the plans. - Engineering plan sheets shall be numbered sequentially in this manner: Sheet 1 of 20, Sheet 2 of 20, etc. ending in Sheet 20 of 20. 99. All applicable City Standard Notes and Standard Details shall be included on the construction plans for this project. A copy of the City Standards can be found on the City’s web site under City Engineering, Development Engineering. 100. Prior to Acceptance/Occupancy, Record Drawings shall be provided for review and approval by the City. The fee for this review is $200.00. Record Drawings shall be provided as follows: - In accordance with City Standards Manual Section 2.3. - Electronic version of the record drawings in the following formats: 1. AutoCAD Map 2007 or newer in State Plane South Projection 2. PDF
Miscellaneous Condition Resolved Engineering Division
: See engineering markups on the preliminary site plans that were submitted with ARG's cover letter dated December 22, 2021; and the preliminary civil plans submitted with ARG's cover letter dated June 29, 2022.
Miscellaneous Condition Resolved Development & Permitting Services
: REPEAT STANDARD COMMENTS - 01/06/2023 • Building plans will need to be complete with all building, mechanical, plumbing, energy code items and accessibility requirements that may apply on the plans for complete review during Building permit application. All building code related eliminates will be reviewed to codes during building plan review. • The truss specs will also be required with the truss engineers’ stamps and a layout that matches the submitted plans at the time of submittal. • The R-2 apartments are required to have the infrastructure in place for charging stations per IBC section 429 Washington State amendments and will need to be shown on the plans. • Apartments are required to have Type A & B units for accessibility, and this will need to be clearly depicted on the plans. • Plans will need to be per the applicable codes current adopted codes for all permits. • All electrical is permitted by the Washington State Department of L & I. • Accessible parking and access to the public way will be required. For all accessible requirements the City adopted the 2018 IBC / WAC 51-50 and the ICC A117.1-2009 standard or current adopted code. • Please reach out to me if I can answer any other questions in relationship to Building code items for this project. • Include 2018 Washington State Energy code items (or current adopted code) and supporting reports for new construction. • This is not a complete plan review but informational only. No other Building items at this time. Contact me for any clarification of building requirements. • Architectural plans must detail compliance for Electrical Vehicle charging.
Miscellaneous Condition Resolved Engineering Division
: At time of civil application, reference engineering markups on the preliminary site plans and reports submitted with this landuse application.
Miscellaneous Condition Resolved Traffic Division
: Civil submittal must address all conditions listed below. Provide a response letter that clearly addresses/acknowledges all these requirements with civil submittal. Occupancy for any building will not be granted until complete frontage improvements are fully constructed (Shaw Rd & E Pioneer frontages). This includes any roadway widening, City standard streetlighting, striping, signalization, signage, curb/gutter/sidewalk, reduced speed school zone, stormwater infrastructure, etc. Per in-person meetings with the applicant, phase 1 is not designed or intended to function as a standalone project (construction phasing only). The Shaw Rd driveway/signal shall not be used as a construction entrance. This entrance can only be used once the traffic signal is fully operational and the site is fully constructed. During construction only, it’s possible the City may require the E Pioneer construction entrance to be restricted to right-in/right-out. Trip generation estimates must be updated to reflect updated commercial/retail space. Current scoping/TIA does not match building sizes/types shown in current site plan. The City will require more information regarding the E Pioneer curb alignment. Current design does not align with the Pioneer Crossing offset. The City needs more information + detailed exhibits showing why this design change has not been implemented. During civil design, a detailed sight distance analysis will be required at the E Pioneer driveway per City Standards. ESD of 415ft is required at this driveway. Assume 14.5ft setback from the E Pioneer curb alignment and 3.5ft driver eye height. It appears there’s a pedestrian barricade and a fence that will obstruct sight distance here. During Civil review, the channelization plan for E Pioneer needs to provide the following information: 1. Applicant will need to verify there’s adequate ROW to accommodate paved offsite taper. 2. Applicant to verify paved transition will provide adequate utility pole clearance from the travel lane. Alignment of creek along the E Pioneer frontage must not interfere with frontage improvements. Traffic Impact fees (TIF) will be assessed in accordance with fees adopted by ordinance, per PMC 21.10. Impact fees are subject to change and are adopted by ordinance. The applicant shall pay the proportionate impact fees adopted at the time of building permit application Park impact fees shall be charged per new dwelling unit based on its size. Fees are assessed in accordance with fees adopted by ordinance, per PMC 21.10 School impact fees shall be paid directly to the school district in accordance with adopted fee at the time of collection by the District. Per Puyallup Municipal Code Section 11.08.130, the applicant/owner would be expected to construct half-street improvements including curb, gutter, planter strip, sidewalk, roadway base, pavement, and street lighting. Any existing improvements which are damaged now or during construction, or which do not meet current City Standards, shall be replaced. Based on the materials submitted, the applicant would be expected to construct half-street improvements on the following streets: a. E Pioneer is designated as a major arterial roadway, consisting of curb, gutter, 10’ planter strips, 8’ sidewalks, and City standard streetlights every 150ft. b. The east leg of the Shaw/Pioneer intersection was designed to accommodate 5 lanes of traffic (56ft throat) to align with the existing channelization on west side of Shaw Rd. The curb line along the south side of E Pioneer frontage shall continue this alignment heading East (approximately 34ft from centerline). This will require roadway widening to accommodate this alignment. c. Sidewalks and planter strips will not be required east the E Pioneer driveway. However, ROW dedication will be required to facilitate future improvements. d. A TWLTL is required along the E Pioneer frontage (minimum 75ft on either side of driveway). e. Paved transitions off-site will be required for safety reasons. f. Shaw Rd is designated as a major arterial. Per our comprehensive plan, this section of Shaw Rd shall be constructed with a shared use path along the entire length of frontage. The dimensions and materials shall match the existing Shaw Rd shared use path constructed between 23rd Ave SE & Manorwood Dr. g. As part of these improvements, additional right-of-way (ROW) may need to be dedicated to the City. During civil review, City staff shall review street tree placement, monument signage, fences, etc. to ensure required sight distance requirements are met. Site access driveways shall meet our minimum commercial driveway requirements (35ft curb radius, 30ft width). This is could change based on design vehicles used for the AutoTurn. Site access restrictions: a. No SBL movement at traffic signal b. E Pioneer Driveway Driveway can remain full access as shown with the following conditions: 1. Driveway spacing from Shaw Rd remains as shown on the current site plan 2. TWLTL extending 75ft on either side of driveway (within E Pioneer) 3. Entering sight distance standards are met to allow outbound left turns. 4. At the City's full discretion, outbound left turns from the proposed E Pioneer driveway can be restricted in the future. The following statement will be placed on the face of the short plat: a. “At the discretion of the City, the City may restrict outbound left turns from the E Pioneer access in the future. At the request of the City, the Owners, Heirs, Successors and Assigns agree to renovate and/or improve the driveway access in accordance with the City of Puyallup Municipal Code and Engineering Standards.” At the time of civil permit review provide a separate street lighting plan and pavement striping plan (channelization) sheet for the City to review. a. Street lighting plan: i. City standard streetlights are required every 150ft along E Pioneer frontage. ii. E Pioneer (Arterial) will require GE EVOLVE ELR2 Fixtures ERL2-3-23-A3-40-D-Gray-A-V1 (City to provide latest part numbers) iii. The existing service cabinet at the E Pioneer/Shaw Rd traffic signal has capacity to power the E Pioneer streetlights. iv. City would allow new streetlights to be installed on the north side of E Pioneer to avoid overhead utility conflicts. v. If the applicant choses to install streetlights on the south side of E Pioneer, it is the sole responsibility of the design engineer to ensure streetlight design/placement is outside of the 10ft minimum “safe zone” area. The City will not allow streetlights to be within 10ft of the PSE primary for safety reasons. vi. Streetlights shall have shorting caps installed with remote photocell located on the service cabinet. vii. The existing PSE utility pole mounted streetlight does not meet current City standards and will be removed with installation of City standard streetlights. viii. Streetlight design shall provide the following: 1. Provide details on how streetlights will be powered 2. Location of conduit runs 3. Wiring Schedule a. Conduit size and type for each raceway b. Conductors details 4. Pole schedule a. STA & offset for each luminaire 5. Show location of junction boxes b. Channelization + signage plan: i. Shaw Rd/E Pioneer traffic signal may require striping and signage modifications based on the design of the E Pioneer frontage/driveway. ii. The new Shaw Rd traffic signal will also require striping and signage modifications. iii. Pavement markings approaching traffic signal shall be thermoplastic Traffic signal modifications a. The Shaw Rd access intersection (signal) will require modifications to accommodate the proposed driveway. The applicant will coordinate with the City’s Adaptive Signal Contractor to purchase/install/configure proprietary equipment. b. Signal designer will implement modifications to the westbound and eastbound approach: i. Signal heads + phases ii. Flashing yellow arrows iii. Left turn phases iv. Striping/channelization modifications - Channelization shall match the assumptions outlined in the TIA. The EB approach (leaving Safeway) will need to be restriped to accommodate the updated channelization. c. The applicant will install a new crosswalk at this signal to accommodate pedestrians crossing Shaw Rd. At this location, only one crosswalk will be allowed to cross Shaw Rd. d. Crosswalk will be installed on the south leg of the intersections (see additional requirements below). e. The required signal/intersection modifications must be fully configured and operational no less than 2 weeks prior to receiving occupancy for any building on-site. Adaptive signal contractor (Rhythm Engineering) will be required to configure the adaptive system on-site. Adaptive contractor will provide setup/configuration/optimization (not completed by the City). f. there’s an existing overhead fiber run that will need to be spliced/connected with the cabinet. These design elements and conditions must be on the plans. g. At the SE corner of the new Shaw Rd access location, adequate ROW must be dedicated, or an easement granted for signal maintenance purposes. Based on comments received from the school district, this site will not receive bus service for students attending Shaw Rd Elementary. These students will be expected to walk. Based on the increase volume of elementary age students walking to Shaw Rd Elementary. The City will require the following modifications: a. At the new traffic signal, an electronic blank-out sign shall be mounted on the eastbound signal pole that restricts eastbound right turns when pedestrians are using the crossing b. Internal pedestrian paths will need to accommodate safe routing to the traffic signal. c. Reduced Speed School Zone along Shaw Rd has been requested by the School District. The City has determined a reduced speed school zone is feasible/warranted for Shaw Rd Elementary (to be installed by the East Town Crossing development). School zone flashers designed/installed with this project that meets current WAC and MUTCD requirements. Coordinate with the City for required hardware & wireless interconnect. d. Coordinate with the City of Puyallup and the Puyallup School District for the preferred off-site bus stop locations Civil plan set shall provide a detailed channelization plan for all striping & pavement markings in within ROW. All proposed striping shall meet City and MUTCD requirements. Plan shall include signage located in ROW. All City standard details related to pavement markings, striping, sign placement must be provided.
Miscellaneous Planning Condition Resolved Planning Division
: • PLANNING CONDITIONS: See file: "EAST TOWN FINAL PLANNING MARKED UP SITE PLAN CONDITIONS 052423". Avoidance sequencing code (PMC 21.06.1020 (1)) requires developments near critical areas and buffers to: (a) Avoiding the impact altogether by not taking a certain action or parts of an action; (b) Minimizing impacts by limiting the degree or magnitude of the action and its implementation, by using appropriate technology, or by taking affirmative steps to avoid or reduce impacts. The proposed project is providing parking in excess of the minimums required by PMC 20.55 and optional amenities (club house, pool, hot tub) in critical area buffers. These actions could be avoided and or not undertaken entirely and impacts would be reduced and/or would not occur. See attached site plan mark ups from Planning. Eliminating 4 of the 10 excess commercial parking stalls, pedestrian hardscape, eliminating 20 of the 26 excess residential site plan parking stalls, and shifting buildings A and the club house/pool/hot tub to the south (as a result of excess parking being removed) will allow most all of the southern portion of the 50 foot stream buffer (associated with the Pioneer stream) to be established as required by code. The applicant shall make these changes at the time of civil permit submittal. Limited buffer averaging related to the club house and/or building A may be considered if the applicant can demonstrate a good faith effort to move those structures (by eliminating parking and shifting building footprints) but that remaining impacts could not be entirely avoided, but are minimized further than shown on the April, 2023 resubmittal documents. In that case, the buffer area may be averaged with the eastern boundary stream (off-site) at a 1:1 land area. See file: "EAST TOWN FINAL PLANNING MARKED UP SITE PLAN CONDITIONS 052423"
Miscellaneous Planning Condition Resolved Planning Division
: Civil plan set shall be modified to meet other various conditions related to landscaping, as noted on the final marked up condition plan set from Planning, See file: "EAST TOWN FINAL PLANNING MARKED UP SITE PLAN CONDITIONS 052423"
Miscellaneous Planning Condition Resolved Planning Division SEPA Condition
: SEPA: The city’s Safe Routes to Schools Plan indicates a need to slow and calm traffic on this high speed 5 lane arterial corridor; this project is within the walk distance of Shaw Road elementary - school children are expected to walk to and from the site to attend. The project is anticipated to be required through SEPA to mitigate existing unsafe conditions to allow safe walking for children residing in the area as a result of the project impacts. This may include speed zone signage off site, or some other form of improvements, in coordination with the School District, Public Works and the city Traffic Engineer. Please be aware this is anticipated to be a SEPA mitigation measure.
Miscellaneous Condition Resolved Building Division Submit With Building Permit Application
Miscellaneous Condition Resolved Development & Permitting Services
: Document Cover Letter for Stormwater Design 11-22-22 addressed to Mark Higginson 1. Due to the complexity of this project, all lanes are fire lanes. 2. Vaults are required to be fire apparatus rated because they are in the fire lane. 3. The current proposed "No Outrigger" will not be approved.

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Documents & Images

Date Uploaded File Type Name
01/27/2023 Plans ETC_Civils_Reduced-Part 2 (Flattened)
01/27/2023 Plans ETC_Civils_Reduced-Part 3 (Flattened)
01/27/2023 Plans ETC_Civils_Reduced-Part 4 (Flattened)
01/27/2023 Other ETC_Density Calculations Table_11_22_22 (Flattened)
01/27/2023 Other ETC_PSD Bus Stop Locations Exhibit & Email_08_05_22 (Flattened)
01/27/2023 Study Heath Traffic_Traffic Impact Analysis_09_21_22 (Flattened)
01/27/2023 Other P-21-0034 DRT #3 Response Letter (Flattened)
01/27/2023 Letter P-21-0034 DRT Letter 012723
03/16/2022 Letter East Town Crossing Restoration Plan Review Letter_Cycle 6_030222
03/29/2022 Letter East Town Crossing BA Review Letter_Cycle 6_032222
04/17/2023 Report Soundview_Mitigation Plan_04_17_23 flattened
04/17/2023 Report Soundview_Offsite Wetland Assessment_04_17_23 flattened
05/02/2022 Other 06-171 East Town - Engineered Soils for Storm and Structural Fill Exhibit0 (Flattened)
05/02/2022 Other ET1_Cover Letter (Flattened)
05/02/2022 Other ET10_ROW Dedication Deed_11_08_21 (Flattened)
05/02/2022 Other ET11_Drayton_Cultural Survey Reveiw_07_27_21 (Flattened)
05/02/2022 Other ET12_TPCHD_Well Decommission Approval_Permit#SR0266417 (Flattened)
05/02/2022 Other ET13_Williams_Letter of No Objection (Flattened)
05/02/2022 Other ET14_Williams_Right of Entry Agreement_11_30_21 (Flattened)
05/02/2022 Other ET15_PSD_Bus Stop Plan (Flattened)
05/02/2022 Other ET16_Architect Site Plan (Flattened)
05/02/2022 Other ET17_Technical Site Plan (Flattened)
05/02/2022 Other ET18_Building Plans (Flattened)
05/02/2022 Other ET2_P-21-0034_DRT Response Letter_12_22_21 (Flattened)
05/02/2022 Other ET20_Habitat Tech_Stream Corridor Restoration #1_signed_12_03_21 (Flattened)
05/02/2022 Other ET7_Habitat Tech_Report #2_signed_07_13_21 (Flattened)
05/02/2022 Report ET8a_Habitat Tech_Bio-Eval #2A_signed_12_14_21 (Flattened)
05/02/2022 Other ET9_Development Agreement_12_07_21 (Flattened)
05/06/2022 Letter P-21-0034 DRT Letter 050622
06/20/2023 P-21-0034 Final DRT Letter 062023
06/29/2023 Notice of SEPA Threshold Determination - Project #P-21-0034 PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN SEPA MDNS - City of Puyallup (Lead Agency)
06/29/2023 P-21-0034 SEPA MDNS FINAL SIGNED 062723
06/29/2023 P-21-0034 legal MDNS Optional DNS Process
08/03/2022 Letter P-21-0034 East Town Xing Revised Restoration Plan 3rd Party Reivew_080322
08/18/2022 Other 202108080454_Nix Property Easement Document_Recorded0 (Flattened)
08/18/2022 Other 202202100364_ROE Agreement Document_Recorded0 (Flattened)
08/18/2022 Plans ETC Open Space Calc_22_05_17 (Flattened)
08/18/2022 Plans ETC_Building A (Flattened)
08/18/2022 Plans ETC_Building B (Flattened)
08/18/2022 Plans ETC_Building C (Flattened)
08/18/2022 Plans ETC_Building D (Flattened)
08/18/2022 Other ETC_Building E (Flattened)
08/18/2022 Other ETC_Building F (Flattened)
08/18/2022 Other ETC_Building G (Flattened)
08/18/2022 Other ETC_Building H (Flattened)
08/18/2022 Other ETC_BUILDING INFORMATION (Flattened)
08/18/2022 Other ETC_CARPORT (Flattened)
08/18/2022 Plans ETC_Civil Plans_05_18_22 (Reduced)Part-5 (Flattened)
08/18/2022 Other ETC_Cover Letter0 (Flattened)
08/18/2022 Other ETC_FEMA LOMR_21-10-0191P-530144 (Flattened)
08/18/2022 Other ETC_LAND USE & WSEC INFORMATION (Flattened)
08/18/2022 Other ETC_OVERALL SITE PLAN (Flattened)
08/18/2022 Other ETC_SITE PLAN (Flattened)
08/18/2022 Other Existing Zoning and Area Calculations Site Plan (Flattened)
08/18/2022 Report Habitat Tech_Stream Corridor Restoration #2_signed_05_23_22 (1) (Flattened)
08/18/2022 Report Heath Traffic_Impact Analysis 06_15_22 (Flattened)
08/18/2022 Other MTC_Letter Report_Engineering Review Response_06_30_22 (Flattened)
08/18/2022 Other P-21-0034 DRT #3 Response Letter 06_28_22 (Flattened)
11/22/2022 Other East Town Narrative_R3

Should you need assistance, please contact the Permit Center at (253) 864-4165 option 1.